Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Aa! Megami-sensei! ❯ Media Blitz! part 2 ( Chapter 5 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Imported From: RAAC
falcon@best.com (Peter L. Ward)
* * * * * * * * * *
"Okay, the circle is complete."
A woman in her forties turned around to the girl calling her.
Inspecting the mystical circle laid out on the floor of the room,
Kokashi Akiko felt optimistic about the ritual to take place. As
part of an initiation, her daughter, Jun, and her fraternal twin
brother Joe were to perform a mental bonding to link the two.
"Good, Jun. You've always been good with laying out the ritual
circles, and this is no exception. If all goes well, you two
will have taken a major step in your training in the art. Now,
if you and your brother will take your places, we can start the
As the two siblings stood at opposite sides of the circle, Mrs.
Kokashi was taken aside by her husband, Hiromi.
"Are you sure that it'll be alright to put them through this?" he
asked. "You know that Jun's always had a problem with con-
"It is necessary to go through this." Mrs. Kokashi replied with a
level voice. "Jun can handle this since I will oversee this
ritual. Now, if you'll stand back, husband."
As Mr. Kokashi took a place off in a corner of the room, Mrs.
Kokashi stood at the circle, between her two children. Giving
each of them a meaningful look, she started in on the ritual.
Come, spirits of the air, and do my bidding;
My children, I present to you.
Bind them throughout their future paths;
Let not their minds be seperated;
Instead, let them touch until death.
As Mrs. Kokashi finished her part and wrapped up her hand mo-
tions, the circle started glowing brightly. Joe stepped forward,
onto the circle, and chanted a similar incantation.
Once done, Joe let his arms rest at his sides as he finished the
motions, and a column of light enveloped him.
At that cue, Jun stepped forward as well, taking a similar spot
on the opposite side of the circle and recited her part of the
incantation. As Jun came to the end of her hand motions, her
mother shouted, "No! Bring the right arm forward, not to the
However, it was too late. The circle flickered, then turned red.
Energy bolts coursed through the light column that Joe was in,
causing pain whenever they touched him. As everyone looked in
horror, the bolts wrapped themselves around him, until all they
could see was a mass of light. A bright flash filled the room,
as well as smoke and a shock wave.
A few minutes later, Jun came to while her parents lay groggily
on the floor. The intricate circle was now a charred ring, and
several floorboards were snapped. Seeing that her parents were
alright, if dazed, she realized that she couldn't see Joe any-
where in the room.
"Joe!" she called out, hoping that it was only a case of the
heavy smoke obscuring her vision. "Answer me! Are you alright?"
As she looked down to where her brother had been standing, her
eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the form at her feet
answered back.
* * * * * * * * * *
Aa! Megami-sensei!
by Peter Ward
Episode 6: This Little Piggy Went To a Temple...
"Hey, sis! Can I watch TV for a while since you're not watching
Urd looked up from the papers she was grading to see Skuld
standing in the doorway to her room. "Yeah, sure. Go watch your
mecha show. I'm too busy grading these papers here."
As Skuld dashed down the hallway, Urd looked back on the papers.
It had been a couple of weeks since the school year started and
she was pleased at how things were turning out overall.
She was certain that most high schools were normal compared to
Furinkan high. At least most high schools did not have a member
of the Kuno family either attending or on the faculty, let alone
As for other aspects of the campus, she was getting used to the
routine. Every morning, it seemed, the younger Kuno would get in
a fight with Saotome Ranma, usually over Tendo Akane, and end up
losing. Either she or Hinako would try to intervene during those
scuffles. Lunchtime usually brought about a visit from one of
the local girls, Shampoo, again bringing about an attempt at
intervention, with little result. Every once in a while, some
old neighborhood geezer would try to raid the girls locker room,
but gets himself stopped by her, Hinako, one of the girls, or
Saotome. Occasionally, she'd have to deal with the results of
one of Joat-mon's pranks. Fun's fun, but sometimes he can get a
little too far, especially when he gets his hands on some chemi-
Still, she thought, it's a lot of fun, even if it was pretty
weird there. Her students were already learning more than what
those old, mundane textbooks would have taught them. Mortal
science left so much to be desired. Sure, the students would get
confused on occasion, but they'll get the hang of it in time.
Turning her thoughts back to the present, Urd saw that it was a
lovely day out. At least Belldandy and Keiichi went out together
for the day. It took some convicing to get Skuld to stay home
instead of tagging along with her sister, but she managed it.
Now if those two wouldn't blow this chance...
While Urd sat there lost in thought, the doorbell rang. Skuld,
annoyed at having to tear herself away from one of her favorite
shows, went to answer it. She opened the door to find a high-
school-aged girl standing there, holding a covered basket and a
letter. She looked almost average for one of the local girls,
except that her neck-length hair tended to flare out a bit and
had a prominent widow's peak.
"Excuse me. I believe that Urd resides here. I'm here to see
her and to give her this letter."
Blinking, Skuld replied, "Um, yeah. Let me go get her. Are you
one of her students? I don't think I've seen you in any of her
"Student? Oh, no...this is a different matter entirely." the
girl answered in confusion.
"Okay, come on in and I'll go get her." Skuld said. After she
showed the guest in, she hurried down the hallway and back into
Urd's room.
"Hey, sis, someone's here to see you! She's got some letter and
something else, and she says she's not one of your students."
Looking up from the papers, Urd said, "Okay, I'll go see what
this is about. Why don't you take care of the plants outside
while I see what this is about?"
"Okay, sis. I hate to miss my show, but I've also been meaning
to test out the new gardening option parts for Banpei-kun!"
"Whatever...just don't wreck the garden, okay?" Urd said as she
got up an walked down the hallway.
"You mean like you would?" echoed Skuld's voice through the
hallway. Seeing that it would be pointless to chase after her,
Urd went to the entryway to meet her visitor.
"Hello there. My sister said that you wanted to see me?"
"Yes." the girl answered, with a hint of uncertainty. "My name's
Kokashi Jun, and my mother sent me to consult with you about a
certain matter. Here, this letter will explain everything."
Jun handed Urd the envelope and stood there, looking into the
covered basket as Urd read the note inside.
Dear Urd-sama,
As someone coming from a mystical heritage, I have sensed
that you are a great avatar with tremendous power. Please
forgive my sending my daughter, Jun, to meet with you.
Recently, I had her go through a mind-bonding ritual with
her brother, Joe. Unfortunately, Jun made a grave mistake and
invoked a shape-change spell during the ceremony, altering her
brother's form.
It is our hope that you will find it in you to be generous
enough to reverse this spell. We ourselves have been unsuccess-
ful in this regard and come to you in our hour of need. At any
rate, we at least thank you for reading and considering our
Yours most humbly,
Kokashi Akiko
After reading the letter, Urd looked at Jun and asked, "Well,
where is your brother? We can't reverse the spell without him,
can we?"
"Well..." Jun said with shame as she pulled back the basket's
covering. Urd looked in to find a small black piglet looking
back at her with hopeful eyes.
* * * * * * * * * *
Outside the temple walls, another visitor, an unwelcome one,
skulked around. The little demoness Dorllir was looking for a
place to hide so she could turn invisible without being noticed
by passers-by.
Since watching the news a couple of weeks back, Marller and
Sayoko had been trying to come up with a plot to deal with Urd
and her new job. Since Furinkan high school was so far away in
Tokyo, they decided it was best to send a spy to the temple, and
that naturally meant her since she could turn invisible. Not
that she minded, since that meant she could be closer to Keiichi.
Unfortunately, Keiichi was nowhere to be seen, as well as Bell-
dandy. That left only her job to do there.
As she was turning to head for some bushes across the street, she
bumped into a young man that was a few years younger than Kei-
ichi. He was pretty good looking, but he wore rough-hewn cloth-
ing, as well as huge backpack with a bamboo umbrella, a yellow
and black bandanna, and looked as though he had been wandering
the countryside for months.
"Oops! I'm sorry!" Dorllir said, backing away from the stranger
and trying to make something of him.
"That's alright. Perhaps you can tell me where Furinkan high
is?" Ryoga asked, holding up a nearly worn-out map.
"Furinkan high?" Dorllir said in amazement. "That's way over in
Nerima district in Tokyo! This is Nekomi City! You're miles
"Really? I'm sorry to bother you, then." Ryoga said in resigna-
tion as he turned and walked into the temple compound.
"Wait a second! That's not the way!" Dorllir called as she
followed after Ryoga. As soon as she set foot onto the temple
grounds she spotted Skuld in the distance with her back turned
and realized that she forgot to turn invisible.
As Dorllir leaped into some bushes near the gate, Ryoga also
spotted Skuld and decided to ask her for directions as well.
Unfortunately, he didn't see Banpei-kun with a water hose attach-
ment and got sprayed with water meant for a rosebush behind him.
The only mitigating factor was that neither Skuld nor Dorllir saw
the transformation. Realizing his predicament, he hid in some
While Dorllir and P-chan hid in seperate bushes, Skuld walked on
over to check up on Banpei-kun. "And how are we doing....what?!"
she yelped as she spied a pile of clothes lying on the ground by
a backpack and umbrella. "Ack! Some pervert left his clothes
here...and they're wet! Geez...gotta go get Urd! Banpei-kun,
stay here and keep an eye out for that sicko!"
As Skuld picked up the clothes ran into the temple, P-chan
stepped out from his hiding spot and looked at the temple.
>That's just great...how am I supposed to get my clothes back?<,
he thought. >Looks like I'm going to have to be careful.<
Before he could move, though, he was picked up by some invisible
(Author's side note: >blah, blah, blah< indicates thoughts if you
haven't figured it out)
While all this was going on, inside the temple, Urd was inspect-
ing the piglet that was in Jun's basket. "So you turned your
brother into a piglet by accident, huh? You've got to admit,
though, he's probably more manageable this way...not to mention
"Yeah, I thought so too." Jun replied. "Though I don't think mom
shares that same opinion. Ow! Watch the language, Joe!"
"Eh? I didn't hear anything." Urd said in confusion.
"Oh, even with the shape-change, the mind-link worked after all.
Right now, he's not liking what he's hearing from both of us,
even if you're supposed to be some avatar or whatever mom said
you were."
"Ooops!" Urd said teasingly to the piglet. "Didn't mean to upset
you there! But you really shoudn't take it too hard when a
goddess calls you 'cute', right?"
"Well, he's flattered, but he'd rather be human." Jun said after
a moment of apparent deep thought. "So you're a goddess, huh?
Even mom's wrong from time to time."
"That's right. I'm second class, second category goddess Urd,
and my realm is the past. Now, then, let's go take care of
reversing the spell...eh?"
As she stood up, Urd saw Skuld running up to them, dragging a wad
of wet clothes. "What's the matter now? Did your stupid robot
wash someone's clothes while they were still wearing them or
"No!" Skuld cried. "There's a pervert around here! He left
these lying out in the yard and he's probably sneaking around
here naked!"
"Alright, alright." Urd said in irritation. "I'm sure you can
probably handle him with your mallet or something. You're not
going to make first class if you keep running to me or Belldandy
with your problems! If you really need me, I'm going to be in
the kitchen with Jun and her brother here," indicating the
piglet, "and we're going to reverse a shape-change spell. Okay?"
"Okay, okay...I'll just go and re-equip Banpei-kun to deal with
the pervert if he shows his sick face around here again."
As Skuld skulked off, Urd turned to Jun and asked, "You have any
little sisters or brothers?"
"Nope...just Joe, and he's a fraternal twin."
"Be glad. Sometimes, they can be a real pain in the neck, you
"Tell me about it. Right now, Joe's being a pain by saying that
I'm one!"
A minute later, Urd led Jun into the kitchen and started getting
several potion ingredients together into a large pan. "This
should be really simple, since it's just a minor shape-change
spell, and no passwords were invoked in it's casting. Believe
me, trying to undo a shape-change spell that uses a password can
be a real pain."
"Really? I didn't even know spells had passwords."
"Well, don't feel too bad about that. Mortal magic-casting
techniques aren't exactly the most sophisticated ones these days.
Anyway, that should do it. Let's get this over with. If you'll
place Joe over there on the counter, I'll begin."
As Jun set Joe down and stepped back, Urd raised her hands and
invoked the spell.
Spirits of the air, I command you to do my bid-
I, Urd, greatest of the Norns,
bid you to undo what was done.
Cross forms once again,
and make things right!
A clound of smoke filled the kitchen briefly. While Urd stood
there coughing, Jun was calling out, "Joe! Did it work? Are you
alright? Answer me!"
The reply they got was a long string of even higher-pitched
squeals than what Joe was capable of before the casting.
* * * * * * * * * *
Outside, P-chan was very confused and alarmed. While he was
suspended in mid-air behind a bush, he felt as though someone was
holding him. In fact, it was almost as if Akane was holding him
close. The thought of Akane redoubled his efforts to break free
of whatever it was that was holding him.
"Ohhhh...is the little piggy scared?" a phantom, yet familiar,
voice whispered. "I'm sorry to frighten you. Here, will this
With that, Dorllir reverted to being visible again and P-chan
calmed down, recognizing her as the girl who tried to help him a
few minutes ago. "Queee?" he said, trying to voice a question.
"I'm Dorllir, you cute little piggy." she said, beaming with joy.
"I can't wait to take you home as a pet. I'll bet Marller and
Sayoko will just adore you as well! Let's see...what should I
name you?"
As Dorllir took a moment to think, P-chan started squirming
again. >This is no good! I can't let her take me to her home!
I've got to get my stuff back and get back to Akane!<
As P-chan managed to get free and darted off towards the temple,
Dorllir turned invisible again and ran after him, shouting "Wait,
Blackie! Come back here!"
Rounding a corner, Dorllir came to a stop as she saw that P-chan
was heading towards Skuld and a heavily modified Banpei-kun.
Skuld spotted the piglet and caught him. "What are you doing out
here? Don't tell me Urd cast a teleport spell instead. Guess
I'll have to bring you back in. Banpei-kun! Keep an eye out for
any perverts, okay?"
"Yes, mistress!" Banpei-kun called back.
* * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, Urd and Jun had their hands full with a little piglet
darting around the kitchen and squealing its head off.
"It was a mistake! Honest!" Urd called out, trying to calm Joe
down with little success.
"He's not buying it, Urd." Jun called back. "Be glad you don't
have a mindlink with him...I don't think I've heard filthier
language inside a locker room! Come on, Joe, it's not the end of
the world! I'm sure Urd will find a way to switch you back from
a female piglet!"
"QUUUEEEEEE!!!" Joe screamed out, extremely upset at her new
status. Instead of a reverse-shape-change spell, Urd ended up
casting a reverse-sex-change spell. Since there was no sex-
change spell to begin with, the spell Urd cast by accident merely
acted as a regular sex-change spell, leaving Joe as a female
piglet, instead of the male one she was a few minutes ago.
Not wanting to listen to either Urd or his sister, Joe darted out
of the kitchen before either one of them could catch her.
"Aw, geez...we've got to catch him before the spell has a chance
to become permanent!" Urd cried out.
"Gotcha!" Jun shouted, running out the doorway that Joe dashed
out of. "I'm not sure I can get used to having a twin sister
who's a pig!"
As Urd followed Jun out the door, they ran across Skuld, who was
carrying P-chan. "Did you lose something, sis?" Skuld sneered.
"Thank you, Skuld! You're a life-saver!" Urd said in relief as
she snatched P-chan from Skuld's arms. leaving a puzzled Skuld.
>Now when did *she* start thanking me? Must've screwed up worse
than I thought.< Skuld thought.
As Urd ran into the kitchen, she was trying to reassure P-chan.
"Don't worry, we'll reverse that sex-change spell in no time.
Then we'll..."
That was as far as she got before P-chan panicked and squirmed
out of her grip. >Sex change?!?! No way!! I'm not going to end
up like that rotten Saotome! I'm better off with that girl who
wanted a pet! Let me out of here!!!<
"Not again! Dammit!" Urd muttered as she started chasing after
"Wait, Urd!" Jun called out from the doorway. "I don't think
that was Joe! I had no mental contact from him at all, and I
think that piglet was a male one..."
"Eh? What's this about the piglet being a male one?" Skuld asked
the two in confusion. "I thought he was supposed to be a male in
the first place...wait...don't tell me..."
"Um...er...can you keep a secret, Skuld, as well as helping us
out?" Urd stammered, realizing that her sister was clueing in as
to what had actually happened.
"Okay, okay...I'll help you find the real piglet. When you screw
up, sis...you really screw up!"
As the three ladies split up to search the temple, Joe was
stalking towards the exit. >I'm not trusting those two again!<
she thought bitterly. >First, my dear sister turns me into a
piglet, and now this Urd turns me into a female one! Can't see
how things could get worse...<
Joe's train of thought was interrupted as she found herself being
lifted off the ground by a pair of invisible hands. She did a
quick thought-flash to check if it was her sister, but found that
Jun was elsewhere in the temple. Squirming, she was pulled
around a corner and outside the temple to a hidden alcove.
Once hidden in the bush, Joe found herself face-to-face with a
12-year-old girl with short blonde hair and a set of v-marks on
her forehead as well as marks on her cheeks.
"You're not Blackie!" Dorllir said quietly after giving Joe a
quick look-over. "You don't have that cute little bandanna, and
you're a little girl piglet. Actually, this is really cool,
because once I find out where Blackie went off to, I'll have two
little piglets for pets, and you two will make such an adorable
couple! I think I'll name you 'Minnie'! You like that name,
As Dorllir turned invisible again, Joe started to panic. >Aw,
geez...now this girl's going to try to mate me with another
piglet! I think I'm better off with those klutzes inside! I'm
not going to mate with some male piglet! Uh-uh! No way!<
* * * * * * * * * *
"Wait...I think I got something!"
Urd walked down the hall to see what Jun was referring to. "Was
it the mindlink at work?"
"Yeah, but only briefly. For some reason, he was trying to see
where I was, and I could sense some alarm in the thought pattern.
I think it was just out the door!"
"Well, let's go check it out! Keep that mindlink open...it's our
only chance of finding your brother!"
As Urd and Jun stepped out to look for Joe, Joe found herself
being dropped and a set of invisible feet padded off. >Can't
stick around here too long, or those two might figure out that
I'm here.< Dorllir thought sadly as she snuck away. >Can't take
Minnie with me, or they'll spot her for certain! At least I can
still try to find Blackie! Now where'd he go...<
"Hey, do you smell something...like burning sulphur?" Urd asked
aloud, sniffing the air.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact...wait! I found him!" Jun replied,
taking hold of Joe before she could escape again. "Don't go
running off this time, okay? We're going to try to reverse that
sex-change spell before it becomes permanent. You don't want to
end up my sister for the rest of your life, ne?"
>Yeah, yeah.< Joe projected into his sister's mind. >Just don't
screw up this time...who knows what I'll end up being if you two
blow it!<
"Got him?" Urd asked as she hurried back into the temple. "Don't
lose him...time's running out!"
Less than a minute later, all three were in the kitchen again,
joined by Skuld, and Urd repeated the spell. This time, though,
nothing happened.
"What? Impossible!" Urd cried out at the lack of results. "We
still had some time left!"
"Maybe it was the mix there...it could have lost its potency."
Jun pointed out, indicating the pan still sitting there.
"It's not that." Urd answered, testing out her mix. "In fact, I
think it's still got one more use left before it goes kaput!"
"Then what could have gone wrong?" Jun asked, getting worried
now. "How come it didn't swtich Joe back to being a male?"
"Um, excuse me?" Belldandy asked with curiosity, having returned
with Keiichi from their date. "Mind if I ask what you're doing
in the kitchen?"
* * * * * * * * * *
In the bathroom, Ryoga looked up from the tub to where his
clothes hung from a rack. "My clothes are still wet from when
the robot hosed me." He thought out loud. "That's not going to
do me any good since I'll just get wet again. I'll have to get a
change of clothes out of my backpack instead. I'll have to be
extra careful about it since it's still out in the middle of the
yard. Now, how do I get to the yard from here?"
* * * * * * * * * *
"I think I know what happened when you cast the first spell."
Belldandy said to Urd as she set down the pan. "The incantation
was correct, but the mixture you used was for the reverse-sex-
change spell instead. You really ought to pay better attention
to these things, Urd."
"So, why didn't the spell reverse itself when she cast it again?"
Jun asked.
"Well..." Belldandy said as she gave Joe another lookover, "as
far as I can tell, the original shape-change spell and the first
reverse-sex-change spell had an unusual interaction. The good
news is that neither spell is going to be permanent. We'll be
able to undo the damage once we figure out how. The bad news is
that each of the two spells are acting as a protective barrier to
the other. In other words, the reverse-sex-change spell is
keeping us from undoing the shape-change spell, and vice-versa."
"Mother's not going to like this." Jun said as the implication of
Belldandy's words sunk in.
"I'm going to see if I can come up with something to straighten
out this mess that Urd made. Be right back!" Skuld called out as
she dashed out into the hallway. As she took a couple steps down
the hall, though, Ryoga stuck his head out to see if it was all
"Hey! Who are you?!" Skuld cried out. "You must be that pervert
that's been sneaking around!"
"Who? Me?! N-n-n-no! You're mistaken!" Ryoga called out as he
saw Skuld ready her mallet and charge after him.
"Oh? Do you know anyone else who walks around naked and leaves a
pile of wet clothes?! Take this, you sicko!!!"
As Skuld's mallet hit Ryoga's head square-on, he stumbled back-
wards and onto the bathroom floor. Skuld swung the mallet to
give Ryoga another whack, but managed to knock a water bottle off
of a shelf , splashing both her and Ryoga as a result.
Skuld didn't notice herself getting wet, going wide-eyed at the
sight of Ryoga's transformation. "This is not happening..." she
said in shock, limply lowering her arms. She quietly stepped out
of the bathroom, went back to the kitchen, and asked Urd dazedly,
"Did you do something to the water bottle in the bathroom?"
"No, I didn't. If you're not going to help us try to turn Joe
back to normal, then go play with your doodads or something,
"But, but..." Skuld stammered before a hand fell on her shoulder.
"What is it, Skuld?" Keiichi asked, wondering what got Skuld so
worked up.
"Well, this morning ,while you and big sis were away, I found a
backpack and a pile of wet clothes out in the yard. I thought
some pervert left them there and I think he's in the bathroom
right now, but I saw him turn into a piglet like Joe there."
"Come on, let's go check this out." Keiichi said, concerned about
having a pervert in the temple, let alone one that could shape-
change if Skuld was to be believed.
A minute later, Keiichi peered around the bathroom's door frame,
and found nothing in there but a mess.
"Um, Skuld, do you remember if you knocked this guy out or not
when you hit him?"
"I should have. I hit him really hard."
"Well, either he has a really fast recovery rate, or a really
hard head, because he's not in here..."
* * * * * * * * * *
"It's getting pretty late. Don't you think we should have heard
from them by now?"
Mrs. Kokashi looked up at the clock, which read 9:20 p.m., then
to her husband. "Don't get so worried. Undoing shape-change
spells can be a tricky thing, especially when they're cast by
accident. I'm sure the avatar Urd will make things right. We
just need to be patient, that's all."
After a minute of nervous silence, the ringing of the phone
echoed through the house. Mrs. Kokashi quietly picked it up
since she was sitting next to it.
"Hello? Kokashi residence."
"Hello, this is Urd. Is this Jun and Joe's mother?"
"Yes, it is. I take it they got to you safely?"
"Yes, and they're doing just fine. In fact, they're finishing
dinner here."
"Was the spell reversed, then? Is my Joe back to normal?"
"Uhh...yeah...he's no longer the piglet he used to be...but
that's not why I called."
"Oh? Is something the matter?"
"Oh, no. In fact, I was discussing things with your children.
If you don't mind, I'd like to train them further in their magic
studies while they stay here."
"Really? You do us too much honor. I'm sure those two aren't
worth your trouble."
"Nonsense. I'm sure you know as well as I do that they need good
training, Jun especially, and I would like to give that to them."
"If that's the case, then I'll send their belongings over, then.
What about their mundane schooling, though?"
"That'll be taken care of. I hold a job as a chemistry teacher
at a high school, so I can easily make arrangements."
"Again, you do us too much honor. Thank you very much. Please
keep us posted on their progress, would you? Good bye."
Urd slowly put the handset on the cradle, then let out a sigh of
relief. "Good thing she didn't ask to speak with both of you."
she said to Jun, who was holding the still-female-piglet Joe in
her arms. "It would have blown the whole cover story if she did.
Anyway, she agreed to letting you stay here, and I will train you
as well as enrolling you at Furinkan high. If only to keep your
mother from finding out that I screwed up as well. Deal?"
"Deal." Jun said tiredly. "I don't want to become an orphan
because my folks had strokes over this. At least it'll buy us
time to try and break that spell matrix."
"Don't worry about it." Belldandy said as she cleared some of the
dishes away. "Anyway, you two are welcome to stay here as long
as you need to. I'll prepare a room for you after I finish
cleaning up."
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll get used to things around here." Keiichi
piped in. "It'll be great for your studies here. Just don't let
anyone else know about Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld being goddesses,
"Okay." Jun replied. "By the way, wasn't there another piglet
around here? I haven't seen it since this morning."
"That's right!" Skuld said. "I haven't seen that shapechanging
pervert since I hit him earlier today. I wonder what happened to
that sick jerk?"
* * * * * * * * * *
"Well? Did you find anything we can use against Urd?" Marller
asked Dorllir sharply.
"Um...well...I wasn't able to find out all that much, really..."
Dorllir replied, ashamed of the fact that she forgot why she was
at the temple at the first place.
"It figures. You're totally useless as a demon, you know that?
I don't know why Demon Central sent you over here in the first
As Marller verbally tore into Dorllir, Sayoko watched them in
disgust. >You haven't been of much use, either, Marller.< Sayoko
thought. >You haven't done much to get rid of either Belldandy
or Urd, except sit around and watch that little TV of yours or
doing who-knows-what in the basement...<
"If it'll make it up to you guys, I brought home a little pet..."
Dorllir didn't get to finish as Sayoko, spotting P-chan in her
hands, screamed "Get that filthy pig out of my house!" and
swatted P-chan away from Dorllir.
While both Sayoko and Marller yelled at Dorllir, P-chan bolted
out of the house as fast as he could. >I don't know which place
was worse...this one or that temple! I have to get back to that
temple, since my stuff's still there! Now which way do I go?<
Next Episode: Making Tracks
Author's notes:
- For those who are reading this as well as any other stories
with Dorllir in it, I must say that her being in these stories
are not part of the story continuity that Larry Mann and Ryan
Matthews have set up. They are allowing authors to use the
character, but those stories should be cleared by them first,
especially if those stories are meant to be part of said continu-
ity. I thank Larry and Ryan for graciously allowing me to borrow
Dorllir on occasion for my continuity.
- Missed any episodes of "Aa! Megami-sensei!"? There are now two
places on the net to get them. The fanfic ftp remailer holds all
current episodes. Simply e-mail ftp@ranma.net to get a list of
them as well as other fanfics on the remailer. Also, they're now
archived at the Urd Shrine (http://www.best.com/~falcon/urdhome.
htm), along with a few other fanfics. There is also a HTML
listing of most of the original characters in this fanfic series
with a few character illustrations. This will be improved over
time with more character illustrations as well as making it look
nicer. It's a start.
- I suppose another new character intro is in order...
Kokashi Jun - Human Female
One of the most dangerous students at Furinkan high school,
Kokashi Jun is not a martial artist, and she's rather level-
headed most of the time. What makes her dangerous, though, is
that she's rather powerful with magic, but she has no control
over it whenever she casts a spell. Needless to say, things can
happen at random whenever she uses magic.
Her fraternal twin brother, Joe, is a prime example of what could
happen. During a mind-bonding initiation, Jun accidentally
turned him into a small black piglet. When this happened, their
mother sent them to an avatar that she sensed some distance away.
An avatar named Urd...
Unfortunately for Joe, Urd screws things up even further and
turns Joe into a female piglet. The spell interaction has made
it impossible to undo either spell to date. Urd, trying to cover
up her mistake, arranges with their parents to have them stay at
the temple as her students.
Jun, while staying and studying at the temple, comes to regard
Urd as a role model and studies hard under her tutilage. Unfor-
tunately for anyone around her, Jun also has Urd's tendency to
cast or act first, and think later. Also, she's the only student
so far to know Urd (and her sisters') true nature.
Also, the Kokashi family (and Jun and Joe by extension) has a
rather convoluted history. Various ancestors to that family have
included a Dali Lama, an angel, a crusader, a missionary who
wound up being possessed, and many others. This family history
winds up being tiresome to Jun, since wherever she goes, some-
one's there to claim that she's the "destined one.", whatever
that happens to be at the time...
Jun is an attractive Japanese female of average height. Her
neck-length hair tends to flare out and has a prominent widow's
peak. She radiates an aura of mystique, and is rather secretive
about many things in her life, especially the family history (not
to mention the nature of "Jo", her "pet piglet." She is rather
intelligent, but tends to act dumb around the guys. Besides
magical theory (as opposed to application), she's good with
history, following fads, and denying guilt, as well as being a
bit of a card-shark on the side.
All Aa! Megamisama and Ranma 1/2 characters copyright Fujishima
Kosuke and Takahashi Rumiko, respectively. Dorllir appears
courtesy of Larry Mann and Ryan Matthews. All other characters
copyright Peter Ward, Tim Dunn, Tim Holt, "Snafu", and Ray Yeen.
E-mail all comments, suggestions, etc. to falcon@best.com.
They're always welcome...even the flames to a certain extent ^^;
Peter L. Ward falcon@best.com Kyusaku on IRC #Anime!
Caretaker of the Urd Shrine (http://www.best.com/~falcon/urdhome.htm)
"Are you sure about these guys? I'm a little worried." - Shinden 2
"Oh, they may act kind of weird, but they know how
to do a job right." - Belldandy
falcon@best.com (Peter L. Ward)
* * * * * * * * * *
"Okay, the circle is complete."
A woman in her forties turned around to the girl calling her.
Inspecting the mystical circle laid out on the floor of the room,
Kokashi Akiko felt optimistic about the ritual to take place. As
part of an initiation, her daughter, Jun, and her fraternal twin
brother Joe were to perform a mental bonding to link the two.
"Good, Jun. You've always been good with laying out the ritual
circles, and this is no exception. If all goes well, you two
will have taken a major step in your training in the art. Now,
if you and your brother will take your places, we can start the
As the two siblings stood at opposite sides of the circle, Mrs.
Kokashi was taken aside by her husband, Hiromi.
"Are you sure that it'll be alright to put them through this?" he
asked. "You know that Jun's always had a problem with con-
"It is necessary to go through this." Mrs. Kokashi replied with a
level voice. "Jun can handle this since I will oversee this
ritual. Now, if you'll stand back, husband."
As Mr. Kokashi took a place off in a corner of the room, Mrs.
Kokashi stood at the circle, between her two children. Giving
each of them a meaningful look, she started in on the ritual.
Come, spirits of the air, and do my bidding;
My children, I present to you.
Bind them throughout their future paths;
Let not their minds be seperated;
Instead, let them touch until death.
As Mrs. Kokashi finished her part and wrapped up her hand mo-
tions, the circle started glowing brightly. Joe stepped forward,
onto the circle, and chanted a similar incantation.
Once done, Joe let his arms rest at his sides as he finished the
motions, and a column of light enveloped him.
At that cue, Jun stepped forward as well, taking a similar spot
on the opposite side of the circle and recited her part of the
incantation. As Jun came to the end of her hand motions, her
mother shouted, "No! Bring the right arm forward, not to the
However, it was too late. The circle flickered, then turned red.
Energy bolts coursed through the light column that Joe was in,
causing pain whenever they touched him. As everyone looked in
horror, the bolts wrapped themselves around him, until all they
could see was a mass of light. A bright flash filled the room,
as well as smoke and a shock wave.
A few minutes later, Jun came to while her parents lay groggily
on the floor. The intricate circle was now a charred ring, and
several floorboards were snapped. Seeing that her parents were
alright, if dazed, she realized that she couldn't see Joe any-
where in the room.
"Joe!" she called out, hoping that it was only a case of the
heavy smoke obscuring her vision. "Answer me! Are you alright?"
As she looked down to where her brother had been standing, her
eyes widened in shock and disbelief as the form at her feet
answered back.
* * * * * * * * * *
Aa! Megami-sensei!
by Peter Ward
Episode 6: This Little Piggy Went To a Temple...
"Hey, sis! Can I watch TV for a while since you're not watching
Urd looked up from the papers she was grading to see Skuld
standing in the doorway to her room. "Yeah, sure. Go watch your
mecha show. I'm too busy grading these papers here."
As Skuld dashed down the hallway, Urd looked back on the papers.
It had been a couple of weeks since the school year started and
she was pleased at how things were turning out overall.
She was certain that most high schools were normal compared to
Furinkan high. At least most high schools did not have a member
of the Kuno family either attending or on the faculty, let alone
As for other aspects of the campus, she was getting used to the
routine. Every morning, it seemed, the younger Kuno would get in
a fight with Saotome Ranma, usually over Tendo Akane, and end up
losing. Either she or Hinako would try to intervene during those
scuffles. Lunchtime usually brought about a visit from one of
the local girls, Shampoo, again bringing about an attempt at
intervention, with little result. Every once in a while, some
old neighborhood geezer would try to raid the girls locker room,
but gets himself stopped by her, Hinako, one of the girls, or
Saotome. Occasionally, she'd have to deal with the results of
one of Joat-mon's pranks. Fun's fun, but sometimes he can get a
little too far, especially when he gets his hands on some chemi-
Still, she thought, it's a lot of fun, even if it was pretty
weird there. Her students were already learning more than what
those old, mundane textbooks would have taught them. Mortal
science left so much to be desired. Sure, the students would get
confused on occasion, but they'll get the hang of it in time.
Turning her thoughts back to the present, Urd saw that it was a
lovely day out. At least Belldandy and Keiichi went out together
for the day. It took some convicing to get Skuld to stay home
instead of tagging along with her sister, but she managed it.
Now if those two wouldn't blow this chance...
While Urd sat there lost in thought, the doorbell rang. Skuld,
annoyed at having to tear herself away from one of her favorite
shows, went to answer it. She opened the door to find a high-
school-aged girl standing there, holding a covered basket and a
letter. She looked almost average for one of the local girls,
except that her neck-length hair tended to flare out a bit and
had a prominent widow's peak.
"Excuse me. I believe that Urd resides here. I'm here to see
her and to give her this letter."
Blinking, Skuld replied, "Um, yeah. Let me go get her. Are you
one of her students? I don't think I've seen you in any of her
"Student? Oh, no...this is a different matter entirely." the
girl answered in confusion.
"Okay, come on in and I'll go get her." Skuld said. After she
showed the guest in, she hurried down the hallway and back into
Urd's room.
"Hey, sis, someone's here to see you! She's got some letter and
something else, and she says she's not one of your students."
Looking up from the papers, Urd said, "Okay, I'll go see what
this is about. Why don't you take care of the plants outside
while I see what this is about?"
"Okay, sis. I hate to miss my show, but I've also been meaning
to test out the new gardening option parts for Banpei-kun!"
"Whatever...just don't wreck the garden, okay?" Urd said as she
got up an walked down the hallway.
"You mean like you would?" echoed Skuld's voice through the
hallway. Seeing that it would be pointless to chase after her,
Urd went to the entryway to meet her visitor.
"Hello there. My sister said that you wanted to see me?"
"Yes." the girl answered, with a hint of uncertainty. "My name's
Kokashi Jun, and my mother sent me to consult with you about a
certain matter. Here, this letter will explain everything."
Jun handed Urd the envelope and stood there, looking into the
covered basket as Urd read the note inside.
Dear Urd-sama,
As someone coming from a mystical heritage, I have sensed
that you are a great avatar with tremendous power. Please
forgive my sending my daughter, Jun, to meet with you.
Recently, I had her go through a mind-bonding ritual with
her brother, Joe. Unfortunately, Jun made a grave mistake and
invoked a shape-change spell during the ceremony, altering her
brother's form.
It is our hope that you will find it in you to be generous
enough to reverse this spell. We ourselves have been unsuccess-
ful in this regard and come to you in our hour of need. At any
rate, we at least thank you for reading and considering our
Yours most humbly,
Kokashi Akiko
After reading the letter, Urd looked at Jun and asked, "Well,
where is your brother? We can't reverse the spell without him,
can we?"
"Well..." Jun said with shame as she pulled back the basket's
covering. Urd looked in to find a small black piglet looking
back at her with hopeful eyes.
* * * * * * * * * *
Outside the temple walls, another visitor, an unwelcome one,
skulked around. The little demoness Dorllir was looking for a
place to hide so she could turn invisible without being noticed
by passers-by.
Since watching the news a couple of weeks back, Marller and
Sayoko had been trying to come up with a plot to deal with Urd
and her new job. Since Furinkan high school was so far away in
Tokyo, they decided it was best to send a spy to the temple, and
that naturally meant her since she could turn invisible. Not
that she minded, since that meant she could be closer to Keiichi.
Unfortunately, Keiichi was nowhere to be seen, as well as Bell-
dandy. That left only her job to do there.
As she was turning to head for some bushes across the street, she
bumped into a young man that was a few years younger than Kei-
ichi. He was pretty good looking, but he wore rough-hewn cloth-
ing, as well as huge backpack with a bamboo umbrella, a yellow
and black bandanna, and looked as though he had been wandering
the countryside for months.
"Oops! I'm sorry!" Dorllir said, backing away from the stranger
and trying to make something of him.
"That's alright. Perhaps you can tell me where Furinkan high
is?" Ryoga asked, holding up a nearly worn-out map.
"Furinkan high?" Dorllir said in amazement. "That's way over in
Nerima district in Tokyo! This is Nekomi City! You're miles
"Really? I'm sorry to bother you, then." Ryoga said in resigna-
tion as he turned and walked into the temple compound.
"Wait a second! That's not the way!" Dorllir called as she
followed after Ryoga. As soon as she set foot onto the temple
grounds she spotted Skuld in the distance with her back turned
and realized that she forgot to turn invisible.
As Dorllir leaped into some bushes near the gate, Ryoga also
spotted Skuld and decided to ask her for directions as well.
Unfortunately, he didn't see Banpei-kun with a water hose attach-
ment and got sprayed with water meant for a rosebush behind him.
The only mitigating factor was that neither Skuld nor Dorllir saw
the transformation. Realizing his predicament, he hid in some
While Dorllir and P-chan hid in seperate bushes, Skuld walked on
over to check up on Banpei-kun. "And how are we doing....what?!"
she yelped as she spied a pile of clothes lying on the ground by
a backpack and umbrella. "Ack! Some pervert left his clothes
here...and they're wet! Geez...gotta go get Urd! Banpei-kun,
stay here and keep an eye out for that sicko!"
As Skuld picked up the clothes ran into the temple, P-chan
stepped out from his hiding spot and looked at the temple.
>That's just great...how am I supposed to get my clothes back?<,
he thought. >Looks like I'm going to have to be careful.<
Before he could move, though, he was picked up by some invisible
(Author's side note: >blah, blah, blah< indicates thoughts if you
haven't figured it out)
While all this was going on, inside the temple, Urd was inspect-
ing the piglet that was in Jun's basket. "So you turned your
brother into a piglet by accident, huh? You've got to admit,
though, he's probably more manageable this way...not to mention
"Yeah, I thought so too." Jun replied. "Though I don't think mom
shares that same opinion. Ow! Watch the language, Joe!"
"Eh? I didn't hear anything." Urd said in confusion.
"Oh, even with the shape-change, the mind-link worked after all.
Right now, he's not liking what he's hearing from both of us,
even if you're supposed to be some avatar or whatever mom said
you were."
"Ooops!" Urd said teasingly to the piglet. "Didn't mean to upset
you there! But you really shoudn't take it too hard when a
goddess calls you 'cute', right?"
"Well, he's flattered, but he'd rather be human." Jun said after
a moment of apparent deep thought. "So you're a goddess, huh?
Even mom's wrong from time to time."
"That's right. I'm second class, second category goddess Urd,
and my realm is the past. Now, then, let's go take care of
reversing the spell...eh?"
As she stood up, Urd saw Skuld running up to them, dragging a wad
of wet clothes. "What's the matter now? Did your stupid robot
wash someone's clothes while they were still wearing them or
"No!" Skuld cried. "There's a pervert around here! He left
these lying out in the yard and he's probably sneaking around
here naked!"
"Alright, alright." Urd said in irritation. "I'm sure you can
probably handle him with your mallet or something. You're not
going to make first class if you keep running to me or Belldandy
with your problems! If you really need me, I'm going to be in
the kitchen with Jun and her brother here," indicating the
piglet, "and we're going to reverse a shape-change spell. Okay?"
"Okay, okay...I'll just go and re-equip Banpei-kun to deal with
the pervert if he shows his sick face around here again."
As Skuld skulked off, Urd turned to Jun and asked, "You have any
little sisters or brothers?"
"Nope...just Joe, and he's a fraternal twin."
"Be glad. Sometimes, they can be a real pain in the neck, you
"Tell me about it. Right now, Joe's being a pain by saying that
I'm one!"
A minute later, Urd led Jun into the kitchen and started getting
several potion ingredients together into a large pan. "This
should be really simple, since it's just a minor shape-change
spell, and no passwords were invoked in it's casting. Believe
me, trying to undo a shape-change spell that uses a password can
be a real pain."
"Really? I didn't even know spells had passwords."
"Well, don't feel too bad about that. Mortal magic-casting
techniques aren't exactly the most sophisticated ones these days.
Anyway, that should do it. Let's get this over with. If you'll
place Joe over there on the counter, I'll begin."
As Jun set Joe down and stepped back, Urd raised her hands and
invoked the spell.
Spirits of the air, I command you to do my bid-
I, Urd, greatest of the Norns,
bid you to undo what was done.
Cross forms once again,
and make things right!
A clound of smoke filled the kitchen briefly. While Urd stood
there coughing, Jun was calling out, "Joe! Did it work? Are you
alright? Answer me!"
The reply they got was a long string of even higher-pitched
squeals than what Joe was capable of before the casting.
* * * * * * * * * *
Outside, P-chan was very confused and alarmed. While he was
suspended in mid-air behind a bush, he felt as though someone was
holding him. In fact, it was almost as if Akane was holding him
close. The thought of Akane redoubled his efforts to break free
of whatever it was that was holding him.
"Ohhhh...is the little piggy scared?" a phantom, yet familiar,
voice whispered. "I'm sorry to frighten you. Here, will this
With that, Dorllir reverted to being visible again and P-chan
calmed down, recognizing her as the girl who tried to help him a
few minutes ago. "Queee?" he said, trying to voice a question.
"I'm Dorllir, you cute little piggy." she said, beaming with joy.
"I can't wait to take you home as a pet. I'll bet Marller and
Sayoko will just adore you as well! Let's see...what should I
name you?"
As Dorllir took a moment to think, P-chan started squirming
again. >This is no good! I can't let her take me to her home!
I've got to get my stuff back and get back to Akane!<
As P-chan managed to get free and darted off towards the temple,
Dorllir turned invisible again and ran after him, shouting "Wait,
Blackie! Come back here!"
Rounding a corner, Dorllir came to a stop as she saw that P-chan
was heading towards Skuld and a heavily modified Banpei-kun.
Skuld spotted the piglet and caught him. "What are you doing out
here? Don't tell me Urd cast a teleport spell instead. Guess
I'll have to bring you back in. Banpei-kun! Keep an eye out for
any perverts, okay?"
"Yes, mistress!" Banpei-kun called back.
* * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, Urd and Jun had their hands full with a little piglet
darting around the kitchen and squealing its head off.
"It was a mistake! Honest!" Urd called out, trying to calm Joe
down with little success.
"He's not buying it, Urd." Jun called back. "Be glad you don't
have a mindlink with him...I don't think I've heard filthier
language inside a locker room! Come on, Joe, it's not the end of
the world! I'm sure Urd will find a way to switch you back from
a female piglet!"
"QUUUEEEEEE!!!" Joe screamed out, extremely upset at her new
status. Instead of a reverse-shape-change spell, Urd ended up
casting a reverse-sex-change spell. Since there was no sex-
change spell to begin with, the spell Urd cast by accident merely
acted as a regular sex-change spell, leaving Joe as a female
piglet, instead of the male one she was a few minutes ago.
Not wanting to listen to either Urd or his sister, Joe darted out
of the kitchen before either one of them could catch her.
"Aw, geez...we've got to catch him before the spell has a chance
to become permanent!" Urd cried out.
"Gotcha!" Jun shouted, running out the doorway that Joe dashed
out of. "I'm not sure I can get used to having a twin sister
who's a pig!"
As Urd followed Jun out the door, they ran across Skuld, who was
carrying P-chan. "Did you lose something, sis?" Skuld sneered.
"Thank you, Skuld! You're a life-saver!" Urd said in relief as
she snatched P-chan from Skuld's arms. leaving a puzzled Skuld.
>Now when did *she* start thanking me? Must've screwed up worse
than I thought.< Skuld thought.
As Urd ran into the kitchen, she was trying to reassure P-chan.
"Don't worry, we'll reverse that sex-change spell in no time.
Then we'll..."
That was as far as she got before P-chan panicked and squirmed
out of her grip. >Sex change?!?! No way!! I'm not going to end
up like that rotten Saotome! I'm better off with that girl who
wanted a pet! Let me out of here!!!<
"Not again! Dammit!" Urd muttered as she started chasing after
"Wait, Urd!" Jun called out from the doorway. "I don't think
that was Joe! I had no mental contact from him at all, and I
think that piglet was a male one..."
"Eh? What's this about the piglet being a male one?" Skuld asked
the two in confusion. "I thought he was supposed to be a male in
the first place...wait...don't tell me..."
"Um...er...can you keep a secret, Skuld, as well as helping us
out?" Urd stammered, realizing that her sister was clueing in as
to what had actually happened.
"Okay, okay...I'll help you find the real piglet. When you screw
up, sis...you really screw up!"
As the three ladies split up to search the temple, Joe was
stalking towards the exit. >I'm not trusting those two again!<
she thought bitterly. >First, my dear sister turns me into a
piglet, and now this Urd turns me into a female one! Can't see
how things could get worse...<
Joe's train of thought was interrupted as she found herself being
lifted off the ground by a pair of invisible hands. She did a
quick thought-flash to check if it was her sister, but found that
Jun was elsewhere in the temple. Squirming, she was pulled
around a corner and outside the temple to a hidden alcove.
Once hidden in the bush, Joe found herself face-to-face with a
12-year-old girl with short blonde hair and a set of v-marks on
her forehead as well as marks on her cheeks.
"You're not Blackie!" Dorllir said quietly after giving Joe a
quick look-over. "You don't have that cute little bandanna, and
you're a little girl piglet. Actually, this is really cool,
because once I find out where Blackie went off to, I'll have two
little piglets for pets, and you two will make such an adorable
couple! I think I'll name you 'Minnie'! You like that name,
As Dorllir turned invisible again, Joe started to panic. >Aw,
geez...now this girl's going to try to mate me with another
piglet! I think I'm better off with those klutzes inside! I'm
not going to mate with some male piglet! Uh-uh! No way!<
* * * * * * * * * *
"Wait...I think I got something!"
Urd walked down the hall to see what Jun was referring to. "Was
it the mindlink at work?"
"Yeah, but only briefly. For some reason, he was trying to see
where I was, and I could sense some alarm in the thought pattern.
I think it was just out the door!"
"Well, let's go check it out! Keep that mindlink open...it's our
only chance of finding your brother!"
As Urd and Jun stepped out to look for Joe, Joe found herself
being dropped and a set of invisible feet padded off. >Can't
stick around here too long, or those two might figure out that
I'm here.< Dorllir thought sadly as she snuck away. >Can't take
Minnie with me, or they'll spot her for certain! At least I can
still try to find Blackie! Now where'd he go...<
"Hey, do you smell something...like burning sulphur?" Urd asked
aloud, sniffing the air.
"Yeah, as a matter of fact...wait! I found him!" Jun replied,
taking hold of Joe before she could escape again. "Don't go
running off this time, okay? We're going to try to reverse that
sex-change spell before it becomes permanent. You don't want to
end up my sister for the rest of your life, ne?"
>Yeah, yeah.< Joe projected into his sister's mind. >Just don't
screw up this time...who knows what I'll end up being if you two
blow it!<
"Got him?" Urd asked as she hurried back into the temple. "Don't
lose him...time's running out!"
Less than a minute later, all three were in the kitchen again,
joined by Skuld, and Urd repeated the spell. This time, though,
nothing happened.
"What? Impossible!" Urd cried out at the lack of results. "We
still had some time left!"
"Maybe it was the mix there...it could have lost its potency."
Jun pointed out, indicating the pan still sitting there.
"It's not that." Urd answered, testing out her mix. "In fact, I
think it's still got one more use left before it goes kaput!"
"Then what could have gone wrong?" Jun asked, getting worried
now. "How come it didn't swtich Joe back to being a male?"
"Um, excuse me?" Belldandy asked with curiosity, having returned
with Keiichi from their date. "Mind if I ask what you're doing
in the kitchen?"
* * * * * * * * * *
In the bathroom, Ryoga looked up from the tub to where his
clothes hung from a rack. "My clothes are still wet from when
the robot hosed me." He thought out loud. "That's not going to
do me any good since I'll just get wet again. I'll have to get a
change of clothes out of my backpack instead. I'll have to be
extra careful about it since it's still out in the middle of the
yard. Now, how do I get to the yard from here?"
* * * * * * * * * *
"I think I know what happened when you cast the first spell."
Belldandy said to Urd as she set down the pan. "The incantation
was correct, but the mixture you used was for the reverse-sex-
change spell instead. You really ought to pay better attention
to these things, Urd."
"So, why didn't the spell reverse itself when she cast it again?"
Jun asked.
"Well..." Belldandy said as she gave Joe another lookover, "as
far as I can tell, the original shape-change spell and the first
reverse-sex-change spell had an unusual interaction. The good
news is that neither spell is going to be permanent. We'll be
able to undo the damage once we figure out how. The bad news is
that each of the two spells are acting as a protective barrier to
the other. In other words, the reverse-sex-change spell is
keeping us from undoing the shape-change spell, and vice-versa."
"Mother's not going to like this." Jun said as the implication of
Belldandy's words sunk in.
"I'm going to see if I can come up with something to straighten
out this mess that Urd made. Be right back!" Skuld called out as
she dashed out into the hallway. As she took a couple steps down
the hall, though, Ryoga stuck his head out to see if it was all
"Hey! Who are you?!" Skuld cried out. "You must be that pervert
that's been sneaking around!"
"Who? Me?! N-n-n-no! You're mistaken!" Ryoga called out as he
saw Skuld ready her mallet and charge after him.
"Oh? Do you know anyone else who walks around naked and leaves a
pile of wet clothes?! Take this, you sicko!!!"
As Skuld's mallet hit Ryoga's head square-on, he stumbled back-
wards and onto the bathroom floor. Skuld swung the mallet to
give Ryoga another whack, but managed to knock a water bottle off
of a shelf , splashing both her and Ryoga as a result.
Skuld didn't notice herself getting wet, going wide-eyed at the
sight of Ryoga's transformation. "This is not happening..." she
said in shock, limply lowering her arms. She quietly stepped out
of the bathroom, went back to the kitchen, and asked Urd dazedly,
"Did you do something to the water bottle in the bathroom?"
"No, I didn't. If you're not going to help us try to turn Joe
back to normal, then go play with your doodads or something,
"But, but..." Skuld stammered before a hand fell on her shoulder.
"What is it, Skuld?" Keiichi asked, wondering what got Skuld so
worked up.
"Well, this morning ,while you and big sis were away, I found a
backpack and a pile of wet clothes out in the yard. I thought
some pervert left them there and I think he's in the bathroom
right now, but I saw him turn into a piglet like Joe there."
"Come on, let's go check this out." Keiichi said, concerned about
having a pervert in the temple, let alone one that could shape-
change if Skuld was to be believed.
A minute later, Keiichi peered around the bathroom's door frame,
and found nothing in there but a mess.
"Um, Skuld, do you remember if you knocked this guy out or not
when you hit him?"
"I should have. I hit him really hard."
"Well, either he has a really fast recovery rate, or a really
hard head, because he's not in here..."
* * * * * * * * * *
"It's getting pretty late. Don't you think we should have heard
from them by now?"
Mrs. Kokashi looked up at the clock, which read 9:20 p.m., then
to her husband. "Don't get so worried. Undoing shape-change
spells can be a tricky thing, especially when they're cast by
accident. I'm sure the avatar Urd will make things right. We
just need to be patient, that's all."
After a minute of nervous silence, the ringing of the phone
echoed through the house. Mrs. Kokashi quietly picked it up
since she was sitting next to it.
"Hello? Kokashi residence."
"Hello, this is Urd. Is this Jun and Joe's mother?"
"Yes, it is. I take it they got to you safely?"
"Yes, and they're doing just fine. In fact, they're finishing
dinner here."
"Was the spell reversed, then? Is my Joe back to normal?"
"Uhh...yeah...he's no longer the piglet he used to be...but
that's not why I called."
"Oh? Is something the matter?"
"Oh, no. In fact, I was discussing things with your children.
If you don't mind, I'd like to train them further in their magic
studies while they stay here."
"Really? You do us too much honor. I'm sure those two aren't
worth your trouble."
"Nonsense. I'm sure you know as well as I do that they need good
training, Jun especially, and I would like to give that to them."
"If that's the case, then I'll send their belongings over, then.
What about their mundane schooling, though?"
"That'll be taken care of. I hold a job as a chemistry teacher
at a high school, so I can easily make arrangements."
"Again, you do us too much honor. Thank you very much. Please
keep us posted on their progress, would you? Good bye."
Urd slowly put the handset on the cradle, then let out a sigh of
relief. "Good thing she didn't ask to speak with both of you."
she said to Jun, who was holding the still-female-piglet Joe in
her arms. "It would have blown the whole cover story if she did.
Anyway, she agreed to letting you stay here, and I will train you
as well as enrolling you at Furinkan high. If only to keep your
mother from finding out that I screwed up as well. Deal?"
"Deal." Jun said tiredly. "I don't want to become an orphan
because my folks had strokes over this. At least it'll buy us
time to try and break that spell matrix."
"Don't worry about it." Belldandy said as she cleared some of the
dishes away. "Anyway, you two are welcome to stay here as long
as you need to. I'll prepare a room for you after I finish
cleaning up."
"Yeah, I'm sure you'll get used to things around here." Keiichi
piped in. "It'll be great for your studies here. Just don't let
anyone else know about Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld being goddesses,
"Okay." Jun replied. "By the way, wasn't there another piglet
around here? I haven't seen it since this morning."
"That's right!" Skuld said. "I haven't seen that shapechanging
pervert since I hit him earlier today. I wonder what happened to
that sick jerk?"
* * * * * * * * * *
"Well? Did you find anything we can use against Urd?" Marller
asked Dorllir sharply.
"Um...well...I wasn't able to find out all that much, really..."
Dorllir replied, ashamed of the fact that she forgot why she was
at the temple at the first place.
"It figures. You're totally useless as a demon, you know that?
I don't know why Demon Central sent you over here in the first
As Marller verbally tore into Dorllir, Sayoko watched them in
disgust. >You haven't been of much use, either, Marller.< Sayoko
thought. >You haven't done much to get rid of either Belldandy
or Urd, except sit around and watch that little TV of yours or
doing who-knows-what in the basement...<
"If it'll make it up to you guys, I brought home a little pet..."
Dorllir didn't get to finish as Sayoko, spotting P-chan in her
hands, screamed "Get that filthy pig out of my house!" and
swatted P-chan away from Dorllir.
While both Sayoko and Marller yelled at Dorllir, P-chan bolted
out of the house as fast as he could. >I don't know which place
was worse...this one or that temple! I have to get back to that
temple, since my stuff's still there! Now which way do I go?<
Next Episode: Making Tracks
Author's notes:
- For those who are reading this as well as any other stories
with Dorllir in it, I must say that her being in these stories
are not part of the story continuity that Larry Mann and Ryan
Matthews have set up. They are allowing authors to use the
character, but those stories should be cleared by them first,
especially if those stories are meant to be part of said continu-
ity. I thank Larry and Ryan for graciously allowing me to borrow
Dorllir on occasion for my continuity.
- Missed any episodes of "Aa! Megami-sensei!"? There are now two
places on the net to get them. The fanfic ftp remailer holds all
current episodes. Simply e-mail ftp@ranma.net to get a list of
them as well as other fanfics on the remailer. Also, they're now
archived at the Urd Shrine (http://www.best.com/~falcon/urdhome.
htm), along with a few other fanfics. There is also a HTML
listing of most of the original characters in this fanfic series
with a few character illustrations. This will be improved over
time with more character illustrations as well as making it look
nicer. It's a start.
- I suppose another new character intro is in order...
Kokashi Jun - Human Female
One of the most dangerous students at Furinkan high school,
Kokashi Jun is not a martial artist, and she's rather level-
headed most of the time. What makes her dangerous, though, is
that she's rather powerful with magic, but she has no control
over it whenever she casts a spell. Needless to say, things can
happen at random whenever she uses magic.
Her fraternal twin brother, Joe, is a prime example of what could
happen. During a mind-bonding initiation, Jun accidentally
turned him into a small black piglet. When this happened, their
mother sent them to an avatar that she sensed some distance away.
An avatar named Urd...
Unfortunately for Joe, Urd screws things up even further and
turns Joe into a female piglet. The spell interaction has made
it impossible to undo either spell to date. Urd, trying to cover
up her mistake, arranges with their parents to have them stay at
the temple as her students.
Jun, while staying and studying at the temple, comes to regard
Urd as a role model and studies hard under her tutilage. Unfor-
tunately for anyone around her, Jun also has Urd's tendency to
cast or act first, and think later. Also, she's the only student
so far to know Urd (and her sisters') true nature.
Also, the Kokashi family (and Jun and Joe by extension) has a
rather convoluted history. Various ancestors to that family have
included a Dali Lama, an angel, a crusader, a missionary who
wound up being possessed, and many others. This family history
winds up being tiresome to Jun, since wherever she goes, some-
one's there to claim that she's the "destined one.", whatever
that happens to be at the time...
Jun is an attractive Japanese female of average height. Her
neck-length hair tends to flare out and has a prominent widow's
peak. She radiates an aura of mystique, and is rather secretive
about many things in her life, especially the family history (not
to mention the nature of "Jo", her "pet piglet." She is rather
intelligent, but tends to act dumb around the guys. Besides
magical theory (as opposed to application), she's good with
history, following fads, and denying guilt, as well as being a
bit of a card-shark on the side.
All Aa! Megamisama and Ranma 1/2 characters copyright Fujishima
Kosuke and Takahashi Rumiko, respectively. Dorllir appears
courtesy of Larry Mann and Ryan Matthews. All other characters
copyright Peter Ward, Tim Dunn, Tim Holt, "Snafu", and Ray Yeen.
E-mail all comments, suggestions, etc. to falcon@best.com.
They're always welcome...even the flames to a certain extent ^^;
Peter L. Ward falcon@best.com Kyusaku on IRC #Anime!
Caretaker of the Urd Shrine (http://www.best.com/~falcon/urdhome.htm)
"Are you sure about these guys? I'm a little worried." - Shinden 2
"Oh, they may act kind of weird, but they know how
to do a job right." - Belldandy