Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Half-breed and Three Goddesses Part one: Life ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I could feel my energy going through the roof “khanas” peorth called out to me I turned and yelled to her “peorth get out now, get as far away as you can, there is nothing you can do” she left leaving me with the people in the bar. The goons were starting to get scared, some tried to go out the doors before I shut them tight.
I finished transforming. I now looked like a demon with the wings of an angel. With my mind I threw a pole into an escaping goon, impaling him. Another tried to go out the window but I threw a plate at him, decapitating him. The other two and kresh headed out a back door and locked it as I walked over to the door. The door, windows, wood and all shattered into splinters, but did not fall. Instead they were frozen in place, in mid air. I moved through them with ease.
One of the goons tried to hit me until I grabbed him by the neck and ripped his head off, with the spinal column still attached.
The last goon charged at me until I grabbed him and put my fist into his chest, ripping his heart out.
I put his heart in his mouth and he died. “Now, last one” I said moving over to kresh. She suddenly had a pistol out and shot me.
I put my finger out and waved it as if to say bad move. I created a sword out of fire, I grabbed her and took her over to the wall. I lifted her up in the air and drove the sword into her. Pinning her against the wall. The last thing I heard before passing out again was someone calling out to me.
Darkness, nothing ness. Until I opened my eyes. I noticed I was on a beach. I got up and noticed that no-one was there. Until a voice said behind me “hello Joseph” I whipped around and found myself staring face to face with my brother. He didn't look like the brother I fought before. He looked more like my little brother. “What's going on? Why am I here?” he turned and giggled, before saying “come on brother you should know by now” and running off I called out to him but he disappeared. “Okay” I said while trying to get a smoke out of my pocket, but to no avail. “I already told you, smoking will kill you” said a child-like voice beside me “yeah, so skuld?” “You coming or not?” she said before running away and disappearing also. “Screw this, I'm staying here until someone makes some fucking sense” “Joseph” called a familiar behind me “are you an illusion or are you really here?” she sat down beside me. “If I am an illusion you wouldn't be able to feel this now would you?” she said after she'd taken off her top. She grabbed one of my hands and put it on one of her gorgeous breasts. “Alright, I believe you, so now what?” “Belldandy is trying to wake you up” “okay, anything else” she kissed me and said “I'll be waiting for you, you know where” flashing a grin.
(A brilliant and very bright flash of light later……..)
I opened my eyes and noticed that they were all gathered around me. “What?” I asked them “what the hell happened back at that bar?” I took a deep breath and sighed “that was my proper other form. Y'see seeing as I am part angel, part demon that form you saw was my half breed form. Where's Peorth” “she's waiting somewhere for you, she didn't say where” but I knew. “I have to go” I said calmly, getting up out of bed. I went over and grabbed my gear and teleported to peorth's location.
Some hotel room……
I teleported in time to catch peorth undressing.
She paused in her undressing noticing I was now there. "Well? Hurry up, now." She now seemed resigned.
"Okay, I'm on my way”
"I'll do it myself." Two quick waves of her hands and I was naked. (Never did find those clothes. One of my favourite shirts, too.) Peorth finished undressing, and turned to me, hands on hips. "Well?"
"Wow!" was all I could say. Peorth seemed satisfied with my Reaction.
She climbed onto the bed with me and grabbed me lightly between my legs. "Eh. Not bad." "Thanks” “you're welcome” To ensure my silence she pushed me onto
My back and climbed over my face. She tasted much as you would expect a goddess to - incredible. I began to get into the action (bad pun intended) and grabbed her hips, to pull her down to me. Peorth became more vocal as I worked on her; her Moans were easily audible even with her thighs over my ears. My tongue moved over and in her, and only a few minutes passed before she came, loudly. Peorth fell over next to me, and lay there, panting lightly. I leaned up on my elbow, and stroked her stomach lightly. "Hey, don't just lie there. It's your turn." Peorth looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Don't look at me like that," I replied. "You're supposed to be granting my wish, remember?" "I know" she replied mildly. "Eh?" Peorth pushed me onto my back and lay on her stomach, her head at my waist, our bodies forming a `T'. She stroked me lightly, quietly saying, "not bad at all," before bringing her mouth down on me. I feel my toes clench as her lips moved down. I resisted the urge to grab her head by grabbing the bed sheets. Peorth's goddess-granted skill brought me to the edge within minutes. I only managed to get out "I'm about to--" before I came. I saw stars as I felt Peorth swallowing. Whether she used magic or just skill, Peorth kept my motor running. She lifted her head, giggled, and said, "My turn again!" "What?" I exclaimed before Peorth moved up and positioned herself over my hips. She raised an eyebrow, and I replied "Oh, I get it." "You're about to." As Peorth sat back, she guided herself onto me. My toes clenched and my eyes crossed as she settled down. When she started moving, I grabbed her hips to slow her down. Neither of us spoke as we moved together. I moved one hand around to stroke her ribs and her breasts. Because of our previous activities, both of us were close. I came first, spasming deep inside the goddess. After I had regained some control, I reached down and stroked Peorth, quickly bringing her over. Peorth collapsed against me, and I held her while we recovered.
The next morning….