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El principe de las tinieblas, Ren Tao
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El principe de las tinieblas, Ren Tao by Girl Magic del Anime
Artwork uploaded on Apr 30 15:56:23 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 941 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
It is seen very pretty as vampire!!, like estaria a bitten of him? XD, good the technique is pastel pencil for Ren, although has some touches of the program, like corrar some filth, etc. But very good. tambien the effect of the rain. in short I believe qeu I improve. And if this the hair fallen, good is for the rain (although strange its pelito stopped ñ.ñ) that is going to do him itself al bad weather*Se ve muy lindo como vampiro!!, como estaria una mordida de él? XD, bueno la técnica es lápiz pastel para Ren, aunque tiene algunos retoques del programa, como corrar algunas suciedades, etc. Pero muy bueno. tambien el efecto de la lluvia. en fin creo qeu mejoro. Y si esta el pelo caido, bueno es por la lluvia (aunque extraño su pelito parado ñ.ñ) que se le va a hacer al mal tiempo

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