Ups and Downs Of Every Second Life [T] by: MoonlightSonador Non Anime: Reboot Fan FictionGenre(s): Action / Drama / Romance / Suspense | Type: Alternate UniverseLatest Revision: March 24, 2010 10:35 PDT | Chapters: 18 | Words: 41.0K | Visits: 6.4KSummary: They've faced wars, viruses, games and much more....Now they must face every second life!
Ulimate Sprites [A] by: Dr. Thinker : Reboot Fan FictionGenre(s): Adventure / Children's / Sci-fi / Action | Type: ContinuationLatest Revision: September 14, 2008 05:44 PDT | Chapters: 3 | Words: 8.6K | Visits: 1.6KSummary: New problems show up Bob, Dot and Enzo after a hard reboot is done by the User.