Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Valkyrie's Mirror ❯ Act X ( Chapter 15 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Oh My Goddess! - Valkyrie's Mirror
Volume II
Act X
-One High Council chamber-
“So your mess is fixed up after all. Heh.” ...this Frigurina heard from an annoyed present CEO. “Not by me, but yes all the same.”
“Thank goddesses.” ...the two High and Low hear from the XO of the Seventh Host. Hild just bemoans. “Fine and be happy for your Sister lil one.” ...this Jora eyes direly back at the CEO. Hild smirks... “(Like family indeed.)” Frigurina then remarks with a still unease in her heart. “I hope all such holds in the coming.”
“Really, and of the nerve to Call 'me' back from whatever I feel like doing.” Hild exasperates, such was their mutual position in the central platform of the High Council Chamber, that the CEO was derided back unto from Freyana on unseen above. “Knowing 'you', there would be further reason to bind you down, and not cause our mutual doom!”
Hild just seethed back unto 'above'. “Cometh down here and say that so easily to my face 'child'.”
“Such why you lost your place amongst us.” Thor's voice now cascades. Hild truly has about enough of this, when a separate portal beam 'brings' Chrono amongst them 'all'. “Pardon my excellent Lords and Ladies, but... ah... Intracel is fully operational again.” ...said on immediate bow, as much as her voice being uneasy. Such was formally in return. “: It is well and Good then my goddess. :”
Chrono then rises a bit, (still passively hunched and all.) “Could not I have said this from my usual place?”
Jora remarked in kind next. “Times are a changing Silver Wings.” ...this Chrono looks over, Jora giving kind smile. (More Motherly than Fatherly there.) “I believe we all are about to change.”
“Such well words of wisdom.” ...a CEO actually compliments. Jora just looks back neutrally, as much as Frigurina nods amicably. Almighty comments back on such... “: All things always change, even unto the blinking of an eye. :”
“My Lord. But by my Father's own words?” Jora remarks, remembering just how terse Frode was, when the three of Lind's kin arrived to the blanching sight of Gate and a beside oneself Eihwa. Even Jora got a good wilt from Gate being yelled at 'that' hard! (But such is the way of maniacally worried parents.) Almighty reads off this perfectly. “: By words that bade you to stay, such is all well enough for the Trial to come.
Sayeth I do now, this is the start of our most Trying times of all Existence. We must be ready to impart all we have to Compose past the days we do not know of. Not even Me. :”
It was possibly the first time in even Frig's and Hild's existences, that they felt 'that' chilled, for it all.
There was fear to be had within Heaven.
-One Council of the Galactic mode.-
“How could this have HAPPENED Magistrates!” ...a feathery avian griffon type of great girth and size spoke most directly. Another of a humanoid glass form, serene and slender, if asexual, remarked back just as emotionally. “It started with the fracturing of our Counsels! That is such how! We spent too much time bickering and not heeding the ancient lessons! Too much time on what was best for each of 'us', and not for each other!”
One of a feline muscular note, more humanoid with feline characteristics remarked back. “You mean when pleas to aid off the triad disasters of last galactic cycle went unheeded!? The taxation of Sorlain Trade Routes was more important than feeding colonists!? What of the spending caps on expansion in favor of 'solving' individual problems on 'your' planets!? Tell me Magistrate! Which of these do you mean?!”
Another far more human than one would expect of an entirely separate galaxy, just growls back. “What does it matter!? We left ourselves blindsided, and now our worst enemy has come as was predicted by the Wings! And now we have lost our original capital world to these brigands! Well and fine job I say, uncouth souls!”
This all of a sudden degenerates into the familiar bickering, all across the vast Council chamber, of too many a year now. More and more by the passing hour in fact, where Council was to be had. On 'any' Alliance world. It made the large Council chamber here, much more small, stoic, stifling than ever intended.
Such was the way when those hundreds of Alliance Magistrates, thousands more aiding them, heard the worst news, as a massive holoscreen slams open in front of them all, the floating in air electronic medium, forecast such a doom... “- Apologies my Magistrates! Illumina has completely fallen! -”
Silence was absolute here. The 'chosen', leading Magistrate then asks... “What... what of our defence forces? Aren't they counterattacking?”
“- No. It's all worse than we thought. The Marians apparently are using a new slaving technology we've not seen before. We've lost half a Fleet Group alone to nanite invasion. Most fleet captains panicked and escaped while they could. Many however didn't even manage to do that much before being destroyed. -”
A long necked fur bearing. Elegantly dressed 'beast' of a Magistrate just stutters out in a frightful tone. “Then... then... their numbers doubled? That's.... over fifty thousand warships they have now, even if most are not even fully under their control!”
The number alone shuts up the chamber all over again. It was an implausible number, not seen... “It's like the War, and we're impotent upon it now.” ....the Glassian soul comments out dourly. “Our doom has come.”
The Griffional Magistrate then SLAMS his feathered fist onto the vast console before him, his floating Platform tilting a good bit in fact. (Some of his feathery aides have to scramble for handling in fact.) “Nay my fellow souls! This is not the speech we require if we are to look past our mistakes, and unify as we are supposed to do!
I as one, thought we earned that right as all is!”
Just then, a Machiner Magistrate (yup, you read right,) raises a mecha laden arm. “/ But, how can we, if we cannot agree like we have in the past, to fight against this tyranny? If not our Great Champion of old, then whom then do we turn to?”
The Griffional Magistrate smirks his highly polished beak of gold. “Interesting you should mention that very iota.”
The Emperor's sneer was just frothing over now. “There is no satisfaction to be had from these... chaff.” ...this as he turns away from a vast scene of his monolithic armada spreading out to utterly encompass the entire Star System of seven worlds, all inhabited, including over a hundred moons overall, including untold numbers of planetoid colonies, Habitation Platforms, and other minor forms of stellar abodes that were all, well and truly terror stricken by this point. Such the Emperor could in 'fact' feel.
It just made him want to eradicate everything now, such he seethed out in a wretched anger. “Are the captured vessels requested being retrofitted?! Where are my ground forces!”
In turn, the prime Commander responded. “We have three proper enemy vessels being retrofitted as I speak. However we cannot land ground forces, as all major planetary shield arrays around each major world or lunar, have been activated. It'd be wiser to just continue on with the original objective instead.”
The Emperor finally relented a nod, knowing at the severest minimum, where to place trust unto. He instead then turned unto... “Then, this is how the Will sees your next course of action. Heed.”
“Tell.” The same demonic Commander remarks. The other few Commanders present were finding their own auspices less needed anymore, and sneered over at their singular number as a result. However the Emperor spoke anyway.
And the telling was terrible to behold.
-NORAD Space Command-
“A what Sergeant?”
“I think a UFO, but this one is... well...”
The Lieutenant blinked, looking at the computer display. “Well what?”
“Something big is near the moon. Not the same as the last such similar signal. Or... I don't know 'what' to classify it as.”
The Lieutenant just sighed. “Maybe someday we can classify it as more than UFO junk. Just label it for study later.”
The Tech Sergeant was more than happy to do just that.
And he sighed again.
“As they say in mortal tongue: Knock it off, love.”
“Si certo.”
Imlade just bemoaned this anyway, as he felt the twin exacting gazes upon his back. Such was how Belldandy in front of his vision just remarked. “Very well then, are we all here?”
“Missing Sora and Suzuki Sis.” Skuld remarks, as Imlade eyes his near direct left, as he looks at the 'circle' he's readily trapped within. “We don't have to go this far you all know.”
“Aye we do pup.” Comes Ishara's voice to the near direct right, a bit behind this, where his head did 'not' turn. Imladris just bemoaned as he saw the setup he was literally teleported outright into, as he was starting to work on some of Keima's glasswork paperwork. Having sat here for nothing zilch of an half hour while they all chatted, had morning tea, and otherwise just made as all heck sure Imladris did 'not' leave, didn't help his annoyed mood.
The setup: Imlade the iDork, in the center, Lind behind to the right, Eihwa the same of left. Ahead, Keiichi and Belldandy, left and right each where Imlade sat. The other's in a sorta circle around him, with from Keiichi on left, Takano and Keima, then Skuld and Sentaro. Of Bell's right, Frode and Ishara, Urd and Troubadour, and then to fill in on behind and around, Peorth and Talos, Mara, Chihiro and Tamiya. (Dang again.) and then the fill in spots left open, for Sora and Suzuki left where needed/agree unto. This left Sigrun holding 'post' behind Keiichi and Belldandy, a bit pensive for the treatment being administered.
And to be sure of more than just numbers, a fully charged and active Seal Square below Imlade's feet, the 'circle' surrounding this, and then finally to be sure of sure, Velsper and Celestine sat nearby with Sigel and Banpei, with a 'ton' of cats all around, just roaming around, and otherwise acting passively. Such was unless Imlade broke past the Seal Square for somehow reason unlikely to happen, that then all that furry cuteness, would use their furry claws in command.
The whole idea there alone, just made Tamiya jitter. “All deese cats gimme da creeps.”
Chihiro just giggles very lightly. “I'll keep that in mind sometime.” ...this Mara next to, just smirks in hearing.
And all said such from Frode amended. “There has come a moment to ensure you know where 'we' stand in all of the stakes of merit.”
Imladris just grunted anyway. “A cage is nonetheless a cage, no matter the format you 'all' shalt know.”
“And the wisdom of a family should be heeded where it is fully explored Cousin.” ...this Imladris is easily 'defeated' by Belldandy's own logic. Imladris however then offers forth, a wipe of his own face in fact doing... “I am 'not' planning on killing myself over all this. I already told some of you all here, death sucks granite rocks.”
“And yet you sound otherwise somehow.” ...he hears from his rear right. Keiichi offers off this quickly. “Like it or not gold dude, we don't want to see you get killed for all of us.” ...this Skuld adds in herself, just as quickly. “What are we supposed to do, if you're gone? It's not fair to make it sound like you have to die to protect us!”
“Our enemy isn't as appeasing there.” Imladris warns out generally. Troubadour just strikes back unto that with... “Doesn't mean we have to be saved from Her! Not in 'that' fashion!” ...Urd in accent with a strong tone. “Voluspa can go screw herself in fact! There has to be a better way!”
Imladris suddenly stand outright! “What be of it then!” ...to the hazard of nearly having the Seal snap active, 'and' have two loves al over him just as outright! However Imladris quickly follows up with. “I am of formal ears. Sayeth it then to begin.”
It took everyone else aback just as suddenly, but it also got through to them that they heard a tone 'not' so ready to follow an inevitability. Belldandy's smile says enough next. “We were going to wait for Sora and Suzuki to arrive and discuss that for much of the day here. But we can start now ahead of time if none objects.” ...such none vocally do. Even said vocally as much all around.
Lind then simply bonks Imlade atop his melon to 'make' him sit back down. “Now be a good kith and stay put.”
Peorth then just quips on seeing the bonk cause nice spiral dizzy eyes on Imlade. “Bien, but is he going to have concussions after too many more of those?”
Frode's sudden blurt laughter retorts to 'that' thought. He even chuckles to the bewilderment of Ishara next to him. “You 'must' be joshing my good goddess. My Master had... has, as hard a head as Thor's is.”
“Maybe that's the worry.” ...this Keima remarks, as many 'agree' in garnering looks, as Imlade starts rubbing his temple.
Talos then remarks out. “So, who wants to offer silly ideas first?” ...before Peorth elbows in. “Your specialty I presume.” ...ala to a nice grumble back.
“// Explain.” ...the Synthetic Commander snaps, as another general trooper Synthetic replies. “/ We're receiving coded instructions via the secure Alpha channel. Security codes are already authenticated by the Central Comptroller.”
Before Scetu can respond, a large command holoscreen pops alive in the fore, in front of the main forward viewport. The Synthetic recognizes. “// Milord...”
“: No time my friend for formalities. Emergency Network Codes are being sent now. You must respond at once! :”
Scetu 'sees' the codes, as well as what else is contained, in microseconds. About the same amount of time the Commander snaps back. “// I must inform Master at...”
“: No time. You must Fold Jump to Fleet Core Twelve now! We will obtain the Excellency ourselves! This is a direct Council order, such I will explain in person. :”
Scetu wanted to snap back a third time overall, but the command codes were 'that' resolute in being obeyed. It was something the entire Synthetic format 'race' did not like, but knew there was reason every time such codes were so enforced. The Commander remarks in kind. “// At once Commander Eros.”
Commander Eros shoved his silver crowned head towards... “Obtain locational codes for the site to obtain his Excellency. We don't have further time to twaddle!”
“Aye Sire!”
The long journeying starship began it's last short trek into teleporter range.
“What are you looking at?”
A common gray tabby just meows-hisses back up at him, not apparently affected by the seal square. Imlade just sniffed back as Eihwa giggled a tic, as all around him. Sigrun afar just counseled. “Patience Master.”
“Isn't there a way to appeal to Voluspa that we are not as bad as she thinks we all are?” Peorth asks out. Urd just remarks back. “Hard to get someone that hates that much to see anything normally.” ...this Mara remarks in kind. “It's not even a demonic kind. How do we all even relate?”
“She 'can' communicate with us.” Frode offers. Ishara on similar tone... “Perhaps she knows the way we can reach her best.”
“That could go either way.” Keima warns, Chihiro afar commenting uneasily. “Like Mara said. Can we relate enough to get her to listen?”
Belldandy next to Kei, then offered. “Her measure of loneliness cannot hide her from her own feelings. No matter how much she might say otherwise. I know this from Keiichi's soul, that she was being true enough.”
“But will she pay attention to that, or is it some complex thing that is even more of a worry?” Takano says next. Keiichi adds in, since it had to be said. “Will we still see her fight us? Um... can gold dude fight her in fact if there's just simply no other choice?”
“How?” Imladris remarks a bit too calmly for anyone else's good. Lind imparts quickly to steel Imladris with. “She's still a goddess.”
“A Progenitor.” Imladris isn't so amicable with. “I might as well refer to how well it went against Hild, to you all. Maybe fight against Frigurina? Or even Almighty Eminence, if there's such a reasonable aspect to consider.”
Keiichi just gulps as much as anyone. Skuld just remarks, hardly mocking Keiichi for the asking. “Guess that's not likely.”
Imladris stood again, not moving as readily of note. The rest looking as he notes... “Tall enough of a measure with Caceroth to consider. The Seer won't let her own creation falter without reason. The answers from all of this just won't be easily to consider.”
“Iz dere an answer?” Tamiya just puts, making everything here seem so pointless. Such was how Chihiro just smacked the bloke upside the head for. “Thanks for the input there Tamiya!”
Sentaro just sighs out. “All of a sudden, I wonder if we're doing much good.”
“You all are.” Imladris says next. All the rest present find something to raise spirits from.
“Commander Eros.” ...a glowing, slender, feminine Assat Sensor Tech calls over, the said Commander walking the short distance two tiers up on the bridge deck. The grand entirety of Earth waxed panoramic across the curved viewports of the large bridge, glowing it's reflected light into the bridge. A few various Section Techs had to look back to their screens from this sight as Eros passed by, on reflex, as the Commander reaches and looks at the number of sensor readouts displayed on opulent display screens. Ones very much monikered after their technology base.
Ones focused upon Japan proper. Eros sees. “So many souls on one underdeveloped orb.”
“Aye Commander. I didn't expect them to be as similar in signature to the Excellency. The Sensor discriminators are having trouble locking properly without recalibration.”
The Commander sighs, and then hears...
“Try localizing on unusual bio patterns instead. Anything unusual. Use the last set of gravimetric readings we...”
“Got them!” ...a Furbrath Tech next to them both suddenly remarks. The similar long necked fur-beast looks all happy as a kith. Eros looks over, as the Tech then remands. “I think. I localized a large source of similar readings to near the central portion of the island chain.”
Eros sees, but also sees... “Tell me our sensors can disseminate from all that.”
“Bioforms of this signature seem to be cloistered together.” ...the Assat tech remarks in turn. Eros translates. “Forget trying to teleport without someone else noticing.” ...this just as a tactical Tech on the other side of the bridge reports. “The Illistrum has just Fold Jumped.” ...this Eros groans. “Bugger! Tell me we got at least the communication codes to contact down there with!”
Just then, a Glassian Comm Tech suddenly snaps. “Sir! Counsel is demanding status of our operation! They sound miffed and panicked!”
It was clear a sense of panic was reverberating across the bridge, and Eros himself admitted he wasn't as good at moral strictness as he should be of. “(Been too blasted long. We don't have time for Protocols.)”
Eros then hears. You will be forgiven for nonetheless.
“Prepare to lock on and teleport up anyone in that exact scan area! Prepare to Fold Jump to the Fleet Core as soon as we do! All Hikari Core energy to maximum on Code Orders!”
“// Unlocking safety Protocol for Direct Point Fold Jump.” ...an overhead 'female' computer voice suddenly announces vessel wide! Eros just then fought down a decent anxiety attack, as the bridge deck went semi-wild again.
“I'm so getting yelled at for this.”
“We can do at least one helpful thing.” ...this Imlade hears behind him, as Lind espouses some form of a method to this present madness. Such becomes madness further when he feels a Valkyrian form encompass upon his very back! “Eh?
What the blasted... eh? Wait a... Eihwa... wait Bellda... guys! This isn't what... ah come on!!”
In short order off a stint of hugs from Lind, Eihwa and Bell in turn, the rest just sorta all kooky like, join in on the two page hugfest that encompasses around him suddenly. “Are you all nuts?”
“Please don't leave us.” ...he hears from Skuld suddenly. It was hard to fathom from an outside perspective, how much this was shared across the whole lot of them shared this in close, and looking sentiment. It may be there that Imladris had the moment of realizing that he could see 'them' seeing Imladris no longer among them. “(So they all fully know. Blast this Tools' destiny.)”
And yet while the look en whole was appreciated, Imladris made ready light of... “Uh, some of you guys... Keima and Frode I should note, don't look like huggers.” ...nevermind Tamiya semi-lain of his chin on Imlade's ear. (Anyone else creeped out?)
Ishara however imparts in the same mass glom. “Just take it all for what all this is.”
“Tis lunacy readily.”
The lot just chuckle at the obvious measure of all this, before all of a sudden, they all turn to their collective left, as the two Synthetics enter the immediate zone. “/ Mistress Skuld!”
Banpei stomps up as well, as Sigel suddenly remarks. “/ I just lost the Illistrum's signal from my sensors!” Imladris snaps. “What happened?!”
And before this further is expounded upon, something anew expounds utterly upon them! Such was the initial feel of outright energy just spiking their entire senses! Mara and Imladris realize on initial familiarity, as Chihiro cracks. “What the heck is this?! You turn on one of your battery things Skuld?”
“This isn't me grrl.” Skuld blankly remarks, Mara on a quick follow of... “Uh oh.”
“Mara?” Belldandy looks over, before Imladris in turn. “Guys, get back quick!”
Lind on heels with... “Beloved?” ...before... “Lind, the Seal Square! I don't think...” ...before the Seal suddenly snaps off without warning! Eihwa and Peorth on seeing. “What just did that!?” ...as 'they' feel something, just before all other senses are just (literally) transported away in a cascading beam of sparkling light!
Most of the cats sees this and suddenly scurry away in a fright! Velsper and Celestine sees and exasperate, as... “Hey! Where'd they go?”
“No idea neko.”
“Hey! What's going on!?” ...suddenly comes from the Temple entrance, as Sora and Suzuki arrive, though doing so proves treacherous as a sudden result! “Who ordered the clawed stampede?!” Suzuki says, almost dropping the large basket of fruit he was carrying. (Goddesses knows why.)
Sora then sees when the cats are gone, the lack of anyone else present. “What the? Where is everyone?”
Celestine and Velsper then trot up, as the former just remarks. “Unknown if you both are fortunate or nor. The others are gone unexpectedly.”
Suzuki just blanches in kind. “Okay, I'm just not going to get used to that. Forget me trying!” ...as Sora just looks jittery as well at an earthly discomfort of witnessing. Velsper and Celestine just sigh on, in kind. “Mortals.”
The whole cloistered lot, are just numb. Chihiro just ekes out... “What.... what.... what just...”
“Oh dear.” Keiichi squeaks, as he looks to others doing the same, as they look out a large viewport of the lower angle curve of Earth splayed out into space, essentially behind them. The lot look, as they stand cloistered in a large conference like room, enough to hold over fifty people! The slight inward curved effect of the room is translated to the vast single pane viewport, angled to look more of 'down' of the viewscape they are witnessing.
Nevermind the chamber looks so Intracellic in style. Such Belldandy makes light of... “Are we in Heaven? But... this isn't on high.” ...as the lot spread out a bit. Mara on seeing moans to Urd and Troubadours looking gazes. “This feels uneasily familiar guys.”
“: Begun. :”
Hild and Frig just shivered one step more.
“Was that necessary?” Hild quips steely. Frig just sighs in accent. “Better to not hold one's breath.”
“Master?” Sigrun creeps out on notice of... “Oh no. No nay no!” ...this other hear from the Lord Knight, as he steps away and sees exacting familiarity all around him! Lind blinks a bit lost for it all. “Confessor?”
“Nonononononono!” ...said knight starts stamp stumbling one direction, looking around wildly, then another stamped direction, the others just watching pip eyed.
Imladris then hear to only 'their' understanding! “// One minute to Point Fold Jump! Stations on Alert!” ...the rest hearing something beyond alien to their ears!
Mara however just gleeps. “We're not dreaming it bub!” ...this as they all look out at a curved viewport into panoramic space!
Imladris just suddenly stabs over to the apparent conference table, just as curved as the room is, and wipes a hand over a suddenly displayed holo-control panel, made of apparently, physical light! A few 'pressed' buttons brings up a far viewscreen to their collective left, such all look. Talos just comments just as blankly. “That looked too familiar.” ...as Imladris reads the vessel's registry.
Mara adds in. “For a reason mortal.” ...this as Imladris suddenly snaps in an utterly alien tongue. “Dra`hirash!” Lind hears and then gleeps out. “Love, watch your tongue!”
Keiichi in turn. “Really?” ..as Belldandy cocks an inquisitive eye. Imladris blares out. “What the ethereal blazes!?”
Just then, a far slide hatch opens off to the far left, along a triangular three angle opening pattern, with a feminine Assat in a standard blue and white jumpsuit of technological make and even thin strips of lighting upon it's seams, (one that makes Lind alone cock an eye of familiarity at,) Megumi sees and gleeps as well. “Okay, I've seen angels, but that sorta... eh? WHOA!” Megumi stops suddenly as Imladris leaps right over the large conference table in an angry swoop and lands dead in the Assat Tech's face!
The glowy milky eyes translated enough anxiety as Imladris snaps... “Wha`atsiusis tam ga`ssa`ra orinii!??!”
The Assat just holds her hands up defensively... “Apo`lligii, fras iiyy wah Comma`thran's Orrthi`iis!”
Imladris just snaps back in sudden kind, so hard Eihwa jumps behind Lind's back! “TRH`AK MOOII TH`EUE N`OSS!!!”
The Assat just jumps around and heads off with Imladris in swift tow! Takano just gleeps herself now as well. “Any one got a ding dong idea of... hey! Don't leave me here dopes!” ...as she just follows the quick gaggle train, as they follow on out. The walks is unexpectedly short as they walk through a flat out large hallway, curved overhead with a twin span of lights running on an endless rung in both directions of the white and silvery walls, a floor deck of deep blue with the edges looking all like. “Doesn't this all remind you of Intracel Sis?” Skuld says, Urd and Bell present of note to answer, Sigrun not as much. Urd just takes heed. “More than. Feel the very air and Waves around.”
“There is a deep connection.” Belldandy remarks. This as they pass by a number of alien beings, many hardly the atypical humanoid aliens, as one even was apparently pure glowing energy of a orb-cloud format as they passed by the Forran, within a containment ring device. Mara just looks around and hunches her head. “I hope I don't get recognized and thrown in a Brig outright here.”
Their jaunt ends at a large in large hatch opening that quickly spans open along a similar three door angle format, one that had more Intracellic like monikering, as even inscribed code string language, far more third dimensional and artful on sight, the same as from the flooring, swept out of sight with the doors, into the sight of a large mini-stadium sized bridge deck.
The bridge deck set in a three tier, recessed deck, circular mode of expansive size, just fully clues the goddesses in of the Intracellic styling that they know so well. The only real difference is the more standardized holoscreen and holo-light control panel interfaces that dot about ever last console, or above same such. Several much larger holoscreens, and even a large hologlobe projector inhabit here in installation, as they all enter and look around, the last part recessed into a rear alcove.
The Assat meanwhile just stands aside... “Par`thra`thron mooii.” ...said a good bit put off as Imladris just makes his way past a 'lot' of gasping crew Techs, towards one facade the knight recognized.
Between just how pensive Commander Eros was, and how agitated Imladris was, Keiichi guessed out. “Looks like we know who yanked us up here.” ...this as the 'earthly' lot, trade off kilter looks with their extra-terrestrial counterparts. (If such even applies here.)
Imladris just initially... “D`irith iiyy far`grtah tam e`tearech euwwy ma`aanariis?”
“Iiyy h`ratha neii kho`shs Exhalalla.” ...this Imladris stops and hears enough angst tone to give leeway.
In short order a few extra-terminal linguistic phrases pass between them, the last Imladris gasps. “ Wha`atsiusis ha`ppaiini tee`i Ill`umm`niaa-kak?!?!!”
By now, the goddesses and Mara were following along, though this left the mortals and Spirit out of the same. Troubadour just quips over to Peorth. “What happened?” ...Peorth in turn, a bit wide eyed in unease. “Something about Illumina was captured.” ...not answering to any mortal of Spirit around.
Chihiro just cracks out, making everyone in the bridge deck look. (The crew half, not understanding of course.) “Do we get to follow along, or get a headache from all this instead!?” Tamiya points his large finger down over Chihiro's head. “I'ms wit her.”
Imladris sees and blinks. And then looks 'up' and Commands of the ships Computer. “Te`le`erath Ana`nanita s`predathic up`ona ne`ww Bioa`froms presthen`ic.”
Lind blinks. “Is that wise to subject the mortals to nanites?!” ...this the Morisatos as one alone just: “Say what!??!”
Before they can all react however, blue scanning beams project from three set places, from the technological laden ceiling above, that wipe across the now 'alien' lot here, as the scan then colors a white beam and Keima quips. “I feel my body being...”
In as efficient a quick method as it always was, the beams finish, and the lot 'feel' their minds adjust somewhat into a form of clarity. Such as they then hear. “Sorry, didn't feel like needing a Translator Synthetic present here.” Imladris says 'naturally'. It's a version however everyone else of crewed understands, as Chihiro and Takano just SHOVE on right at him! “What the heck did you do to us!??!!!”
“You can understand Base Intracellic now, can't you?” ...this the two lasses blink at. Belldandy adds in afar. “Then the details from your Report Debrief were true.”
Eros just raises a finger... “Um, what is she speaking of?” ...this however Imladris turns back to Eros, on realizing. “You must halt the Fold Jump at once!”
“Apologies Excellency, but the Council order is absolute. We need you!” ...this taking the knight back, as much as... the theme is there by now, no need said.
Imladris however... “Then at least teleport the other back to...”
“Fold Jump envelope forming.” ...a Griffional Engineer-Tech announces. Imlade just snaps over. “HEY! I said stop!”
The sound of massive energy cores engaging to maximum, gives the 'alien' passengers chills. Imladris demands again. “This is a priority command! You must teleport the others with me, back whence they came!” ...this Lind alone... “We're not leaving you blast it!” ...this Imlade in 'turn'. “You don't realize the...”
“Dimensional Shielding active! Fifteen seconds!”
“BLAST!” Imladris realizes, as Eros gulps. Mara just snaps. “Time for a ride folks.” ...this Eros sees... “What is she doing here!??!”
Keiichi just snaps out as out can get in turn. “Will someone explain everything already here?!?”
“Only after we Jump apparently.”
Talos just creeps out... “Do we need bracings or something?” No answer is returned. This as the Fold Jump effect automatically begins, though it's mostly unnoticed overall. The focus as a result is from sight, as the far starview port displays the sight of Luna, and space beyond.
Before it all starts to contract completely into a gleaming horizontal line of starlight. Mara just moans from continued familiarity headaches, as Sentaro jitters a finger at... “Did space just collapse?” ..before Skuld just SQUEALS her goddess dickens out!! “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is so COOL!!!” ...this Urd gleeps. (Lot of the 'gleep' word here.) “At least someone is enjoying all this.”
...and then the gleaming line retracts into a single blazing point of light, as if Genesis was about to blast forth. Rather, the point then reverses and the line reappears, and from that, space expands once more. Such space reforms from the second dimensional trans-state. (I.e. From being as flat as paper. Space 'and' them alike.) As the Fold Jump ends, the continued confusion finds voice from Keiba. “Did we just move?”
“Traveling without moving.” Imlade quips. “No wormy dung needed either.”
Chihiro however gasps on sight of... “Oh we moved.” ...as they look on at a vast sight.
As the crew begin returning to mainline duties, the forced guests look as the viewport displays a foreign starscape, a field of blue nebulous gas and haze, stars in thick and sharp format upon most view afar, adjoining a 'further' view of an apparent compact spiral galaxy in background contrast, framing the sight of... “That is a lot of ships.” ...Sentaro quips.
Eros commands. “Send the coded signal packet. We're here.” ...this Communications acknowledges, as the mainline cruiser moves towards a shimmering Shield picket line. A communication return of... “: Welcome home Kon One. Council already has approved your approach. :”
“It really is that bad then.” Imladris notes, the rest lost as the vessel begins moving past a small patrol vessel screen of various sized frigates, destroyers and cannonships, a few mecha like starfighters moving in patrol formation around the Kon One. Beyond this, semi ordered orbs of 'block-column-rows of starships and warships of many formats and kinds. Most look generically rounded, and elongated pointed, as Illistrum was formatted. Other's however were even larger, or more logically chaotic, as some looked like rings with massive plasma orb fields within, others angled 'forward like massive shields of antiquity, with spanned wings artfully melded into the edges. Other looked like gleaming sphere that had pinkish energy fields that supported 'attached' saucer-flat 'bits' of enormous size to them. Smaller versions flitted about, the same as blocky looking fighter craft of some sort, as they shot in and out within formation, towards enormous sized warships well over ten kilometers in size alone, that looked like glowing crosses of a sort, that glowed of their own right.
The myriad of vessel forms alone were mind boggling, never mind the sheer vast numbers of them that were holding mutual station keeping around something even larger than them all. Ahead, for all intents, looked as if the upper pole of an entire world down to a fifth of a world's mass, had been sheered off, and attached to the largest space station complex that could ever be comprised. Such was the initial 'greeting' to the eye of... “Fleet Core Twelve.” Imladris admits with decent longing. Lind hears this tone for what it is, as Kon One enters past outer fleet hold point-line, one Sentaro and Skuld readily head forth to see, the holding points of mass, are not just upon an equatorial line all around, the hold point readily looks like a sphere on it's own, there are... “So many ships.” ..ala Sentaro again.
And it was not static either. As they progress, other Fold Jumps flicker into sight, no less the sight of a whole fleet group of over a hundred vessels, surrounding a massive vertical 'block' warship that was over a hundred kilometers in size!! It's horizontal vanes of who-knows-what function, and a single vast engine port at 'least' half the size of the vessel, gave where 'forward' was for this singular ship.
The sights were already endless. As were the sudden questions.
Such started with a 'claw' of a hand upon Imlade's melon. “Um, a problem milove?”
Lind just angles her head over his left shoulder, like a good and venomous hawk. “Dear, some answers for the lost of us 'all' here.”
Eros looks over as they approach the protoplanet station. “Uh, what is she doing Excell... EEE!!” ...as suddenly Sigrun STABS her whole body over the alien commander of humanoid enough note. “Just what is the blasted idea of kidnapping us all like this!? Where the HECK are we?!?”
“Galaxy 2189. Alliance Galaxy.” Imladris sighs out level. Lind releases her grip. (And Imlade almost feels his head pop along with.) Belldandy remarks out. “So 'this' is the famous arena of your Galactic Campaign.”
Takano however remarks out. “Common, that sounds like a dorky name for some space thang here.” ...Imladris however steels out intently enough that 'none' of this was fancy. “It's not fallacy, I assure you all my friends. The same place I left... what... twenty something years ago, after that seven years of war. You're all not imagining it, nor did I ever expound upon any of it ever said, as a trophy measure.
We 'are' here in a place as real as any other we have come to know. Hence 'why' am I here indeed.” ...this he turns back towards a sweating under Fate-of-eye goddess, and demands. “What the blazes is this about Illumina taken!? Make sense my old charge!”
With the backdrop of a destroyer taking up station to the port of Kon One, Eros simplifies. “I am truly sorry Excellency, but we... well, we flat out need your help. Things are about to disintegrate politically, as it all was, without 'this' problem on top of the entire galaxy.”
“Pardon me?” Imlade remarks in surprise. Eros however then stabs a finger at... “Her forces have taken one of the Primary Capital Systems, as of only cycle hours ago!” ...the finger at Mara, the demoness feared to expect. The lot look, as... “What are you taking about?! I don't command any ships anymore?”
“Oh really you...” ...Eros is quickly halted from 'saying', as Imladris's own hand held up enforces. His voice does the same of... “Are you sure Mara?”
“With the current situation ongoing, with that Seer, bub? Hild would skin me alive if I did stuff like that, right now. And It 'can't' be any of my other kin. Hild 'would' tell me.”
A lot of 'hmm' sounds makes Mara throw a fit all around. However as Synthetic battle troopers arrive onto the bridge, Imladris... “Stand them down, she's with me.” Eros snaps. “What!?” ...Imlade... “Long story. Too many characters already. And I presume the enemy is bearing of Marian old fleet technology, if I hear accusations right?”
“No mistake.” Eros says. Imladris's stare however forces Eros's hand, as well as stand down the troopers. Imladris on hind of... “How could a Marian fleet, or anything of any size still exist? What about...”
“It may be best to let the Council explain instead of me.” Eros put in fast. “They all gathered here after first reports reached us from the Trade Route.”
Imladris cocked an eye. “Trade Route? Which...”
“// Entering local gravity well. Orbital point apogee will be reached in five solar microcyclons.”
“Was that... uh... minutes?” Keiba quips, Imladris just sighing. “Then inform I will be there shortly. Myself and alone.”
Of course 'that' just leads his eyes to meet Lind suddenly. Eros sees this as much as any of the crew. Lind of ala... “Alone say you?”
“Not this time milove. Beyond whatever else, I...”
“With all current state of affairs? Alone you shalt 'not' be love.”
“I said not 'this' time.”
Lind just took one look at that.
And then the rest of the entire witnessing just wince at the... 'ear tug' Lind retorts with.
“-whinny tone- Okay.... okay, cometh can you.”
“Why didn't I try that during the war.” Mara injects, and regrets it from the glares she gets in return from the usual familiars.
Imladris initially meant to go alone, such he really did. However as 'indicated', Lind asserted otherwise. And then Belldandy grew curious, and so Keiichi's impart came up. (And Eihwa 'had' to bring up the mandate. I.e.: she wanted to go also.)
And the various peanut gallery complaints and curiosity got to the rest of the blokes.
And Sigrun for some reason wanted to keep an eye on Eros after what was pulled to land them all in this mess.
And so, after a second teleport beam direct into the current main meeting chamber of the Alliance Core Magistrates, there they all were. Belldandy began making greater light of what was being seen. “The architecture here is too much like the style of Intracel. Everything we've seen up to now. Was this intentional Cousin?”
“Well, when you have a sponsored celestial verses demon war via proxies.” Imladris admitted. Mara just kept groaning. “And to think we'd 'not' be back here and all.” ...this even the knight had to shake his head at. This as they passed from the main entry Teleporter Station, and out into a semi fog sheen exterior scene of a goodness to honest looking city that 'did' look like Heaven was transplanted enmasse. Tamiya just complained however. “Hows come mys body feels like it's never stopping tinglinglg?” ..as he kept rubbing his hands over his clothing. All the rest of the mortal lot was.
“First time teleporters say the same thing. At least from our side they did.”
Mara just snipped back to Imlade. “That's what you get for using a single mass beam targeting system, instead of the molecular trans-integration version we used.” Imladris just 'snipped back'. “A bit of cellular discomfort that was rectified by nanite upgrades. Helped make sure our troops could exit vessel craft than yours could.” ...this the lot hear more and more of the two sides of an age forgotten war. Course Talos translated this as... “To think all that would become of a current friendship.”
Mara however seethed back. “We're allies in all this, 'not' friends.” ...and took a stronger step away from the dragonslayer, as Urd nearby sighed in hearing. Frode and Ishara looked on from prime in the rear, for their own uneasy reasons, as they spoke to Lind. “Daughter, you should keep mindful of both of your focuses here.” ...the Judicator remarked. Lind however half heard as they all walked on towards a white domed superstructure with a singular gold ring floating around the upper half of it. They all were as much spectator here, as many of the citizen souls around them were agape at the sight passing by them, then and there.
Imladris however kept focus on Eros, as they all walked towards... “Is it just the Magistrates present? What about the Fleet Group Commanders and Facets?”
Eros just creeped back in a very uneasy tone. “A lot has changed among that vein over the Overcyclons. Again it be best for the Council to explain.”
Imladris just sighed and shook his head, feeling an ill tiding. The light shadow cast from the dome seemed to darken this unintentionally.
“Wow.” Skuld just creeped out. The lot, save for Lind and Eihwa a bit closer to the center of the 'small' meeting chamber, fit for a large skyscraper, of a raised. Circular 'C' table of white crystalline make, held the Magistrates for the Alliance, sitting on raised seats that made them all, all eight of them, look 'taller' than intended.
Not that it met Imladris's eye. “It took only twenty years to engender this?”
The Griffional (center left) upon his raised dais, just remarks. “A sense of our position we've instilled as Magistrates.” ...before the Glassian to the far right of Imlade snips back. “Only because 'someone' started raising their seat higher than others.” ...and a Forran aside just 'tunes' out. “Likewise, Physical Format.”
The lot behind just stand blankly at the sight of this sudden bickering, before Imladris 'snaps' a cough out. The left of the Griffional, a standard female looking humanoid, like Eros, save for a bit darker skin , long silver hair, and glowy silvery eyes, whit gave their Civilization name: Silveren, comments out in her own manner. “The facts fellow souls.”
The Griffional waves a large feathery hand. (An easily eleven meter tall at 'least' being of bulk and grace,) which causes a holodisplay to activate in the center of the chamber, Imladris just 'behind' it in facing forward unto, of a. “It looks like the Milky Way.” Sentaro quips, enough studies from his schooling giving credence. Imladris however remarks. “An order of half times extra in size alone though. (Nevermind the companion galaxy.) As it is.” ...with a trained and remembering eye on the details of the seven armed galactic spirals, three broken off in extra 'tendril arms', with at least three major globular clusters spaced rather evenly around the galaxy from each other. Political and trade route demarcations appear, as well as multitudes of miniature blue 'lettered' and symboled details that the goddesses had to 'catch up' on reading. Urd remarks over to Peorth. “More Intracellic styling.”
Peorth just nods, as Mara walks up. The Magistrates see and tense, before Imladris remarks. “Whence and where, if I must know.”
The Griffional aspects out with pointing 'fingers'. “A vast Marian Fleet, styles of the anal of old, made appearance about two standard Geth`Cyclons past, with no warning through Spiral Arm Terffna .The first victims were a passing convoy of colonists that stood no chance.
At least several hundred thousand souls were not heard from after.”
Reservation just spiked in the hearing lot, as Lind and Eihwa trade a look. Imladris... “Aye.”
The Glassian Magistrate continues... “Soon after, the major trade Routes of the Spinward sectors were hit, three major trans-jump gates for non-Fold vessels destroyed. A good fifth of the galaxy is cut off currently. Hundreds of billions of citizen souls. Most of the Systems are not fully self-sufficient for their population's needs.”
“Nevermind what happened to Iitra.”
“Explain Magistrate.” Imladris's tone shifts to the Assat Magistrate. In dour turn. “The colony in that System was destroyed when the Marians used a subspace acceleration weapon of some new kind. The star was accelerated into a gravity implosion, and supernovaed as a result.”
“Seven million souls died, at least.” The Silveren councilor all but cried out. Chihiro behind shook out in a 'very' low tone. “Is this a joke? I'm dreaming right?”
Mara was trying hard not to shout out at it all, as the Furbrath councilor then adds. “Our first organized attack at Ferer, was thrown back by...” ...the Griffional stoically injects. “We were routed when the Ferer proto-star was annihilated in a similar manner. To be honest, we have no formal organized military to use in this situation, at present. What we have are volunteers with style of the old to look back upon.”
“No Fleet Commanders or Facets then.” Imladris says, looking at Eros. The Forran responds. “No war, and favor of economics of the Physicals lent to the obvious result.” Imladris just shrugs. “No such need.”
“No organized effectiveness.” Mara presumes in turn. The Silveren then points a finger finally at. “Pardon Excellency, but why is one of our enemy here?”
“Mara is of an ally in a situation of far more dire import than just to this galaxy.” Imladris imparts. “My mandate and recent history have turned a page in favor of friend verses prior enemy.” Mara then strikes out to her own fanged accord. “Get this morons! I don't lead any of that crap out here anymore. I had enough of leading spaceships to a losing cause anyway.”
Imladris 'asks' again of Mara on a struck over head craning. “Then what of the other Demon Agents?” Mara spikes back. “I'm telling ya. We got no one out here. At least not that 'I've' been told anyway.” ...this Imlade cocks an eye at, Mara admitting as a result. “Of course Hild didn't see Hagall coming either.”
Imladris looks back at the galactic holodisplay, and relents. “I'm having trouble thinking it as previous Marian behavior. You demons don't get points for just killing anyone. Even I know that doesn't help the danged Market Share stuff.” ..he then looks back to the Magistrates. “Has there been any messages of any kind?”
“Nothing Excellency.” ...the Assat remarks. And then a new sight, a Synthetic being that was even 'more' advanced than Scetu's model series was. Humanoid looking enough, however the technology was nigh alien to even the present advanced sense around. Belldandy whispers. “A High Machiner.” ... “// The last contact from escaping forces from the rout of Illumina, placed the enemy simply taking over the System enmasse. The few that have escaped have said that is 'all' they are doing.
The state of panic is quite high it would seem. Other than the main planets and most lunars having active defense shields, anything else inSystem has been attacked, to what result we do not know. We are presuming the worst.”
Mara cocked an eye, and looked around behind her reflexively. “That 'really' doesn't sound like our tactics.”
“Terror stricken enough though. But there's more I sense.” Imlade return quips, thumbing his chin now.
It had been a ride of listening proportions for the lot accosted into all this, to the point now Lind walks over and asks. “Love, could this be a foreign fragment of the forces Mara once led? You mentioned once there was an Emperor of some sort.”
Imlade looks back and thinks in correcting. “I swore he was destroyed at the end of the initial phases of the war. I'd have to dissuade on that.” Mara however injects there, arms folded tighter more and more. “We however never did locate what happened to him. It was the main reason why we took 'over' the war, in favor of direct subjugation.”
“And because of that you...” ...the Glassian snaps in, before Mara 'and' the Magistrate are bade off with a stiff knight hand raised. “Bickered threats are pointless here. It's nay the first time I've seen an enemy use another's 'skin' as their wolves method.”
Frode then walks over to the other side of Eihwa. “So this is why you 'requested' this knight's appearance. Why of us then?” Eros quips back. “We were in a hurry, and had no time to pick our the Excellency's signature to teleport with.” ...Sigrun afar just cracks out. “Yeah we see that!”
“We just couldn't cope with a situation of this magnitude, with what we have at present.” ...the Glassian responded.
“You panicked.” ...Imladris translates rather tartly. The Magistrates looks as squeamish as possibly deserved. Imladris however then adds to this. “It 'is'... pompous, to presume I'm an automatic savior. You 'all' do have enough skill and effective ability as a unified galaxy to solve this crisis, even at a cost of one Capital World. No matter what else... there.... eh?”
...and now the Magistrates look dour as diseased food stock, such Imladris gulps out. “Okay, you should be angrier and insulted than that.”
Mara just quips out on her own noting. “They look beaten down.”
The Silveren speaks as if far less than her position suddenly. “We may not be a unified galaxy for much longer. Saving torrid details, we are fracturing galaxy wide.”
As much as 'that' could be science fiction fantasy to the 'guests' present, Imladris notes of the celestial component here, when Urd remarks. “Guess your old teaching stuff you once said, isn't working so hot.”
The Assat then actually 'accuses'... “This wouldn't happening if you hadn't left us! We thought you were really gone! Dead even! What happened to you Excellency!”
“Another long story over twenty years. Overcyclons to ye all here.” Imladris simply responds, a lot lower key than the angry tone that was expected of the Assat. The Griffional just remarks over to the Assat equal. “One that may have been of our own current tale as it is, if the Excellency was here anyway. We've not been heeding the teachings, in favor of our own growing greed.”
Keima speaks up from a good bit behind. (Somehow his off kilter 'condition' was now extended to alien beings. Not to blame though.) “Is it me, or are we about to hear a lot of stuff about problems that sound a lot like problems on Earth?”
The Magistrates didn't quite relate, but Imladris did. “I've yet to see a civilization without, problems to solve. On any level. Too many pin themselves down by such, to 'such' a common ill.
It would seem such is what we've been plopped back into. I even....” ...Imladris blinks, and then looks over at Eros. “Where's my ship?”
“The Illistrum? It likely arrived soon before we acquired you.”
Imladris smacks his voice into the chamber. “SCETU!”
A holoscreen of familiar 'note' appears ahead of the galactic display. “// Master. Apologies, but we were Prioritized to return off of Council direct Codes.”
Imladris, noting Scetu was prepared to say 'just' that, looks at Eros, and the Council warily. The Furbrath councilor quips. “As said, we... panicked.”
“I see. Commander Scetu, prepare to send the 'guests' back...” ...Imladris starts, before Lind snaps her voice in. “Are you saying what we...”
“You all going back. The mandate is still in effect.”
Keiichi was going to say something about that, but Lind interjects briskly. “Privacy please.”
“This is no time to attach previous concerns to...”
“I said privacy.”
The councilors are taken back when Imladris steps back a growing gaze of Valkyrian hazard, but in turn faces it down with... “I said returneth you all shalt be going! This... ow! My ear again!”
Lind just snaps her head at the Council. “A private chamber at once please.” ...such the said citizen souls see Imladris's pain, and point mutually to their collective right. (Even the Forran with a glow light thingy.) Lind just yanks Imlade along to the tone of 'ouches' over and over, the other lot quickly following behind. Belldandy of note the last with K1 watching, as she bows to the watching leaders. “Excuse us please for moment. My apologies.” ...and then heads off as well.
When alone, the Silveren just looks around, rather quirked. “Who were all those beings with the Excellency?” ...the voice of Eros however remarks in kind. “Possibly some of whom was spoken of, in many of the Excellency's Tales?”
That got the curiosity mill going for the Councilors. However one question not of impart here, was spoken of the Forran mode. “What do we tell our forces? They are still gathering to await word.”
No one responded. Yet.
The Marian Commander just heard in next tone, after his report of... “They 'are' here. The appropriate Fold signature as your ascribed.”
“Look to a forced retreat, for our 'aspiring' warriors to locate. Bring me them within, unharmed. One most of all, the rest as fodder to the Will and witness.”
The demonic Commander turned, and ordered out, ever active communications relaying as pre-determined. “Send the accosted vessels selected, to the enemy strong point center. You already have the signatures in the database to scan for.”
Voices only responded back from around in the pitch, as unseen vessel commanders... “To the Will.”
The Emperor just sneered, looking at a Shielded world, and the star beyond it. “To Her Will.”
“You are all SO going back home now!”
Ishara had to admit. “The metal bloke is likely right. For verily once.” ...this Imladris wasn't seeing as a compliment. They all sit or stands as false comfort imparted, in another similar conference room, more widened here to 'attach' a spacious room, with many couches and various tables. Save for the Intracellic styling of architecture here, it could translate easily back on earth for a major commercial meeting place.
It fit the tone here. Lind just set that forth with... “I am 'not' about to leave Beloved's side in the midst of something 'this' obvious.”
Skuld near a terminal of high holographics, tried to keep eye off it, as Sentaro just admitted. “I really don't think we bought into all 'this', with that pact thing.”
Keiichi just gulps. “Didn't expect to be a space traveler today, that's for sure.” Belldandy just nods at hearing. “Most journeys are prepared for. How many more are usually not. But is there another time as equal to this however?”
“Is this even real?” Chihiro quips. She then goes and starts pinching Tamiya quickly! “Wake up and tell me this is a dream dang it!”
Imladris just sighs and looks away from them all. Such a tone even Chihiro's manic behavior stops at. “Not even close to a dream. It may have been one when last departed here.” ...this as he looks out, the lot doing likewise on reflex, as the sight of a still well lit 'city' of incredibly futuristic note lies splayed before them, as brilliant as heaven's architecture ever is, the sheen of silver haze 'helping' further clarify their situation. (As did the hover traffic in decent amount in doppler distances varying.)
“I left it to devices 'any' civilization could survive as. No less than many others I've so done.”
Peorth remarks over. “Maybe not all civilizations do well after a time.” ...this Imladris sighs at. “I admit in only passing longing, do I ever expect to hear or see of an old world I once left. I do usually never 'expect' to return to one of any measure.”
Takano asks then next. “So what are you going to do?”
Imlade looks over, back at the 'scenery', and rubs his hands into his feathery hair. He then clenches them into it. “I suppose leaving now would just not be my style. Not after what I heard. It seems there is a job to be done here, once more.” The knight sighed, dropping his hands, and then looked over at... “Eh? What?”
Eihwa just quipped in kind for the rest. “We've never seen you in your own arena before.” ...Tamiya adds in. “Id douse look interesstin. I've neva evnbeen paast evn tha Sea uf Japan before.” Keiichi quips at that. “Just how many fishing trips have you done?” ...this Tamiya tries to count them out on his thick digits, before Chihiro blinks. “You can count?”
Imladris chuckles, but then stresses the point forth. “So you admit yourselves tourists here. Our Earthly cloth of mutual note, 'is' of note here.” ...this the lot look down at their 'common' garments of another world. Imlade just horse blows a sigh. “Perhaps if things were better, and Lord Keiichi not of such hazard, I'd show you all some of the galactic sights.
As 'such'...”
Lind stabs on knowing hearing. “Just sending us back isn't going to solve...” Imladris 'back' in turn. “We just got transported to a battle theater General! Lord Keiichi is off world, where the Seal against Caceroth was active! Nay of here! The mandate still stands! Need I say more?!”
“Not against worries we still have bub.” Chihiro quips. Imladris fully exasperates on hind. “You all are fools! The situation as it is, does 'not' require you all as witnesses to whom knows what!”
Lind in 'turn'. “So, we head on home and just wait? For how long? And can we trust you at this point?”
“I'm not here to get killed love!!” Imladris sternly enforces! “The problem is 'you' all here!” ...a quick, and rather snarly look at Mara. “Look at the 'welcome' you've already engendered!”
Mara just sighs, waving her hand in stoic kind. “Like I get much different back home.”
“Good, because at 'least' you should stay.”
Even Urd blinks at that. “You want Mara's help? Where's a camera around here?” Peorth actually produces one. “Voila tu aller.” Imladris just grumbles back. “I said 'should', not 'would'. As far as I am concerned, there is only one major impart that matters even over all this.
Lord Keiichi 'must' be protected!!”
Keiichi just responds flatly back. “But not if you are not doing it!” Belldandy echoes this for connecting reasons. “Keiichi dear is best protected by your own abilities.” Imladris hears that compliment for what it is, but responds. “You mean to say I suddenly am more powerful than all you goddesses here combined? You and Ishara as well?” ...the last unto Frode. “Sell me not 'that' high against your own capabilities. I at least trust that measure more.”
“But we...” Lind starts, before Frode interjects. “An objective measure is needed here.” The lot listen, and heeded as Frode walks over to the right of the Lord Knight. “One hand: A former galaxy of attention, at a brink that cannot be ignored.
The other: Your duty to protect the Lord Keiichi, as you impart such.
As such, our subjective feelings are standing in between.”
“Don't forget 'my' mandate Father.” Imladris hears of Lind, before Frode thickly sighs back. “Forgive Daughter, but 'that' is a personal mandate. Not a Council version. Please not mistake the two.” ...this Lind looks away, decently hurt by the hearing. “Yes I know.”
“So then we come to it.” Imladris remarks. “As 'much' as I know you all really care for me...”
“Love.” Belldandy corrects, to a good gulp-cough of a Cousin, before he adds... “...as such, your feelings and... um, sworn duty are conflicting. Like it or nor, my duty has to come first, or 'all' I swore to that Wish means nothing. I 'would' expect you all to realize something of all this meaning.”
“Do we have to?” Megumi leaks out, a bit of decent tone of defeat seeping in. It was spreading readily as realization set in. Imladris saw, and with all reason, enforced... “More because, 'now', my duty at core is apparent here.
And none of you should witness a formal battle like this!”
Lind headways into this with a thrust face. “Is that 'not' what I took this mantle for? My status?”
“Are you ready to see 'real' war in the horrid face?”
It was such a level tone, Lind stumbled back. Her goddess nature betrayed such, as Imladris looked over at Frode, and sighed as much as to any. “You all see me as the shining light in a fancy plated suit. Well and good so far it has been, if all too willing to look past the 'other' side of my make. Hild's lesson is still there nonetheless.”
A chill starts filling as Imladris walks about the room. “I've breathed battles, wars, the death of countless. My time bathed in methodology that is fit for total gods of war. I've made 'many' a decision as such, that sent countless to the Mists. It's easy to take a blade and ram it into a foe on one's account. But to send others in stead, is harder.
And worse when the same die for reasons that Lind alone saw enough of.” ...this Lind remembers the battlefield of recent memory.
And Imladris doubles in further. “I've done many horrid, despicable things in the name of sending one force to crush another. Glory heaped because I told others to slay as one would do similar as a murderer in a mere back alley. The tools change, the tactics different between one war to the next. Here, technology just magnifies it all to levels 'not' for goddesses to witness.” ...this he walks by 'at' that moment between the four Norns.
Imladris stops towards the same scenery. “You can't imagine. I won't have you have it. Dreams tormented after the fact, where fears not my own are trounced unto, and uttered endlessly over a scattered field. And all that, to say then it was for a 'good' cause.
And here, apparently, I am about to do so again.” ...this he looks over his friends. “Be careful whom you give that love to. I've gained 'much' hate, of greater number for my tidings. I could easily be lain Tribunal for Crimes against humanity, or of a myriad number of various civilized versions. This if glory turned to blame instead, like a flipped switch.
I 'am' a butcher for my decisions. As said, be verily careful of me.”
“I hear enough.” Lind whispers, but then lifts her head. “But if only was all of 'that', you then would not be so easily among us among the High you kempt us of Platter.” ...this Imladris blinks at. Belldandy rises and walks over. “Indeed Cousin. You are not the only one with a past worth regretting. Yet even here I am no less. Many of us are filled with the same, to an end we 'still' find with each other, to gain comfort with. It is still a part of our collective character. It is still our accepted stories.”
Imlade almost facevaults at this. “You just won't let me scare you off!” ...this Troubadour creaks out. “Well I wet myself, to be sure.” ...this more than a few 'ewws' accompany. (And Urd silly slapping the Spirit unkind.)
Frode remarks over. “There's enough pain to let us stand with you, in your trials.”
“And enough responsibility to lay across 'that' instead.” Imladris retorts in kind. It was a different tone even Lind didn't expect. Imladris just steels himself with responsibility, and enforces it. “If that is the case, you hath give me no choice.
By Titled Authority from the Almighty, such I impose of Voice, I Command you all to go home to Earth and Protect Lord Keiichi Morisato. Now.”
The 'whats' cascaded suddenly, as Imladris steeled a second... “To leave Keiichi venerable in the open like this, in 'this' time of danger, is akin to a First Class Sundering! You 'all' will hold power over my stead of Protection, until my return!”
Urd snaps aghast. “By what right...” ...before Peorth STAMPS over that, (and Urd's head!)... “That audacious tone has no...”
“I understand Love.”
Most the rest gasp, though Lind looks more than too ready to be pensive. Ishara adds in. “Almighty's Authority is not to be remised. I hear it too well.” ...Frode in concert, albeit uneasily. “It 'is' his right as the Titled under the mandate given to him.
We 'must' obey it.”
“Why of all the...” Urd starts, but suddenly sees Belldandy respond. “For Keiichi sake then, I will also comply.”
Imladris didn't mince things. He then looks at Mara. “Same for you. Or must I use that Dark Lord crap as well?”
“Nah, I hear ya. (Idiot.)”
Imladris sighs and then looks to Sigrun. “Watch over them Apprentice.” ...this said Norn gulps at. And next... “- Scetu, prepare to teleport the others in my stead, to your ship. Transport them all home at once. -”
A silence for a moment, then.... “// Yes Master.” ...from an unseen vocal emitter 'above'. The last of last, Imladris looks at Lind... “Punch me later.” ...and flat out walks out on them all outright. This leaves the lot completely stunned! Lind just suddenly reacts with anime devil eyes! “Blast it, he's doing it again!”
Course before she could stampede after him, the teleporter beam did it's job well.
As soon as Imladris left, he saw Eros waiting, leaning on a nanite sculpted wall.
“Been awhile my once young charge.” ..this looking at the very same soul he once protected during the war. Imladris enlightened to the fact of... “At least your demeanor has improved much. The tactics need work though.”
“They're from your old stories. Even the one with blue hair.” ...the Silveren Commander remarked. Imladris just sighed. “Something for a better time my friend. Now, I presume all this is about me helping fixing up this stellar mess?” Eros nods. “We admit, probably from my tone more than I should, that the galaxy isn't as effective as you once left it.
Likely we should figure this out on our own, but since we... I... dragged you here.”
Imladris pucked his lips. “Aye you did. As such, we'll start by finding, reactivating at least the other Synthetic Commanders, as well as getting this mishmash fleet to act like they 'can' take orders again.” ...Imladris starts walking by... “I can sense that much already.”
Eros however remarks... “Er... no offense, but dressed like some underplanet backwater soul?” ...said with a pointed finger to Imlade's base Terran cloth. The knight answered that', with a sudden smack to his wrists. The replete armor and cloth of anal just lent Eros to respond. “Never thee mind.”
At that Imladris with Eros in tow, strode direct back to the Council chamber.
Imladris forgot how easy it was for his word to be obeyed without question. As soon as his commands were issued, they spread like supernovae waves, across the galaxy. Resources beyond measure became unlocked, better equipped vessels released from spacedocks, even better captain's mugs released from Supply caches. No less so of a galaxy that removed previous borders of needless pretenses, in favor of one intended act.
Finishing an apparently unfinished tome.
“Why does that... what the blazes is with... ERGH that dork!”
Hild just chuckled at Frig's emo frazzle. “We should expect no less of one that 'knows' the stakes.” ...as they all looked at a glowing white-pink orb 'screen' that translated the events 'on below' for them, in apparent stark detail. Jora just remarked cock-hurt-eye. “It was still a bit harsher than he should have lain upon my Sister as such.”
“I at least applaud him for it.” Freyana's voice cascades from 'above'. Hild seethes at this. “We still don't hear you in our collective faces to hazard that. Young One.”
“: His rare use of My Voice, was proper here. :” ...was 'all' that was spoken of from 'the' High Seat. Frig however snaps back in kind with. “As do I. PHONE!” ...before a gilded phone suddenly snap appears before the High Goddess. Hild blinks unexpectedly, as Frig imparts into the gilded receiver. “Even I know where this will lead. Hello? Sector Hub 2189! Connect me to the representative on sight!”
“- The signature vessel has alluded us. -” ...from overcomms.
The demonic looking Commander looked over, as the Emperor simply breathed. The Commander just remarked 'out'. “Explain your failure.”
“- They Folded within the defense perimeter, we couldn't act in time without being noticed. -”
The Emperor didn't respond. The Commander did. “Your failure is now your XO's responsibility.”
The sound of a sudden scream of death 'returned', as the sound of an energy blade is used, then snapped off. In turn... “- He was weak. What are our further orders. -”
The Emperor finally did respond. “Her Will foresaw this. As is their return. Her Tools are replete, and History is as written for us already. Prove yourself as capable when the time comes. Fail, and this 'entire' Fleet will die, with the death of this local star.”
The terror was acknowledged simply. “- I will 'not' repeat the same mistake. -” ...and comms snapped off. The Commander just replied. “Effective.”
“You are all fodder to the Will.” ...the Emperor flat imparted. It stabbed deeper into 'all' the minds he was 'attached' to. The Commander nodded and bowed, before leaving. The Emperor just left the remainder of his corrupted mind, to seethe over the vengeance to come.
“Yes my Vessel, we will 'both' see our proper due upon him.”
Three dire looking star fighters streaked on behind him suddenly, as the sight of the deathly armada finished positioning themselves, far beyond.
The Fold back was nowhere near as attended to by sight or sense, as they arrive in view of their proper home. It's encompassing beauty was absconded in favor of the lacking in their hearts. All of them.
“This sucks.” Skuld said it best. Sentaro just tilted his head over at, but said nil. Scetu then automatically remarks, though his tone was no less dour. “// We've entered the local System proper.”
“We did no good.” Megumi's voice suddenly inflects. Keiichi just responded from the other side of the bridge. “Not sure we really were going to do any good. Maybe we were fooling ourselves, against what gold dude was up against.”
“We were there to give hope.” This they all hear of the proper Norn of Present. “It was a far stretch to realize we had the ability to change the course of Cousin's fate. However we just were reminded of the realm he comes from. No less than so often you see of our world dear.” ...Bell says to K1, though the reverberation is felt all around. Belldandy however keeps on to her proper form. “The time will come however to better be of service to Cousin's abilities, when he feels we are not in as of danger.” ...she then looks over at a console leaned over of arms Lind. (Good thing the weapons were powered down by Scetu.) “Please give your beloved that chance again when he returns. I know he means it.”
“He said for me to punch him when he came back.” Lind quips low, if plainly. Enough that the others around get a sense of proper humor from it. Eihwa then remarks of the planetscape that dominated their forward view, the upper curve of the earth filling the entire curved mass viewport before them. “Che bella.”
“: We have to go back. :”
“What'd you say squirt?” Urd quips over at Skuld. Of course... “Wasn't me.” ...this Urd looks over at a shrugging Peorth. Lind looks up and around as Bell blinks blankly. Even Ishara looks around. Frode however starts standing from his console (atmospherics) seat. “Tis another coming.”
“: You all... :” ...as suddenly before them all, as if the stars around the planet Earth, started to form a shape 'from' them! One quite humanoid as it turns out, as everyone stands suddenly! “...must go back!”
Keima LEAPS right into the back of a brace span between two consoles, as a new feminine scene arrives! One that seemed to up Sigrun's own look, thrice so! Long dark hair full of stars, was the skin for a moment before going a more normal shade of human looking, (if glowy,) Her simple goddess gown was of stars as well, a sparkling shawl-cape that was like star infused silks, unto a facade of star spoke over a curved 'half-world Sigil that crowned a crystalline sheen set of goddess Seals, over and under locks of hair and brows of silken, over eyes of opulent opal. Ones that arrive with a cascade of fear in them.
Course for a moment, the lack of words makes Takano look around at the gawking male facades all around. She finally in 'gentle' mode... “GET YA MINDS OUTTA THA GUTTER!!”
“Nossi.” Belldandy gleefully responds, as the mentioned goddess bows her head quickly. However after she does, Sigrun then pops up before her! “Wow! I love what you've done to your hair.”
Nossi blinks. “Really? Love your nocturnal look.”
“My Master said I should look natural, but what about you. Your gown is so divine.”
“Do you use phase pattering to keep the stars in place?”
“No better way to look fabulous.”
Troubadour just blinks blankly. “Didn't take them long.” Keiichi of course (actually Meg and Keima as well...) “Uhhh...”
Belldandy. “Oh. This is First Class Goddess Nossi. She commands the power to travel through the stars. If... I remember her duty log correctly.” ...this Urd remarks with finger raised. “Yeah, weren't you...”
Nossi looks over with a cute, plain look. “Yes I was reassigned as watch goddess over Galaxy 2189 after a new Hub was formatted after that famous Campaign. I've kept eye on events in that specific realm ever since. Hence why I am here.” ...this everyone else blinks at, as Nossi... “You must return at once. The Lord Knight stands to lose his life if he remains there unassisted!”
Lind of course.. “What?!?!?!” ...not that Eihwa nearby wasn't any less shocked. Nossi gulped in kind. “I was informed via the Lady Frigurina over trans-Hub Network. I traveled over the Inter-Star Network to reach you here.”
Keiichi (and kin again,) “Uhhh... #2” Bell to the rescue again. “She can travel the vast span of space in a reasonable blink of time. Save for Voids, anywhere where Stars within relative sight can be seen.” The mortals just look lost, before Peorth stamps. “It just works guys, just go with it.”
Frode then stabs out. “What be this of Imladris's life?!” ...killing any proper discourse in favor of Nossi's... “What I told you Migod. His life is at severe risk. That was what I was told. This I came since I was the one that helped lead the originating vessel unto here.”
Sigrun blinks. “You led that Eros dope right to my Master? That's why we got sucked into that pointless trip!?”
Nossi just levels back, a bit put off. “Originally it was supposed to be because of an entirely different reason. However it all really is that bad. Bad enough that even your 'Master' isn't realizing who's his foe is there. I already know.”
Lind's next tone just chills the whole lot of them. “Wait one. You mean to tell us, that we left beloved behind.... to...”
Nossi sighs low and out. “Yes.”
Chihiro suddenly looks back at... “Scetu! You got to get us back there!”
“// But my Master's orders...”
Talos just reacts back with a decent panic. “It sounds like if we don't get back there, his orders won't mean squat!”
The Synthetic just snaps out. “// Vessel crew, prepare to reFold back to previous arrival coordinates!” ...which seemed to give everyone a sense of hope and purpose again. (If not exactly otherwise sensible.) Sentaro just imparts to that. “Guys, we're going against what cool dude said! I don't exactly like the sound of going into a battle!”
Lind just looks around. “We won't. We just head back to that fleet base and work it from there. But we stay together and protect Keiichi, and all should be fine.”
Keiichi in turn then has Urd in between he and Bell as usual, squeezing then together. “Yeah! We won't get ya killed before the wedding!”
“I don't feel that safe Urd.” ...this Urd pops a vein at, Bell blinking blankly at the stare Urd gives 'back'! Most are just half laughing at this, as Nossi sees this all for the first time.
She bites her lip.
Imladris was biting his. “Peace is the enemy of a military.”
It didn't take long for him to reach that conclusion, as he stood within the quickly reactivating Command Center that comprised the hub of Fleet Core Twelve. The chamber of supreme technological note, rounded about with room for six major restaurants of any respectable note, or something of similar size of 'any' kind, held growing numbers of citizen souls that were trying to remember some of their old lessons from the war.
Eros just sighed out. “Tis what we all get for concentrating on an economy and standard galactic expansion. No offense Excellency, but we 'were' tired of the war and all.”
Imladris, leaning on a flat out huge circular holographic console unit, looking up at the same galactic holodisplay from before, this time seeing what strategic assets were left, just quipped over without looking. “So there had been no consideration of an outside influence or threat possibility to lead to at least a minimal protectionism force?”
“We did have such for a short while, about a five year period after you left for that consideration. However when no sensory of such threats occurred, the Council favored trimming down any defense assets, in favor of bulking up the Commerce Fleet. Can't blame them for the focus.”
“I wouldn't, if not for the fracturing apparently.” ...this Imladris does stand at. “You pluck me from a world filled with problems utterly similar in most aspects, to the ones here in this galaxy here!? I thought you all better than that, at least!”
Eros just blandly puckers back. “We're not perfect.” ...this Imlade comically arm waggles at! “I can see that!”
The Knight Lord just settles down and sighs. He then laments over on a more peaceable tone. “You know the first lesson of living a life beyond your original measure, is that to not let your old ways rule you. Being more out of the box in consideration, is mandatory. I suspect this of note, since when even after you begot lifespans ten times your original own, you still clung too much to the familiar.” ...this Eros hears thankfully next in addition. “But then that's what happens when the same souls that live through it all, go with what they are comfortable.” ...this Imlade turns around with a flap of the arms. (A bit too much, as he winces visibly at. The armor such protests the treatment.)
Eros then cocks his head. “So that be our failings. What of yours?” ...this as a few various Alliance types look over on hearing. (Were doing a lot of that a bit through this, but now...) Imladris hears and laments. “I returned to my Masters. The story turned dour after a different invasion of a sort... well...
...I was both victorious and defeated in the same measure. The same that was fully victorious done, by those I was with, but sent back. This due to a mandate that puts one of such honored company, into dire import, that threatens verily, ALL of knowable Existence. Nothing less, pure and pure.” ...this some various souls around hear to a chill.
Eros gulps, not asking further yet of details, as the tone Imladris uses knows no lie. Imladris goes back to leaning back onto the console before him, from behind, the holographic galactic display meshing across his facade. “This all must be dealt with quickly, so I can return and finish 'that' battle unfolding. No offense, but one galaxy in the end, is secondary to the protection of 'all' that is further beyond.
And that all second to one that is 'closer' to heart.”
“The lady of steel you mentioned so oft.” Eros quips. Imladris looks, and notes with swiveling eyes some interested giggles. No one in the galaxy wasn't remiss in 'that' haunted set of variances. Imladris just snickered and looked down. “Utterly.”
“// Another reason to fight for?”
Eros and Imlade look up and back, at the sight of another Synthetic Commander series unit. One set in soft pink-white hues upon the pearl white armor structure. Imladris smirks. “Ah, welcome Sceta-12. Oh, and Kerenska 24 as well eh?” ...this a lady of half Silveren note, only so due to genetic enhancements to met self-imposed requirements, in a deep black slimsuit of technological note, with auburn black hair in a short ponytail, banded together with a gleaming network node 'band' unit for a sorta 'scrunchie', just stamps up and prods a finger in the armored chest. “Come to save us all 'again', Big Brother?”
“Wha... what, that all again? I thought I told you were we're 'not' related!”
“It doesn't matter to me Bro.” 24 just remarks. Imlade just wipes a face from hand, as he looks at the high genetically reengineered Bioform, that comprised one of Imladris's best war commanders. Unlike Scetu or Sceta-12, of the Synthetic or even Machiners of active civilized race in the Alliance Galaxy, some like 24 actively reengineered their bodies to make their 'mechanical' functions, even moreso, while adding genetic functions, capabilities, or simply racial 'characteristics', to let them fit into a societal form better. Cyborg here was a crude term to use with her.
It wasn't something uncommon in this Galaxy, since long since the war, even regenerating the dead back to life through still secreted technological techniques, now existed, as well as life extending medical techniques that allowed citizen souls to learn more and more, expansion therefore for the galaxy in many fronts, all lent to a release of some values that used to be similar across Imladris's old world of active current. (All such didn't solve 'all' problems however, it readily seemed.)
However despite all that, 24's impart of calling Imladris 'brother', was a chosen familial impart, not an infused genetic version. Nonetheless, the other enhancements just flat out made Kerenska a highly effective citizen soul. And here, even more dangerous.
Imladris didn't mince much past this. “Hope you don't mind being here. Not like we have a choice.”
“We don't Milord.” ...a third, new, and thunderous voice reverberates, as all see... “Ah, Lord Ackronus my friend.” ...Imladris bows to the ancient Griffional. The white base, gold and silver layer mesh feathered Avian of the usual eleven meter tall standard, looked down his golden beak of strength, with deep blue avian eyes. The tri-layered cloth of elegant note that reminded Imladris of goddess stylings of Intracel. (One iota Imladris 'didn't' instill in this galaxy.) The voice matched. “I have already updated my neural Network Link with standard tactics, and the current situation.”
“// Acknowledged.”
“Same here.”
Imladris nodded and appreciated the expediency of his old command. He went with it quickly. “First off, halt further Folds to Core Twelve here. Activate Cores Six, Nine, Eleven and Fifteen instead and send other forces there to form under the standard tactics, done as soon as crew update via neural Network standard. I want them battle ready by the end of the Solar Cyclon tomorrow. I hope we have that much time and don't have to rush anything. Our enemy isn't foolish.”
“// Acknowledged Excellency.”
Imladris then looks up at the holodisplay, and mentally activates a 'current' holoscreen of the Illumina System. He details off... “Next, we need updated scans of the Marian forces inSystem, to know what we're up against. I require as many Recon sorties into and around the System as possible.” ...a bit stretched with... “No matter what it takes.”
“Aye Excellency.” 24 responds, Sceta-12 then amends with looking at Imladris. “// The Machiner Sensory Corps would be best. They can Fold in and burst packet out with their own sentient packet before they are targeted, if we position Relay Ships around the System. They can be recovered afterwards for Refusion, when we win the battle. I will inform them now.” ...and in fact actively is so doing over the Network.
Imladris nods his thanks, and then looks back up the holodisplay. “That's all for now. And forward to me when the other Commanders arrive. Lets get this show going.”
Sceta nods and turns. 24 heads off as well to oversee the Core Base reactivations and orders dissemination. Ackronus however stays as Eros looks on. Imladris notes. “How's the kids good sir.”
“All thirty seven clutches are expanding my original genetic base.” ...this Eros chuckles. “So you 'did' have rewards after the war.”
“Where are yours then?” Ackronus snips back. Eros gulps and looks away, not missed by their Excellency. “Oh, so you can ask of 'my' love life?”
Eros just throws a fit, fit for humor all around. Imladris then turns eye on a more serious query. “How are the Trees?”
“They suffered a recent Subspace spike that was unexpected. However the Hikari Trees are recovered.”
Imladris hears from Ackronus, whom also was the chosen head of a unique care taking 'service'. Imladris just nodded and knew... “I need to see the Core Tree in person please.”
“At once.” Ackronus expected and turns to give Network comm fed orders. Eros just asked. “The obvious?”
Imladris nodded.
The demonic Commander just kept looking ceaselessly at the darkened version of the holographic display here. Another of his supposed equal numbers just responds suddenly off a Network data feed. “The Primary Alpha vessels and secondary torpedo vessels have been positioned and armed towards the Illumina System star. We have over a hundred firing angles.”
Nary a nod returned. His ears however 'catch' over the Network. “They've begun sending Recons. Active scans. As was expected.” ...he just orders out openly. “React accordingly. Destroy where possible but let them have their Intel. All the better to draw them in.”
Quickly off of that. “Spec-Ops fleet reports the target is returning!”
“Silence that tone!” The same Commander snaps back. The others back off. Instead they hear. “Conduct or perish as the Emperor demands!”
The order cascaded across fast across space.
-Fleet Core Twelve traffic control center-
“Yes ma'am. We're diverting fleet traffic as ordered now.” ...an Assat of 'age', mostly by numbers than past the youthful looks, replies. The race was actually asexual with 'sexual' gender tendencies, hence akin to the Seahorse bit, but with humanic characteristics. A complexity familiar mainly to this race. As such the 'male' responded stiffly enough with, that 24 on the holographic end, nods. “- Begin reorienting current fleet Forces around the Alpha-Six standard. They'll be going into combat likely from where they are positioned now. -”
“Yes ma'am.”
Just then a strange chime warble catches the traffic control center crew's attention. Their spot in a Star Ladder attached star station 'above' the main protoplanet atmosphere zone, gave them dominating view of the fleet organization and traffic. A relay of twenty further attached and adjunct stations, as well as Machiner 'station' blocks, handled all needs for controlling the mass of starpower present.
And such was their 'view' of sensors when one Furbrath controller responds. “We've just registered a small number of vessels at the edge of the holding zone, Fold out without authorization. At least... not...”
The Controller just nods. “Acknowledged, the traffic Protocols are upheld. Who just Folded out?” ...this 24 onscreen hears as well. A Forran orb responds with a warble thick tone. “Seven vessels that registered... from...” ...the sudden voice taken back, makes the Assat walk over. “What is it?”
24's screen pops over to a new 'angle' near the Forran. When they see, and confirm over Network, they 'all' gasp. “- They all came from Illumina. How did... -”
A Pa`grtah Mindhub controller then suddenly snaps out in a slithery voice. “A Level-Ten Gravity Spike Null Field just activated!!”
“Where?!” ...Assat.
“0.8 AUs distant from protoplanet gravity zone.”
Even 24 is bewildered. “- Why so far out, only.... REGISTER ANY INCOMING JUMP TRAFFIC! -”
“Man, I look so dang out of character.” Chihiro whines, pulling at the 'standard' fabric of an Alliance slimsuit upon her, at the chest of abdomen. Most of the lot here were, as they look over each other as much as themselves. Lind had to blink. “Okay, this confirms that beloved used many monikers of our formats in Heaven, for his uses here.”
The standard jumpsuit, male, female, or otherwise of needed format, was a semi Valkyrian base mode suit of white with blue pattern inlays, with a 'triangular' blue pattern at the upper chest, from up right to down left to the hip, where a twin run of seams ran down from a Valkyrian similar collar, with a 'button' that glowed of technological make. In fact every seem and inlay of edge, has a shimmering blue-white-green 'inlay' that acted as relays, network feeds, and all manner of biological comfort standard, that allowed the wearer to function at optimum. Add in the optional upper half jacket of pure white with Valkyrian blue in line, mimicking the slimsuit's, with an also optional shot slack addition of the same, with an upper right arm blue pattern slant, another for the pants to the lower left, with some standard looking Valkyrian slim boots rounding, and they all looked like crisp officers in the Alliance StarFleet. Lind even noted gloves of 'similar' mode, that held technological implements, such as an obvious communicator unit, and whom knows what else.
Belldandy looking the same, in a 'dress-skirt' version instead of pants, just nods. “I would have to tend to agree. Though...” ...a look to Keiichi, for some reason in a gold lined version. “I must say you look rather dashing, dear.”
“I do? Great. You look gorgeous.”
Bell hop claps happily. “Why thank you dear.” ...this Peorth and Eihwa trade nods at all of that.
And while Skuld SQUEALS in the background over gushing at Sentaro the same (Short skirt for her, standard slacks for him,) Urd just poses about in her ceaselessly sexy mode. “Wow, this stuff really shows a body off.” ...such since she forgo anything else save the slimsuit itself. (Nosebleed anyone?) Troubadour looks on like a happy lovey puppy. Keima just pokes at the crest emblem on the right of suit jacket. The same adorned the slimsuit, same spot on the chest, as well as on the lower hip right included. “Is this the symbol of that galaxy?” ...this a central galactic spiral pattern, set as angelic wing feathers for galactic arms. Eight star 'points' denoted... “// Aye. The Master indicated he wished for a unifying symbol for the Alliance, as well as for the Eight Capital Worlds.”
As the crew were readying for the return Jump, and Nossi looked on in her nominal wear, they all then hear Tamiya. “Yous looks grweat Misz...” ...ala Chihiro devil eye. “Cut it out bone head! I didn't sign on for this change.”
“I don't mind.” Takano actually remarks, posing near a nose-'blushing' Keima, in a pants-jacket top version. “Do you?”
Keima almost blacks out. (Keiba not far off with Megumi not helping in a slacks version, nearby.)
Just then, (finally with speaking parts again,) Sigel and Banpei appear through an opening main deck hatch, 'they' externally reformatted to match in current cloth. (If synthetic a version.) “/ Engineering Core is about ready Sir. The Main Hikari Core didn't suffer damage from the sudden Jumps.”
“// Acknowledged.”
“Hold it.” Lind suddenly snaps out. All see to hear, as Scetu is asked. “It has to be asked now. How much of Heaven did my Confessor copy during that Campaign of his?”
“// Replete.” ...an answer that took the goddesses back, even if half expecting it. Scetu continues. With a crane of his head around, more than just the 'crew' present. “// Master was allowed a free hand to format the new forces being formed during the war, into a unified format. He incorporated a great number of nuances of Heaven in his designs. You already have noticed that most of the vessel hulls alone are much brilliant to the eye than one should expect.”
Takano just quips. “I thought they all looked bleached and shiny as all heck.” ...Scetu amends further. “// Application of the holy method, as well as Heaven's stylings, reached all across the Alliance Galaxy as the war progressed. Assured, Master only imposed as far as only was willed by the populaces themselves. As a result, a hybrid standard of Intracel's incorporation, melded with natural standards of thousands of civilizations, and even many more myriad numbers of cultures. By the end of the war, the Intracel theme was heavily set into the landscape, as such remains today.”
Scetu espouses more from a rather biological point of view tone, with... “// I would not be surprised to have you all here, see this architecture on any major world, thrice of double so upon the worlds under threat now.”
Belldandy blinks at this as much as any hearing. “Cousin honored us 'that' far?”
“// As much as he allowed information to disseminate. Certain 'direct' aspects were not espoused, rather hinted upon, which the populations accepted without question. The war after all, was a heaven verses demon war via proxy. The aspects therefore went further into cultural aspects all around. It would be almost as if you goddesses, from what I have learned in my time as a Guest on above, would be in familiar settings upon most worlds in the Alliance now.
And Illumina was the first world liberated in the war. Such would all but be a Arch world, like passing through Gate, back to your home.”
“Whoa.” Urd admits heavily.
“And 'that' is why I detested going back as well.” ...this the lot hear to look see, with a sudden barring of gasping teeth. This as Mara appears in 'her' Marian uniform of old. Demonic coloration that mimicked standard goddess battle suits, with a stiff looking upper jacket that looked formal military enough. (The deep gold shoulder lanyard just said as much there.) It looked, quite fearful overall. (Yeep!)
Belldandy asked then. “Does that mean Infernal architecture was incorporated as well?”
Mara just 'explained' with her hands waving lazily. “We tried. Most we could do was use programmed nanites and machines to construct for us in expedient measure, whatever we wished for. Not that they ever lasted long along any border the Alliance pushed. Liberated dopes could tear the stuff down any faster than it took to create them. If they had our level of magic, they had been changed to that Heavenly crap outright!”
Eihwa just smirks back. “Ah the dolori of liberation from tyranny.” ...this Mara SEETHES back at.
Keiichi however just remarked in an amazed tone. “I guess he 'really' went that far to symbolize you guys.” ....this the goddesses all around blush at. Sigrun's version a prideful one, to Lind's loving vein. (Eihwa too, don'tchaknow.)
Nossi then 'imposes'... “Pardon.”
“// The Fold Hikari Core is still charging for a Jump of this magnitude. About another... -looking at displays- ...minute and ten.”
Belldandy enlightens to this subject. “Point to point spatial folding?” ...this Skuld answers (like she needs an excuse here.) “Sure Sis, just a powerful enough energy core, detailed navigational charts, and a Jump drive to initiate off of. I presume this is because of the Relativity factor for travel.”
“// For our case, correct. The Master deemed that travel methodology over a galaxy even larger than this Local Milky Way Galaxy, required a more efficient transportation method, soon after the Campaign reached Second Phase. Lightspeed was given way to subspace gate field devices, before the Griffionals were encountered and were lent Fold technology. As a result of allied and captured cartography of the galaxy as the war progressed, Fold drive technology emerged dominant, even despite Graviton Gates still utilized that 'borrowed' from the Fold method.
Coupled with Dimensional Shielding that doubled as defensive screens, vessels could transport to another point, or Gate at will. This connected the Alliance Galaxy, and expedited the war.
Mara just seethed again. “The war would have lasted three times longer at least, if not for the Griffionals. Nevermind the damned Machiners too.”
Keiichi blinks. “Machiners?!”
Scetu adds... “// They appeared during the Fourth Phase of the War, and were allowed by the Master, their own territories taken from direct Demonic control.” ...Mara adding. “In other words, stole even 'our' created worlds that Hild allowed. Man did that suck!”
Megumi just looks ready faint, as Keiba gasps out. “Created worlds? Just how far did this war go?”
“// Limitless.” Scetu just finished. It told effect on the still initiating of the bunch. Mara actually cracked out... “Actually I liked that super weapon sphere that metal dork had made to just free worlds from our enslavement. Glaringly effective.” ...this before a tone sound warbles out, as everyone else looks at her. “What!? I admit what cool is cool, you know!”
“// Prepare for Fold Jump. All crew prepare. Twenty seconds.”
As a result, everyone scrambles back to their ad hoc chosen seats. Scetu sees and corrects. “// It is actually not required to brace one self, as we do not physically move conventionally.”
“We're not used to this wire brain! Give us a break!” Chihiro dryly glares. Talos just gleeps in kind. “It still 'felt' like there was movement to my stomach.”
“// That would likely be the spatial contraction to a Two dimensional state.” ...this everyone suddenly feels like... “Cut me out and stick me to a wall, after this.” ...ala Sentaro. Skuld semi giggles, (and two thirds cringes and squeals unto all this.)
“// Ten seconds. Fold Envelope Formed, Shield engaged to maximum.”
Keiichi then remarks off a kilter thought to Belldandy. “Say, are you guys going to be alright, being off of Earth and all?” ...this Belldandy on recognition responds to her own surprise. “Actually, I feel more refreshed than usual dear.” ...this Peorth accents a nod. “Mon dieu, moi aussi.”
“// That would be the Hikari Seed within the Energy Core.”
NOW the goddesses of the lot, readily blinked, just as the Fold jump commenced.
The Assat Commander saw the forming signature entering the obvious trap. “Oh dear eternal Light.”
Imladris, Ackronus and Eros arrive via teleporter into the Kon One Teleporter Chamber. They all quickly walk out of the translucent crystalline blue focusing chamber to head to the Bridge. Imladris's pace dictates his tone. “It would seem we have no choice but to rely on them, moreso than I would like to impart of them.”
“I would agree on 'both' sides of this reasoning Excellency.” The Griffional looks over to Eros, whom holds his hands up defensively. “Twas not my idea to downgrade most weapons systems to base Ionic formats. Like the military was said of draw down, weaponry only meant to capture the occasional pirate vessel, here and tither, was what the Council required.”
“As well as to keep the Council civilizations from taking advantage of each other, I 'shalt' add.” Ackronus comments in turn, and expects the glare in kind from Eros. Imladris just stops on hearing all that. “You mean to tell me the unity is fracturing on basis of civilizations fearing one will attack another!?” A harsh snap of his head back to enunciate. So much so, a couple of passing Silveren leap away in quirky fear!
“IF I am to remain as of said help in this theater, the unity must be returned of vital importance! That trust IS everything that made this galaxy what it was. It seems it's time for you all to remember the same, as I 'still' see it.” ...and snap walks forth. Ackronus and Eros trade an amazed look, before following. They all arrive on scene as Imladris commands quickly. “Get us going Commander. Time 'is' burning starlight now.”
Eros takes station in the Commanders dais. “Prepare for Fold Jump crew. I...”
Suddenly the same blaring klaxons stab across the bridge, as it was doing across all of the active station keeping Fleet! Ackronus demands... “REPORT!”
The Assat tech of earlier in quick kind. “A Level-Ten Gravity Spike Null Field activated!”
“What?!” ....Imlade quips in blank surprise, before the same thought hits his mind. “They only appear rarely to trap localized Fold Jump traffic that.... WHO, WHERE AND WHAT NOW!”
“Can't believe it feels so short.” ...Megumi just generally said of the Illistrum's travel method. A lot of thoughts munched down to a crude sentence. Scetu bade little mind of it. “// It is meant to be taken for granted.”
That thought suddenly dies with one: A smacking of klaxon warnings. “What the...?!” ..ala Keiichi, whom is thrown forward by the second effect of suddenly being LURCHED about without any warning! All manner of surprised yells are spiked by Scetu's... “// We've been forced out of Hikari Foldspace early!”
The large vessel from external, suddenly floats forward, as if it had a momentum to be lurched forward from. The slight downward point however gives little obstruction of what Ishara sees... “Pardon, but what are those vessels...”
Several tremendous lurches tell the obvious tale of weapons fire upon them. Scetu snaps... “// Ambush!!” ...before several more successive blasts all but throw the frightened bunch all about! Sentaro yelps out! “What is this, some bad TV shoot!?!?” ...before another couple REALLY buckle at the vessel. One suddenly blasts a plasma arc from the consoles near... “MOM, DAD!!” ...K1 shouts as light blue plasma energy suddenly erupts and throw Takano and Keima back suddenly!
Further is snapped away from, as suddenly several teleport beams of a dark gray coloration appear, as dark Plas-armor clad troopers mesh out from them!
“// BOARDING ACTION!” ...shouted over auto-wide ship comms, before a LOT of ducking from rapid plasma blast fire lances all about! Scetu quickly takes three hits, and buckles back, as lessers reach to cover their betters automatically! Urd just snaps... “The HELL is going on!?!?!!”
Just then, auto-defense projection ports snap open around the Bridge alone, and wave blast back at the sudden enemy! Several fall, at least ten in the immediate area, as several more duck for cover. Chihiro is covered by Tamiya as she screams. “I REALLY wana go home now!!!!”
Just then she feels Tamiya 'grunt', and... “Tamiya!? Tamiya!??!” ...as she feels a growing amount of wilting weight! She then 'sees' enough of one of the dark clad weirdos to feel true terror.
And then the offender is smacked back by a sudden lance of an electrical bolt! Several troopers see this act as Urd already just goes with the theme! “You want fireworks eh!?” ...as her crackling hands quickly retort back at her attackers! Troubadour manages a weak bending shield at first as Urd just attacks a bit at random. Scetu then suddenly 'snaps' back forward, despite plasma hole burns. “// Activate Level Ten Intruder repulse beams!”
“Discriminator Fields!” ...one of the enemy troopers snaps in kind, as two sets of technology begin fighting each other, as well now. A few troopers are teleported randomly back where they came, or just into open space! Most however are 'reflected' away from this result by suit instilled field discriminators, and keep their ongoing attack, as Urd keeps aiding the ship's defenses!
Lind, Ishara and Frode then at that point just react off ancient training and zip under fire where they can to wordlessly begin landing martial blows of fist and foot to any attacker they can reach. The troopers are taken aback by such speed, as Skuld just cries out. “Who the heck are they!??!”
“// Marian Battle Troopers.” ...Scetu can only manage, before ducking two more blast rounds, and finally acting as well, as he separates his arms and ignites four blue plasma sabers. Using them is just as effective with a sudden leap to his far right! Mara a split moment into this heard and raises her head to shout... “Stop firing you dolts, it's... OWW!” ...before a lancing bolt nicks her shoulder, and almost her neck along with, avoided by the bolt knocking her right out from snap stun effect!
No one else can react, as Sentaro and Keiba-Megumi ala hand in low as heck under fire hand, reach Tamiya. Chihiro is 'released' from her trapped state to see. “Oh my god!”
Tamiya sports a good glancing burn from a blast shot across his back of skin.
Skuld then 'joins' in with 'small' Skuld-missiles that look like mini-Bombs with jet ports. They only knock out any troopers hit, as many duck for their 'own' dear lives!
Just then, comms activate around them of... “- Unidentified vessel, state status!! -” ...from Fleet Local Comms. Keiichi just shouts out. “Were in trouble over here!!' As most are still ducking as Belldandy realizes and wipes her arms wide over Keiichi's head.
“Breath a space of wind to give repose by, now and quickly!” ...with a strong wind shield burst smacks across the beleaguered bridge! K1 just yells. “Belldandy!” ...as the other 'crew' duck on knowing better. The troopers just gasp at the sudden barrage. One of random note... “It's just like his powers!”
Bell gasps to a halt... “What?” ...before all of a sudden, two teleports appear dead behind her to either side! Keiichi instantly reacts.... “Belldandy!!!” ...and lunges right to knock her clear. One of the troopers reacts quicker of enhanced reflexes, and knocks the butt of his rifle across the back of K1's head! Bell doesn't get time to scream before she suddenly is accosted, stunned suddenly by the multi-effect suit field of the trooper.
Chihiro sees, before 'then' seeing... “Brother! / STOP IT!!” ...Meg and Keiba lunge over as fast as they can! This causes everyone already engaged or ducking, to see suddenly, a teleport return beam engage, with two captives held by three troopers, before Meg and Keiba reach, and they are caught into the return beam!!
Lind... “NO!!” ...before she's grabbed at the arm by Frode! “It's too late!!” ...as surviving Marian troopers suddenly teleport away!
Just then to end this, a set of heavy Ionic field blasts, smack the Illistrum thrice over! They are all knocked out cold, as Alliance squadrons arrive to investigate, and enter a screening battle as the Marian captured vessels screen one escaping destroyer, the others soon defeated by larger numbers.
But the damage....
....was reverberating far beyond this galactic battlefield.
- ...as far as local observers from several planets can note, there has been no new star traffic entering the vessel node, known as Fleet Core Twelve. As you know from historical archives, FC-12 was once a major planning and assembling area for the Alliance, during the Unification War. The planetoid constructed by Griffional Artists that forms the current central node, was created as a monument to the achievement of the War, and to the Excellency, whom has been confirmed as inZone as of this time.
Reports indicate other fleet nodes are being activated, as far as increased Network traffic alone is observed, but all information is classified Gold-One as of this time. Info-releases are also being reeled back currently, at the request of the Alliance Council. This alone attests to a long missed unity that had been sorely lacking in the past few Galactic Cyclons.
Reports continue to... - ...this as the Griffional Magistrate Ere`ith just half sighed and chuckled the same. “It did require a dire situation to make us work together once more.”
Silveren Magistrate Kaia just smirked. “Should we not be better evolved than this?”
“Ye did not wish to allow our merchants to emplace on any of your lunars.”
“And you to terraform where you please? What about natural ecological concerns.”
“And you are too conservative with natural bio-organic progression, even for mere bio-cells.”
Even the smallest cells have a right to see a potential evolution! Not everything has to be forced to evolve, or even be shoved aside for 'current' concerns!”
The two looked rather comedic, head wrestling with each other, as both then realize and sigh. (The Griffional avian sigh was always a chuckle getter.) Their 'revelry' is suddenly cut short as a Furbrath aide suddenly smacks in! “PARDON MY MAGISTRATES!”
Ere`ith nods. “Continue.”
“There's been an attack on Core Twelve!”
Both Magistrates quickly touch right of melons relatively, and Network the data they seek. As soon as they 'know' the details... “But I thought the Excellency sent that vessel back to whence it came?” Kaia gasps at. Ere`ith just remarks. “Perhaps we should investigate directly.”
Everything was bright here. Did she remember when she opened her eyes? Something felt off, but looking around in this white haze that was clearing off, as she thought she saw two beings looking over some kind of devices, things that looked highly technological? Wait a…
A strange shimmer was felt going up and down her body. Strange breeping sounds she never head before, kept echoing all around her. Apparently hearing was going in stride with sight, as sharpening edges started seeing more details of various colors from the strangest of devices that lined all the deck walls. The light seemed to be as bright as sunlight on a summer Heavenly day, but it came from the walls and ceiling…. the floor… the very air in fact.
Then a blue-silver line zipped down across her face, not too fast. A chime-humming sound came with it.
Confusion came to her mind, as she felt thinking come to the fore. In fact she realized this, as if thinking wasn't capable beforehand. What the heck is going…? Oh.... aye.
The sounds most strange to her.. (Must be a she, she thought without real reason..) ...grew clear as crystal. Everything did...
“/ Her mental parameters have accelerated.”
“Indeed.” ...a worried tone of terse responded. That's when she realized.... “(This must have been what it felt to awake from that very first time. How strange. Wait. Not the time.)”
Her pools of focusing eyes of steel blue, rimmed of deeper blue, looked over. “I'm fine.”
She then suddenly felt a large form of a hug encapsulate her. She took it for what it was. This as most awake saw and appreciated. Goddess, Synthetic, mortal, or otherwise. (Confirmed most suspicions for the Alliance types of Medical present.) This lasted long enough for Lind to then whisper. “I believe you wish to say something else, added of now?”
Imladris reacted a bit more emotionally than Lind would have liked, but the obvious came next as he pulls away, and...
“WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE!!!!!” ...ala a kind tone.
More than a few Synthetic processors had to reset sonic acuities, as Skuld alone just attests, hand to ears... “Good Command voice Cousin.”
Imladris just snapped. “I 'saw' the Network event log. I ordered you all to leave!”
“That would be my fault.” ....this as Imladris looks over wrathfully, at Nossi. The unfamiliar goddess (though Imladris 'feels' familiarity quickly enough,) just offers with a regretful bow. “I told them to return. Lady Frigurina's relayed instruction to me.”
“She informed...” ...Imladris turns to note Lord Frode. “...that your life was in dire risk, the same as Master Tyr's life was.”
Imladris just responds balefully. “It's called a war zone! Tis not my job description replete with such risks?” ...arms waving about to annoyed effect. Mara responds next, holding her struck shoulder. “It sounded a lot more crappy than that dork.” ...this as Imladris sighs at. “Lady Frigurina. Blast.” ...is all said there, holding back a LOT of choice words, as he walks over and asks. “Your shoulder okay?” ...as Mara winces at the effects of... “I forget how our weapons could stun so brutally like that. The healing devices here are too tinged with Yggdrasil energies as well. Damn rash I got from it, you should know.”
A light chuckle back, as a similar moan comes from their clone enough left of mutual. There Chihiro actually sits in Tamiya's lap, as the sound comes from the bulk of human mass and heroics. Imlade in turn... “You okay there too?”
“Yuh, guess being shuut sucks. I'lls be fine dough.” ...this as Chihiro smirks enamored and looks up. “The big lug can take it.” ...and gives a decent peck to a blushing chin. (Above that looks 'worse'.) Another semi-smirk from the 'Excellency', before a look to the more dire of immediate import. Lind looks as Ishara and Frode stand nearby, others unnamed on various close in medical scanning tables, look and feel their collective hearts drop at the sight of two in-full regeneration stasis unit.
The Alliance medical team head on scene, sees as well, and informs. “It'll be a couple of days before they can regenerate out of their comas.” ...this Lind gasps. “Keima.... Takano...?”
Ishara explains to the hazard of her encoded heart. “They took a heavy plasma burst, when the console they were near exploded. Luckily their slimsuits kept them alive before they were rushed directly from on-site teleport to capsules, and have been in so since.” Lind almost breaks at such a sight of harmed innocence. A Katath humanoid Medical officer of said lead position, of light yellow skin and white tattoos, adds... “They'll make it with full nanite regeneration and field stasis assisting. It'll just take time. Longer simply because of the lack of knowledge of their physiology. But time is on their side.”
“But not ours, apparently.” Imladris suddenly hammer strokes out in 'such' a dire tone. They all quickly realize enough, as Skuld clutches at Sentaro fearfully. “Big Sis. Keiichi.”
“Megumi and Keiba too.” Urd adds needlessly. Talos then remarks. “Why? Why take them like that?” ...this left along with a ton of unknowns that Imladris already was having a terrible fear of. Eros nearby, with Sigrun and Nossi closest, just remarks plainly. “I fear there is little other likelihood, than they are within the Marian Fleet proper.”
“There's more to it.” Imladris puts in. The warning in the Heavenly hearts starts to grow.
Just then Ackronus's vast form enters through the enormous hatchway, to the... “Whoa!” ...surprise of Sentaro and Urd alone. Peorth, dinner plate wide-eyed... “Majestueux.”
“The vessel is restored from most combat damage. Save for minor repairs in progress.”
Imladris nods and then calls 'up'. “Commander 24. Continue preparations in my absence. Begin forming the needed fleet formulas for a quick strike package.”
“- Acknowledged. -” ...this as Imladris then commands a second time 'above'. “Scetu, prepare to Fold to the Hikari System at all expedience.”
“- // Preparing now Master. -”
Most look on as Lind rises to a sitting position, as Imladris imparts to Ackronus: “We'll need to perform the functions quickly. Make sure the Attendants 'know' what must be done.” ...at which Ackronus immediately turns to head and prepare elsewhere.
Peorth just quips... “Where are we going?” ...ala a Chevalier in kind. “To seek powerful help. You all will get to see, as I don't want any of you ten meters from my sight.” ...as he suddenly strides out. “Not negotiable.”
The stunned lot actually find amusement, as Peorth remarks. “Took him long enough.” ...though laughter is heavily muted.
-Relay Ship Etherein-
“- Prepare for Fold Jump operation twenty-six. -”
“- : Engaging Fold envelope. : -”
The Machiners amongst the Synthetic races, may have been one of the few civilizations that didn't see past the base unity that they themselves came for, from persecution in too many other galaxies. The large Machiner warship of frigate size, if not frigate standard look, give the swooping angles that dominated the serene, yet mecha laden vessel, was filled with Machiners that kept the base unity to code-heart, as well as machine soul, moreso now more than ever.
None of the dozens of Relay vessels present in the Sector around the Illumina System, had one Machiner amongst them, that complained of the choice to use them as sensor fodder, to learn as much as possible of the enemy within the same Star System. It was less now about having been allowed no less than fourteen Star Systems of their own after the original war, than it was about respect where it was due.
The deploying Machiner orb shaped spike sensor vessel, the size of a large star bomber, felt this all as truly, as any mortal of bio-organic machine make did. The situation was of dire import to all Alliance citizen souls, and such was being demonstrated here. Such as when the deploying Sensor Drone begins it's Fold Jump, the one way trip expected, and as a result...
“- Entering local space.-” ...within seconds, 'seeing' from a point about .26 AUs away from Illumina proper. “- Sensor, Network and Defenses to maximum. Scanning active!
Warning, incoming ranged fire! -”
The Drone jerked several directions, using all it literally had to avoid being blasted outright by Marian long and medium ranged fire, as some of it, large and discharge, came from as far away as two planetary orbit zones away! The Drone knew it only had moments, as it didn't realize it was lasting longer by sheer luck, than most of it's brethren had so far.
In the few seconds it had, it registered everything in a 2.5 AU radius. At the same time, at least seven more Drones were active, as link scans register this as well. This changes dynamically, as quickly, three signals die suddenly, another four appear, and two quickly after that. Numbers were so fluid, the Machiners knew all 'sorts' of fearful emotions, the more the Intelligence operation progressed. It all had already been going on for three hours now, literally on top of Sceta-12's orders, barely twenty minutes after first orders.
But all that snapped as much as the heavy blast of dark photonic energy that jostle clips the Drone to severe port suddenly! The sensors still were active and registering however, as it captured over ten thousand vessel locations of the enemy, the state of local assets remaining, as well as recordings of unfiltered calls for help from all around the Star System.
Some of them in the process of a terrible demise.
And then the sensors on the Drone suddenly register a new energy signature. As much as alien was in application here, the definition altered radically with this new signature. So much so the Drone suddenly halts. (More than a few do so, as the signature encompasses well past even the locations of the Relay vessels.)
“- What is this... -” ...barely thought over comms, before another pulse blast, this time hit too hard, as others are about to triangulate. All the Drones in the System are suddenly meeting a quick fate, as this particular Drone sees three Marian starfighters of a wicked demonic wing style and format, approach through their own fire. As a result, the Drone quickly raw dumps it's full sensor, personality and even operating data, into a link pulse, leaving the Drone body to it's brutal fate.
“- It Blast. -” ...the rudimentary Machiner mind link responded, within a data storage node within the main Relay Ship, after it finished being uploaded in. “- Did just used to get of my form body. Forever take will it to comfort into a one new? -”
The old archaic Machiner voice translation matrix made the Oversight mind 'chuckle', as much as machines know the feeling of. Even for such advanced sentiments anymore. “- You're not alone my Brethren. By far. -” ...the far more advanced version translated through it's vast network interface. The Network hive mind protocols just had a 'lot' of complaints coming across them, no less than within any other Machiner Relay Ship within this Operation. The loss of fine tuned language control the usual complaint. The Oversight however had other concerns.
This as the new holodata swam across the Oversight's vast holo-processors. It's multitudes of living memory seeing the new and disturbing energy that caused the side effect of a mass data spike of escaping personality data nodes. As soon as it realizes enough... “- Halt further operations. Prepare to Fold to Core Eleven with this data. Brother and Sister vessels acknowledge.-” ...this as other acknowledgments soon trigger Fold jumps to other Fleet Cores.
And for many an Oversight, space around them, suddenly felt much colder.
Sentaro just sighed on looking out. “This viewport view is starting to feel familiar.” ...this Skuld half giggles at. “Yeah. But it's still awesome, no matter what else.” ...this as they see the replete view of vessel occupied space before them, the number of active Folds now limited to supply vessels at most, and the odd arrival of a needed vessel Commander or specific citizen soul. Already however, the extravagant viewscape was becoming cumbersome to the eye, for the still uneasy mortals. (The attack didn't help their mindsets either. Celestials none less.)
Chihiro however just bemoans again nearby. “I just want my view of Whirlwind back.” ...this the tone wasn't seen as an insult. Imladris just remarked as Lind kept a hawkish close distance to him, from the center of the bridge. Eihwa slant sits on the right arm rest of the Illistrum Commander's Seat, behind him. Tamiya then adds in. “So whuts dos we dos now?”
“You sure you all want in?” Imladris directs out, for about the sixth time now since they all reached the bridge. The number related to the wait for vessel systems to finish repairing to proper capable status for handling energy and effect stresses of a Fold Jump. The relative safety of Fold travel through a two dimensional medium, meant that there was 'such' little room for operational error. The idea of being crushed flat outright in a rather painful fashion, usually didn't hold well to Third-Dimensional types. (And wasn't a fun idea of Tenth Dimensionals either.) The return crack of said query just returned from Skuld first. “There's no way we're leaving Big Sis and Keiichi out there without helping somehow!” ...Talos just 'amends' stoically... “Aye, just stop asking and worry about what needs to be done, metal guy.”
“For the last time beloved...” ...Imlade hears aside him. “...please stop asking that. Of me no less.”
A LOT of goddess level, and even mortal level philosophical and moral thought that could take days to sort out, was mushed down in favor of Imladris nodding simply. “Then we are one here. The question then comes.... why?” This even Mara was bewildered about, nearby. (Well away from the Alliance souls on the bridge.) Urd just comments out to Imlade's left of rear, as information Ackronus and Eros were hearing, came across as alien to them. “Do you think it's Voluspa and all that again?”
“We'd not be here for certain if that was so. It could be proxy, but we'd have to wait from Intelligence to assure 'anything' further.” Imladris responds. “Not even seven hours since we were entailed here. Blast this situation.”
“Pardon Excellency.” ...this eyes turn to Eros, as his hand is raised. “Aye my former Charge?” ...this Sigrun leans in and angles her eyes at. Eros... “What exactly are you speaking of? Whom is this Voluspa?”
It semi struck Imladris there of a certain 'wall' of silence he'd unwittingly maintained up to now. For good reason he also realizes, before his words are cut off with... “- / Incoming Site to Site teleport. -” ...as quickly, the same energy projection units in the ceiling orifices, that had been used as a defense measure earlier, reformat multitask into straight angle version that forms a subspace bubble teleport beam, and deposits two more passengers into their collective midst. Troubadour just 'touts' openly. “Effective technology.” Urd nodding, as Imladris just bemoans at... “Magistrates, there 'is' such a thing as not barging through the door. The Teleporter Chambers are 'not' damaged.”
Kaia and Ere`ith just cock their heads. “Nor is leaving us all in the dark apparently.” ...the former speaks. Eros just blinks... “Mother...” ...to the blinking surprise of Sigrun near. Imladris blinks as well... “What does that mean?”
“The Network cannot hide any secrets from us.” Ere`ith calmly imparts. It quickly comes across Imladris's mind the meaning of such, though Peorth then asks with a quirky hand raised... “Excuse-moi, but what is this Network?”
“It should be obvious, since Heaven uses it all the time.”
The goddesses (and Mara,) are stunned at such a plain answer. Frode smirks with arms folded, as Imladris then Commands of the Illistrum Comptroller. “Release datafiles from the current datalog of the Mandate. Code voice command off DNA encoding and Title authority.” ...this releasing data that from one story, to characters of another. Lind just comments... “Just like that love?” ...this Nossi hears.
“We don't have time for semantics. Things are accepted as they are 'now', or left to those that can. I presume of the Magistrates of this much.”
“How much of us then is there too?” Ishara asks. Mara takes mantle there in kind. “The same crap that we've been at with the Soul War, for an eternity. Like it's the first time Yggdrasil reacted to Nidhog's actions, and not leave a mark.”
Imladris nods. “You'll all see when we reach the Hikari System. To be blunt, I was authorized 'much' leeway in the shaping of the Alliance during that war. Even down to mere things as morals and technological functions.”
“Can we have a part in that?” ...this sight turns to Sentaro again. The lad remarking... “If we're gonna stay, we wana help.” ...this Tamiya nods. “Yuh, anything ta help gets Morisato ands Bells back. I'ms in.”
“Nettamente.” Eihwa stresses serenely, though Lind kinda feels it more directed at more than 'just' Imlade.
“Me too.” Chihiro mostly reacts off of, but the effect is contagious soon all around. Frode nodding. “We're all in, no matter now what we see, do, or learn. None is innocent here anymore, and hands are best used, rather than wasted.”
Imlade nods, before hearing. “Can't let you have all the fun.” ...this ala Lind joshing tone. Imlade grunts a tic at that, when Eros of note then remarks. “And now it seems we all have a greater stake, of merit.” ...this Kaia shudders next... “Perhaps this is best remained within these vessel hulls for now.”
Scetu of note then announces. “// We've reached proper Jump parameters.”
“Do it.”
The Synthetic crew do their jobs well. Imladris meanwhile has time for... “By the way, love the slimsuits.” ...this Lind blushes at hearing. (And then seeing Eihwa body slim hers, all over Imlade's body just gives Lind fits. And blinks all around.)
“The Accelerator is charging as commanded, Emperor.” ...a random Commander tones out
The Emperor 'blinks' away from apparently other 'thoughts', to then look over. “There is time, do not rush the process.”
At this, the Emperor rises for a long once, to the immediate bow of the Commanders nearby. The Emperor of shell found it amusing to have such fear to laud back upon him, all based on the powers of an entirely different being. The amusement ashed away when thought turns to something much more important. He wordlessly starts walking off in a direction the demonic Commander expects.
“Inform Incarceration, that the Emperor will be arriving shortly.”
Word is passed along very quickly.
The footsteps of doom, did not need to be as so.
A wee lass of barely a mere decade of her life past, played amongst a wide open playground, made of silvery marble implements of meshed Illuminaran-Griffional art. Slides and steps of solid glass-light plied everywhere, as much an equal measure of art at it's most peaceful repose, as it was for mere tools for playing. So many incredible technologies, such as the hover swings that allowed this lass to swing in any direction wanted, (even upside down, and done a lot as such via mini-inertia dampeners,) without need of connecting chains. The sight of a few other kiths upon serenely curved-waves versions of merry-go-arounds, helped let the lass forget for a moment.
Something that was hard to do so, for anyone.
It snapped such in return suddenly, when above the lass's head, the sound of energy weapons pounding into a massive planetary shield above, just echoes all around her. No less all around the planet. Looking up above the heavenly architectural skyline, was becoming a near curse to do. Even looking up above the angelic feather trees was an annoyance now.
This new looking act, just made the lass suddenly mentally screech for the swing to stop, as she then gets off and runs over fast to awaiting clutch of parents that had also come to try and forget. The shimmering blue haired lass looked at her mother and father, both also of watery sheen like blue hair, white skin and serene looks, and some facial markings that had 'relative' measure, among this race of an amazing event coming. Such civilization wide thoughts however, boiled down to the lass's... “Please make them stop mommy!”
“I know.” ...the mother quickly hugs her daughter, the father no less, as more plasma impacts smack into the planetary shield above. Even in full daylight as equal to heavenly versions here, the impacts are too easy to see, high on above. It was a rare once that the whole of the two billion plus populace had reason to fear this much. Even with their coming event and all.
“Only he would want to destroy us, this badly.”
Two Illuminaran advisors just shook, as Magistrate Gaitha looked across a supremely 'heavenly' cityscape, a vast view that extended across the entire horizon of view, that also had above it, the obvious problem of visual, terrifying note. The Magistrate just gulped her heart to her proto-ascendant throat. (Felt like it anywho.) “Where are the rest of the Alliance at? The old Yana treaties should still be upheld.”
None could answer that one. Instead one of the advisors remarked. “We can still hold out for a standard Geth`Cyclon proper. The main problem is population provisions, as to the lack of external trade aspects. Communications however are not jammed. There seems to be activity, though nothing of direct help to us currently.”
“Inform via planet wide emergency comms, to advise wide scale rationing of all staples.”
The advisors nod, as Gaitha sighs. “And we're so close. So blessedly close.”
The three almost truly cried on that realization.
...the voice was as serene, as yet it was frightened. “...Bell?”
“Big Bro?” ...this time a separate, familiar voice. Keiichi started realizing, as well as 'strange' sounds all around him, as his eyes flutter open. At least seeing Belldandy as the first of open eye, was welcoming. However senses told the mortal, things were flat out wrong! As soon as his memory snaps back on enough... “Oh crap! Did we just...?”
Keiba just sighs. “Not a dream. Nightmares in real form.” ...as Kei sees Meg clinging to her love. Bell no less of him. It was about the 'only' bright spots here, as they sit within a large tube format energy cage, a shimmering red, seamless energy field, projecting from protruding device rings at the bottom and top of the cage. Looking past is semi difficult, as most detail is pitch dusk, though a few other more standard block cages with similar energy 'doors' are activated. Movement is bare, only noticeable with great focus.
It set the mood greatly. Megumi just quips to complete the mood. “I think we should have listened to gold dude.”
“Yeah.” K1 remarks, before Belldandy 'hears' a bit before the rest. “Someone is approaching.” They all soon note, all too keenly, of the dark aura that all but imposes towards them. The dark form arrives, as a guard is then heard... “They only just woke up.”
The lack of acknowledgment is just a more terrifying, when the monolithic dark form steps forward, and...
...Belldandy's eye widens.
Space suddenly sees a point of light, brighten severely, before a widening envelope of energy expands, to allow it's host vessel to appear. This the Illistrum arrives into local space. Scetu within alone addresses of such. “// Fold envelope deenergizing. We're registering local Network traffic.”
Ackronus speaks up next automatically. “Sending confirmation codes now.” ...this as the sight of many stars upon a pinkish-green nebula field afar, and a large 'planet' afar, also sees three Griffional crystal ships approaching, looking like faceted teardrops with wing elements of a sort. However it's the planet that is more attention becoming. This Eihwa blinks at, (again,) as much as anyone present.
“Scusi, but should not a planet look... more... conventional?” ...this Imladris chuckles at in hearing. Afar, a common spherical looking world, that looks anything but, looking past the mere curves that take in the light of twin stars of System afar. Bare looking note puts the 'surface' of the planet, above another surface, with apparently a third below 'that'. It's hard to see further than this, as serene, if fathomless energies of white, mist forth from these 'spaces' in between, as well as along the 'plate' surface, where large apparent cities of light are seen, at this mere distance. Seeing clouds of an actual atmosphere in place, puts it all in look, even more mystical than expected.
“I shudda brought a camera.” Tamiya quips, Chihiro nodding ala nodding. Ackronus just explains for an already concentrating knight... “Our Griffional race is renown for the artistry of planetary sculpting. With mere knowledge of planetary geological physics, among other detailed data garnered over the mortal Ages, it's no different than constructing structures of much smaller make. Only the need for proper materials and geological functions induced, are all that is required.”
“If only it 'was' that simple.” Kaia remarks back. The earthly lot noted a bit of tension again between these two. Sentaro just asks then... “Uh, just... um... how old is your race?”
“Over ten Ascended Ages. Before that, even we do not know.”
“// Give it about a billion years, if such is calculated right.” Scetu remarks, a 'few' wows passing about and around. This however is focused back on Lind then asking. “Tell me your mind love.”
“One that is already in touch, my love.” Imladris says in a bit of a 'removed', haunting tone.
The others look on again, as overcomm then tones out. “- Welcome to Hikari Nexus, Excellency. Please follow us into local orbit. Please refrain from further actions until the temple is prepared. -”
“Temple?” Troubadour, Peorth in kind. “What new mystère are we about to impinge upon?”
For one, it was to much, though not for the reason of note. This as Sentaro notes... “Skuld? Where are you going?”
It's not answered.
“Dare me not a reason to expunge you, upon this very sight!”
Keiichi knew the voice, and whom it was spoken of and to. Such was the chill he'd not felt for so long. He also feels three different hands clutching at him, with all right to fear this terror. Belldandy of note. “The Lord Caceroth it is then.”
“Within this archaic form of a biological. Indeed.” ...this said through the saccloth hood, matching the robes that seemed to suck the light away from the energy given off by the cage. Megumi actually feels this, never having known terror like this, since the time Mara absconded her. “You mean 'that' is, that main ugly guy?”
Being suddenly jerked upwards to be held in midair, feeling her throat choked at, gave too much shock to make choking sounds by.. Such is returned... “I am Caceroth! Speak of me for my true form, les my insulted shell be allowed to gut you for it's pleasure!!!” ...before Keiba shouts... “LET HER GO!” ...and tries to lunge, only for the cage field to 'rebound' him back instantly into the other end of the cage, such is the violence of the moment that Keiichi and Belldandy catches him from. Megumi still held by only a mere raised hand of 'common' note for such a dark being, just hears the next directed at them all.
“You all serve only to scald my eyesight. All, save one here, the Abomination, have any formal use to the Will. The rest are chaff.” ...such Megumi suddenly 'does' choke from invisible fingers, burning into her neck! “Give this shell an excuse. Please give one.”
Keiba manages to catch Megumi as she's dropped dead weight and coughing heavily. Belldandy just shouts out. “Please! Don't hurt her again! I beg of...” ...and then 'she' feels the hateful touch, this 'grabbed' as her chin is held by a physical hand that lunges to grab it. Belldandy shudders unlike ever before, at the sight of Caceroth's arm, scalding directly from the cage energy and force trapping effect.
The Emperor's shell peers close, and then 'into' the cage beam. So much so of the same scalding effect, all four prisoners almost black out on sight.
The Emperor's shell peers close, and then 'into' the cage beam. So much so of the same scalding effect, all four prisoners almost black out on sight.
“I 'do' remember you, vessel.”
To the chill of death, was their souls feeling...
Urd followed soon enough, following Skuld's aura to a random controller room, technologically filled to the brim, yet spacious enough, the goddess lass looking out into space, for it's alien measure of lack of comfort.
Urd refrained from the usual banter. “I miss Sis too.”
“I feel so helpless. I hate it.” Skuld says, holding her own arms. Urd gulped and looked away.
“Make that two of us.”
They both remained like that, before they then hear... “We 'will' get Sister back.”
Urd and Skuld look back, as Sigrun stands behind them. They both blink, as Urd remarks. “You made that sound so easy.”
“I have to. It's the first step in believing you can win.” Sigrun imparts, as she walks over to look out as well. Skuld reminds from a bit a dour viewpoint. “Wasn't it you that we got after just recently?”
“And this time I give back some of the same.” Sigrun remarks. “It may be a badly redone recording of my Master, but it still works. If we believe we can win, we will.”
“We won't fail them. We'll find a way to help.” Urd takes tone of. Skuld nods, before Urd then adds. “I'm surprised you haven't already told these Alliance types off, about how you'd redo their technology better and all.”
“In fact I have some ideas.” Skuld snaps suddenly, as no one had been remiss of Skuld just CHOMPING down on every last bit of data the Illistrum had. It was obvious by now Skuld had ideas. She expressed the following of however... “I... just don't know if these guys will listen.”
“Never stopped us before.” Urd quips. Skuld smirks at, and Sigrun teardrops.
“Just don't kill everybody, alright?” ...ala the glares Sigrun receives of a duo-sisterly version.
And then from 'that' far away from the bridge... “Oh dear Light of us all!!!”
Such A Cousin's voice brings the three right back to whence they came.
The terror continued to enter the pit of endlessness, as the four see 'the Emperor' draw back and then snap his left hand to a full left. Suddenly another cage is forced open and another being is lunged right into the Emperor's grasp! Belldandy just gasps once more, split between the sight of such brutality, as well as 'whom' is within said horrid grasp. The Caceroth just seethes of such emotionless hate... “This Illuminaran scrum. A reason for all of the Will's intentions.”
A watery blue haired lady of serene age, and all the looks of... “Like a goddess.” Belldandy can't help herself from saying. Keiichi blinks... “Say what?”
Caceroth leans in close, as the proto-ascendant lass struggles to breathe. “Do you know, why you are here?”
The sheen of her skin already fades, her point of pained view... “Does it... matter..? You... are the... fool, that... -gruack- ...nearly ruined us... original... ly.”
Caceroth just responds in a tone just befit his character. “You are here, because this Shell of a former 'emperor', gave himself to me. You are here, because 'they'...” ...the right hand waved at the watching and stunned of four. “...come from the same cloth and corruption, as your great savior.”
The Illuminaran gasped at the sound. “He... he's.. h... here?”
Keiichi just shouts out for pure emotion of the need. “Just hold on! Gold dude is here and...” ...before he's 'pushed' back to a snap quick catch by Belldandy. Keiba clutches Megumi ever a bit closer, as Caceroth just seethes out the next at the very pale captive.
“Because I gave and received the proper Bargain, this shell is given full measure over my powers, to compete a long wanted goal mutual.
The three remaining Norns rush back in, as they all soon are looking at a large holographic display, as 24's image is aside it, in her own holoimage. Of them all, the Alliance folks are the ones that are shaking at the sight of the data being displayed. 24's image imparts... “- There is no mistake Brother, the signatures are all but the same. -”
For a moment, Imladris lost his nerve, unto whit Lind looked over. “Explain please.”
Skuld's voice however then pops up. “I've seen some of this data before.” ...this heads turn unto. Skuld looking directly at the data. However it's Peorth that speaks next. “You see it too. Blast it, I feared this also.”
“Then there's no mistake anymore. Soulless code.” ...the 'Excellency' whispers, to a near breaking of hearts. The clarity from this, links two 'very' unwanted pieces of a villainous puzzle. The other half Ackronus infers. “Then the ancient plan of genocide is at hand, once more.”
“And this time it seems the ability is very real and dire.”
“Beloved! Explain.”
“Yes. The last time saw these readings, was towards the end of the Second Phase of the Campaign. The original Emperor of the Marian Empire, when he apparently realized that the Alliance was here to stay, apparently dumped all resources he could force out of the demons.”
Mara accented to the shiver of them all. “We didn't fully realize until very late into that point of the war, that the Emperor constructed a subspace sever device. His mind was already gone into defeat.”
“He tried to destroy the entire galaxy with him. The usual doctrine of dictators of insane note.” Imladris explained. Ackronus in kind. “We managed to reach the weapon before it was close to activation. The Emperor we presumed, was destroyed along with the device. One the size of a high level star station. One too complex to complete in time, after we learned.”
“You're welcome.” Mara relents, to the surprise of the Alliance types. Mara cocked an eye over. “The market share does us no damn good with everyone in the galaxy dead. Not even Hild approved of that crap. We were here to corrupt and turn, not annihilate.”
“Could have fooled us.” Kaia remarked dourly. The sneer traded was honest, at least.
“This time seems not as fortunate for us.” Imladris remarks.
Her life was draining away...
“The greatest of abominations to Her Will at hand here, the catalyst of a Nemesis without cause. More to the Crime that Her Will cannot allow to continue existence. The Crime of Ascension!”
Belldandy just combats this, trying to force reasoning... “It is every civilization's right to try and achieve ascension! It one of the primary reasons Yggdrasil even exists!”
“All the better to expunge further of Crime.” ...as not even Belldandy could see a shred of hope for this being. “The only 'crime' is to look at all things, so shortsightedly.”
Keiichi looks over and blinks. “(Was that Belldandy?)” ...though looking back at... “(No, not even 'he' deserves compassion now.)”
“We... we will... w...” ...the lass kept struggling with her own version of valiant honor. Caceroth could feel that and seethed again! “Her Will already see it written. ALL of it Written!
As I hold you now, I will do the same of my Nemesis, and 'all' with be as Written, as is proper!”
And then as if the decrepit moment couldn't find an even lower point, it did. A separate arm somehow 'emerges' from Caceroth's arm, as well as something new, that makes Holy Bell within Belldandy, scream inside. Suddenly the lass screams as well, as her body and soul are stripped of her, fully agonizingly in Soulless measure! Megumi can't take it and blanks out (thankfully,) as Keiba wishes he could do something. Keiichi and for once, Belldandy no less. Caceroth just feels the ash of death, fall through his 'borrowed' fingers. He just reposes 'calmly' after. “Yes, all is written.
First he, will die of my hand, unto Witnesses present here. Then, as the life is expunged, sight will still see entrapped, as this galaxy is ruptured away from the Crime that was catalyst 'of' the Nemesis's presence!
And of that Schism, Aberration of Abomination will die, and Ragnarok will finally begin.
All that is Written, is already done!”
“Gold dude will stop you!” ...Keiichi snaps out, unable to contain himself! Caceroth sees through eyes borrowed, and uses the mind of the same, to then feel the approach of... “Yes, my Commander?”
“Thirteen percent, Emperor.” ...the demonic Commander responds. On sight of however, Belldandy gasps. “But... how could... it's impossible!!”
The Commander just sneers over, as Caceroth remarks. “Nay. Her Will always knew the best course. Not even enslavement is above the Will now. Of any form.”
Keiichi gulps out.... “You mean that actually is a Demon?”
“Not just any dear.” Belldandy says to her shattering heart.
Caceroth just snarls back.
“Let's get you moving then.” ... “Si!!”
Imlade blinks before Lind and Eihwa suddenly pull/push at the bloke suddenly! Ackronus just blinks a bit wide of avian eye. “There are protocols to initiate first, fellow souls!”
Urd just remarks at a blink. “It's okay, we already feel it anyway. Nice forest you have down there, by the by.” ...this as Nossi filters out amicably, with the others. Tamiya just quips. “Nevas been to an aliens world before. Thought that trip once to Edo was somethin.”
“I'd been as far as the States one time when I was racing professionally, but that's it.” Chihiro quips, as Sentaro and Skuld also filter by.
Ackronus and Ere`ith just blink at each other, as Eros just blinks agape. “You mean 'all' that data is... eh?! Ow! My Arm!” ...to Kaia's blinking surprise.
“Stuff it and common!” Sigrun 'helps' with, to the Teleporter Chamber.
(End Act X, Vol. II.)