By: Tifa Angel Sosososososossosososososossosoossoos
Please don't be mad at me, I'm new and I'm trying to figure out how this works frist before I fuck up on th firt try. Pleaser don't be mad. Love me to the end.!! Sorry
Anime/Manga: AD Police Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Cyberpunk |
Type: Other |
Uploaded On: 04.07.2003 |
Updated On: 04.07.2003 |
Pages: 1 |
Words: 40 |
Visits: 1.4K |
Status: Work In Progress
Please don't be mad at me, I'm new and I'm trying to figure out how this works frist before I fuck up on th firt try. Pleaser don't be mad. Love me to the end.!! Sorry