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Shuichi needs to rest...
Dimensions: 399x429 pixels, 29 Kb
Shuichi needs to rest... by KandyKitty
Artwork uploaded on Feb 19 17:51:40 PST 2006, since then it was viewed 974 times.
Artist's Commentary
((Do not use my art with out permission or you are an ART THEIF.)) " Yuuukkkiiii..... Can we at least take a break? Iam tired." -_-_-_-_ XD Yea, Yuki has really been 'active' with Shu-chan lately. I drew this a week ago and lost it in my room, lol. Then I found it (YAY) and I wanted to color it. afriend showed me the OpenCanvas program :hug: and I colored like crazy! Iam still practicing but I know most of the tools. Iam proud of how his chest came out, not usually very good with male chests,lol.

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