/ ❯ Ashiteru ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hello everyone welcome to my fifth chapter. This time I think I probably will introduce our favorite ge-- I mean hero, The Great Saiyaman. Since I haven't gotten too many reviews lately I don't whether you readers want me to have him appear or keep fighting as the Gold Fighter.

Videl watched in a state of disbelief as three pitless demi-saiyans inhaled thier food.

"Hey Videl are you going to eat that?" Goten pointed to her still full plate once he had finished his 17^th serving. Her appetite left as she remembered watching them eat. Goten quickly thanked her and gulped it all down in .8 seconds.

The boys announced they were going to train a bit after they finished eating. 'Inhaling is more like it.' Videl thought as she helped ChiChi brought the soiled plates over to the sink.

"How do they do that?"

"Saiyans have a very high metabolism."

"I've never seen anyone just inhale food like that."

"Wait till you see Goku and Vegeta in action. Just one of them can eat more than Goten, Gohan, and Trunks put together."

"This is going to take some getting used to."

"Don't worry."

"Um ChiChi, may I ask you a question?" Videl asked shyly.

"What is it dear?"

"Where did you and Goku get married?"

"At the World Martial Arts Tournament. We fought each other in the either in the quarter-finals of the 23^rd Tenkaichi Boudokai then got married after he beat Piccolo Daimou."

"Wow." She said as she started to smile.

"Why? Do you want to marry Gohan?" ChiChi asked as she clasped her hands together.

"No. I'm just curious is all."

"Sure dear, sure." 'I have got to get these two together' ChiChi thought as she smiled a knowing smile.

"I'm starting to get tired so I guess I'll see you guys in the morning." Videl said as she turned around and headed up the stairs.


Gohan walked back in through the dor about five minutes after Videl left. He found Goten and Trunks knocked out on the couch with ChiChi sitting at the table drinking some tea.

"Good night Mom." Gohan greeted her quietly as he bend down to kiss her cheek. She just smiled and thought 'He's in for a real surprise.'

"See you in the morning." She said as she got up and walked back into her and Goku's room.

Gohan slowly made his way back to the room that he and Goten shared when he found a figure already occupying his bed. He soon recognised the figure as Videl. No sooner had he crawled into Goten's bed that Videl started to thrash and scream. He immediately got up and pulled her into a hug. Her eyes fluttered open once her sobs had subsided.

"Are you okay Videl?" He asked looking at her with concern sketched all over his face.

"Gohan, I dreampt that you had died trying to save the world from Cell." She said as she buried her head into his chest.

"Am I really that important to you?" Gohan asked hoping her answer would be yes.

"Of course. You were my first real friend."

"Thanks that means a lot to me."

She looked right up at him and started to lean forward as he leaned down. His lips brushed hers as he felt his face go hot.

:I can't believe I just did that! Now she'll probably never speak to me again.

"Why wouldn't I speak to you again?"

"Videl I didn't say that out loud."

"Then how could I hear you?"

:We can't be bonding can we?:

:What's bonding?:

"I don't know all the specifics but I'll probably stop by Capsule Corp. to talk with Vegeta to get the details.

:I love you Gohan.:

:I love you two Videl:

that was great! Sorry but Saiyaman is coming in the next chaptert I romise. Oh and here are some advertisements:

1.) Vegeta and Pan-Ultimate Friendship by Veggie Trunks