.hack//Legend Of Twilight Bracelet Fan Fiction ❯ My sister, My story, My life ❯ Reasons ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

------Warning, context contains disturbing descriptions and is NOT suited for those who may be sensitive or dislike certain things. Read at your own expence. -------------
I hear the sounds of my mother above, in her room. As always, she's with someone new. Today, I don't know if it's male or female. Judging from the sounds of a voice, it's a woman, but you never know, men could have high-pitched voices. Not that I have anything against bi-sexuals, I have a few friends that are Bi. But the way my mother acts, I envy my sister, Alyssa, a lot on nights like these. She gets to be with dad, while I'm stuck with a whore of a mother who pretty much disowned her eldest daughter because of the resemblances Kayane and dad's personalities had. Good reason, huh?
Oh, in case you didn't know, I'm Anissa. Anissa Nagoya. Daughter of the richest person in all Hachinohe, Japan, Akamura Nagoya. My sister is Alyssa Misawa. I shouldn't have to explain the last names, as I already have said why. I'm the one that can never stop smiling, laughing and bouncing off the walls. <i>I<i> wasn't the one disowned by my role model, so there is no reason for me to be withdrawn. I wasn't the one who was abused by my father in order to keep living.
Alyssa doesn't let it show that she doesn't care about what our mother and father did. But I know it's what makes her so... distant. She rarely ever talks and smiles. Even in the World, where no one knows her, she can't be herself. Balmung is getting to her though, and so are Rena and Shugo. Before, Mom was the one she always did things with before our parents separated. Alyssa always laughed, and wasn't the stoic, serious person she is now. She made mistakes and laughed them off, not caring if it had a consequence or not. Never thought things completely through, and just did things on a complete whim. That disappeared the day mom said her last words to Alyssa. Even I don't know what they were. Alyssa, and even 'mother' speak of them, just not what they were. Dad... he was the one that protected her... albiet through abusive ways. I know the truth now though, Alyssa knew it all along.
Dad had gotten into the 'wrong' kind of crowd when he was a teenager. That same group threatened to kill the whole family unless he offered up the right amount of money and put on a 'violent show' including a member of his family. Mom was pregnant with a third child, I was only two years old and Alyssa was four. Wonderful predicament, right? Alyssa was the one chosen. She never recieved any scarring wounds, so there is no proof to this day. Alyssa prefers it that way. The third child, that would've been our little brother, was killed through drugs mom took.
Even though, Alyssa loved her father because he was doing what he had to keep his family alive. She only wishes it could've been done differently, as do I. Dad always kept Alyssa and I safe, and even mom.
Mom left us right after times were good again. Alyssa had turned ten a day before, and I was seven, turning eight in two weeks. The group dad had messed with was gone, behind bars, and it had been a year since anything serious had gone wrong. She became dirty and drunken all the time, whether she had five beers or didn't have one for 3 days. Our mother walks around, pressing herself up on men and women, in public. Every night, she pulled one away for the night into our house, through our halls, up our stairs, to her room and fucks whoever it is.
I can still hear her having sex with the woman above me. It's gotten louder. So my music does the same, The Used will drown out the sounds of my mother's sickly pleasure and give me something I can live with. Even thunder pitches in to help and lightning flashes through the curtains on my window.
Sure enough, mom stomps on the floor and yells through the ceiling that she is trying to sleep. That the music is giving her a headache. My mother probably just can't hear her own voice and doesn't like it. If she didn't have the power to stop me from going to my sister and dad's house, I would take the damn cd and put in my stereo with the volume up as high as possible. But, she can, so I will have to deal with turning the music down and try to ignore the sounds above me.
My sister says I could call her anytime, seeing as she is seventeen and looked twenty, I don't have any fear of her getting caught by police. It's just the matter of where and what she was doing. She works both days and nights sometimes, but when she does is random and I have no way of knowing. Since she hasn't called me yet tonight and that it's now eleven thirty-eight, she is working tonight. I know that if I call her even though she is working, she'll drop work a couple hours early and pick me up. She's that glad and willing to get me away from my mother. I don't care if mom grounds me from the t.v., or the phone, or my music, family comes first. And she is not my family.
Mom is crying out loudly now. The other woman's begging mixed in maked it worse. A servant passing by my doorway pauses and puts on a disgusted and ill face then looks at me sympathetically. He's sorry that I have to be the daughter of such an openly sex-driven woman and hopes that I find ways to not be at the house at night.
Now, mom is screaming vows to the woman. Her 'I love you's' are louder than anything and its ringing in my ears. I never hear her say that to me, and never heard her say it to me or Alyssa in the past. That's what betrays her from being the sweet loving mother that her parents and friends believe her to be. When she asks that way, I wish that my grandparents never leave, or that my mom never stops acting that way. A servant enters my room, her name is Riley. She is one of the sevants I like most. She wears the same clothes I do, and loves the same music as well. I relate and talk to her a lot. Riley is only a year older than Alyssa.
"Didn't you hear the phone ring, 'Nissa? It's your sister." My eyes go wide momentarily. My ears weren't ringing. Damn, I can so oblivious sometimes. Riley tossed me the phone as soon as she was done talking and smiled. She is gone before I can thank her. Already, I hear my sister's voice coming from the phone along with loud music and people shouting. I bet she is telling me to hurry up because she is busy.
"Alyssa?" My voice is shaky, as it always is when Alyssa calls from her work on a busy night. I'm always worried she is gonna get taken by some drunk man and killed. It's happened several times before.
"Yeah, it's me." Her voice is strong and confident, even in the stress I know she is under. "Is everything okay?"
I start nodding my head and my mouth opens to answer, but as a reminder, I hear a loud thud above my head. "She's loud this time and with a woman."
I don't hear anything from Alyssa in response for a few seconds and I feel a bit guilty. Alyssa never likes talking about our mother's sex life, or anyone's for that matter.
"Do you want me to come and pick you up?" Her voice comes through the phone and I smile at her words.
"All right. An hour."
"All right." I smile for one of the rare times that night. I'm going home. I'm getting out of my Hell and going to where I belong. The sounds above me have stopped and I wonder what kind of power my sister has. It seems every time she is on the phone with someone at my house as night, the sounds above me stop by the time Alyssa hangs up. Either my mother looks at who calls, listens to the conversation or they have the strange ability to sense the other.
I'm sitting in the lobby room now, forty-five minutes later, and have the radio going lightly. Only when Alyssa is coming do I ever sit in the room. Mother's favorite room is this one, because of all the room and couches there are. Sadistic, if you ask me. As if my thoughts called her silently, mom walks into the room, bed sheet around her and plastered to her body with sweat. The sheet is barely concealing anything and her hair in tangled wildy. I can smell the muskiness of her look away to wrinkle my nose in disgust.
The door opens and Alyssa walks in quietly. I never would have known she was here if I hadn't been facing the door. Alyssa takes a look at me and my face of obvious disgust then sights our dear old mother. Unlike me, her face doesn't go disgusted, she loses all emotion. Her hands go to fists and she mutters, "unbelievable," lowly and coldly.
Mom lights a cigarette and regards Alyssa with a wave of her hand. "It's my house, not yours," she says simply, as if reading Alyssa's mind. "If I want to sleep naked, I will. If I want to walk aroung with a sheet wrapped around me, I will. If I want, I could drop the sheet now, and be fine, because its my house."
"What about your daughter? Do you want her to grow up to be like you? Exactly, like you?"
I don't even want to look at my mother at any time, especially not at this moment. Alyssa looks angry, and unwilling to back down. "You weren't sleeping," I mutter to myself and Alyssa sends me a look out of the corner of her eye. Her mouth in a straight line decends to a small frown and her eyes narrow even more. I should have kept my mouth shut.
"If she grows up to be like me and not her father, she will be the best daughter I could ever have," my mother says with a hint of finalism.
My sister visibly winces at the hidden insult. Even I know it was an insult to her. Mother always says that our father is a fucking fag who only like to have sex with bitches. She says Alyssa is exactly like our father, only worse, because Alyssa works at a bar as a bartender.
All I wanted to do was scream at my mother for saying things to her oldest daughter, calling Alyssa something that my mom was. My eyes would not leave my sister's angry face. I was pulled onto my feet quickly and I saw my mother yanking me back from my sister.
I close my eyes as we start toward a doorway to the rest of the house and am thrown to the wall, moms hand beating on me. Next thing I know, I'm standing on my doorstep, door open and my sister is confronting my mother and my mother's entertainment for the night. The door slams shut and all I hear is more screaming, some I understand, and some I don't. A shot rings through the air. Mother's hidden pistol in the floor. All I can think of right now, are the last words my sister had said before the shot and mother's enraged scream.
'Even after it all, you still loved him and couldn't let go...'
The ending of this has nothing to do with the story. Kayane, or Alyssa, does not die this way, if she ever does... *wink* The basic tale of their past and how their lives are, is all true. I hope those of you who read this liked it, or thought it was rather dramatic. I needed a way to fill in everyone more of how Anissa and Kayane became the way they were, and this is what I came up with. Sorry if it gave anyone any disturbing thoughts...
Arisa Niwatari