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Artwork uploaded on Aug 2 10:56:53 PDT 2005, since then it was viewed 1400 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary =D This is the ending from the doujinshi Little Bit of Heaven, i couldn't help myself, i had to draw it, they are just too cute! XD if you want the scanilated doujinshi you have to get mIRC and learn IRC then go to #sasunaru on IRChighway. They do a really good job. =^.^= Or you can go and buy the doujinshi and support the mangaka. *hint* *hint* Trust me, they draw it better than i do. =P -_- jeez! Who's leg do you have to hump to get comments in this bitch?! Come on people, share share, flames anything! I am a comment whore and am going through withdraws!! *sobs in a corner* |