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It's Getting Stranger Again...
Dimensions: 727x1013 pixels, 92 Kb
It's Getting Stranger Again... by RisaCha
Artwork uploaded on Apr 12 20:21:45 PDT 2006, since then it was viewed 419 times.
Artist's Commentary
My absolute favorite book in Diane Duane's Young Wizards series is High Wizardry, when younger sister Dairine decides she wants to be a wizard like her sister and catapaults herself across the galaxy, looking for evil to vanquish. She quickly gets into a mess that's way over her head, as she becomes mother to entire race of sentient computers... Gigo was too cute to pass up trying to draw him! And what I drew wasn't exactly what happened, but I hadn't started out with Dairine in mind until I started listening to the Digimon Movie soundtrack (OKAY! I'M A GEEK! SO SHOOT ME!!)

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