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Artwork uploaded on Feb 14 11:24:55 PST 2003, since then it was viewed 1298 times.
Artist's Commentary this is a Valatines Present for Alex chan, He is a really big Final Fantasy VII fan and He really does prefer Tifa and Cloud so here is a group picture of Cloud, Tifa and their Baby Aeirth ^_^
This has taken me aleast 2 hours to finished and i am extreamly pleased my favirotre part of this picture is baby Aerith she sso cute , lol my friend say im brooding .. lol she may be right.
Happy Vaenties Alex-chanAnd i hope every one had a lovely day.
Please Review it. Arigato =^_^=
I really like this picture so im going to right a story for it too ^_^ yaaaaay (is hyper) |