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Tarot Entry
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Tarot Entry by AuroraDragonKaya
Artwork uploaded on Aug 12 21:28:34 PDT 2006, since then it was viewed 3176 times and reviewed 1 times.
Artist's Commentary
Resubmitting in a way that will be eligible for the contest. To see the whole deck so far (excluding The Star, because its Kisara and females are not allowed on y) go to my y gallery. http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/user/auroradragonkaya/ The back is actaully not EXACTLY what I had in mind, but pretty similar. All I want is a simple pattern of the millenium eye. I already found some gold card stock that would be perfect. x3 The Devil depicts Yami/Theif Bakura, with the ring and the eye, chained up with ghosts floating around, and, of course, the Devil himself- Zork. Points of the card include being chained, but do to yourself, the avarice, etc... there's lots of meanings to the card, and I tried to get as many as possible. Next is probably the polar opposite- The Sun. The Sun card represents happiness, the inner child... its a delightful card. Even the many plants in the garden are ones that I researched to have meanings associated with the sun and happiness. I hope you enjoy! x3 Eventually, all the non-female cards will be up at y-gallery, and when the deck is finished, I plan to print out a single copy for my own use. :3

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