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CxM again
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CxM again by DivaSiren
Artwork uploaded on Jul 24 15:24:06 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 720 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
I have become obsessed #_#! Okay, here's another Cougar and Mimori pic, I give this a PG-13 rating because Cougar doesn't have his shirt on, he's such a bad kitty^_~. This is an idea that has been rolling around in my head and wouldn't let me alone until I put it down on paper *stupid brain*. The point is that Cougar is holding the necklace that represents Mimori's relationship with Ryuhou and Mimori is finally coming on to him back...but the charm reminds him she doesn't love him. Geez, I got waaaay to deep there! Anyway, thank goodness for erasers #_# finally got it done in approximately 7 hours in pencil. C&C welcome

« Cougar and Mimori kissing || Third Times the Charm ^^' »