/ ❯ Where Did We Come From? ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Where Did We Come From
Kyra Briefs

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"Man, am I bored," a ten year old Trunks whinned. He was in his room, lying on his bed, his head sticking over the side of the bed, turning his world upside down. Below him sat his best friend Goten, who was staring off into space. "Uh yea, I'm kinda bored too," he replied.

Trunks sighed in irritance. "So watcha wanna do?"

"Uh, I da know, Trunks." the young boy held up a doughnut from the floor. "Hey Trunks, how do you think they get the little holes in the doughnut?"

"I don't care, Goten," Trunks replied, a little angrily.

"Oh . . ." Goten replied, setting the doughnut back down. "Hey Trunks, where did we come from?"

"What do you mean where did we come from?" Trunks demanded. "What kind of stupid question is that?! I mean why would I care . . . wait a seccond . . . where DID we come from?"

"Yea, it's a stupid question, I won't ask again," Goten promised.

Trunks sat up on his bed. "Come on, Goten! Were gonna find out where we came from!"

Goten stood up, now excited. "Really? Wow, cool! This is gonna be fun!"

Trunks hopped out of bed. "Yea! Let's go!"

"Hey Trunks," said Goten, "How are we gonna find out?"

Trunks slumped down. "Gee Goten, why did you have to go and say that?"

"Uh . . ." Goten stuttered. "I don't know."

Trunks sighed. "Well, I guess we can ask my Mom."

Goten grinned sheepishly. "Ok."

"W-what d-did you s-say son?" Bulma asked very nervously, hoping to Kami that he would not repeat those deadly words.

"Where did we come from?" Trunks repeated.

"Yea!" Goten cried out.

"Uh . . . uh . . . uh . . . uh . . ." Bulma stuttered, now sweating.

"Come on, Mom! I want to know!" Trunks pleaded.

"Uh . . . uh . . . ASK YOUR FATHER!" Bulma cried out. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to uh . . . uh . . . ah hell, I just gotta go." And with that, Bulma was out of the house and burning rubber down the road at 100 miles per hour.

"Gee, doesn't your Mom know, Trunks?" Goten asked, a little confused.

"I . . . don't know," Trunks replied, just as confused as his friend. "Well, come on then. Let's go ask my Dad."

Goten gulped a bit. "Ok . . ."

"Dad, I need to talk to you!" Trunks called, banging on the door to the gravitron. "Come on, open up! I know you're in there!"

The door opened, and there stood Vegita, wet with sweat, a towl draped around his shoulders. "Of cource I'm in here, brat. Now what do you want?" he demanded huskily.

"Dad, I went to ask Mom where we came from, but she just said to ask you. So, where did we come from?"

Vegita's eyes went wide as Trunks blurted it all out. 'Oh great, leave it to Bulma to leave the question to me,' he thought through clenched teeth.

Trunks noticed that Vegita was a little shocked, and after a while of not saying a thing, he got quite irritated. "Dad, don't you know?" the boy asked.

Goten grinned from behind Trunks.

Vegita glared at the two. "Of cource I know." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Don't you think you're a little too young, brats?"

"Why is it such a big deal?" Trunks demanded. "I just want to know where I came from, I'm not asking you to wear a dress or anything!"

Goten snickered behind him.

Angry, Vegita picked up Trunks by his colar. "Don't ever insult me again, brat!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Dad, I'm sorry!" Trunks hollared. "I just want to know where we came from!"

Vegita slowly set Trunks back down. "Hmph, fine. If you brats are so interrested, come in here, and I'll tell you."

Trunks and Goten's faces lit up. "Wow Dad, really?" Trunks beamed.

"Wow, yay!" Goten cried out. "Thank you, Vegita-san!"

Vegita smirked, letting the two inside. 'This will teach the woman to make me handle this,' he thought with a sly grin. With that, he closed the door behind them.

When Goten and Trunks exited the gravitron, their faces were green. "Th-that was . . . very disturbing," Trunks said with a gulp.

"I don't feel too good, Trunks," Goten said as his green face got greener.

"That-that can't be right!" Trunks said. "No one in their right minds would EVER do something THAT nasty!"

"Wh-what are you s-s-saying T-Trunks?" Goten asked, stumbling over to a tree.

"I'm saying that my Dad was just avoiding the subject. He doesn't want to tell us . . . but why?"

Goten then leaned over a bush and barfed. "Ewe. Uh, then what do we do?"

"Ewe is right," Trunks mumbled. Aloud he said, "It's simple, Goten, we just ask someone else."

"Like who?" Goten asked.

Trunks thought deep for a moment. "Hmmmmm . . ."

"Hi Mom, we're home!" Goten called as the two boys walked into the Son's home.

"Oh hi, Goten!" called ChiChi. "I'm in the kitchen!"

The two walked in, a very determined look on their faces.

"Oh hi, Trunks! Have you come over to play with Goten?" ChiChi asked.

"Mom, we have a VERY important question to aske you," Goten annoucned.

"Oh, and what is it?" ChiChi asked very sweetly.

"Where did we come from?" the two asked simotaneously.

ChiChi's eyes went wide and her mouth hung open.

"So . . . we came from a cabbage patch?" Goten asked confusingly.

"And our parents went out and picked us?" demanded Trunks.

ChiChi nodded. "Yes, that's it!"

"Uh . . . well . . . thanks, ChiChi-san," Trunks said, pulling Goten out the door.

"Any time boys," ChiChi said with a fake smile.

"Wow, I can't believe we came from a cabbage patch!" Goten called out. "And they CHOSE me!"

"That's not true, you dummy!" Trunks scolded. "She was just avoiding it, too!"

"But . . . my Mom wouldn't lie . . . would she?" Goten asked very innocently.

"Well, she might. But I know someone who never would!"

"Who?" asked Goten.

"Where you . . . came from?" asked Goku.

"Yea," said Goten. "Where did we come from, Daddy?"

"Well your mother's belly, of cource!" Goku said with a laugh.

"I know THAT," Trunks spat. "I mean how did we get in there?"

"Hmmmm . . ." Goku said thoughtfully. "Well you know, I actually have no idea!" he laughed his Goku-ish laugh, placing a hand behind his head.

Goten and Trunks sweat-dropped. "You . . . don't know?" asked Trunks.

"Not a clue!" Goku laughed. "Every time ChiChi got pregnant, I drank something she gave me and then I guess I don't remember a thing, because when I came to I woke up the next morning." He laughed even louder. "Well guys, I have to go. I'm going to have a sparring match with Vegita, and you know how he gets when I'm late. But if you find out where you did come from, you'll tell me, ok?"

"Sure Dad," Goten said. "We promise!"

"Great!" Goku replied. With that, he took off to the sky. "See you later!"

Goten and Trunks looked at each other. "Now who do we ask, Trunks?" asked Goten. Trunks sighed and shrugged.

Night fell over Tokyo as the two boys flew through the city, very, very tired.

"Piccolo-san says that we were barfed up, Krillen said we were delivered by a stork, Master Roshi and Yamcha just kept drueling and saying sexy over and over again, Jouhatchi-gou says that were too young, and I'm hungry!" Goten cried.

"One last time," Trunks growled.

The two stepped down to earth, and walked over to the house where Tien and Chautzu lived. The two knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"Maybe they're not home," said Goten.

"They better be home," Trunks said with a growl.

Trunks knocked some more.

"See Trunks, they're not home. Let's just go, I'm HUNGRY!" Goten whinned.

"I'm not leaving," Trunks roared, "until I found out WEHRE I CAME FROM!!!" With that, Trunks busted the door down and walked inside. Goten followed. When the two reached the kitchen though, their eyes went wide with shock. Tien was kissing Chautzu on the lips, and Tien's shirt was off.

The two ran out of the house, screaming at the top of their lungs. "T-Trunks," Goten huffed once they got outside. "We still . . . don't know . . . where we . . . came . . . from."

Trunks looked back at the house and cringed. "You know what Goten?" he said.


"Just shut up."

