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Artwork uploaded on Nov 13 8:15:13 PST 2004, since then it was viewed 684 times.
Artist's Commentary This is inspired by the Wild Cats I saw at Wild Wood in Kent. I've wanted to do a Scottish Wild Cat furry for ages, and finaly got round to it! He's rather perdy, no? Doesn't look so much like a wild cat, but I haven't drawn any cats for a while, so wacha expect? Hey, but don't you go calling him a common household Tabby Cat, or he'll claw your eyes out! Photo found on the web. Sorry to whoever it belongs to^^ I may consider selling the original drawing of this (without the background obviously) on Furbid, cause I'm not so bothered about keeping this pic. . I'll put a link up to it i do. Please leave a comment, thanx! |