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Artwork uploaded on Dec 1 17:12:20 PST 2011, since then it was viewed 413 times.
Artist's Commentary This drawing of a short-haired (!) Trowa Barton/Triton Bloom and his big sister Catherine is from a vignette I'm writing by the same name. Coincidentally, the vignette got its title from an old Kate Bush song, which you can hear here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9I7M-nR978 The short of it is that Trowa (who now knows he's Cathy Bloom's long lost baby brother, Triton, and has decided to go by that name) goes off on a mission for the Preventers, but not before promising Cathy that he'll try to be home by Christmas Day. The mission goes better than expected (for a change), so he gets to keep his promise. Cathy greets him with a sisterly hug when he walks in the door. (Trowa is 17 in the story, but the haircut (which Cathy gives him in an earlier story) makes him look like he's still 15 years old, and there's supposed to be a girl, an OC of mine named Fiona, with him) I'm going to redraw it and have it reposted by December 12th, Quatre and Wu Fei's official birthday, so you'll get to see what Fee looks like. |