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The Alternation of the Destination...
Dimensions: 634x871 pixels, 183 Kb
The Alternation of the Destination... by Momono Shishi
Artwork uploaded on Jan 23 16:06:12 PST 2005, since then it was viewed 403 times.
Artist's Commentary
(Done in colored pencil.) This is my original character, E-Gad Jetlag. She's from alternate sort of Earth where the moon is purple and sets in the daytime, the sky is always orange, the mountains are green, and the grass is all the colors of the world. The ghost-like creatures are her consciences, Tsuki (the one sitting on the mattress with the kanji for moon on its forehead) and Jichi (the one holding a lollipop; it has the kanji for sun on its forehead).

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