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Peachy by himitsu-no-hi
Category: Anime/Manga :: Peach Girl
Artwork uploaded on Jan 31 16:09:45 PST 2003, since then it was viewed 1264 times and reviewed 5 times.
Artist's Commentary
*colapses* This sure took some work-and I know there are a billion things wrong with it...Sae is just completely weird^.^; but I am pleased with the result, it was an excerise in practicing with coloured pencils and drawing male faces...as far as thats concerned it went well...I think...o.0; *glomps kairi* hand drawn and coloured~ slightly adjusted in psp4 As an added note- should you own a copy of peach Girl: Change of Heart 3 check out the letters pages near the back!^-^ they published this picture after i wrote into them!!

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