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hmm.. tifentine?
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hmm.. tifentine? by meteodriver
Artwork uploaded on Jul 14 12:38:31 PDT 2004, since then it was viewed 1772 times and reviewed 3 times.
Artist's Commentary
Well.. there's frankly not much behind this image. it's of Tifa and Vincent. I personally think they make a HAWT couple, though bringing them together would take a very well-crafted fanfic (and I've read them, don't you doubt it.) I think they could potentially be a couple, you know. If Cloud were out of the picture, and Vince got over his angsty past. The both have the unrequited love thing going for them. This is my first posted pic, by the way. x3 (no, I don't know what Tifa is pointing at, by the way. :/)

zack/zax attempt »