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Takuto and Izumi
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Takuto and Izumi by Artzangel
Artwork uploaded on Jan 21 16:55:35 PST 2004, since then it was viewed 1749 times and reviewed 6 times.
Artist's Commentary
Hand drawn and Computerly coloreds (yes I am writing like that on purpose) Takuto and Izumi from Full Moon Wo Sagashite YAY!! sorry if it's crap It was only one of those one hour long ones ~_~;; so it's slightly ok to me but I hope all you Full Moon wo sagashite fans like it. ~_~;; *sigh* I had to smush this image down to fit on Mediaminer.org so somethings can't be seen like on the wings is an explination of my artwork an If you look closely ART is woven in to the picture ^_^

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