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15-Year-Old Naruto
Dimensions: 640x882 pixels, 54 Kb
15-Year-Old Naruto by kitsuneluvuh
Category: Anime/Manga :: Naruto :: Naruto
Artwork uploaded on May 19 18:47:20 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 1543 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
Okay, I'm seriously thinking of starting a gallery called, "Things I do in the English Classroom." I actually did this during the MCAS, but it still counts as English because that's my homeroom. Anyway, I was reading a story (YYH/N) and Kurama forced Naruto to wear something other than his garish orange jumpsuit, so I decided to do something similar. Anyway, I think he looks way hotter in this outfit. Since in this picture he's 15, he's taller, more mature looking, and his hair is a little longer.

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