Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ MST of Jealousy ❯ MST of Jealousy ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Mystery Science Theater 3000, Ah! My Goddess and the fic "Jealousy" are the property of their rightful owners. Also, this a MST of a lemon, so if you're underage, or your parents are around, turn back now. Anyways, now that my rear end is covered, on with the MST.

MST of "Jealousy"

MST by Evil Eye.

Original Fic by Alfa and Miranda (nothing personal, this is all in good humor).

In the not-too-distant future,
Somewhere in time and space.
Mike Nelson and his robot pals,
are caught in an endless chase.
Pursued by a woman, whose name is Pearl,
just an evil gal who wants to rule the world.
She put a few things in her purse,
and in her rocket ship she hunt all across the univer-erse!

Pearl: I'LL... GET... *YOU*!!!

"I'll send him cheesy web posts,
The worst, I can find! (lalala)!
He'll have to sit and read them all,
while I monitor his mind!" (lalala)!

Now keep in mind, Mike can't control
where the fanfics begin or end. (lalala)!
He'll try to keep his sanity,
With the help of his robot friends!

>>>Robot Roll Call <<<

Cambot! (You're on!)
Gypsy! (Oh my stars!)
Tom Servo! (Check me out!)
Crooow! (I'm different!)

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe,
And other science facts. (lalala)!
Just repeat to yourself it's just a post,
You should really just relax! For...

Mystery Science Theater 3000…..

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Bridge]


We see Mike Nelson engaging in an intellectual conversation with Gypsy, drinking some cappuccino while doing so.

"So that's how you program a VCR." Informed the lamp stand looking robot.

"Thanks." Mike answered. "Please don't tell the guys though. If they found out that I couldn't program my own VCR, I'd never hear the end of it."

"No problem. I'm just glad to help. By the way, where are they? I haven't heard anything from them all day."

"It's alright. They're just having a political debate."

"Are you sure you should've left them alone? You know how they're little spats can escalate."

"You're right. I better go check up on them."

So they went by the bridge, where their `debate' was being held. Their debate went a little something like this:

"…And that's why I think that we should do it `my' way!" said Tom, who was standing on top of a small wooden podium.

"And I say that you're idea is really stupid!" Argued Crow, also standing on another small wooden podium. "My way is much better, and you get faster results!"

Mike turned towards our direction. "Oh, before I forget, hello all you readers out there. Welcome to another episode of Mystery Science Theater."

"Will you stop talking to air and help us with this?!" Shouted Tom.

"Yeah!" Crow added. "There are much more important things to deal with, like `my' idea being the best one!"

"You wish!"

"Bite me!"

"Don't tempt me!"

Mike just shook his head, then calmly replied. "Guys, just as long as you aren't talking about trying to escape again, it really doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong, right?"

The robots just stared at Mike, who in turn, put his head down.

"For your information, mister I'm so pessimistic," started Tom, I came up with the perfect plan for getting us out of here."

"You mean your `stupid' plan!" Exclaimed Crow. "Why don't you tell Mike Nelson here your `so-called' escape plan, and he'll tell you how much it won't work!"

"Gladly!" Tom shouted back, and then cleared his throat (as if that was possible). "Let me explain. You see, I remember that time back when Dr. F made us watch that one movie with the big fore headed aliens, and then it came to me. We still have that henerator somewhere in our room, Pearl doesn't know anything about it, and after today's experiment, we could set it coordinates for Earth."

Mike thought for a moment, and then responded. "There's just one thing wrong with that. In the movie, two henerators were needed. I highly doubt someone on Earths going to just have a spare henerator lying around in their rooms."

"Say no more," Tom started. "for `I' already have that taken care of. I called that alien planet, and special ordered a henerator. It's being sent to your mothers' house."

"I told you that plan was stupid!" Crow mocked. "Mike's mom is incredibly senile, or so I've heard. The dingbat will probably just confuse it for a T.V. set."

"Actually," started Mike, "that's plan `could' work. The henerators are easily operable, and the only hard part is the assembly, in which case, my mom is an excellent puzzle solver. Oh, and Crow, next time you insult my mom like that, I'll have you dismantled."

"Ha! In your face Crow!" Said Tom triumphantly. "NOW whose plan is stupid? If you thought `my' plan was dumb, `yours' must be plain idiotic!"

"That's where you're wrong, mister buoy for a head!" Retorted Crow. "My plan will make yours look really sorry!"

"Well, let's hear it." Mike said nonchalantly.

"Okay, here goes." Crow also clears his throat. "I say we mail ourselves to Earth. Pearl will never know we were gone."

"But isn't Observer the one who sends our mail, making sure they're not distress letters?"

"What's your point?"

"My point is that the minute he detects life signals in the boxes, he'll open them."

"Who said anything about boxes?"

"I don't follow."

"We mail ourselves piece by piece to Earth. We'll assemble ourselves when we get out of our envelopes." Then Crow turned to Tom. "This way, we don't have to be careful! Ha! How do you like them apples?!"

Mike and Gypsy just stared in slight shock, unable to speak. After about a minute or so, Mike snaps out of the shock, and carefully explains to Crow why a human can't dismantle itself and still be alive.


We find Pearl and Observer landing, and back to castle Forrester. After what seemed like endless steps, they enter.


"Bobo!" Pearl exclaimed "Get your red fanny over here! We need to start today's experiment!"

There was no answer.

"Bobo!" I know that you can hear me! Get over here!"

Still no answer.

"Brain Guy! Where's Bobo? He better not be watching the discovery channel again!"

"Hold on while I check for his coordinates." Said Observer as he started using his mind powers to locate the ape. "Hmm, I see. Very nice."

"Well, what is it? Where is he?"

"Mm? Oh, so sorry. I accidentally caught a Playboy channel frequency. Let me try again."

Pearl just rolled her eyes.

"I got something ma'am! He's right behind this door."

Pearl noticed how close the door was. "Then why didn't he answer?!"

"Well, it seems that he's in some sort of deep prayer."

"Well I'm going in!" Exclaimed Pearl as she busted through the door. Much to her surprise, Bobo didn't even hear her come in. She rolled her eyes again before she grabbed the ape by the ear, and pulled him up. "Why haven't you been answering my calls?! I should turn you into a throw rug!"

"I'm very sorry Pearl." He answered. "I was just praying to my powerful entity."

The first statement he made surprised her, rather than the last one. "What? Did you just call me Pearl? Whatever happened to Lawgiver?"

The ape calmly postured himself and answered her. "You see, it is against Saiya's wish for me to give respective titles to anyone but her."

"And just who is Saiya?"

"Her." Answered Bobo as he pointed to a statue of an Oozaru. It stood at 12 inches in length, and 5 inches in width. "She is an all powerful Sayajin Goddess. I now answer only to her."

Pearl turned to Observer and sneered at him. "You let him watch Dragonball Z, didn't you!?"

"I'm very sorry ma'am." Said Observer in an almost sincere tone. "He wouldn't leave me alone while I was working, so I gave him the first tape I grabbed so that he would shut up. It was only until later that I realized what I have done."

"What invention could you have possibly been working on to not notice something like that?!" asked Pearl irritably.

"I'm glad you asked." Said Observer joyfully. He then pointed to a machine that looked like the dimensional portal from the movie `Stargate.' "Using the powers of my mind, I am able to pull just about anyone and anything from many sorts of dimensions, including ones of movies, cartoons, games, anime, and even other peoples fan fiction. I figured why not have access to everything we want and need, eliminating all transportation needs."

Pearls eyes lit up with delight. "That's brilliant! And what's even better, is that now we can try other people to experiment on! You see, before we show a fic on our `present' experiments, we'll give them a `special guest' to suffer with them. After the fics over, we'll test his or her levels of traumacity (if that's even a word), and then send them back. They'll never look at their friends and family, not to mention themselves, the same way ever again. I get to torture minds, and plan world domination at the same time! I love it! Hahahahaha!"

"I'm glad it is to your liking." Answered Observer. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to test my latest creation with the choosing of a fic."

"Bobo!" exclaimed Pearl. "Go and get a fic, now!"

"Please do not shout like that, Pearl." Said Bobo. "Saiya doesn't like it when people raise their voices."

"And just what do you think your little statue is going to do for you?"

"Why, give me the powers of a Sayajin, of course."

This made her raise an eyebrow. "You actually think a stupid statue is going to give you power?"

"Not just power, but wisdom, and the ability to be attractive to other ape like creatures."

"That has to be one of the stupidest thoughts you have ever conceived! Now go and get today's experiment or Saiya's going into the black hole!"

"Yes, but although with her immense strength, that wouldn't be-"

"Just go!"

"Yes Pearl." The ape runs to the fic booth, but trips on his foot, causing him to crash into the fics. He picks up a random story, reads the title, and smiles. "The Great Saiya has smiled upon me by giving me this devilishly wonderful fic for the experiment."

He then gave it to Pearl, who read the title, then grinned wickedly. "This will do just fine. Brain guy, activate the machine!"

Observer nodded politely, and then used his powers to activate the portal.


"So it's agreed, right?" asked Mike, after a daunting debate over how he didn't want to escape through an envelope.

"Agreed." They all said.

"However," started Crow, "should mister Servo's plan fail, and I know it will, we go with my plan, and whoever doesn't want to do it, you can stay here and suffer."

"Tom…" said Mike in a slightly frustrated tone. "I already told yo- *buzzer rings* -hold on." He pressed the button to let Pearls call go through.


"Greetings, my little lab rats." Said Pearl wickedly. "I have two experiments that are both to my liking."

"All hail the mighty Saiya!" shouted Bobo.

"Shut up!" exclaimed Pearl.


"Let me guess, Dragonball Z tapes?" Asked Mike.


"Yes," Pearl answered, "but that's not important right now. The movie you'll be watching is called `Jealousy', by some guy called Alfa. It's an Oh! My Goddess lemon with a few extra features that will surprise and horrify you."


"So what else is new?" Asked Mike with a grin. "You should already know that none of what you send ever makes us lose our sanity."


"Oh, I think this one might." Said Pearl with a wicked grin. "And if it doesn't, your guest will never feel the same."


"Guest?" Asked Mike.

"Alright! Someone else to talk to!" Tom said cheerily.


"Her name is Belldandy." Pearl started. "She'll be joining you in today's experiment. When she is done, she'll be brought back to her world, her mind being in the traumatized state it's about to be in. Send her in, Brain Guy."

"Yes, ma'am." He answered as he used his mind powers to teleport the Goddess over to the satellite.

"And just in case you guys might use her to help you escape," Pearl continued, "Brain Guy used the `my turf, my rules' rule to decrease her powers for as long as she's in this dimension. I've already explained to her what she needs to do, and she has no idea how horrible it is. I just love it! Hahahahaha! I'll give you guys a couple of minutes to get acquainted before I send in the experiment."

And with that, she cut transmission.


"So, Belldandy, welcome to the satellite of love." Said Mike. "I'm Mike Nelson; this is Gypsy, Tom, and Crow."

"Pleased to meet you." The goddess replied sweetly.

"That'll change." Said Tom. "You have no idea what kind of horrors you're about to face."

Belldandy looked confused. "But what could be so terrible about watching other peoples work?"

"More than you want to know." Answered Tom.

That statement made Belldandy feel rather uneasy.

"Alright, now don't scare her." Said Mike. "This `is' her first time doing something like this."

"Hey Bell, I have a question for you." Said Crow. "Is it true that you can read minds?"

"Why, yes it is." She answered. "Would you like to see?"

"You bet I would!" Exclaimed Crow happily. "Can you read Mikes mind? Please? Pretty please? He's the only one here with human thoughts and emotions. Ours are just mechanically induced."

"I don't think he would want me to do something like that."

"Sure he would, right Mike? You don't have anything to hide, do you?"

Mike gave a slightly nervous laugh, but didn't let them notice. "Well, sure, just don't look too deep."

Belldandy politely nodded, and read his mind. "Let's see….you desperately want to get out of here, are sick and tired of Tom and Crows petty arguments, forgot how to program a VCR, and wet the bed-I'm sorry, I looked too far."

Mike put his head down in embarrassment as the bots made fun of him.

"It's a good thing `I' don't have a bladder system." Tom chuckled.

"You forgot how to program a VCR?" Asked Crow in surprise. "Even Bobo knows how to do that! What is wrong with you today?"

"I am so sorry for saying that out loud." Said Belldandy sadly.

"It's alright." Said Mike. "How would you know that these bots were so immature?"

"Hey, I resent that!" Protested Tom. "I've matured…..a little."

"And I did too…….kinda……sorta….not really……no." Said Crow. "But who cares? `You' wet the bed!"

*alarm ringing loudly*

"What's that?!" Asked Belldandy worriedly. "Are we in danger?"

"Kind of." Answered Mike. "We got fic sign. That means that the torture has started. Let's go."

*************************************************************** * ************

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Theater]

*Mike and the crew take their seats, with Belldandy sitting next to Mike, forcing Crow to take the edge seat*

CROW: Why do "I" have to sit by the edge?

TOM: Consider yourself lucky! At least "you" get to sit next to Bell! "I" have to sit next to Mike!

MIKE: Behave, you two.

BELLDANDY: I think the story is starting.

>The following is (kinda)hentai story.

MIKE: So I guess it's only `kinda' sucks.

TOM: This fics heading off to a nice start.

>That means its protagonists (or antagonists)

MIKE: Protagonists being the characters, and the antagonist being the lemon.

CROW: Well, at least it's organized.

>can and will engage in seXual intercourse.

CROW: Well, I kinda figured that, being a lemon and all.

TOM: (as drill sergeant) All characters in a lemon can, will, and MUST engage in sexual intercourse! Do I make myself clear?!

MIKE & CROW: Sir yes sir!

>Now, this means you will find seXual scenes that may offend some of the readers.

TOM: You mean like Vin Diesel?

CROW: (as Vin) You stole my capital X! It belongs in xXx…oh, wait, this is a lemon. Sorry, my mistake.

>It means you might find eXplicit language, violence and/or overall adult situations, not >suitable for minors. If you are offended by such written material or can't, won't and/or >shouldn't read on... don't.

CROW: Well, you heard the man. *gets up*

MIKE: Crow, you know the doors are locked.

CROW: (sarcastic) Well thank you for ruining all hopes I might've had!

>All characters here were created by Kosuke Fujishima.

BELLDANDY: Who isn't very happy at the moment.

>This is the second part of my Aa!MS Trilogy, but has no connection whatsoever with >the prior story, so, FORGET WHAT YOU'VE READ!!!

CROW: We would if we could.

TOM: So he's saying that there's another crappy fic just like this?

MIKE: It's too early to be judgmental…never mind.

>This story explores Belldandy's feelings and lusts, both for Keiichi and a new character >I'm sure you won't recognize.

MIKE: That sounds like a good thing…I hope.

TOM: It has to be! The less we know about him or her, the better.

>But it IS ME! Hehehe!


CROW: Help us! It's a self-insert!

TOM: It's Oscar all over again!

BELLDANDY: Who's Oscar?

CROW: You don't want to know, Bell. You really don't want to know.

>This is the first story in which I use myself as third-person character, and it works,so >you can rest assured it won't be the last!

MIKE: Alright guys, NOW you can panic.

BOTS: Aaaaaahh!!!

>Oh, and you'll also meet another "new" character in this fic: Miranda!

CROW: And we should care because…


TOM: (as Eggman) Yosh!

MIKE: (as Yoshi) Yoshi!

>If you never heard frm her, don't be alarmed.

TOM: I don't know about that. If I never heard *from* her, that must mean she knows us, and is planning to kill us.

MIKE: Or she could be from a law *firm*, and wants to sue us.

CROW: We would welcome her if she has a *firm* butt.

MIKE: Not in front of the goddess, Crow.

CROW: I'll try, but I can't promise anything.

>Unless you actually know me, you don't necesarily have to know that she's my real-life >girlfriend.

TOM: Yet he decides to let us know anyways.

MIKE: Wait a minute. Does Miranda know he wrote this?

CROW: If so, then lucky him, poor us.

>Love you babe! Don't forget that!

MIKE: (as Author) Just in case you're reading this……Please don't hurt me!




MIKE: Um, guys?


BELLDANDY: Watch your language!

BOTS: (slinking down in their seats) Sorry.

>(You too, love!)

CROW: Sorry, but I don't swing that way.

MIKE: He wasn't referring to us.

CROW: Then who?

MIKE: *shrugs*

>"... el placer es un alivio, el orgasmo un abismo."

>"... pleasure is a relief, the orgasm is an abyss."

>Héroes del Silencio. Avalancha, 1995.

TOM: Oh great, so now he's Don Juan.

MIKE: Or that Hispanic radio guy from GTA3.

CROW: (as Fernando) I am Fernando, where my business is your pleasure. Feel free to call my number of cinco-cinco-cinco, nueve-dos, nueve-dos.


>[Soundtrack: Eifersucht!]

MIKE: Genzuteit.

CROW: Eiffel tower sucks!

BELLDANDY: Don't make fun of something you don't even understand.

CROW: I understand that this sucks.

MIKE: I understand that I should've never fallen for that temp job trap.

TOM: I understand…Dammit! You guys took all the good lines!

>It was an early Tuesday, day to go shopping for groceries.

BELLDANDY: Because I just don't feel like shopping on any other day. *turns to Crow* How was that?

CROW: Not bad.

>Belldandy returned home with two paper bags in her arms, She stopped momentarily at >the front steps of the entrance to the Morisato residence: she could not see in front of >her, the grocery bags blocking her vision of the floor where she stepped. Carefully, her >foot searched for the first step.

TOM: Then she fell, ending the fic.

MIKE: Isn't that line getting old?

>-Here.-A voice came from behind her.-Let me help.

>-Oh, thank you, Keii...-She said as both bags were taken from her hands. But it wasn't >Keiichi.

CROW: It was Hannibal Lecter.

TOM: (as Hannibal) Hello Belldandy.

MIKE: That was kind of creepy, Tom.

>In fact, Belldandy had no idea of who he was. The stranger smiled warmly at her, before >walking right into the house without even a glnce behind him.

MIKE: A glnce?

TOM: It must be a foreign word for "I'm going into your house without an invitation."

BELLDANDY: This must be him.

>Belldandy just stood there, wondering who that might be. The boy must hav been >around Keiichi's age, but looked very different from him: he had long auburn hair, and >looked a tad thinner than Keiichi, although Belldandy couldn't shake off the feeling he >was much stronger.

TOM: That's not much of a comparison.

CROW: Yeah, even "I'm" much stronger than Keiichi.

TOM: Keiichi can't even lift half his own weight.

BELLDANDY: *glaring at the bots*

CROW: I think my circuitry is getting warmer.

TOM: Uh-oh. *turns to Belldandy* We're really sorry about what we said.

CROW: Hey, for some strange reason, I'm feeling much better.

>He was dressed in jeans and a black, long sleeved T-shirt, over which he wore a dusty >grey vest, full of pockets.

CROW: Sounds like you, Mike, only without all the pockets.

MIKE: I guess I "am" a casual dresse-*realizes that he's just been insulted* Let's just watch the movie.

BOTS: *snickering*

>It was until he came back out of the house, that Belldandy had a chance to se his face: >fine factions, thinly outlined eyebrows and playful, even mischievous-looking yellow >eyes.

CROW: *whispers a riff in Belldandy's ear*

BELLDANDY: Hello, Mr. Potato head.

>-Ano... Keiichi wa... uh, mata koko ni... imasuka?

CROW: Hey look! It's a Japanese William Shatner.

>Morisato Keiichi?-He asked with a troubled Japanese, with an accent Belldandy >couldn't quite place.

>-Yes.-Belldandy answered in english.

BELLDANDY: I wouldn't want to embarrass him any further.

>She started towards the house.-I'll go look for him...

>-Don't bother. I already searched the whole place. He's not in.

>-You mean you..?!

>-ey, we got here an hour ago. We honked the horn, we called... We even rang those >stupid little bells!

MIKE: (as SI) So I thought "Hey! Let's break in and not wait for them. I'm sure they won't mind!"

-He pointed at the good-luck charm that Belldandy herself had hung in the poch.-Nobody answered, and we got bored...

MIKE: He sure is a pessimistic person, what with all the negatives he's giving.

>so, I decided to go in and see if he was still asleep. It's so early yet!

>-You..?-Belldandy seemed a little upset.

BELLDANDY: Well I don't blame myself.

MIKE: What with going into someone's home without permission.

>-Wait a minute. How many are "you"?

MIKE: Is she asking his age?

>The boy pointed a finger at a red Mustang parked on the opposite side of the house from >which Belldandy had arrived. A couple of legs hung lazily out the rear window, wearing >white socks and blue sneakers.

TOM: So he's carrying a dead body with him?

>Just the three of us.

TOM: *singing* Just the three of us……

CROW: *singing* We can make it if we try……

>Belldandy was about to speak, but her voice was drowned by the roar of an engine and >the racket of discussion. It was Keiichi, in his jeep, along with the ever-fighting Urd and >Skuld.

CROW: Now I could point out that the number of people would equal to five, but you know that I don't like to complain.

>-Belldandy!-Keiichi raised his voice over the others.-Why did you leave so early?

CROW: (as Belldandy) It wasn't my fault! It was the stupid plot holes!

>I could have driven you to the market... Hey, who's that?

>The other boy turned to face Keiichi.

-You dare ask, Morisato?!

>For a second nobody moved or spoke. Then Keiichi's face lit up.


MIKE: Alfa?

BOTS: *snickering*

BELLDANDY: What's so funny?

CROW: Well, it just dawned on me when Mike said Alfa. Say it twice, and you get a little rascal.

What are you..? When did you get here? How've you been? How's Miranda?

MIKE: (as Alfa) Wait a minute………What do you mean "what am I?" I'm a human……..I think.

>-Whoa, whoa! One question at a time! I'm fine, but pretty tired! I just drove all the way >from the coast! Miranda's fine, she's in the Machine!

>The "Machine" was a ten (that's right TEN!) cyllindered 1979 Ford Mustang Mac One.

BOTS: *deadpan* Ten? Really? You're kidding.

BELLDANDY: That's a pretty old year for a Ford.

CROW: (song from the commercial) LIKE A ROCK!

>It was painted red with two thin, black lines running over it's middle. Alfa and Miranda >loved that car as if it were their son. Which in a way, it was.

TOM: You know she must've needed many anesthetics to pull that baby out.

>They had both put their hearts and souls in the upgrade of an old car Alfa had stolen.

BELLDANDY: And they're proud of that?

TOM: Next, on Fox 11 news at ten, SI authors Alfa and Miranda steal heavy baby Ford.

CROW: *singing* LIKE A ROCK!

>The Machine's engine roared, and it slowly advsnced towards the house.

MIKE: Run! It's gonna kill us!

BELLDANDY: He said *advanced*, I think.

TOM: Miranda must be really talented in order to drive a car lying down with her legs sticking out of the window.

>Out of the driver's window, the red-haired head of a girl poked out.

TOM: Ran-chan?

>-Oi! Kei-kun! Genki?

MIKE: Who?

TOM: Crow?

CROW: Bell?


>When the car pulled over, the girl jumped out and ran to Keiichi. They hugged and >greeted each other (and in perfect japanese, no less!),

TOM: *grumbling* (as Alfa) Stupid girl out staging me!

>and then she stood beside Alfa, placing an arm over his neck.

CROW: (as Miranda) I'll kill you!

>Belldandy noticed the girl's odd beauty: she had very darkly tanned skin, like Urd's, >contrasted by her bright red hair and her beautiful green eyes. Also, she couldn't help to >notice her exquisitely contoured frame. The top half of her body was clad in a cut tank >T-shirt and a black leather jacket that hinted her womanhood and her full, firm breasts.

BOTS: *drooling*

MIKE: Okay guys, I think it's time for a break.

CROW: Can't we at least wait until "after" the next cut scene?

MIKE: No, I'm afraid not. *picks up Tom, and they all exit the theater*

*************************************************************** * **********

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bridge]

We now see Mike filling up two bags full of groceries and handing them to Belldandy.

"Why are we doing this?" She asked.

"Just play along." Mike answered.

Belldandy had some trouble seeing in front of her because of the bags, so decided to ask for help.

"Um, Mike? Could you remove these bags fr-."

She stopped mid-sentence. There was an extra weight that she was holding. She lifted the bags upward, and saw Crow, trying as hard as possible to grabs the bags.

"Don't worry." Said Crow. "I've got them for you."

"You sure you don't need any help?" she asked.

"Did the guy in the fic need help? I think not. Just as soon as I can get on the ground, I'll bring those bags in the next room. I'll even do it with just a glance."

Mike picked up the bags, along with Crow, who still had a grip on the bags. Mike glanced at Belldandy, and went into the next room.

"Hey!" Exclaimed Crow. "You're stealing the spotlight! I wanted to be the hero!"

Right next to them was a cardboard cutout of a Ford. Tom's head was sticking out through it. He had a red wig on.

"Sorry, but this was the best I could do." Said Tom, knowing full well that he didn't have any legs. He tried to get out of the box, but to no avail. "Um, can somebody help me? I think my heads stuck."

Belldandy used her powers to pry Tom's head out of the cardboard cut out. The wig was now on the floor. Tom noticed it and tried to pick it up, but Gypsy took it and ran away.

"Come back with that wig!" Shouted Tom. "I stole that wig fair and square, just like I did my car that I'm so proud of!"

"Now you know how it feels to be stolen from!" shouted Gypsy from across the corridor.

The alarm rang.

"We got fic sign!" They all said, and headed back to the theater.

*************************************************************** * ************

[1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, theater.]

*the group took their usual seats*

CROW: Well, back to that raging beauty.

>-Belldandy-Keiichi's voice made the girl snap out of it.-,

TOM: So what happened? Did Bell and Keiichi fuse or something?

MIKE & CROW: (as Belliichi) Snap out of it! We have to get out of this fic!

>I'd like you to meet Alfa. He's a...

MIKE: Pervert.

TOM: Liar.

CROW: Thief.


CROW: Good one, Bell.

>parts supplier and a very good friend. He really gave me a hand when I went to race to >America.

>Alfa bowed and took Belldandy's hand to kiss it.

BELLDANDY: But then pulled away, saying, "I don't know where you've been!"

CROW: I tell ya Mike, she's getting better.

>-And this-Keiichi said,

CROW: (as Keiichi) ………"this is my little friend."

pointing at the redhead.-is Miranda. She's into, uh...

CROW: Bondage, S&M, and full, blown out orgies!

MIKE: Crow! Not in front of Bell!

CROW: Sorry, Mike. I couldn't resist.

BELLDANDY: *a bit shocked at Crows vulgarity*

>another kind of club.

CROW: See? Now what did I tell ya?

>She likes mechanics a lot and's been hanging around with Alfa for some years now.

>-Yoroshiku ne!-Miranda shook Belldandy's hand.

>Belldandy felt a shock as she touched the girl.

CROW: Little did Belldandy know about the oldest trick in the book.

MIKE: I love that handbuzzer routine.

>Something was...Terribly wrong about her. Miranda seemed to noticed, and she forced >herself to smile as she let go of the other girl's hand.

BELLDANDY: Why is it that my fic self can sense something wrong about "her," but not about Alfa?

MIKE: Just smile and nod.

>-C'mon, Miranda-Keiichi aid as he took her hand and guided her into the house.

TOM: Is the writer really into DBZ or something? Now we have a fused Miranda and Keiichi?

MIKE & CROW: (as Miraniichi)And together, we will make one deadly lemon!

>-,I'll introduce you to the others.

>Alfa and Belldandy stayed out.

BELLDANDY: Giving room for another "coincidence."

CROW: Plot holes. You can't live with `em, ya can't live without `em.

>-Hmph! Living with three women. Who'd have thought that of Morisato?

>Belldandy turned madly to him.

CROW: (as Belldandy) I'm madly in love with you!

BELLDANDY: No I'm not!

TOM: Not yet, at least.

>-Keiichi is not at all like that!

MIKE: (as Belldandy) He doesn't have the guts to try something like that!

>How would you know..?

>Alfa laughed out a heartly, shameless laugh.

>-Whooo girl! I've known Morisato for a considerable longer while than you!

MIKE: So he's known Keiichi since they were babies?

>There's little yu know about him that I don't!

TOM: So in other words, you know as little as she does.

>-How could Keiichi pssibly meet someone like you?

MIKE: Hey, now that was just rude!

TOM: Not to mention unsanitary.

CROW: I know "I" wouldn't want to *pissibly* meet someone like that.

>-Ooh, That hurt. Well, when we were just kids, we used to write each other. You know, >actually WRITE each other. We'd go to the mail and lick stamps.

MIKE: I feel ill for some reason.

BELLDANDY: What does that have to do with licking stamps?

TOM: I don't think I want to know.

CROW: That sounded "so" wrong.

>Remember..? Well, then when his racing teams needed parts and replacements... well, I >just supplyed them.

>-You... stole?

>-And got a pretty penny for it.

MIKE: Who would've ever thought Keiichi as the type to buy stolen property.

BELLDANDY: Keiichi is not like that!

CROW: Um, Mike? My circuitry is getting heated up again.

And when his team went to America to race, I ofered them my home. They won, celebrated and got into trouble with the local mob. And Miranda and I got them out.

BOTS: *snickering*

MIKE: I just find it so hard to believe that Keiichi would even have the spine to mess with the mob.

TOM: Maybe they gave him an offer he couldn't refuse. *resumes laughing*

BELLDANDY: *is silent at the moment, just glaring at the screen*

CROW: Um, guys? I'm not kidding. My circuitry really feels hot.

>-That girl...

BOTS: Aaaaahh! Oscar flashback!


>-What a piece of work, huh? Yeah, my kind of girl..!

BELLDANDY: And yet he won't stay away from me.

>-She feels so... violent.

CROW: Yeah, my kind of girl.


>-She has done something terrible. In her past. She has taken a life.

>She has... killed.

ALL: *singing* Dun-dun-duunnnn!!

>Alfa stared at Belldandy. Then he sighed.

>-Yeah. es, she has. That "club" Morisato was talking about.

TOM: It was the NRA.

It was an assassins guild. Here in Japan.

TOM: Same thing.

CROW: You mean there's an NRA in Japan?

You may have heard about it, the Akai Arashi, Red Storm.

MIKE: For those of you who don't speak perfect Japanese.

>Belldandy was never interested in such subjects, but yes, she had read or heard about it >on the news sometimes.

CROW: *to Belldandy* So, which is it? Read or heard?


CROW: How?

BELLDANDY: I'm a Goddess. I see everything.

>They were, after all, famous for never failing a job and for their secrecy to outer society.

TOM: And they're different to other mafia groups, how?

>-But...-Belldandy almost whispered.-she's just a girl... why?

MIKE: I've heard of ignorance, but he's making Belldandy out to be a total ditz, when she really isn't.

>-Hey. I never agreed to it. In fact,

CROW: (as Alfa) She made me join as well!

TOM: (as Alfa) She made me an offer I couldn't refuse!

>it was me who convinced her to quit. I worried she might get hurt.

>-But you might get hurt as well.

>-Me?-Alfa chuckled.-Seriously?

TOM: (as Alfa) I could've told ya that!

>-The life you lead... so full of danger...

BOTS: *singing* He's a man who leads a life of danger……

-And excitement!

BOTS: *singing* And excitement always heading, his wayyyayy!

>-Do you expect to live long?

>-No. I hope to die young.

TOM: *singing* Do you expect to live long,

CROW: *singing* I hope, to die youunng!

MIKE: Okay guys, we get the point.

>-That's sad.-Belldandy said, taking one of Alfa's hand's in between hers.

CROW: Bell! I never knew you had it in you!

MIKE: I don't think that's wise, Crow.

BELLDANDY: He's only kidding. Besides, nothing has happened yet.

>-There's nothing sad abouth my life.

TOM: (as Alfa) I just write cheesy self-inserts when I "could" be getting it on with my "real-life" girlfriend.

CROW: (as Alfa) And other than the fact I'm saying all of this, is no way that my life is sad.

MIKE: If what he's saying is even half-true, I'm going to agree with the fic Belldandy.

TOM: Or half false, whichever you want.

>A life should not be measured in how long you live, but in how much. Belldandy smile, >and Alfa sensed an inminent rush of tears. Then he too smiled, and patted her hands.

>-C'mon, Belldandy. Let's go in before Morisato suspects about us.

MIKE: Too late.


CROW: This fic is a goner!

TOM: We're losing her!

>For about week, Alfa and Miranda had stayed in Keiichi's house.

MIKE: *deadpan* The plot thickens.

>They seemed to be great friends, as well as long time acquaitanced. Urd quickly grew >fond of Alfa's roguish ways and free lifestyle (and no few suspicions were in the air,

TOM: Thanks to "SI powers."

>regarding they had shared more than one episode only IN the house!),

CROW: Out of the house is a totally different story.

>while Skuld and Miranda spent great pariods of time holed up, crating or modifying >machinery of all sorts. On the other hand, there was something Belldandy still didn't >like about the couple's irresponsible way of living together.

CROW: Like how they always walked nude in the house……

TOM: How they would have stag parties all night……

BELLDANDY: How they were always trying to get into peoples pants……

MIKE: How the cops kept coming over ever since……

>But she couldn't feel but wonder...

TOM: …why would she feel instead of "help"?

>about their relationship... and their feelings for each other.

CROW: How fighting the SI powers were getting harder with each passing minute.

>Alfa, despite his reckless behaviour, slowly managed to creep into Belldandy's liking:

CROW: (as Alfa) Ooh, I finally found her panty stash.

>he seemed...

BELLDANDY: To remind me of Happosai?

CROW: Good one.

>nice, deep down.

TOM: But then found nothing, and decided to call her father for help.



MIKE: This is what happens to your brain when you do drugs.

>Tuesday came again. Day to go shopping for groceries.

TOM: I wonder why Tuesday seems to be the ideal day for grocery shopping?

>And just as every Tuesday when she felt she needed to think, Belldandy woke up very >early and, after taking a bath, left for the market downtown. There was something about >Alfa and Miranda that made her uncomfortable.

MIKE: Yeah, just ignore the fact that she's being manipulated into a lemon scene.

TOM: And the fact that he told her to her face that Keiichi was a thug.

CROW: And the fact that he keeps trying to hit on Bell, even though he has a girlfriend right there with him.

>It was not like she didn't like them. In fact, she felt slightly... jealous of them.

ALL: *laughing*

MIKE: A goddess? Jealous of mere mortals? Am I the only one who finds this far-fetched?

BELLDANDY: I have never been jealous. I may have been angry, depressed, or even hurt, but never jealous.

>Of everything they were together. They just seemed so close, despite their mutual >independence. So free of worries and problems and so...

MIKE: Going to get killed by the Red Storm.

>unlike Keiichi and herself.

CROW: (as Belldandy) Why can't "we" become mafia members?! Keiichi can be so stubborn! I want to shoot people too!

BELLDANDY: *laughing at Crows impersonation*

>After shopping, Belldandy walked in the busy streets. Then she saw them: Alfa and >Miranda. Again she noticed how close to each other they were...

MIKE: (as Miranda)Um, Alfa? You're invading my personal space.

>how often their bodies rosed each other... how proud Alfa looked, being with Miranda, >and how happy Miranda was, having Alfa close. Her arm rested over his shoulders, >while his hand was wrapped around her waist, seductively caressing the tanned skin >beneath her shirt.

BOTS: *looking closer at the screen*

>Both of them smiled ana talked and flirted (inadvertedly, at times!) with every worthy >passer-by.

TOM: So who's flirting with who?

MIKE: *shrugs*

>Suddenly, Belldandy realized what was what bothered her about the young couple. It >was not their carefreeness. Nor was it their lack of respect for customs. Or their scarce >responsabilities. Or their lives, so filled with fun and sin.

CROW: It was the fact that they're lives were being invaded.

>It was the fact that none of this could ever be for her and Keiichi.

CROW: (as Belldandy) Nope. Keiichi and I could never invade other peoples lives and have pointless, unprotected sex with them.

MIKE: That's actually not a bad idea.

TOM: Now if only we can find a girl who will go out with you.

>Their destinies were to be together... forever. Tied. Bound. Enslaved.

TOM: Alright, we get the point!

>Belldandy came to the realization that their relationship lacked the liberty only Alfa or >Miranda could give...

CROW: She wasn't picky about the gender.

>-Oi! Belldandy!-Alfa called, at last aware of the girl's presence.-What are you doing >here?

TOM: (as Belldandy) I'm going to a barmitzfa. And you?

>-Huh..? I, uh, I... -Belldandy stammered, for no apparent reason.-...I came shopping.

>-So early?-Miranda asked with an amused tone.-I thought we were the only maniacs >who'd think of going out at this hour. It's not nine a-m yet!

TOM: Because only maniacs go out at 8 in the morning.

MIKE: Does that mean that I was a maniac every time I went to grade school?

CROW: I guess it does.

BELLDANDY: I never knew I "was" a maniac.

>-I usually come at this time when I'm...bored.-Belldandy said.

MIKE: (as Belldandy) And trying to avoid SI's..

>-What are you two doing out of bed at this time?

BELLDANDY: (as herself) You're usually asleep until 3 in the afternoon.

>Alfa and Miranda gave each other a quick look, making Belldandy blush after she >realized what she had just said.

BELLDANDY: (as herself) Oh, lemon, right.

>-We thought of going out for a walk.-Miranda explained.-It's been a pretty long while >since we are not together in a new town. We can't miss this occations...

TOM: What's so great about their *locations*?

CROW: Because it's not the right *occasion*.

>Alfa and Miranda held each other for a few seconds, but immediately turned their >attention back to Belldandy.

>-Well.-Alfa said.-Are you done with your shopping? Should we head back?

BELLDANDY: No thank you. You go right ahead.

>Belldandy agreed,

BELLDANDY: Of course. What does my opinion matter anyways?

MIKE: Welcome to our world.

>and the three walked back to Keiichi's home. Even though it was a long walk, there was >much to see and much to talk about.

MIKE: All 10 seconds of it!

>Belldandy wished Miranda was not there. Alfa was usually an interesting boy to talk >with, but Miranda seemed to keep absorbing his attention, leaving Belldandy, at times, >talking to herself.

MIKE: And that's a bad thing?

BELLDANDY: Frankly, I couldn't be happier.

>The walk ended much sooner than any of the three would have liked, and Belldandy >went right into the kitchen. She took out what she needed to prepare breakfast, and then >she heard someone behind her.

TOM: (as Jack Nicolson) Heeeres Johnny!

CROW: (as Chucky) I'm Chucky, wanna play?

>-Hey.-Miranda greeted her.-Need a hand?

BELLDANDY: (as Miranda) I have a spare.

>-Uh... yes. Thank you.

>Miranda stepped into the kitchen, and put some water on the stove.

>-Listen, uh...

MIKE: (as Miranda) What'syername.

>Belldandy. You seem to like Alfa, don't you?

>-Me?-Belldandy was startled by such a direct question.-Well, no, I mean, he's an >intelligent, interesting, cute...

BELLDANDY: (as herself) …womanizing perverted egotist, and is trying to get in my pants. Why?

MIKE: (as Miranda) Oh nothing, just seeing if you noticed.

>why? Why do you ask?

>-Oh, it's nothing.-Miranda shrugged her shoulders.-It's just he seems to be becoming >rather... fond of you, that's all.

>-Really? I had no idea.

>-No? Well, I wasn't expecting you to just tell me, anyway. But I think it's fair to warn >you.

TOM: (as Miranda) The Red Storms gonna be making you wear the cement shoes.

>I've been hanging around with Alfa for quite a while, so I know he does a lot behind my >back.

CROW: (as Miranda) Why, last year, I caught him panty raiding with Happosai, and then looking up women's dresses with Master Roshi.

>Even though we're supposed to be a couple, he still likes to fool around when he thinks >I'm not looking.

TOM: So much for the whole destined to be together talk that was going on earlier.

>I know I shouldn't put up with stuff like this, but the way I deal with him is my business. >Anyway, the point is, you're a nice girl, so long I can tell. I really like you and I wish >you no harm. I'd really hate to see you hurt.

CROW: (as Miranda) My Red Storm boys can really rock the house, if you know what I mean.

>-I don't think I understand you.-A confused Belldandy said

CROW: Negatively……get it? You know, with all of the negatives and………never mind.


>Miranda clenched her fists, and her eyes flashed a furious stare.

MIKE: (as Vegeta) FINAL FLASH!

>-Okay. Read-my-lips: STAY-A-WAY!

TOM: (as Miranda) Now seriously, how was my ventriloquist act?

>She got out of the kitchen and stamped her way to the bedroom she had been assigned.

TOM: Making sure her stamps were of first class quality.

CROW: And the drill sergeant assigned her to her barracks.

>Belldandy breathed in relief. She thought Miranda was about to punch her out at any >time.

MIKE: Not that Miranda could've beaten a Goddess.

BELLDANDY: I'll admit that I'm not the violent type, but even "I" wouldn't have let her threaten me like that!

>The water inside the pot was boiling, even though Miranda never turned the stove on...

CROW: *feeling hotter* Much like my circuits!


TOM: And Belldandy's lifeline was used up.

CROW: *feeling the burning* Let's take a break, NOW!

*Mike picks up Tom, and the group exits the theater*

*************************************************************** * ***********

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bridge]

Mike and Gypsy were calmly talking to Belldandy, while Tom and Crow were somewhere in another room, when suddenly, Pearl calls them.


"Well hello there my putrid little hamsters." Said Pearl in a calm tone. "How is the special guest? Has she lost her sanity yet? Have you?"


"Sorry Pearl, but you're gonna have to try harder." Answered Mike. "This fic really isn't so bad. All you have to do is look past the stupidity of it. Besides, this self-insertion isn't so scary."


This statement made Pearl scowl, but then she grinned again. "I see." She started. "You and your friends might be doing well, but what about your special guest? How is she faring? I think I'll ask her. So how are you faring, Bell?"


Belldandy didn't say a word. She kept thinking about why she would be portrayed in such a manner. Was her mind really that weak? Finally, she smiled, and then spoke aloud.

"I'm fine." She said. "After all, it's just a fic. None of it is even real."


Pearl just smiled wickedly. "You say that now," she started, "but wait until the lemon scene begins. Tom and Crows circuits, not to mention Mikes hair, will really be burning if you can't keep your emotions under control. I'll be able to tell! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Her laughter was cut short due to Bobo's constant shouting.

"What are you doing?!" exclaimed Pearl. "I'm trying to have a moment here!"

"Sorry about that, Pearl." Said Bobo. "Saiya taught me how to power up. All I have to do channel my energy really hard. It helps to shout to the top of my lungs."

"And is it working?"

"Not yet, but I know that with practice, I'll eventually get it." Then he proceeded with shouting again.

Pearl rubbed her temples, getting really irritated with her assistant. Then she turned back to Mike. "Where are your stupid robot friends anyways?!"


Before Mike could answer, Tom Servo and Crow bust into the room, fighting each other. Crow is wearing Belldandy's clothing, and Tom is wearing Miranda's clothing. Tom is losing, mainly because of the fact that his arms are too short, and that he doesn't have legs.

"Stay-A-Way from him!" shouted Tomanda.

"No, you stay-a-way from him!" shouted Crowdandy.


The noise that her assistant was making, combined with the noise that the bots were making, was enough to drive Pearl to the deep end.

"That's it!" she shouted. "I will no longer tolerate any of this noise! I'll think of a way to punish those…..things, but right now I'm going to get rid of that stupid statue!"

And with that, Pearl switched off the communication.


"Alright, Belldandy, here's what you have to do." Said Mike. "All you have to do is walk out of the theater with your emotions intact, and the bots in one piece, and Pearls plan to traumatize you will fail. Do you think you can do it?"

"I'll do my best." Belldandy answered.

"Good. Now- *alarm rings* We got fic sign!"

So Mike and the Bots, costumes discarded, rushed back into the theater.

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, theater]

*************************************************************** * *************

*Everyone takes their seats*

CROW: You know, if there's going to be a lemon, I hope it's with Miranda.

TOM: Nah, we'll probably get Bell.

CROW: For our circuits sake, I hope not.

>Night fell. Belldandy had trouble sleeping.

TOM: Well I would have trouble sleeping too, if something "that" heavy fell on my head.

>She kept on thinking of what Miranda had told her. She wasn't afraid of the girl, but >every time she closed her eyes, she felt her warnings came true.

TOM: So which is it? Are you or aren't you afraid of her?

BELLDANDY: Of course I'm not.

TOM: I was referring to the fic Belldandy, not you Belldandy.

BELLDANDY: Well in that case, I am.

>She felt Alfa's light, silent steps approaching her bed.

MIKE: As opposed to heavy, loud *stamps*.

>Once and again, she tried, but,

TOM: She just couldn't hit her target.

>just as she was about to fall asleep, her visions would return,

CROW: *whispering* If you build it, they will come.

>only to disappear when she awoke completely.

TOM: (as Lea) Help me Obiwan, you're my only hope.

>Then one time, when she opened her eyes, she could still feel his steps.

TOM: How the……?

CROW: Was she feeling his footprints or something?

MIKE: Smile and nod.

>Outside, in the hall. Approaching her room. Belldandy snugged in her bed, expecting.

CROW: I didn't know Bell was pregnant.

TOM: Way to go, Keiichi! You da man!

>She could hear the faint contact of Alfa's bare feet with the wooden floor.

MIKE: (as Alfa) Ouch! Damn splinters!

>The she saw him, through her open door. His hair was tied back in a ponytail, hanging >to his back. His top half was bare and his thin, muscular body was clearly visible >through the shadows. Belldandy sweat in anticipation as Alfa...

TOM: Was popping a blood vessel?

>walked past her door. Belldandy sat up, wondering if she felt disappointment.

TOM: (as Belldandy) Uh, darn?

CROW: She says as she missed her target yet again.

>She didn't move until she heard Alfa's footsteps move away. Then she walked to the >door. She peeked out and watched Alfa walk away... but where? Belldandy couldn't >help it. She had to know.

>Carefully and silently, Belldandy tiptoed after Alfa, wondering...

BELLDANDY: (as herself) How would his head look on my trophy wall?

MIKE: *surprised look*

BELLDANDY: *shrugs* If you can't beat them, join them.

>And worrying. Where could he be going? What could he be planning? What if he meant >harm to Keiichi or Urd or Skuld?

TOM: Hey, Mike? It just dawned on me. If the fic Bell is "supposedly" infatuated with Alfa, why is she worried that he might harm her sisters?
MIKE: Just smile and nod, Tom. Just smile and nod.

>Alfa stopped briefly at one of the bedroom doors. He looked around (failing to see >Belldandy, the idiot!)

MIKE: What?

CROW: Hey! Leave the riffing to us!

>and opened the door. Belldandy watched him walk in, and she knelt close to the door to >better see whatever happened inside.

CROW: Nudge-nudge, wink-wink.

>She saw Alfa coming close to where Miranda slept, and, after walking around her a few >times like a dog, gently nudged her awake.

TOM: (as Alfa) Wake up. It's time to feed me my kibbles n bits.

>-Aijin...-He whispered in his imperfect japanese.-... mezamete yo, aijin...

CROW: (as Japanese William Shatner) Ko-ni-chi-wa, ba-ka!

>Miranda slowly awoke and yawned sweetly. She rubbed her eyes and smiled at Alfa. >She sighed and sat up, speaking in a very low voice that Belldandy could not hear.

MIKE: If she could hear it, it would be a high voice.

BOTS: *groan*

>The redhead brushed Alfa's hair out of his face and caressed his cheek with one hand. >The boy responded her caresses accordingly, and leaned to kiss her cheek, and gradually >down to her neck. His hands were hidden from Belldandy's view, but she knew they >were between his chest and Miranda's.

CROW: *sarcastic tone* Nah, you think?

>Belldandy's eyes opened wide as Alfa pulled Miranda's shirt down.

BELLDANDY: What's the big deal? It's not like she has anything I haven't already seen.

CROW: *looking closer* I don't know about that. There's a tattoo I'm sure you haven't seen just below her waist.

>Even though the redhead was turning her back to her, Belldandy was impressed when >she saw her naked shoulders and fine, strong arms. But even more by the sudden >tenderness that had sprouted between the two.

BOTS: *looks strangely at Belldandy*

BELLDANDY: It's not like that!

MIKE: I hope not.

>Now, Belldandy realized a new feeling that grew inside her. She had felt it the very first >time she had met with Alfa, and every time she saw him. But it wasn't until now, that >she watched him make love to Miranda, that she realized what she felt. Belldandy felt >lust.

BELLDANDY: No, I'm pretty sure that's my lunch I'm feeling.

>Belldandy's body felt heated and sweaty, as if it was her, Alfa was making love to. One >of her hands went down between her thighs,

TOM: Ooh, now it's getting hot.

CROW: *feeling circuits fry* Is it supposed to be "this hot?"

MIKE: Uh-oh.

>and found het panties wet and slippery.

MIKE: So is he saying that there are also *bi* and *homo* panties?

TOM: I never heard of *het* panties, but where are *hers*?

>She went under the fabric, and slowly slid into her entrance, her gasp drowned by >Miranda's screams.

TOM: Uh, Mike? Is this lemon scene supposed to be this exciting?

MIKE: No, why?

TOM: Because my circuits are burning up!

>Belldandy forced herself to stand up. She limped back to her room,

TOM: Did we just miss something?

CROW: Maybe, but then again, how would I know?

>slightly ashamed for her feelings and her body's reaction to them. As a goddess, she >thought she'd have some...

CROW: Authority over SI powers?

>control. She turned on the light and took off her clothes, throwing them beside her bed. >She didn't like the way she smelled, so thought of taking a bath.

MIKE: And the lemon drags us further in.

>As the water washed over her, she tried to keep her mind clear. Clear of Alfa, of >Miranda and of the muffled voices that came from the girl's room.

>But even the water from the shower could not cool of her flushed body. Her thighs and >breasts felt uncomfortably ho,

MIKE: Well that was rude.

TOM: Yeah! Bell is not a *ho*!

>and yet her nipples erected and felt so sensitive that even the shower excited them. Her >hands unconciously began to touch and feel her breasts. Unable to stop herself, they >began to move up and down her heated body,

CROW: *leaning closer to the screen*

BELLDANDY: *trying to control herself*

>until one of them reached down over her pubic hair and to her slit.

MIKE: So she's now wearing a dress?

>Again, she realized what she was doing, and again she felt ashame and desperate. Tears >welled up in her eyes, as she stepped out of the bathroom, draped in a towel. She let >herself fall on the bed, weeping in a low voice.

TOM: You know, now I'm just feeling sorry for her.

CROW: What about us? We're also being forced to do something against our own will!

TOM: Yeah, but we're not goddesses.


TOM: You know something, you're right. We want out of Pearls experiments!

>-No... no, no, no... What's happening to me..?

>Belldandy stayed very still. Her body acted totally independent of her mind, and every >little movement only seemed to further arouse it, in spite of herself. She just laid, >immobile, crying. Silent.


>The girl looked up, hoping for Keiichi's comfort.

CROW: Or Deaths comfort, whichever is available.

>Instead, she saw Alfa standing at her door and, for the first time, not smiling. This time, >his face reflected a deep concern for the reason of Belldandy's tears.

MIKE: (as Alfa) Hey, you're not supposed to feel regret!

>-Alfa... -Belldandy wiped her tears and smiled a sweet, stupid smile.

MIKE: That was uncalled for.

CROW: Who does this guy think he is, us?

>-What are you doing up?

>Alfa made a face.

MIKE: *sticking out tongue and rolling his eyes* Like this?

BELLDANDY: *laughing at the face he made*

>-I saw your room's light on and I heard you crying.-He lied.

TOM: He's making this too easy for us.

MIKE: Should we let it pass?

TOM: Sure.

>-I wanted to know what was wrong, so I came... uh,

CROW: (as Alfa) But then I forgot what it was………Oh, right, lemon!

BELLDANDY: (as herself) Alfa, why were you silent for so long?

>you might want to-Alfa pointed at Belldandy's exposed breasts.-cover up.

MIKE: (as Alfa) Although I don't see the point.

TOM: (as Alfa) I just felt like saying it.

>-Oh!-Belldandy sat up and pulled the towel up over her chest, a deep blush flooding her >face.

>-So-Alfa sat on her bed, next to her.-Wanna talk about it?

CROW: Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

>Belldandy looked up at him, with one of those sweet looks of hers, smiling through her >tears. Alfa felt slightly guilty (something that rarely ever happens!), even though not >sure why.

MIKE: Let's see…You cheat on your girlfriend, manipulate a goddess, and backstab your own friend.

CROW: And he wonders why?

>He used his right hand to caress the girl's cheek, and she took it between her own and >kissed it softly on the palm.

CROW: And yet another way to get a Hershey's kisses.

>Alfa didn't know what to make sure of this gesture. But, as instinct took over, he pulled >Belldandy's hands up and pressed her against his body.

>The towel fell to the floor, and he could feel the girl'd warm, thumping chest pressed up >against his.

BOTS: Alright! Whoo-hoo! *feeling their circuits burning* Aaah! Nooo!

>-Belldandy...-His hand snaked around her waist. She didn't resist, but she didn't act, >either.

MIKE: Just as it was intended.

>Alfa looked into her eyes, and found them filled with fear... and longing.

CROW: Something Keiichi was too scared too give her. *top of head catches on fire* I'm just kidding! I'm sorry!

BELLDANDY: *magically extinguishes him* I'm very sorry! I just couldn't control my emotions any longer.

CROW: Much like the fic Belldandy?

BELLDANDY: *glares at Crow*

CROW: *quickly* Of course, that was just a joke.

>Gently, he kissed her, but seeing he got no response from her,

CROW: He realized that the real Belldandy has been switched with an inflatable doll.

>He pushed his tongue past her lips, tasting her and prolonging the kiss as much as his >lungs could bear.

TOM: Which was less than a second.

>Finally, just as he wanted, it was her who pulled back. She looked at him with tears in >her eyes.


BELLDANDY: (as herself) Why are you doing this?

TOM: (as Alfa) Because I can do whatever I want.

>-Her feeling were tearing her apart.

MIKE: That must be really painful.

>The knowledge of this gave Alfa a small, perverse sense of satisfaction, knowing what >this could, and most likely would lead to.

MIKE: Just as he had planned it.

>His left hand moved to the front of her waist. Alfa looked into Belldandy's eyes, not >really sure if he wanted to,

MIKE: Since he would see her unwillingness.

>but following a protocol he had force himself to accept.

TOM: Who's protocol?

CROW: Major Nelsons? How should I know?!

>Belldandy smiled at him, and he slowly started to touch the inner sides of her thighs >with his fingers. Alfa anjoyed as he felt her body respond to his touch. Her temperature >raised noticeably, and she gradually began t feel damp and slippery.

CROW: *feeling very warm* It's starting!

TOM: *feeling it too* You and me both!

>With one finger, Alfa traced closing ovals around her entrance, finally sliding a finger >over her slit,

MIKE: There he goes again with the clothing reference.

>leaving her hungry for his touch. Slowly, his finger slid up her body, leaving a wet, >sluggish trail, and delicately touched her breasts, all around her pink, soft nipples. Even >though she tried to be completely silent, Belldandy's breathing had become very ragged, >hinting Alfa how much he was, in truth, teasing her.

TOM: Nyah-nyah! I'm teasing you!

>And so, his finger continued moving up over her shoulder, and then down, slower even, >down her back. Lower, until he reached her rear. His whole hand squeezed one of her >buttocks, making her gasp in surprise. Almost unnoticeably, Alfa's finger snaked >inwards,

MIKE: And bit hard, killing them.

CROW: *Head on fire* Aaagh!!

>low between her legs and into her pussy. Belldandy bucked as she felt his fingers inside.

>Alfa anjoyed Belldandy's silent pleasure and the submissive way she let him do >whatever he wanted with her.

MIKE: Not that she had a choice.

> He made her turn around, with the same hand he fingered her from behind with. >Feeling her legs weaken, he let her fall, face down on her bed, never taking his hand >out... until she was about to reach her climax.

TOM: Temperature…..rising!
MIKE: But I thought this didn't bother you?

TOM: It does when my head feels like it's gonna explode!

>Then he took it out. He hesitated, wondering if he should or not penetrate her. She was, >after all, his frined's girlfriend,

MIKE: And decided to hit on her anyways.

TOM: Some friend!

>and obviously a virgin (wimpy Morisato!), plus, the least he wanted was to leave her >pregnant.

TOM: But it wasn't too far off from his mind.

BELLDANDY: *could no longer control herself, as parts of the theater was catching fire*

MIKE: Bell! For safety's sake, please calm down!
CROW: My head! It burns!

>-Alfa...-He heard Belldandy's gasping voice.-... onegai.

>Alfa looked at her, startled. She had turned her face to him and was smiling. Then he >looked town between her legs at her tender, dripping pussy.

>She was so aroused that her lips gaped and her juices slid down her thighs... inviting... >calling out... screaming to be penetrated. Oh, well, it wasn't like she didn't ask for it.

TOM: *head explodes* Oh no! Not again!

CROW: Shut up! I've never lost my head before, but if this fire ensues, I just might!
MIKE: *manages to put Crows fire out, and is hoping that the fire around the theater doesn't spread* Bell! Calm down!

BELLDANDY: I'm trying!

>Alfa took her foot with his hand and forced her to spread her legs wide apart. For a >moment, he contemplated her, innocent and tender, as she was in such perverse and >vicious hands. Poor girl.

TOM: You mean, poor us!
BELLDANDY: *the fire was now put out by mysterious rain falling from the roof*

MIKE: It's a good thing Dr.F installed those fire sprinklers.

>Belldandy gritted her teeth, waiting for Alfa's long awaited intrusion. Slowly, she could >feel as his member entered parting her virginal lips. Slowly, until it began to hurt.

>-Aaa... Alfa...-She whispered.-i... ta... i...

CROW: So..rry..c..an't..hea..r..y..ou..br..ea..k..in..g..co..n.t.act!

Alfa pulled back, just a little bit. His free hand moved forward and kneaded on Belldandy's clit, making her loosen up...

CROW: Oh, so "now" he spells it right!

>-Aaaa..!-Belldandy's scream scared herself

MIKE: And woke up the entire residence.

CROW: (as Skuld) I hate you Alfa! Die!

>and made her feel dirty. But it was not without reason: she felt as if something inside >her was torn...

CROW: That would be her hymen.

MIKE: Crow…

CROW: C'mon, Mike! That was a riff just waiting to happen.

>and yet, she liked it. She liked the way it made her feel. Each time Alfa moved, back >and forth, inside her tight and tender cunt, she felt little traces of pain between the >waves of pleasure that assaulted her, and devoured them.

MIKE: Much like all lemon fics.

>She began to rock her hips, in perfect and opposite rythm with Alfa, each time almost >making him pull out completely, only to bring him back in with growing strength and >depth. Belldandy cried out with each new intrusion, and loved it.

BELLDANDY: *was glaring at the screen*

CROW: *nervous* Mike? Dr. F "did" make the wiring with good quality, right?

MIKE: I doubt it.

CROW: *looking at Belldandy* Think of another element, quick!

>-... ah! ... ah! ... ah!

>Alfa was glad Belldandy was finally responding.

CROW: (as Alfa) Now I won't look like the bad guy.

>He decided to let her take control and see. Gradually, his thrusts became less violent. >Belldandy Felt this and, passing the leg she had in the air over Alfa, made him lie on his >back, slamming down on him, and forcing him even deeper into her.

BELLDANDY: *is now covering her eyes* I can't watch this anymore! I'll end up hurting all of you!

CROW: Thank you, we really appreciate it.

TOM: *has a new head on* There! That's more like it.

>Alfa was about to cum, but realized the importance of this experience for Belldandy and >held back. At last, her screams became loud moans.

>-Uhn... uhmm... hnng...

TOM: *head explodes* Dammit!

MIKE: Dr. F just "had" to make the theater surround sound.

CROW: Now that I think about it, why isn't anyone in the house hearing this?

>And she made him drive into her with less force. She felt her orgasm build up inside her >abdomen.

>-Oh... Alfa...

>She placed both her hands over her pussy and screamed as she came, seconds before >Alfa sprayed his seed inside her.


CROW: *his head is now floating around the theater* I don't know what's going on, but I can see everything from up here!

>Belldandy stayed there, kneeling over Alfa, without making a move or saying a word. >She just panted, trying to catch her breath, as she leaked down on Alfa.

TOM: *head is repaired* Blood dripping everywhere.

MIKE: That was a disturbing image, Tom.

>She could still feel him inside her, but little else.

BOTS: *snickering*

>-Oh.-She said at last.-That was... wonderful.

CROW: *head is back on*

MIKE & BOTS: *laughing*

>He sat up and held her. He kissed her on her cheek and quickly pushed her up a bit, >pulling out of her and releasing the rest of their mixed fluids to stream out from between >her legs, and a moan to escape her throat.


TOM: What the hell?

CROW: I think she just broke his neck.

>-Belldandy. I can't really say I know what this was about. I didn't mean to make you...

>-Sshhhhh...-Belldandy put a finger on Alfa's lips.-I'm fine now, Alfa. Keiichi

BELLDANDY: (as herself) Will just try to kill you, and so will my sisters.

CROW: (as Alfa) But you were under my influence!
BELLDANDY: Your point?

CROW: (as Alfa) Uh……Damn, shouldn't have said that part!

>will know nothing of this and neither will Miranda. You may not be fully aware of what >you really have done, but that doesn't really matter.

BELLDANDY: You would have done it anyways.

>You have my thanks.

ALL: O_O?!?!

>Alfa didn't understand a word, except for the part that Miranda was not going to know >anything about this. He thought of how he had obviously gotten himself used.

TOM: *whiny voice* Mike, he's not making any sense!

CROW: *as Mr. Rogers* Can you say the word, "scapegoat?" I knew you could.

>But he couldn't really complain: he had just comforted a weeping girl and, even though >that wasn't his intention (really!),

BOTS: e_e Uh-huh, whatever you say.

Made love to a beautiful young woman.

MIKE: Ensured Gods wrath upon yourself…

CROW: Angered every Belldandy fan on the planet…

>He stood up and pulled his pants back on. He looked down to Belldandy, who smiled >again, making him feel stupid.

TOM: Not as stupid as you're gonna feel if you ever read this.

CROW: Or if your mother reads this.

>-Well-He forced himself to say.-, it was fun tonight. But we will leave tomorrow, so this >is...

CROW: (as Alfa)……well, I can't really think of anything. I was hoping to leave while you were asleep, but since you're not, that cancels "that" idea out!

>Belldandy stood up and hugged him warmly, still naked as she was.

CROW: *looking closer at the screen* And how!

>-Thank you, Alfa. This has meant more than you think.

TOM: (as Alfa) What are you talking about?! This was "my" fic! "I" was Alfa!

BELLDANDY: (as herself) Good. Now father has just heard what you said.

TOM: (as Alfa) O_O! Oh crap!

>She turned around and walked into the bathroom. In a moment, Alfa heard the shower >running again.

>-You got it.-He whispered.

>Alfa walked out of Belldandy's bedroom. Maybe it was the darkness, maybe it was his >self-absortion.

TOM: Maybe it was his own ego over-inflating?
MIKE: Maybe it was the incorrect use of punctuation marks?

>But he didn't even notice the figure who sat beside the girl's door.

CROW: It was Skuld, and she was getting ready to shoot him!

MIKE: Skuld? Why not Keiichi?

CROW: Mike, think of Keiichi, and ask yourself that question again.

MIKE: Good point.

BELLDANDY: *glaring at Crow*

CROW: *quickly* Joking! Joking!

>Holding her arms in silence, Miranda cried softly.

BELLDANDY: Poor girl.

MIKE: Now "there's" the correct place to put that line.

TOM: Wait! Let me get this straight. He "supposedly" has a hot babe that's just as filthy minded as him, and he cheats on her? Where's the logic in this?!

MIKE: There's no logic in certain humans, Tom. Just stupidity…….and I don't count, if that's what you're thinking.

CROW: *thinking* Crap!

>-The End


>Yipe! Well, there you have it. That makes one scary story.

TOM: You can say that again.

CROW: Never in my life has my head "ever" been detached from my body and burst into flames…at least not like this.

BELLDANDY: I'm very sorry about that.

>Imagine: Bells and me. Makes me wanna holler.

MIKE: You and me both.

TOM: It literally made my head explode.

CROW: And it literally set my head on fire.

>Well, at least it was fair for her. It MUST be tough being stuck in a teenaged female >body with noone around but that wimp, Keiichi.

BELLDANDY: *glaring at the screen*

TOM: It's over Bell! The fics over!

>How about Miranda's role?

CROW: Yeah! We were very disappointed that she was hardly in any lemon!

TOM: At least make our pains worthwhile!

>Miranda says she should get into a fight with either of the three goddesses.

ALL: *laughing hysterically*

CROW: The only one she'd be able to beat would be Keii-*stops himself* Never mind.

MIKE: Wise move, Crow.

>She wants to get her ass kicked. ^~^

CROW: It'll be even better if it turns into a catfight.

>Again, feel free to send any feed back, threats comments or flames to me: >aa_yagami_sama@hotmail.com (cute, isn't it?)

TOM: Awww………NOT!

>And don't be shy! DO gimme some new ideas for future fics, I don't wanna dry up.

MIKE: Thanks for telling us. Tom, remind me to tell Gypsy to block all suggestions from his address.

TOM: But we tried to email him, and it said that it no longer exists.

MIKE: Well, do it again to make sure.

>Remember, if it's manga or videogames, it's got a sexy side.

CROW: (as Alfa) Especially Animal Crossing.

>Even if only I see it. (This does not apply to Slam Dunk!

MIKE: So I guess basketball anime and games are out.

>or any Yaoi faggotship work by ANYONE!!!

TOM: Like in that one boat movie with Cuba Gooding Jr.

MIKE: If "Miranda" wanted him to write a yaoi fic, he would.

CROW: Let's hope he never does.

>But I DO like Ranma ^~^)

MIKE: O_o?!

CROW: *jaw open* This is getting creepy.

>Mata ne!


CROW: I am Vin Diesel!


>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

CROW: And let's not forget our shameless plugs.

*Mike and the group exits the theater*

*************************************************************** * ***********

[6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, bridge]

Mike and the group are greeted by Gypsy, who has some cappuccinos ready for them. They each accept them and sit down.

"Is everyone okay?" Gypsy asked. "I heard loud screams in there."

"We're okay." Answered Mike. "Belldandy was just appalled by the fic, while Tom and Crow were feeling her pain, literally."

"Not funny, mister Nelson." Answered Crow. "Belldandy made the lemon un-enjoyable."

"I said I was sorry." Said Belldandy apologetically. "Can't you accept that?"

Crow saw the sad look on her face, then spoke. "Yeah, it's alright, Bell. On the bright side, had we enjoyed it, Pearl would've sent a fic that might've outshined Oscars."

Tom shuddered at the thought. "I thought I said not to mention that name in front of me again!"

"Sorry about that." Said Crow.

"Hold on." Said Mike. "Pearls calling us." He then pushed the signal.


"So, how did you like the film?" Pearl asked, hoping for Mike to speak. "Did it cause any pain? Any pain at all?"


Mike was about to answer, but Pearl interrupted him.


"I was talking to Belldandy."


"Just don't tell the truth." Mike whispered.

"I can't." Belldandy answered. "I can't lie. It's a bad example as a goddess." Then she turned to Pearls direction. "While I didn't like the fic, I can't say that it traumatized me. I can still go on with my life without thinking too much of this event."


Pearl grinned evilly. "Well in that case," she started, "I guess you don't mind staying here for one more. After that, I'll know just how strong you are, and then I'll be able to let you go."


"I accept." Belldandy answered with utmost confidence. "I will use this experience to increase my mind powers. I will prove to be a goddess worthy of father's status."

"That reminds me." Said Mike. "Whatever happened to Bobo's religious infatuation?"


"I'm glad you asked that." She said, grinning, obviously proud of herself. "After I destroyed that stupid statue, Bobo fell into tears. However, after that, he started acting like his normal, idiotic self again. He even started calling me lawgiver again."


"Well, all's well that ends well." Said Mike


"Yes, I suppose you're right, for me, that is."

However, the minute she said that, Bobo came running in, wearing a metal hat, with a ringing siren on the top.

"Sorry to intrude, Lawgiver." Said Bobo apologetically. "I need somewhere to hide. They're after me!" Then he ran around the room frantically trying to find a hiding place.

She turned to Observer. "What the hell happened now?!"

"Well ma'am," he started. "remember that game called `Ape Escape' that you let him play to distract him from worshipping his Oozaru goddess?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Well, he got too much into the game, and now he thinks people with nets are going to capture him for his intelligence."

Pearl shook her head in disgust, then turned to Mikes direction. "Well, as you can see, I'm a little busy at the moment. See you again for the next experiment!" Then she turned around to chase Bobo, while Observer turned off the transmission.


"Well," Mike said as he took a sip of his drink, "Like I said before, all's well that ends well."

"I agree." Said Belldandy cheerfully. "Evil always get what they deserve in the long run."

"Yeah, yeah, enough chit-chat! Let's eat!" Tom as Gypsy brought in snacks. "We'll try the henerator plan after Bell goes home."


*************************************************************** * *************

Authors notes: Well, I hope you liked it. This was my first mst involving Mike and the gang. Well, I won't judge my own work. Please send compliments, comments, constructive criticisms, requests, and suggestions to evil_reviewer@hotmail.com

Remember, I can only make my mst's better with your feedback.

~~ They had both put their hearts and souls in the upgrade of

an old car Alfa had stolen.~~