/ ❯ Trunks Briefs Guide to Getting What You Want ❯ Trunks Guide ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: *actions* / Script format. I hope this is easy enough to follow...


Trunks is in a classroom wearing a suit and glasses and holding a wooden stick, hereafter known as a 'pointer.' On a chalkboard are a list of steps.

Trunks: Hello, readers (a/n: yes, that's you), and welcome to my presentation on getting what you want. These are the stages of my success, and today I'm going to share them with you. I don't ordinarily visit high schools when I have midterms coming up, but I was asked by a family friend to do this small favor.

1. Identify The Target

Trunks: What is it you want? *spies Marron walking across the hall* Maybe it's money, a job, a person. *sees a man walk up and hug Marron, his hands running up and down her back in a friendly manner* Maybe it's a sudden urge to break someone's jaw!!! *Pointer snaps in half angrily.* Excuse me, readers, heh heh.

*Trunks steps outside the classroom and we soon hear yelling. Marron is dragged into the classroom a minute later and none too gently plopped into an empty desk in the front row. She sits there, scowling and glaring at him with her arms crossed. Trunks continues his lesson.*

Trunks: Now that we have identified the target *pulls out another pointer from nowhere and smacks it on the desk. This is the part where you jump from the sound* we are ready to move on to stage two.

2. Identify Your Plan of Attack

Trunks: Now that you have a goal *glances at Marron* how are you going to achieve it? This is your plan of attack. Say... you have a job interview... how are you going to get through it without botching it up? *Three people raise their hands, he points to each in turn, with his pointer, and listens to their answers.*

1st reader: Be prepared!

2nd reader: Eye contact!

3rd reader: Rehearse!

Marron: *grins and throws in her own answer without raising her hand* Wear something low-cut!

Trunks: *breaks another pointer and says through clenched teeth* Noooo, Marron, WRONG! But our first three readers were right on. They just created a plan of attack.

Random Reader: I'd hire her if she wore something low-cut!

Trunks: Well that's too bad because SHE ALREADY HAS A JOB!

Marron: *smirking* Noooo, I think I'm currently unemployed...

Trunks: *through clenched teeth again* Well, I think the opportunities that Capsule Corp. holds for you are more than enough for you to handle. You won't be needing to go looking elsewhere.

Marron: *looking smug* Well, I would like to become a well-experienced person, in case this lead doesn't pan out I won't have problems finding opportunities elsewhere. I have some experience already, but I know I'll need a LOT more...

Trunks: WITH WHO????

Random Reader: *raises his hand, a little scared* Suh...sir? Can we get on with the lesson?

Trunks: *fumes for a minute then calms down* Right, then, now that we have created a plan of attack, it's time to prepare for battle!

3. Prepare For Battle

Trunks: Just as a warrior must prepare for battle, so must you prepare for getting what you want. Assemble your assets, including your plan.

Random Reader: Assets?

Trunks: Yes, assets. *slowly walks down Marron's row of desks* Assets are things you own and there are two classifications: tangible and intangible. *as he passes, he knocks a pencil off of her desk* Tangible Assets are easy. *watches her assets as she bends over to pick it up* Those are things that you can pinch *Marron snaps up* Did I say pinch???? *she glowers at him* I meant to say touch! Tangible assets are touchable. Like a warrior's armor *hurries back up to the front of the room* or my sword *he grins at Marron, she rolls her eyes at him.* In the case of a job interview, your resume, your interview outfit, your business card, etc. etc.

Trunks: *continues* Intangible assets are things you own that you can't touch. *sees a young a man pass a note to Marron* With the job interview that's your skills *she opens the note to read it and Trunks walks over to her* Your skills are going to get you that job, they are yours, but you can't touch them *he takes the note from her hand and reads it himself.*

Note: Hey, cutie! How about you, me, Friday night, 8:00 pm, the backseat of my ford (a/n: fords SUCK), again?

Trunks: For a warrior it's that inner rage they feel when someone trespasses on THEIR property giving them the legal right to KICK THEIR F***IN' *SSES SO DEEP INTO THE EARTH NOT EVEN THE DRAGONBALLS COULD BRING THEM BACK!! *same young man scrawls out another quick note to Marron and Trunks takes that as well.*

Note Two:Never mind!!

Trunks: *gives the note to Marron and smirks* Untouchable... yet it's there. Don't mess with it. *Marron glares at him with daggers in her eyes*

4. Assemble Your Allies

Trunks: Okay, let's say Marron, works for my company. And she wants to go work for a man named, oh, let's call him Krillin. *her head snaps to attention, her left eye begins to twitch in anger and apprehension* Now, Marron left a bad record at my company *holds up the first note he stole from her* And she doesn't want this man named Krillin to find out about it. *her face starts twitching more violently* So she's gonna need an ally... a person backing her up.... I suddenly become her new best friend. *flashes her a charming smile*

5. Implement Your Plan

Trunks: Now is the time to put your plan into action! Let's say Marron's interview is tonight at 6:00. *she rolls her eyes and he makes his way to her desk* She really doesn't want to screw it up, now does she? *he yanks on her desk to get her attention* She really wants this job *he starts drooling* And the company really wants her. *returns to the front of the class* It's time for the attack!

Random Late MALE Reader: *runs into the classroom* Heh heh, sorry I'm late, teach!

Trunks: *raises an eyebrow* find a seat.

RLMR: *sits next to Marron, kissing her cheek* Hey, babe.

Trunks: *starts fuming* So, Marron is going to attack this interview like it was a big battle with an alien. Head on, with confidence, prepared for battle, assets assembled, and now she's going to bring me to my next step, BEATING THE HELL OUT OF THE COMPETITION *glares at RLMR*

6. Beating the Competition

RLMR: *gulps nervously and scoots away from Marron*

Trunks: *still glaring* Now each of us knows we are better than any competition, but does our prospective employer know? No! We must show them! We must show that within a blink of an eye, I... I mean, 'we' could have our competition writhing on the ground in pure agony! This job is ours, so keep your goddamn hands off of it! That's what we'll say!

Marron: *coughing trying to hold back laughter*

Trunks: *ignoring Marron, but easing up on his glare* Most of the time, interviews make people nervous. You can guarantee that your competition will be nervous. You must exude confidence, but not over-confidence, at all times. Know yourself, know your competition. An informed opponent is a dangerous opponent. Also know what you are getting into. Don't walk into a company without knowing what it's about.

7. Charm

Trunks: Charm... charm is very important. Done properly it can put people at ease and make them feel important. Observe... *turns to Marron* Marron?

Marron: Uh, yeah...?

Trunks: I feel as though I've been coming across a little harsh with you.

Marron: Noooooo!

Trunks: *smirks* Apparently I've had a momentary mind lapse, but it's passed. I feel awful for infringing that upon such an intelligent person as yourself.

Marron: ...!

Trunks: I'd rather not compare myself to such a mischievous creature, but I've been as troublesome as Puck.

Marron: *blinks* Puck?

Trunks: *raises an eyebrow* Yes, a fairy type creature from a play. 'Midsummer...'

Marron: *smiles brightly* 'Night's Dream!' I love Shakespeare!

Trunks: *chuckles* Really now? So you are going to the London's Royal Actor's Guild's presentation of 'Taming of the Shrew' tonight?

Marron: *frowns* Erm, um, no...

Trunks: That's too bad, I'm quite excited about it.

Marron: Oh, you are going?

Trunks: Yes, I wouldn't miss it! Actually, I have an extra ticket, I thought Goten would go, but he just gave me a funny look... would you like to go with me?

Marron: *biiiiig fucking smile* I WOULD LOVE TOO!

Trunks: Great! I'll pick you up at six!

Marron: Okay! *smiles happily and looks down, doodling on her notebook*

Trunks: *leans against the front desk casually with a 'I-just-stole-the-last-cookie-from-the-cookie-jar-and-I-get-to-blame-it-on- Goten' look* and THAT'S... how you get what you want... class dismissed!

Marron: *snaps her head up* HEY! Trunks Vegeta Briefs! Just what the hell are you trying to pull!

Trunks: Nothing! You're too smart for anything like that!

Marron: ...!!!!