Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Till the End of Time ❯ Chapter 1: The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Declaimer: I do not owe any AMG/OMG story, as well as the characters of that show. I only owe the OCCs and this story line.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Day-in and day-out, endless dreams and haunted memories repeatedly dance around my dreams as I twist and turn on my sleep. She and she only is the cause of it all, but I do not blame her, nor do I hate her. To be precise, it is not hate that haunts me on my sleep… but love- endless and painful love to that Goddess. Oh how did I met and feel in love with her, I do not remember, but this never ending war and many experiences and emotions I receive from different worlds brought many pieces of the puzzle of this mystery. Before I became what I am now, my love for her was considered very wrong to everyone- both the mortals and the Gods. A human and a Goddess could never be together, that was what they say. But for us, it was perfect… As if all the pieces within our hearts were finally completed and that being together was the key to putting us whole and united, both mind and soul. I never regretted us being together and that many supernatural events happen around the universe because of us. We never cared, never will, as long as we are together we can overcome any obstacles that come between us.
The day came, however, that the Almighty One would put an end to this events and our love for each other. But we somehow escaped from him. I knew that we angered him, and that he sent his loyal valkyries after us, mostly to put my life an end and to retrieve her, but we are not afraid. Let them come, let them haunt us… but they will never separate us.
I do not know if the Almighty One knows of our secret deeds, that I had wed his daughter and produced a wonderful baby boy. But him being the Almighty One, and the Creator of all things living, I am sure he is very aware of it.
Six wonderful years, and three children produced, later, they had found us. I knew they had many troubles finding us, especially when my wife created a supernatural barrier that hides our aura from the Gods. On our arrival to the heavens, my family and I were severely punished. I do not know my wife's punishment, but I know for sure that my three daughters, to my relief, were to be held by one of heaven's council members to be trained like their mother. My only son, to my horror, was to be taken care of by one of the valkyries to be trained as a war God. And I, to my grief, was to be banished from the mortal plains and heaven and be sent to Ragnarok to fight against Surt's advancing armies. I was to be given immortal and Godly powers, for a mortal cannot survive the harsh climate and environment of the raging planet that Ragnarok preside.
Separating from my family was the hardest and excruciating feeling I had ever encountered. The tear-stricken face of my wife and the cries of my family is still presiding on my head, as if a picture of them were nailed right on the center of my brain. Dreams of them haunt me constantly of that moment, and hallucinations of my wife appear before me after battles. I always wonder what they're doing right now, are they alright? Are they living a life that is completely opposite of mine? I hope they are, I could never imagine them on a depressed life (And that would be more painful to see than the deaths that happen in this world everyday).
Nine years have passed and the Almighty had given me a one year grace of rest in heaven, but even to this gracing period I was forbidden to see my wife. Even if I try finding my children, I knew that they are under special protection so that I may not be able to go a single meter close to them. It is still a pain at this moment and I spent a couple of months wondering about and getting to know the other Gods. Many of them look down upon me, as if I was some kind of an insect to them. I finally figured out later that I had a false reputation as the kidnapper and rapist of God's daughter, and that false reputation of mine is very well known around heaven. It hurts very much, to have this kind of reputation. I really wish they would know and understand how we really felt for each other, that it wasn't rape that four half-breeds exist in this realm and that I forced her to run away with me.
Angry and depressed, I accidentally bumped on to someone. As a good guy and a natural at apologies, I rushed a “sorry” to the guy and help him up. When I saw his face and eyes, I couldn't help but gasp. This boy, this teenage young man, he's….
I really hope you enjoyed this story, Please R&R and please tell me if the grammar is ok or the story is ok to you. I really want to know so I can make the next chapter good. Also, thanks for reading my story.