6teen Fan Fiction ❯ 7teen: Comic Catastrophie ❯ Intro ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was another typical summer day, and a load of people at the mall, preferably teens, were bustling with excitement for the events that were happening in just the next two days…
There were posters up all over the mall for an upcoming comic-convention and expo that was going to be held both inside and outside the mall, and today was the day the people would start setting up. Nevertheless, work and shopping never ceased. Jonesy even counted the money he received from putting all the posters up. Despite it being a one time job only, “You actually asked the guy to say “You're fired?” asked Wyatt.
What could Jonesy say, “It's the phrase I always hear, and it doesn't matter to me. Just look at this dough!”
Jonesy had enough cash on him, for once, to pay for so many wonderful things; he actually almost was starting to understand how Caitlin felt when she went shopping. Speaking of Caitlin, she had just come to the lemon, and both she and Jen were shrieking like The Clones, “EEE…!” much to Nikki's annoyance, “Ugh! Why is it everywhere I go I hear a, EEE…!”
The others winced by her distorted shriek. Caitlin apologized, but she and Jen had just gone fabric shopping for the costumes they were planning to make for the convention. “We are going to look so hot!” Caitlin cried for joy. “I know, right?” added Jen. “I so cannot wait.”
Jude and Starr came along, already wearing alien costumes from one of their favorite comic-books, “Rebel-Alien Alliance.”
“Uh… guys… the Convention isn't until Saturday.” Wyatt reminded them.
Jude and Starr were aware of that, “Dude… it's a costume. It's meant to be worn whenever you feel like it.” Jude said, and he pointed out that some of the people in the mall were wearing their costumes already too. Starr did some equations on her handy calculator. “According to these figures, the mathematic science determines that there is no such law that prevents you form wearing a costume in public.”
The others all blinked in confusion at her nerd-talk. Just then, I walked past the lemon with my shoulders slumped forward, and I looked pretty grumpy too as I just stomped past not even bothering to stop and say hi to my friends.
“Mykan…?” called Jonesy. “Yo'… Mykan?”
“Don't bother me right now!” I called back as I continued to walk away. The others were most shocked and confused by my mood. “Wow! That was harsh.” Nikki simply said.
Intro theme
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan
Now that we're through with school.
We get to make all the rules.
And spend more time with all my friends.
Always hangin' together… in a place where we grew up
I'm 7teen…
I have found my own way
I love my job, and I live at the mall today
And I am on my own now and forever.
I'm… 7TEEN…Life was sweet.
Though we grew up way to fast.
Still the memories will last.
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan
I'm 7teen… 7TEEN!
Still, the memories will last.
Jonesy… Caitlin… Wyatt… Jen… Jude… Nikki… Mykan