/ ❯ My favorite Vegeta quotes ❯ My fave Vegeta quotes ( One-Shot )
Hey guys. I had this in my comp just for me, but everyone I showed it to love it and asked me to put it up. So I might not update this very much. And I'm not going to say the episode it was in. Because I know, and since this was originally intended only for me…you get it. If I get enough reviews in this one, I'll probably do more for the other characters as well. If you have any I haven't mentioned that you would like, send it to me via e-mail at animegirl929@aol.com and maybe I'll put it in. But you can count on me replying! I reply to any fan that emails me.
My favorite Vegeta Quotes
When was it that the transformation to the legendary warrior of the saiyan race was reduced to a child's plaything?
Yes, naturally, it's a super sayajin bargain sale!
If you can land a punch in my face I'll take you to the park for an hour.
I've ridden galactic slugs faster than this vehicle!
I don't see the problem. If any journalists come I'll just destroy them.
I'm a warrior! Not a-a-a variety of flower!
...Stop that! Stop it or I'll blast you all!
-Vegeta when they're laughing at his pink shirt.
The female species. Such an enigma!
Men in pink! How bizarre!
Servant woman! Bring me a drying cloth, at once!
-Vegeta to Bulma. BIG MISTAKE.
Well, the first thing I'm going to do is punch Kakarott in the gut!
-Vegeta right after they ate at the tournament.
He just pointed his finger and Kakarott fell down!
-Vegeta (AN: you'll probably have to see the episode to get this one.)