Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Goddess ❯ A Tour of Heaven ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sailor Goddess
A Ranma One Half Fan Fiction
By Michael A. Ivins
Ranma, and all of his/her friends and family are the creation of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own any of them, nor do I own any of the characters from Ah! My Goddess or Sailor Moon. I'm writing this for fun, not profit. I'm so poor that suing me wouldn't do you much good.
WARNING: This is a sequel to a previous fic I wrote called, “Nodoka's Lessons.” That was a Lemon fic. While there won't be as much emphasis on sex (it will be more implied than described) in this sequel, it will deal with subjects like incest. If these subjects offend you, stop reading.
Chapter 4
A Tour of Heaven
As she left the building that contained Kami-Sama's office Ranma looked around. Urd was nowhere to be seen. She hadn't been in the waiting room or any of the hallways inside either. Ranma thought for a moment about going back and asking the secretary for help. Nobody had taught her how to teleport yet. She wondered if she was stranded.
Her gaze fell upon a flowerbed up against the side of the building. That caused her to remember, “My transport medium is dirt.” Did she dare try this when all she had to go was on her memory of the feelings she had experienced when being pulled along with Urd transporting through the television? If it didn't work she could still go ask the secretary for help. If it ended up sending her someplace weird, then what would she do?
Rama walked over to the flowerbed and looked it over. In spite of the location it looked strangely normal enough. There were flowers planted in dirt. Some of the flowers seemed a bit exotic compared to what his mother had planted at home, but it looked more or less ordinary otherwise. It did occur to her that all of the flowers were fully in bloom. In her Mom's garden you normally didn't see all of the flowers blooming at the same time. She was not a botanist to know if these flowers were some kind of divine blooms or just from some unfamiliar part of the mortal world. She had been halfway expecting to see flowers growing out of stone or something else weird. She leaned over and took a sniff of one of the beautiful blooms and didn't feel too surprised when it smelled literally heavenly.
Feeling somewhat guilty she straightened up from smelling the flowers. She had been killing time because she wasn't sure if she wanted to try to transport. Firming her resolve she stepped onto the dirt. In her mind she formed an image of the flowerbed in the backyard at home. She drew on her memories of the sensations she had felt when she had been towed through the television with Urd. Then she exerted her will and found herself sinking into the dirt in the divine flowerbed. A moment lager she was stepping out of the flowerbed in the back yard at home. She had tried to target her transport to arrive between the planted flowers. (Nodoka would get mad if Ranma stepped on her pansies.)
She looked around and checked her location. There was the house just like she remembered it and the yard looked exactly like it should. It looked like it worked. She looked down at her clothes and noticed that her blouse and skirt looked clean. Since she had just transported through dirt, that seemed distinctly odd. She looked at the sun and judged it was mid morning. She went into the house.
Akane and Nodoka were both in the living room. Akane rushed up and asked, “How did it go?”
Ranma sighed. “It looks like I'm going to be a god/dess forever. It seems Kami-sama sent that Skuld girl out only half trained in the wish-granting job. She actually could have granted some of those wishes that I asked about, she just didn't know she could. Kami-Sama told me that He wanted me for the job.”
Nodoka frowned. “Do you mean you were maneuvered into making that wish?”
Ranma nodded. “Yep, that's what He told me. It seems the fact that I had accepted my curse made me just right for this yin/yang thing. It shouldn't be all bad. I'm supposed to help people. Mainly it's going to be people who are confused about their sexuality. Kami-Sama gave Konatsu as an example.”
Akane nodded. “Yeah, he's confused about that all right. Are you going to try to help set him straight?”
Ranma considered the wording of the question. “I'm not sure if `setting him straight' are the right words for it. I guess it would be more accurate to say I'm supposed to find out how he really feels about it and help him choose what would make him most comfortable and happy. I'm pretty sure he's not happy the way he is now.”
Nodoka asked, “How soon will you start working on his problem?”

The redheaded goddess replied, “Not right away. I have some training to do first.”

Akane laughed, “I know you'll just hate that.”
With laugh of her own Ranma protested, “Have a little respect for divinity.”
Still laughing Akane asked, “What kind of training?”
Ranma explained, “All of my normal abilities are stronger so I have to learn how to fight without hurting someone that I don't mean to. I guess that means I have to learn how to hold back when fighting mortals. I also have new ki powers and magic I can do. I guess Urd is arranging for a lot of other gods and goddesses to teach me that stuff.”
Ranma paused and told the others, “Get this, I can now affect the moods of people around me. By adjusting my aura I can make people around me horny. I can either do it to everyone around me or focus it on just one. I can also turn people off sexually.”
Akane snorted. “That last one would have been useful with Kuno.”
The goddess smiled. “I had the same thought. I was told that I can also make people around me calm the way Kasumi can.”
Akane considered that. “Hmm. I always wondered how she did that. Are you saying it is some kind of magic?”
Ranma shrugged. “I think it's more like a mental effect. If you put out an aura of calm, you can make people around you calm.”
Akane frowned and asked, “Are you calm enough yourself to do that?”
Ranma shrugged. “Kami-Sama says I will be calmer now than I used to be even without using the Soul of Ice. I'm supposed to have this deep well of calm and serenity that came as part of the goddess transformation.”
Now curious, Akane asked, “Can you still do the Soul of Ice?”
“I think so.” She looked around and spotted a cup of tea that Nodoka had just poured. She walked over to the cup then focused her will and waved a hand over it. The tea froze instantly with slight cracking sounds.
Akane commented, “Looks like you have a lot finer control over it.”
Ranma agreed, “Yeah. I originally learned that to create the cold aura needed to mix with an enemy's hot aura for the Hiryu Shoten Ha. You had to be calm to generate the cold. It seems I can do it easier and concentrate the cold in places I want. Before, it was a general area effect.”
Akane studied the frozen cup for a time, considering the possibilities. She asked, “Can you heat it up again?”
The goddess looked thoughtful. “I don't know. I haven't used my ki that way before, but heat is much easier to produce that cold. Let me try it.”
She held her hand over the cup and concentrated. There was a white glow around her hand and after a while the frozen liquid melted. A moment later and steam began to rise. Looking at the cup, Ranma said, “I guess that does work. It's a pity I didn't know that move when I still had water as my curse trigger. It would have made my life a lot easier.”
A faraway look came into her eyes as she thought about that. “I want to try something.”
She held one hand on each side of the cup. On one side the tea remained steaming hot while on the other side ice formed again. This didn't last long as the cup broke, spilling half a cup of hot tea on the table. The chunk of ice fell over and rocked a little before lying still.
Ranma apologized, “Sorry Mom. I wanted to see if I could create heat and cold at the same time.” She picked the chunk of ice and tossed it in the kitchen sink then cleaned up the rest of the mess.
Curious, Akane asked, “Why did you want to do that?”
The redhead explained, “With the Hiryu Shoten Ha you use an opponent's hot ki with the cold from the Soul of Ice mixed in a spiral to create the tornado. If I can create heat and cold at the same time I don't need to depend on an opponent to generate hot ki. If I can create both hot and cold at the same time, I could create the tornado all by myself.”
Akane was impressed. That sounded like it had a great deal of potential. “Wow! That should be a tough technique to beat.”
Nodoka said, “Since you came in from the back yard and Urd-Sama isn't with you, I'd guess she didn't bring you. How did you get back?”
Ranma answered, “I traveled from a flowerbed in Heaven to the flowerbed in the back yard. I guess it is a form of teleportation. I'm still trying to figure out how I can use dirt as a transport medium and not get my clothes dirty.”
Her mother looked on her outfit and asked, “Didn't you magically summon those clothes?”
“Oh, you're right about that. Maybe the clothes are magically cleaned.”
After thinking some more, Nodoka said, “Miss Skuld seems to travel through water without getting wet.”
Ranma opened her mouth to reply but just held it there for a moment. Finally she just said, “Good point.”
“You left without any breakfast, Ranma,” her mother said. “Would you like something for lunch?”
Ranma looked surprised. It was true that she hadn't had any breakfast. She didn't feel particularly hungry now. What she did feel was a fierce craving for chocolate. She said, “I guess goddesses really don't need to eat. I'm not really hungry. I do want to know if we have any chocolate.”
“I don't think so. I'm sorry, dear, I forgot that Miss Urd said you would be needing it.”
Ranma began looking in the kitchen cabinets and pulled out a box of unsweetened baking chocolate. Nodoka was surprised when Ranma took a big block and bit off a chunk. The redhead, not noticing the looks she was getting, said, “Mmm, would be nicer if it was sweeter.”
Apologetically she said, “I'll get you some more to replace this later. I should see if Urd wants to come and start my training.” She went to the living room and turned on the TV.
Almost immediately the screen fuzzed out and the silver haired head poked out of the screen. She looked around then climbed out, pulling Skuld. The younger goddess had a paper grocery bag in her hand. She handed the bag to Ranma. When the redhead looked in the bag she found it filled with large milk chocolate bars.
Skuld was surprised to find herself in a tight hug. “Thank you, Skuld. You are a really nice person to think of this.” Just as quickly the young goddess was released and Ranma was tearing the wrapper from one of the candy bars.
The young goddess giggled at the redhead's antics. “Since you're new to being a goddess, I was pretty sure you wouldn't think of this. I understand you wanted to talk to me.”

Pausing in the act of devouring a chocolate bar, Ranma said, “I want to apologize to you.”
“Huh? Apologize? What for?”
After swallowing another bite of her candy bar, Ranma said, “I know I wasn't very nice to you yesterday. It turns out that Kami-Sami tricked you.” She paused, swallowed another bite then added, “Tricked me too.”
A stricken expression on her face, Skuld said, “Father… tricked me?”
“Yeah,” affirmed the red haired goddess. “You were sent on assignment after being told all of the rules. The trick comes in when they didn't tell you that a Wish is an exception to the rules on the Jusenkyo curses and non-interference by divinities.”
Seeing the look on the young goddess' face Ranma quickly assured her, “You didn't lie. You told the truth as you knew it, you just didn't know the whole truth.”
Looking hurt and feeling a little betrayed, the young goddess asked, “But why would Father do that?”
Ranma shrugged. “Apparently He really wanted me for the job. If the little trick hadn't worked and I had wished for something else then I guess He would have just offered me the job. You didn't fail your assignment, you did exactly what your Father wanted you to do. I'm sorry I wasn't nice to you, but I was having a really bad day. I was feeling angry and depressed that day and I think I may have been taking it out on you.”
The young goddess nodded. “I think I understand. I guess that was part of why you said your prayer. I thank you for telling me about it.”
Ranma found her hand reaching into the bag for another chocolate bar and she stopped. “This is taking too long. Mom, could you come here for a minute?”
Nodoka walked up to her daughter and was surprised when Ranma suddenly scooped her up in her arms, then sat down with her mother in her lap. It was less of a surprise when her daughter's lips pressed down on her own and felt a tongue thrust into her mouth.
When they finally broke their lip contact, Nodoka was panting. After setting her mother back on her feet, Ranma said, “We will continue this when we don't have company. Thanks Mom, I really needed that.”
Ranma got up and walked back over to the bag of chocolate bars and began to pull them out one at a time and made them disappear. The others watching knew she was storing them in her personal stuff space. Just as the last bar vanished the doorbell rang.
The redheaded goddess was closest to the door, so she stepped into the genkan and opened it to find a young woman with pale blue hair dressed in some kind of unisex outfit of slacks and a shirt. Immediately recognizing her cousin, Ranma greeted, “Oh hi, Toshi. What brings you here today?”
The twenty-something sorceress didn't make an immediate reply. She was staring at the marks on Ranma's face. She also couldn't help noticing that her cousin was taller than her own magic had made her. To add to that Ranma was radiating a lot more power than she ever had in the past.
After they stood there for a while Ranma started to loose patience and said, “Toshi, would you stop staring?”
“Uh… “ Waving a hand toward Ranma's face, Toshi asked, “When did this happen?”
Putting a hand to the mark on her forehead, “You mean the goddess thing? That happened yesterday. Not that we don't enjoy your company, but you didn't call to say you were coming. What's up?”
The sorceress explained, “I found a way to cure you of the Nekoken. I was back in town for that. Yesterday I felt an enormous surge of magic from this general area and figured it was most likely to be something happening to you or the family. Now I see what it was I sensed.”
Ranma invited, “Why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable? We can give you the full story. We've got a few things to tell you about what's happened since you were here last.”
Looking back at the goddess marks on Ranma's face, Toshi said, “I'm guessing that is an understatement.”
When she had donned house slippers she stepped inside and her eyes went immediately to a silver haired visitor. “Humph! Urd, I might have known you would be involved. What did you do to my cousin?”
The bronzed tan goddess smiled. “It's a pleasure to see you too, Toshi.”
Ranma was caught looking back and forth between the two. Finally she asked, “So… you two know each other?”
Toshi answered, “We worked together once. Do you remember what I told you about getting a sorceress mad at you?”
Ranma blinked. “You said don't do it.”
The sorceress rolled her eyes and said, “What I said after that.”
After a moment's thought she said, “It's only slightly less dangerous than getting a goddess mad at you. I thought you were just using colorful phrasing.”
Toshi snorted and said, “The technical term you are looking for is `hyperbole.' It usually means using an extreme exaggeration. In this case I wasn't exaggerating because I actually knew an angry goddess.” She pointed. “She was the one.”
Urd made a mock pout and said, “The way you are acting you would think it was you I was mad at.”
The sorceress frowned at the goddess. “It's a good thing it wasn't me. That guy didn't deserve what you did to him.”
Hotly she said, “He totally deserved it!”
Before the argument could escalate, Ranma stepped between the two and, while making placating gestures, said, “Ok, so you do know each other. It's also obvious that you didn't part on the best terms. Could I ask that both of you please agree to civil to each other when you do speak. I don't think this house could survive an argument between a sorceress and a goddess.”
Both women sat back looked like they were trying to calm themselves. Urd sulked.
Toshi moderated her tone but still asked, “You didn't answer my question, Urd. What did you do to my cousin?”
Urd put on an expression of total innocence. “I didn't do anything. My little sister Skuld granted her a Wish.”
Looking confused, Toshi turned to her cousin, “Ranma, you wished to be a goddess? I wouldn't have thought you were the type to wish for that sort of thing.”
The redhead snorted. “I'm not. I was being sarcastic when I said it. I never expected them to actually make me a goddess. You should know that I'm a god too, but I'm not going to try out the male form for a while.”
“What? Why not?”
Ranma explained, “It seems Kami-Sama really wanted me for the job. He set things up so Skuld would think she couldn't grant the wishes I really wanted. I got frustrated and angry and asked for the most ridiculous thing I could think of. I thought they would refuse to grant that one too, but that's the wish they granted.”
Toshi digested that. “So I guess you're stuck with it now. What does a god/goddess of yin and yang do?”
Ranma took a business card out of stuff space and handed it to her cousin. The blue haired woman recognized it for what it was and squeezed the correct corners. She skimmed over the information in the little booklet. Finally she closed the book, made it back into a card and returned it to Ranma.
Toshi shook her head as she contemplated the duties of the new goddess. “It seems like a waste of talent to turn a martial arts powerhouse like Ranma into sex goddess, even if it is in a specialty that she knows something about.”
Urd nodded. “That confused me too. From what I understand, her martial arts are not going to be neglected. In fact some of the strongest gods and goddesses of the fighting and combat arts are lining up for the chance to teach her. Normally you don't see that sort of thing for a sex goddess.”
The Norn goddess paused a moment then asked, “Did I hear you say you had a cure for the Nekoken?”
The sorceress affirmed, “Yeah and it took a lot of work to find it.”
The silver haired goddess now looked smug. “That won't be necessary. Bast has agreed to teach Ranma the true cat-fist.”
“Bast? Wasn't she the one…?”
Ranma broke in, “Excuse me, but who's Bast?”
Urd looked confused for a moment then said, “Oh, sorry. I guess you haven't studied Egyptian mythology. She's the goddess of cats and women. She was the one who originally developed the cat-fist technique. It was intended for deities and demigods to use, never for mortals. What your father got was a bastardized version of the training technique. Once Bast can teach you the real thing you won't be afraid of cats anymore.”
Ranma nodded. “That would be good. My mom has told me that before I went on the training trip I used to really like c-cats.”
Urd said, “Maybe you can like them again.”
Ranma turned to her cousin and said, “You have a little catching up to do. Since you were here last Mom, Akane and I are all pregnant.”
Toshi hadn't thought that would be possible. “All of you? But I thought Auntie…”

Nodoka put in, “I guess it wore off.”
Toshi looked at Ranma and considered. She had known of Ranma's plan to be artificially inseminated. She asked, “So… your plan worked?”
Ranma frowned. “It worked, but not the way we thought it would. The fertility clinic messed up and the twins in my womb have me as their father.” She gave a quick rundown of all that had happened since Toshi had visited last.
The sorceress took in the story and said, “I thought I fixed that chaos attraction problem. Does that have anything to do with you being a goddess now?”
Ranma said, “Well, if insemination had gone according to the plan I wouldn't have gotten depressed and I wouldn't have made that prayer. Kami-Sama said it's just the normal chaos of my life at work. He didn't interfere this time but was going to on the next baby.” Ranma gave some additional details of the previous day.
Toshi weighed what she had heard and finally said, “It sounds to me like I didn't stop or reduce the chaos, just blocked it somehow. It must have built up behind the block and broke loose yesterday. I'm sorry Ranma.”
The newest goddess shrugged. “I was really upset over it yesterday, but I think I'm back to being calmer now. Part of the goddess transformation gave me this well of serenity and calm that I can tap into like Kasumi does. Even with that I'm still not happy that they played me like they did, but I guess I can live with it.”
The blue haired sorceress nodded. “An American expression I've heard goes: `You can't un-scramble an egg.'”
With a sigh, Ranma responded, “Yeah, I kind of figured that one out.”
After being given the summary of events Toshi was trying to add it all up in her mind to make a complete picture. She finally said, “There's still something wrong with this picture.”
“What do you mean?” Urd asked.
Toshi began listing her points. “Urd here says there are gods of martial arts lined up to train the new sex goddess. Bast herself is willing to teach her the true Nekoken. Kami-Sama went through an elaborate scheme to recruit Ranma. I don't care how much paperwork would have been generated by just offering her the job, it would still have been simpler than what was done.”
She stopped and tried to reason it out a bit more. “There's a major difference between a job offer and a Wish. Ranma could have turned down a job offer, could have taken time to think about it or even could have agreed to take the job but with conditions. On the other hand, once the words of the Wish are spoken Ranma was stuck, with no chance to back out. Because of the words Ranma used, she's had to become the goddess Kami-Sama wanted instead of having any choice in the matter. I think there's more going on here than just getting a new goddess to help out people who are confused about their sexuality.”
The silver haired goddess protested, “There really are people who have that problem.”
Toshi's form shifted from female to male then back to female. “I am well aware of that. However the truth of the matter is that most of the people who are confused about such matters can be helped by mundane methods like counseling and other means. The ones whose gender confusion is created by magic or others who might need divine intervention are few. It sounds suspicious to me.”
Wanting to defend her Father Urd asked, “Are you suggesting Kami-Sama has a hidden agenda?”
Toshi retorted, “I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time. It's not likely to be the last.”
The sorceress turned back to the redhead. “Ranma, was there anything Kami-Sama said or asked that seemed inconsistent with the rest of the conversation?”
Ranma thought for a moment before replying, “At the end of the conversation He said He wanted to check on something and asked me to will away the goddess marks. When I did that He looked at my face, and seemed satisfied about something He saw.”
Toshi instantly decided that something Kami-Sama was interested in was worth further scrutiny. She asked, “Would you do that again right now?”
Ranma shrugged and willed away the marks. Immediately Toshi produced her sketchbook and a pencil and drew something. When she turned the book around the redhead could see what looked like a plus sign in a circle.
Toshi asked, “Does this symbol mean anything to you?”
Ranma frowned and studied it. “I don't think so. Should it?”
The sorceress nodded and explained, “When the goddess mark on your forehead disappeared this symbol was glowing on your forehead right where the mark was before. It was only there for a moment, maybe a second or less, before it faded out.”
Resting the fingers of one hand on her forehead, Ranma continued to look at the symbol and finally said, “I feel like I should know that symbol. I don't remember what it stands for but I have the feeling that I have seen it before. In fact I have the feeling that it meant a lot to me at some time. Do you know what it stands for?”
The sorceress frowned and pulled a book out of stuff space. While flipping pages she said, “I've seen it before. I think it is an astronomical or maybe astrological symbol. And… aha!” She stopped and read in the book.
She frowned. “There are a lot of meanings for the symbol, but the most common is to represent the planet earth. Now why would anyone have the symbol for earth glowing on their face? It has to mean something and it has to be important, but I can't think what.”
She continued to frown for a while then let out a frustrated, “Ahh!” After a moment longer she said, “It's like there is something at the back of my mind that refuses to come forward. Not about this specific symbol but about a symbol for a planet showing up on a person's forehead. I think it was a topic of a conversation I had with someone but I can't remember who.”
Ranma felt frustrated too, but decided to be supportive. “Give it time. It might not come it you try to force it.”
Toshi combed fingers through her hair. “Damn! I hate it when this happens. This could be important.”
Urd shook her head before saying, “Why don't you think about that for a while. Ranma needs to go back to Heaven so I can show her around. There are places she will need to know how to get to when she goes for training.”
Before she could say anything more Urd's cell phone rang and she held a low voiced conversation. When she was done, she said, “Looks like I've got some work I've got to take care of. Skuld, could you show Ranma around? These are the places she will need to go.” She handed a piece of paper to her sister.
The young goddess scanned over the list and said, “Sure, no problem.” She grabbed Ranma's hand and pulled until the taller goddess got to her feet. The younger girl led Ranma into the kitchen where she turned on the faucet in the sink. A short while later Skuld and Ranma were stepping out of an ornamental pond in Heaven. The redhead noted that her mom had been correct. Transporting through water didn't get her wet.
Ranma looked around. Obviously Heaven was a big place. She had thought it would be just like a city but now wasn't so sure. What she could see was a mix of buildings of several architectural styles all of which seemed to be surrounded with well-kept lawns with extensive flower beds, topiary trees of some really bizarre creatures, sculptures, fountains and other ornamental features.
In marked contrast to the more urban areas of Tokyo there was no evidence of crowding around of any of the structures. Every major building seemed to have a park-like area around it. The walkways appeared to be covered in marble and there was no sign of vehicular traffic. When she looked up Ranma noticed a fair number of … people(?)… flying with their own wings. They reminded her a little of the phoenix people.
The first place they went was called a Physical Culture Center. This turned out to be a large building with several gymnasiums, sports courtyards and even an arena. There was also a fair number of dojos of differing sizes. Some were big enough to accommodate large classes while some were small enough for just two people, a sensei and a student.
Skuld explained, “A lot of your martial arts training will be in this building. Katas and drills can be done in one of the dojos and some sparring. You will probably do your practice with powers in one of the open fields out in back. Throwing lightning bolts, fireballs and stuff like that can get pretty destructive, so they try to not do that inside.”
Ranma nodded. That made sense.
Skuld led Ranma back outside and they walked to another massive building. The front seemed to have lots of windows and big columns. The young goddess pointed to it and said, “This is one of the libraries. We have lots of them, but this is the one you will be using most. From what Urd says, your job will include some counseling and you will need to learn things about psychology to be able to do it more effectively.”
Those seemed to be the two main places Ranma would be spending her time when in Heaven. Skuld also showed how to get to the homes of some of her tutors. She was also shown some candy vendors where she could get chocolate. Apparently Urd thought it important that Ranma should know the locations of some bars and restaurants. Near every one of the stops Ranma looked around to spot patches of dirt she could use to transport in and out.
The tour felt like it took several hours. It could have been finished in less time, but Ranma was playing tourist. She would point to a building, park or other location and ask, “What's that?” When they were done Skuld announced a powerful craving for ice cream. While there were ice cream parlors in Heaven, Ranma decided she wanted something more down-to-earth.
Ranma told Skuld, “I know this great ice cream place in Juuban. I've only been there a couple of times before, but they are really good, nicer than any ice cream parlor in Nerima.”
The younger goddess cheerfully agreed. A short while later a rather tall red haired young woman and a young black haired girl seemed to appear in a corner of the ice cream parlor near a large potted plant. Nobody had seen them actually climb out of the pot the plant was in. They walked closer to the front and took seats in a booth.
Author's Note: Hmm. Who do we know that likes ice cream and lives in Juuban?
I couldn't remember if Urd needs the TV to be turned on for her to transport through it. If anyone writes to tell me that Urd can transport through TV's that are turned off, then I'll just write a scene where Ranma finds out. When asked why she didn't tell Ranma, Urd would say, “You didn't ask.”
Do they grow pansies in Japan? If not tell me and I can change that to some other flowers in Nodoka's garden.