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Faith & Miracle the Giraffes a.k.a Twin Ghosts by PantherWolf 
Artwork uploaded on Oct 5 19:03:21 PDT 2006, since then it was viewed 580 times.
Artist's Commentary Faith & Miracle the Giraffes a.k.a. The Twin Ghosts: Age: 17. Ht: 7 or 7.8ft. Faith Likes: Her brother, Bruncher, jewels, the color pink, roller-skating, she is a computer geek, ghosts, tricking her enemies, & fighting for justice. Dislikes: Does not like to be separated from her brother, evil, Eggman, injustice, jerks, show-offs, & spiders. Miracle Likes: His sister, girl crazy, rock n roll music, riding his blue skateboard, blue is his favorite color, he is a very skilled fighter and loves to show off for the ladies, & ghost. Dislikes: he hates to be separated from his sister, Eggman, snakes, & surprises. Powers: Both have Ghosting Powers & can called spirits from beyond. Allies: Silver, Sparklie, Bruncher, T.H., & Blooma. Rivals: Shadow, Rouge, Vector, & Jet. Origin: Faith & Miracle are the two twins with unique powers. Their powers are ghost powers. They can do just like ghosts do, walk through walls (anything), disappear/reappear, & even summon spirits, but only the good ones will help, all evil spirits when called upon will try and stop the good side. Faith & Miracle are rarely seen apart. Since Miracle is so girl crazy, Faith sometimes has to knock him out or dragged him away from girls. Faith & Miracle are from the future with their friend, Silver the Hedgehog. Silver and Miracle are best friends, but Faith is Silver's Rival. |