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Artwork uploaded on Feb 8 15:46:58 PST 2006, since then it was viewed 1060 times and reviewed 2 times.
Artist's Commentary I haven't drawn FMA Fanart in a long time. I believe Envy has a little secret. Deep, Deep, Deep, Deeeeeeeeeeepppppp, down I think there is a nice guy with a soft spot for kittens...... o.0............. XD YEA RIGHT! Really, I don't know why I decided to draw him. I don't even like Envy. But I drew him and here he is, playing his violin. When i was outlining him I was listening to Descendants of Darkness CD. The Violin solo in one of there songs reminded me of his attitude so I guess that's where it all came from. Who knows what will pop in my mind........... X.X |