Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ MUGEN Universe: Tournament of Champions ❯ Episode 1: The First Wave, Part III ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Peter Parker was sitting alongside the New Jersey waterside, reading the note again. He had followed the instructions to the letter. He looked at his watch. It was 7:15 in the evening. The note had told him to be sharp, but whoever it was was either lazy or felt like leaving him hanging.

"Well, about that, Mr. Parker," came a voice behind him, "I really should apologise..."

"What the-" Peter turned to see who it was. It was a man with long reddish-blonde hair tied behind his back, wearing a black trenchcoat with a Phoenix design on the back. He also seemed to wear black boots and black leather gloves to finish the look.

"You see, Mr. Parker, you've been chosen as part of a fighter's team for the upcoming Multiversal fighting championship, but your team ran into a few rough spots," explained the mystrious gentleman. "Namely, a small problem of group harmony."

"Okay, what's that supposed to mean?" wondered the Daily Bugle reporter. "More importantly, how do you know so much about me?"

"All in due time, Peter. You do have your suit with you, right?"

Peter patted his duffle bag. "Right here. I figured I'll need it for whatever clown party you're throwing."

"Excellent. Now hold still-"

The man snapped his fingers, and Peter felt something on his face, even though his sight didn't reveal any changes. He felt his face - then noticed he had his mask on. He then saw his hands had the gloves and web-shooters ready. Out of curiousity, he peered into the duffle bag. Sure enough, his civillian clothes were there. Somehow, the man switched between his suit and costume.


"Well, your teammates are almost here, which is why I changed your clothes. After all, you might prefer not to reveal your secret identity to them just yet."

Sure enough, a young Japanese man in odd clothes with a sun image on the back was dashing down the block, running away from a red-haired boxum woman in Chinese kung-fu gear. A man in a torn white gi and red headband was trying to catch up. The young man in front was trying to run away from the giant concrete beam the girl was swinging around.

"Come back right this instant, Kusanagi, and I'll kill you quickly!"

"Sorry, lady, but if my girlfriend finds out I've gone to another woman, she'll kill me!"

"Shut up, you punk! This is just me and you now!"

"Well, if you want me so bad, why don't you say so?!"


A pillar of water suddenly gushed up fron the waterfront, and Spider-Man could see by the steam that it was rather hot. It suddenly surged up and splashed the girl - who promptly turned into a black-haired guy. The man, who had been standing next to Peter a moment ago, had teleported between the first two runners.

"Could you just stop for a moment and settle down?!".

Both Kusanagi and the guy holding the concrete pillar screeched to a halt. The karate master finally caught up to them, a little short of breath.

"Ryu," said the trenchcoated man to the one with the red headband. "I thought I told you to keep those two under control..."

"Forgive me, sir," Ryu said with a respectful bow, "but they're a bit out of hand."

"And in your defense, Kyo Kusanagi, why did you pick on Mr. Saotome's little 'problem' for the tenth time now?"

"Hey, just trying to lighten the mood..."

"Excuse me, tall, blond and spooky," Ranma cut in, "but who is this clown in the bug suit?"

"Just the clown in the bug suit wondering if you've got the recipe for your instant sex change handy," Spidey quipped, snapping out of his shock. "I can make a fortune with it."

"You wanna get squashed with this, bugboy?" Ranma raised the concrete pillar.

"As odd as you might find it, Ranma Saotome," replied the man, "Spider-Man is an accomplished superhero in this world. His list of feats and heroism is impressive. It's just that heroes of his world tend to dress... oddly, at times."

"So I noticed," responded Ranma.

"That coming from a man who fights with every sort of freak show ever imagineable," responded Kyo smugly. "And a few more besides."

"Okay, one question though - what's up with Kung-fu dude here?"

"*Sigh* Junsenkyo curse, alright?!" Ranma responded angrily. "Leave it at that."

"Basically, every time Mr. Saotome gets hit with cold water, he turns into a girl. When hit with hot water, he turns back."

"And when hit with lukewarm water - heh heh..."

"Kusanagi... you..."

"Hey, what the-" In a blink of an eye, Kusanagi changed - into a ridiculously buxom girl wearing nothing but a G-string and tiny bikini top that barely hid her massive triple E's. She found it hard to keep her balance.

"I'm waiting for you outside of the city. Be there in one hour." With that, the man in the trenchcoat disappeared.

"Damn you! You did this to me on purpose!!" Kyo screamed at the man no longer there.

"Hey babe," Saotome snickered, finding a chance to strike back at Kyo, "can I get somke fries with that shake?"

"Let me guess," Spider-Man asked Ryu, "he pulled pranks on Ranma far too often?"

"You have *no* idea..."

Later, when the gang met the man in trenchcoat outside New York (and Kyo got his old body back), he started giving them the details.

"First off, why'd you leave me in a major city walking around in a bikini?" Kyo growled.

"Simply because you've had your fun, and I warned you that you had to keep your mind on your mission. And it was just getting annoying after a while..."

"So why don't you use your powers to heal him?!"

"It was...messy," Ranma groaned. "Leave it at that."

"Yes. Apparently, the order of Ranma's world seems to have fixed it that any attempt to cure him would go horribly wrong. Believe me - I tried - and it was pretty much catastrophic. Furthermore, he spent a long time with this curse, making things more difficult as the curse has become somewhat ingrained."

"Aaaaanyways," Spidey cut in, changing the subject, "why are we all here?"

"As I said, the Omniverse is in danger. Its creators are no longer pleased with its progress, and want it destroyed so they can start anew."

"Sheesh, whatever happened to the six months eviction warning?" Spider-Man quipped. "Landlords, I tell ya..."

"So where does this tournament come in?" Ryu inquired.

"One of the ones in charge, Goddess Belldandy, was given the task of the destruction. Fortunately - for us, that is - she's the delicate type. The idea of mass destruction was too much for her. So she suggested an alternative.

"A tournament where the greatest heroes of the world gather round and prove to the Powers That Be that the Omniverse still deserves to stay as it is."

"Naturally," Spidey commented. "I'm sure it had nothing to do with the Pay-Per-View rights..."

"I'd admire your cynicism, but as someone once told me, 'cynicism only works if you're right'. Trust me, this is not pure entertainment.

"I disliked the order to recreate the Omniverse, and the idea of a grand tournament was no less palatable to me. Yet there was nothing I could do to influence their decisions. That would have been like a Marine Lieutenant going into the White House and ordering the Commander-in-Cheif about.

"The biggest problem with such tournaments is that renegade elements might attempt to use the loopholes in the rules to enforce their own agendas."

"Right," Kyo replied. "Bad guys using the tournament as a front...now why am I not surprised?"

"If you see a pattern, Kyo, you're right. Only this time, while you *will* run into old... 'acquaintances', the master threats this time are far, far more powerful and dangerous than you've ever faced. Even Orochi is nothing more than a miserable worm in comparison."

"So where do we come in?" asked Ranma.

"Simple. You are to be my Hero Team. Essentially, you're the individuals who might not have the power to match some of the higher ups, you certainly possess the fighting spirit and willpower to see you through."

"A grand tournament full of worthy opponents," mused Ryu. "I am greatly honored to have been chosen."

"You know, I'd be honored to fight for justice and all," Ranma replied. "But relying on us alone? Isn't that putting all the eggs in one basket?"

"Not really. While I see you as the most likely candidates, I do have two or three other teams in reserve, ready to support you by holding off certain competitors or carry on if you should fail. Still, you are my primary choice team."

"Yeah, well forgive us for not jumping for joy," Spider-Man replied dourly. "Seeing as how we're running to face certain doom and all..."

"Well, apart from your misgivings, Spider-Man, you have no choice but to help out. If you don't, your world may be in jeopardy. With Jason Voorhees as host instead of Alex Trebeck."

"Oh ha ha ha, ha ha ha... FUN-NEE!!"

"Enough pleasantries for now. We need to be at the tournament, post haste! I will take you there. Now just stand in the circle I'm forming..."

A glowing white circle appeared on the ground, and in a flash of an eye, the five were transported away.
Five minutes later, Spider-Man was looking in bewilderment at the scene with his three companions.

"Tell ya what guys," said the Webslinger. "We're not in Kansas anymore..."

They were looking at the tournament entry grounds.
"Excuse me... Can I come in?".

She was a blonde, nice looking young woman, with a freckled face and thick round glasses, wearing a tight green dress with short skirt and high heel shoes. In a hand, she had a brown briefcase. She looked around at all the superior beings sitting around the table in the middle of the room, feeling more than a bit intimidated.

"Indeed you can" the Spectre nodded, gravely. "Waste no time".

"Thank you, Mr. Wrath!" she replied, her voice bubbly and perky now. "Hello!" she said for everyone else. "My name's Callindra, and I'm an Angel! The Metatron sent me to assist you in anything you can need!".

"The Megatron, she said?" Nudoru asked to Destruction in a whisper.

"No, the Metatron. Supreme Ruler of the City of Angels. Big difference" Destruction whispered back.


"So, basically, um..." the angel girl continued, "I'm here to go and bring you anything you want, take your dictations, send your suggestions to the Almighty... polish your shoes, if you want...".

"Just don't ask her to make you anything to eat" Desire whispered to Lucifer. "She makes horrible sandwiches".

"I'll have it in mind".

"So, hmm..." Callindra twiddled her fingers togethers, "Let's begin with giving you a rundown of the contestants we have so far, okay?" she giggled nervously, then gestured towards a huge TV screen on the other side of the room. "If you are so gentle to do so, you can look at the list on the screen...".

Leopold Goenitz.
Powerpuff Girl Bell.
The Joker.

"This is the team from the Nifelheim Hell!" Callindra noted. "Their sponsor, Lady Hild, was the first person to make a move in the recruiting activities".

"What was the Almighty thinking when He sent an invitation to that... Devil?" Spectre growled angrily.

"Well, they are old flames, after all..." Desire just smiled.

"What's that clown doing in there?" Despair asked. "I thought he couldn't fight to save his own life".

"With Hild, who knows" Lucifer replied with dryness. "But just having him around usually results in bad news, one way or another. And she has someone with Orochi connections in this, too... I don't like this at all".

Dan Hibiki.
Sakura Kasugano.

A collective groan was heard then through the room.

"Dan Hibiki?" Death stamped a hand on her face. "Tell me you're joking...".

"We should have imposed certain standards, after all" Dream said. "I have seen that man's dreams, and... you don't know how ridiculous a human can get until you have seen those".

"Mr. Hibiki and Miss Kasugano are currently on their way to recruit their third teammate" Callindra announced. "We should have further developments on that soon".
The screen showed the next names on the list.

Skuld, Norn of the Future.
Beenuel, the God of Animals.

"Now, normally we wouldn't allow any gods to take an active part on this, but since Miss Skuld and Lord Beenuel are such low level deities for the moment, the Yggdrasil System accepted their inscriptions" Callindra added. "Currently, they are looking for other members for their team as well".

"A child and the simpleton who talks to animals" Lucifer pondered. "How promising".

"As you can see, there was some tension between them at first over who would be their team's leader... but Miss Skuld ended up having a very convicing argument for her cause" Callindra pointed to an image of Skuld hitting Beenuel in the head with her mallet. Everyone else sweatdropped. "Now, the following team is also currently incomplete...".

Angel Trainee Flonne.
Drake W. Mallard, alias Darkwing Duck.

"Flonne-chan was allowed to take a part on this thanks to Master Seraph Lamington's intervention. She is decided to form a 'Justice Team' and really give it her best effort" the Assistant Angel said with obvious admiration.

"She has recruited... a duck?" Nudoru blinked incredulously.

Slade Wilson, alias Deathstroke the Terminator.
Gracia Naga of Seyruun.
Baby Bonnie Hood, also known in some circles as Bulleta.

"This team is only lacking to induce on its final member. However, there is something that has us nervous about it" Callindra admitted. "Its sponsor... we don't have him in our databanks at all. We think he might come from... beyond the Fourth Wall".

Lucifer, the Endless and the Spectre made an uneasy, tense silence.

Nudoru just blinked in surprise. "Really? Oh whoa, this could be interesting!".

Setsuna Meioh, also known as Sailor Pluto.
Chizuru Yata Kagura.
Lady Rose.
Lady Kikyo.

"More Orochi fuel for the motor..." Morningstar huffed.

"And a Sailor Senshi" Desire observed. "I knew they wouldn't be able to stop nosing in all of this".

Peter Parker, alias Spider-Man.
Kyo Kusanagi.
Ranma Saotome.

"I like this team" Dream said. "They might have what it takes, spiritually speaking, to stand a chance".

Rugal Bernstein.

"Yet another ones with ties to the Orochi. Are we seeing a pattern here?" Destruction asked.

"At this moment, they are trying to convince a fourth member, the man known as Akuma, formerly Gouki, to side with them" Callindra pointed to a broadcasting of Rugal and Akuma fighting brutally, pummeling each other mercilessly, as Vice and Mature watched in mild horror. "We should have a definitive result of that in a couple of hours or so. Well, that's all for now. Any questions, honored ladies and gentlemen?".

"Where's the bathroom in here?" Nudoru Kadaage asked.

"At the end of the corridor, at your right hand when you step out through that door" Callindra sighed, sweating just a tiny drop from her head.
Saint Canard:

"Ah, Dad's here!".

She had heard the familiar rumbling of the motorcycle stopping, and then the "Wheeeeeeeeeeee" of the ascending ramp resounding through the quietness of the Tower. Immediately, the petite redhead jumped off her chair, where she had been playing with her Game Ducky Advanced, and energically ran towards the ramp.

"Hello, Dad!" she started. "How's my dear daddy tonight? How many thugs did you catch? Do you want something? Cocoa, maybe?".

The caped duck's blue eyes looked straight at her, as he jumped off the vehicle. "You broke another window playing baseball, didn't you?".

She blinked, then looked aside, half pouting. "Ahhh... it was only an accident. Those things do happen, you know...".

Then she lost her voice for a moment. She had just saw her. A small, sweetly smiling blonde sitting in the motorcycle's sidecar, all clad in white.

"Dad? Did you bring... a human... here?".

From where he was still working in the reparations of the oddly duckly-looking aircraft at the other side of the Tower's inside, a much taller humanoid duck was shocked by those words, and raised his head from his job to look at the newcomer as well. "Darkwing! Who's the little lady?".

The caped figure cleared his throat a bit. "Ahem. Miss Flonne" he said for his new acquaitance, "this is Gosalyn, my daughter, and that duck over there is my friend Launchpad Mc Quack".

"Pleased to meet you!" Flonne beamed her most radiant smile, grabbing one of Gosalyn's small hands and shaking it friendly, much to Gosalyn's annoyance. "I'm Angel Trainee Flonne, Messenger of Love and Justice!".

"Messenger of What--??" Gosalyn raised her thin eyebrows.

"Gos" her father sighed. "We'll need to be out of town for a few days".

"Oh, yeah? Great!" she replied. "Where are we going to go? To the beach? To the woods? Or we're just going to kick some bad guys' butts?".

"No, no, no!" he shook his head. "I don't mean *we* like in you and me. I mean *we* like in Launchpad, Miss Flonne and me".

Gosalyn's disappointment was evident on her face. "You're going to leave me behind?".

"Listen, it'll be for nothing but a few days. The places we are going to are way too dangerous. I don't want *you* there, risking your life for kicks".

"Oh, yeah? Why can't I go, but that Little Miss Goody Goody Two Shoes can?".

"Oh, I'm an Angel" Flonne noted, innocently. "I'm not in such a big of a risk".

Gosalyn shot her a distrustful look. "An Angel. Yeah, sure. Just like I'm Godzilla in disguise".

"Believe her, Gosalyn" her father noted. "She gave me a showing of her power". Then he took out his hat, revealing the burned area below it on his head. "See?".

"Oboy" Launchpad said, blinking twice.

"I'm so sorry... I really didn't want to make it so big" Flonne apologized.

"She did this to you...?" Gosalyn Mallard asked as she touched the still hot area on her Drake's head. "Well, even so...".

"No buts" Darkwing replied sternly. "You'll be staying with the Muddlefoots while we're away. And that's my last word on it".

"Where are we going to, anyway?" Launchapd asked, curiously. "And why?".

"Oh, our first stop will be in Korea!" Flonne answered. "We are going to talk with a gentleman named Kaphwan there!".

"This is so... stupid!" Gosalyn almost spat in rage. "How could you expect--". Then she had to fall silent.

The caped figure was hugging her tightly against his chest. And there was something in his eyes now... something so unusual... so deeply sad, in a way...

"Dad?" she doubted. "What's wrong...?".

"Please, trust me. Please" he begged, in a half choked tone. "If you love me at all, just do what I say, just this time. That's all what I'm asking from of you".

"O-okay..." he was actually beginning to scare her, in a way. "I'll do it...".

Launchpad looked down at the Angel, concerned. "Is it really that serious?".

She had to nod, now with some sadness of her own painted on her blue eyes.
"It is".
Somewhere near the ruins of Midgar
Some time after the events FF7 Advent Children:

The Tyrannosaur was a perfect specimen of the viciousness and brute strength of its kind. With teeth the size of hunting knives and jaws capable of crushing a Humvee, it was the ultimate predator.

Yet this monster was trying feebly to protect itself against a target that stodd barely up to its ankle. The small creature was a human, but held three swords - on in his teeth, one in each hand - that flashed like fire in the afternoon sun. His speed and skill were phenomenal, even his short green hair was flattened by the wind, such was his speed. Every strike hit with a new meaning of pain, every move of his a single frame in the dance of death. The Tyrannasaur was mortally afraid.

In a desperate lunge, it tried to bite down. Zoro had seen that coming - he merely dodged to one side only after-images could be seen. Then, deciding this game had gone long enough, he jumped at the beast's exposed neck. With one mighty strike, he decapitated the monster. The body, deprived of the head, swayed a bit, spraying massive geysers of blood, before crashing down backwards. It twitched a bit, then stopped.

"30 seconds, 89 degrees. Not bad, friend," replied the man in the running suit with the traditional Japanese haircut, looking at his stopwatch. "If you didn't waste time showing off, however, you'd have needed only 15 seconds."

"Heh, you're right, Jack," replied the youth with the spiky blond hair and gigantic sword. "Though I really don't think he'll beat my 16 seconds."

"Heh," Roronoa Zoro replied, wiping his sword. "I'd outdo you any day of the week, junior. Don't try comparing your amateur brute hacking to my style."

"Hey, it takes less time than your showing off," Cloud replied confidentally.

"As much as this conversation is interesting to you two," Samurai Jack cut in, "I must remind both of you that we were hunting for dinner. Somebody wake Crono up and the other get the fire."

"Yeah, I'll get the sleepyhead," Zoro shrugged. "So where's mysterious Angel swordman already? He said that once we found Junior here, we're set to join the Grand Tournament."

"The name, buddy," Cloud interjected, "is Cloud Strife. And I was hoping he'd show up."

"Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please..." came a voice from the nearby woods. "Have some patience. I'll answer your questions soon enough."

Alaniel* stepped out from behind the bushes, but hardly made a sound.

"Greetings," Jack replied. "We were hoping you'd arrive. Maybe you'd sit down for some Tyrannasaur Sautee? I have an impeccable recipe."

At that moment, the snoring Crono, who wouldn't wake up no matter how hard Zoro tried, sniffed some roast meat and sprung up, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out. Seeing that the meat was real, he licked his lips, pulled out his katana, and cut a big chunk for himself. All without saying a word.

"Don't mind if I do," replied Alaniel. He looked around. "But since we're all here, allow me to enlighten you as to why I sent for you."

Samurai Jack sat attentively, absorbing everything patiently. Zoro leaned back, looking at the speaker sideways. Cloud was leaning on his sword. Even Crono was looking up from his meat, chewing a big mouthful.

"As I have said in my letters to you, a Grand Tournament has been set up that will decide the fate of the Omniverse. As such, it was necessary to choose the finest warriors across the multiple realities that made it.

"As cliche as it sounds, I chose you all for a common theme. Obviously you are all master swordsmen, with great powers of your own, through skill or other source. This will be your edge to victory - pun not intended.

"However, you will not be the only team I chose to send. I have sent for two other teams; one has already reached the tournament, the other will be joining you and the first team.

"Keep in mind, your presence is not just support. You will have the eyes of the ominverse on you, so prepare yourselves well. I will give you a chance to rest tonight, so that tomorrow morning I will transport you to the tournament."
* * * * *
Abandoned Shaolin Temple, Earth Realm:
The blue-robed ninja carefully scaled down the stairs, looking around for any possible signs of a trap. Reaching the main chamber, he looked around carefully, sensing for any possible danger.

He suddenly felt a movement behind him. Turning around suddenly, he let forth a blast of ice from his hands. The Shiruken coming his way now encased in ice, he shattered the brittle metal with a punch.

There was a blur of motion to his right. He barely parried a sword strike with the metal gauntlet on his arm, then parried another katana hit with his ice axe. Holding the axe in both hands, he began countering the flashing katana with blinding speed, dodging high and low attacks in a flurry. He backflipped at an attack, then fired an ice bolt at his enemy. The enemy flipped forward and high over the blast, finally coming into the light of the lamps.

The blue ninja stopped fighting and looked at his opponent. His enemy was a black-garbed ninjad, only his eyes showing. A long, red scarf flowed behind him.

"So, Shinobi of the Oboro clan," he made a slight bow. "To what do I owe this honor?"

"Simply put, Sub Zero of the Lin Kuei," bowed his opponent back, "the same matter that brought you."

"I am no longer of that dishonorable clan. To me, the Lin Kuei are dead, as I am dead to them."

"Then we shall get to the point," Shinobi replied, standing up, arms folded. "I was informed that I would find my third and fourth teammates here."

"Third and...?" Sub-Zero looked around, and saw a man in a purple ninja suit, red scarf around his lower face, meditating. "I see. So this is the legendary Strider Hiryu I've heard so much about?"

"Indeed," intoned the meditating man. "I was impressed by your skill, Sub-Zero. I would be honored to fight with you at my side."

"So would I. Another Tournament, I gather?"

"Yes," Shinobi replied. "And one far grander than any you've been in. Yours involved a few connected realms. This one involves many, many universes."

"Then it must be a mighty tournament indeed that requires people to fight as teams, if we are to fight together," pondered the loner ninja. "But if we are to be four, who will complete us?"

"That, gentlemen," came a woman's voice from up the stairs, "would be me."

All three looked up, to see a Japanese woman in a blue leotard, flowing purple hair, and a bust that seemed to be too big to be real.

"My name is Psylocke," replied the X-Man, "and I too received an invitation and a request to meet you here."

"I see," Strider Hiryu responded, getting up to clean his sword. "And I presume you were chosen by our mysterious benefactor?"

"Well, in a sense, I was a first choice. Though the man who gave me the invitation did say something about it was either me, or someone by the name Shiranui..."

"Shiranui... I heard of that name," Sub-Zero pondered. He noticed that Shinobi and Hiryu shuddered. "Is anything the matter?"

"Shiranui?" Shinobi asked. "As in
Mai Shiranui?"

"Yes, I believe that's what he said."

"Then it is settled. Our team is complete as it is," Shinobi replied decisively.

"What's wrong with this... Shiranui...?" Sub-Zero was overcome by curiousity.

"Let us just say, if there were more like her, the Ninja would never again be respected," Hiryu responded with a cold shiver.

Somewhere Else

DEEEEEE!! I forgot my lotion! Can you pack it for me?"

"Yeah, sure...
dear God, how did she sucker me into this marriage?! And a three-month honeymoon in the Bahamas?! Better pack some more Ginseng and Viagra, just in case..."
Nabeshin's Team, Part 1:

The air seemed to suffer just a little disturbance around him when he fell down from the skies, landing on his feet on the grass. However, that had been merely the effect visible to human eyes. In truth, its shockwaves had been felt through the whole upper mystic and cosmic hal
ves of the universe.

In the limbo where Belldandy was looking for the entity known as Akira, she could feel it. "What was that...?" she blinked.

In the snowy mountains of Hokkaido, where Skuld and Beenuel were approaching to the wooden cabin of a certain fighter priestess of nature, they could feel its sting as well. They looked up to the clear, cold skies, surprised, but they couldn't see anything up there anymore.

In the conference room of the Supreme Beings, Delirium raised her head and babbled, "He's heeeeeereeeeeee...".

"Who?" Nudoru asked, intrigued.

Delirium shook a finger at him. "Can't tell you, sorry...".

And back in the coast hills of the south of Japan, the thin man in the 70s style clothing, complete with red jacket and yellow tie, smiled as he walked towards the small restaurant, hands inside of his pockets. He'd teach them all a lesson. But first, he needed a meal. And after that, maybe he'd go with Kumi Kumi and Poemi for a while...

He pushed the door open. "Hello...!" he called out. "Masato, are you here?".

There were lots of clients in the place that day. And it was obvious the owner was really busy, but that didn't stop him from leaving what he was doing and going to meet the man with the huge afro, with open arms.

"Nabeshin!" he patted him in the shoulders. "You old dog! It's been years!".

"Nice to see you're doing well, Masato" Nabeshin smiled back as he lit up a cigarette. "How's your wife doing?".

The fat man's face darkened then. "Ah, Nabeshin... She ran with my assistant a year ago...".

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear 'bout that. With which one of them, the tall and blonde, or the muscled with black hair?".

"The midget".

"Unh..." Nabeshin grimaced.

"That's why I hired another boy to help me!" Masato said, now with more enthusiasm. "Someone who doesn't talk a lot, is obedient and hard-working, and will never steal your woman from you, at least not now that he doesn't have his ship!".

And he gestured towards a strange alien creature serving to a short, hairy man at a nearby table, a bowl of hot ramen. It was a being with a huge, bulbous head from which sprouted several long, thin tentacles, some of them used as legs, some others as arms. Tied around its head had a yellow bandana.

Nabeshin blinked in mild surprise.

"Allow me to introduce you to Maa-pi* kun!" Masato beamed a wide smile. "Hey, Maa-pi kun, c'me here just a moment, willya?".

The thing looked back at them with curiosity, emiting a "Beep boop?" sound. The man he was attending to looked at Nabeshin as well, a small column of smoke floating up from his cigar.

Nabeshin recognized him, and grinned a bit. Now this was a bout of luck.

"Hey, Mr. Logan!" he said, walking towards the alien and the short man. "We finally get to meet!".

'Logan' seemed surprised of being recognized by that stranger. "Who are you, bub?" he asked, distrustful.

"Ah, there's no reason why you should know my name" the guy with the afro offered him a hand, which Logan shook briefly and not convinced. "I'm in the show business. You can call me Nabeshin".

"Boop boo-dee-pio?" asked the alien creature, which translated would mean "Can I take your order, Mister?".

"Okay, Nabeshin..." Logan growled again, narrowing his eyes and sniffing the air just a bit. The stranger didn't smell like Mystique or a bloody Skrull, but that still left a lot of unpleasant alternatives. "... how the hell do you know my name? And why do you seem so happy to see me?".

"Oh, those explanations will take a while" Nabeshin said as he took a seat at the other side of the table, without having been invited to it. He turned his attention to the being from another world for a moment. "You, ehh, Maa-pi, wasn't that?, bring me some of the same kind of ramen he's having. And stay for a while after that. I've a lot of thigs to say to you, too".

"Pi-pi-poo beeeep?".

"Just do what he says, Maa-pi kun" Mr. Masato suggested. "Normally it's useless to say just 'No" to this old bastard..." he chuckled with some dry nostalgia in his voice.

Buncha freaks I keep running into in Japan nowadays, Logan thought. I miss the days when I only ran into ninjas willing to kill me here. What's this country come down to?

Little did he suspect the worst was still to come. Outside, grim shining green eyes observed the restaurant, and a slight, evil hissing was heard...

(Images of a horde of shadow demons attacking Masato's restaurant).

Flonne's voice: Hello! Angel Trainee Flonne here! Um, normally, Miss Etna would do this, but she won't be showing up in a while... Anyway, in our next episode, we all will meet a lot of new people!

(Images of Wolverine going in a berserker rage against the demons).

Flonne's voice: Oh, oh, but sadly, not everything will be nice... why can't they all just be good to each other?

Urd's voice: That's why we're in this jam in the first place, kid...

(Images of Akira hovering above Tokyo, raising a challenge to the world).

Flonne's voice: In the next episode of Mugen Universe, "Culture Clash". The preparatives for the tournament will be over! Don't miss it!

Callindra's voice: Or we'll be out of a job!