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IT'S ME!!!! Peanutchan.
Dimensions: 357x540 pixels, 43 Kb
IT'S ME!!!! Peanutchan. by Peanutchan
Category: Hentai
Artwork uploaded on Feb 16 18:24:22 PST 2003, since then it was viewed 458 times and reviewed 2 times.
Artist's Commentary
Her I am adorable aint I? (NOT!!!) I actully do look like this. God was it a pain in the A$$ to die my hair like this. It took me 3 years just to find some one who could cut my hair the way I wanted it.(my neighbor was the one who cut it right strange?) I look absolutely nothing like my sister yet for some reason some people think we're twins some people think we're lying when we say we're sisters. Even though neither one of us is adopted. God has a very sick and very sad sense of humor. If your still reading this i'm impessed that you haven't gone into a coma from boredom. I am going to shut up now.... yep shutting up.

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