Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Half-breed and Three Goddesses Part one: Life ❯ Chapter 12

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Half an hour later we arrived at a building that looked obviously shifty. I pulled up my shotgun, fired and blew the doors off. Then we went in and were greeted by ten armed goons. “DROP YOUR WEAPONS!!” they shouted at us right before we both said to them “muthafucka, you drop your weapons”.
Then they opened fire. I put my hand out and froze the bullets, and then I turned them back on the guards, killing them instantly. A new group of goons came rushing in. “Joey, go get the bastard, I'll deal with these poor bastards” I nodded in agreement I grew my devil wings and flew over them, landing on the steps behind them. I unslung my sword and ran up the stairs, faster than a bullet. I arrived at the rooftop.
[A\n: this following part is best when listening to duel of the fates from star wars or neodammerung from the matrix revolutions soundtrack]
A breeze was blowing now. It started to rain. Lightning crashed down as I opened the door. “Khanas, welcome back, I missed you. You like what I've done with the place” he said pointing to the bodies strung up on the walls.
I unsheathed my sword, pointed it at him and said “it ends tonite” “I know it does, I've seen it, that's why they're just going to enjoy the show, because I already know that I'm the one that beats you” he said, starting to run at me. I started to run up to him. We met half way and just started trading blows. I swung with a fist to the head, connecting. He punched me in the gut. I hit him in the face. He kicked me. He was about to punch me when I grabbed his arm and broke it. He snapped his arm back in place. He smacked me across the face sending me flying out the window. I landed on the ground below. Hard. I jumped up and transformed into my devil form. I flew back up to the top floor. He was waiting for me. I flew over and planted a flying kick on him. He threw a punch, I dodged. I kicked him, he moved. We grabbed each other by the throats and went through another window. As we fell we kept on hitting each other until we hit the ground. We both got up and fought again. That's it this ends now!!! I thought to myself as I began my transformation. When I was finished I towered over him. “Alright this ends now” I yelled at him before I punched him, sending him flying down the street. I flew after him. He punched me, sending me flying into the air. He was now in his devil form.
I flew at him. I punched once and yelled “THIS ONES FOR SKULD”, I hit him again yelling at him “this is for mum!!!” I hit him a third time and said “this is for dad!!!!!” I punched him in the head and yelled “this is for all of the people you killed” I flew up, put my fists together and slammed his head, sending him flying down. I grabbed him and flew faster down towards the ground. We hit the ground, leaving a massive crater and cars flying. We were lying weakly on either sides of the crater. We looked up at each other. He smiled at me when he said “I see now, I see how you were able to reach your true form. You had help from peorth, I see now.” He coughed and said “brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't be the brother you wanted me to be” “it's alright brother, I forgive you, and I'm pretty certain heaven would probably forgive you” “Joseph” he said, calling to me weakly “allow me a parting gift” he said as a bright light engulfed his body. He was moved into the shape of the crucifixion. He said weakly [brother, do not be afraid, I am going to heal your wounds and give you my powers. Do not make the same mistakes I did] “do not worry, brother, I wont” I said as the light and energy from his body transferred into mine. When it was finished, I blacked out.
To be continued………..