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Artwork uploaded on May 7 16:17:27 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 1550 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary Background profile and Aeris' picture (the little ball is meant to be materia) drawn separately with coloured crayons and then put together with help from the wonderful MS Photo Editor... yeah, I suck at CGs and everything that has to do with image editing, and sadly it shows. One of these days I'll build enough courage to read a Photoshop tutorial... not today, though! Oh well, I got the idea for this from the RPG fanart contest, then I just had loads of fun breaking the computer/keyboard/mouse/everything-in-a-fit-of-frustration (kidding! XD) and here it is: lovely Aeris, whom I almost named Aspirin when I was playing... Oh the blasphemy!! XD |