Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Valkyrie's Mirror ❯ Act XII-A ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh My Goddess! - Valkyrie's Mirror
Volume II
-GV-Day, approximately Twenty-seven Overcyclons ago-
Barely a week since the end was declared, the last Marian pockets confirmed surrendered or ejected from the Galaxy, the scene upon this world, no less the same over hundreds of thousands of worlds, tens of tens far more of all forms of habitation make, were of a nigh riotous celebration unlike ever witnessed before. What was an essentially extended celebration anyway, was now official declaration by the Alliance leadership.
All those hundreds of billions of sacrificed, willingly or nor, were made of reverent spectacle, post mortem resurrected all the same of most, as Assal-Seren Prime was all but joy across its eight billion populace alone of spectrum. Colorful, endless cascades of spaceworks and starworks, blew across the evening sky, as did song and feast, of all kinds. Many forms not withheld, by `any' imaginative measure.
All of it, of all forms, a release from the tragedy of war. Something wanted for so long, unintendedly exacerbated as a growing dream, becomes reality here.
The orbiting quad rings of perpendicular make artificial, saw more spaceworks of gargantuan size, shone off from starships in orbit, also well within throes of joy, such was their crews. The twin lunars beyond, were just as noticeable, as their own spaceworks explode with joy.
“It's a wonder...” ...a Biomesh Commander looks over at... “...the atmosphere hasn't incinerated.” ...a bemused High Commander. 24 just shrugs, look across back at the vast throng of joy below her enhanced vision. “At least they'll have a heck of a bang to go out with Bro.”
Imlade just gave a slight bemoan, that 24 knew well of. She just chuckled. Imladris just looked from a slow left to right pan of the vast palace 'city' that they were overlooking, from a 'standard' gargantuan platform overlook. It was hard to see any patch of ground from here, as it was all essentially citizen soul covered, like a living, breathing carpet of ecstasy.
24 however heard the thick uneasy tone from this. She gave a wary look, as Imladris shivered at the thought he was constantly fighting off. 24 just remarked. “They... we.... all of us have come to...”
“Say not of it.” ...Imladris quickly tries to dismiss. 24 just shakes her head. “It'd be easier on you, to just accept it past your humility. Like or not, it's the truth.”
“We all completed this victory, not just I.” Imladris just reacts with, 24 just shakes her head again. And then flicks Imlade's. “Ow! You know you're bio-enhanced, right?”
“You know you're our great savior, right?”
Imladris just looked away from, as 24 just shrugs. She left it all there.
For another teasing tidbit. “So when do you go back to her Bro?”
Imladris really looks over at 24, before a set of spaceworks super cascade above them in space. A lot of crowd induced cheers were muted within Imladris's mind. He then looks down, and thinks of that special person, though.... “Not sure. I... well... I need to first see that there's no enemy attacks in the short term.
And then maybe help oversee a governmental creation body of some form. After that... I... dunno.” ...as he trails off, not even knowing... “Will she even recognize me.”
24 unexpectantly hears a breaching of a long withheld soul dam. “I mean I think Lind might want to... I mean...”
“So that is her name.”
Imladris BLINKS and looks over. 24 fails to hide a laugh. Imladris realizes his betrayal, and then just looks down, and leans onto the overlook railing of light inlaid glass and crystal. (Take a guess at the entire Palace cityform make up.) 24 then even teases. “Guess I'll get to win the bet.”
“Huh?” Imlade betrays again, looking up from his huddled spot. 24 just looks back blankly. “I mean you 'did' keep her name so secretive, for so long. Even though the entire galaxy practically knew you loved this soul.
Where's she at anyway?”
Imladris rises into a somber posture. “A realm of majesty, that surpasses even this realm. A place I still consider beyond my merits.”
24 just rolls her eyes. “Never with a straight answer.” ...this in turn Imladris chuckles at. “Never without straight consequences with, I pray tell.” ...this the Biomesh took that one, for what it meant. 24 however adds in with a permissive shrug. “I mean, you 'did' name your warship after this soul.
I even hear the Illuminarans worship the Stellar Triad, in her name for you, each Solar cyclon.”
“She'd be bemused to hear that.” ...Imlade says at first, then gulps in realizing. “Before creaming moi, I also garner.”
24 just gave a reserved eye cocked in turn at.
A set of heavy ped plods, makes them both look back, as twin Synthetic Commanders walks up, arm in arm. The light strokes of mini-electrical current between Sceta's and Scetu's held arm of each, just makes 24 cringe. “Aw come on you two! Get a stasis pod or something already! This celebration isn't that open.”
Sceta just cocks 'her' head in turn. “// Have ye seen the uncensored holo-suites that are displaying in the security chambers?” ...this makes 24 really turn a unhealthy shade of pink. Scetu just remarks. “// Uhmm, that is... some of those explicit...”
“ERGH!!” 24 just stamps suddenly with, as Imlade looks back passively. (Along with blankly, weirdly, and even stupidly.)
Just then, an enormous spaceworks detonation outpours and encompasses the sky, the icy color scheme of it, just enforces mind of enamored vision. Thinking of that, just made him wonder now.
-The day of departure-
...to then return.
“// We are essentially ready, Master.” ...this Imladris, looking past the Synthetic Commander, at the Illistrum, in orbit over Illumina, the special spacedock, the last time he'd see his own vessel, from. The gorgeous planetscape, dominated the upper left view ports, beyond the dock gantry holds.
“Very good.” ...as he handed a holopad back to a Silveren dock Tech. He then notes. “A fine day to return home.”
“Do ye have to?” ...he hears to his right, as 24 stands near again, Ackronus, Kaia and a young 'sprite' Eros in concert of seeing an unwanted day come. Imladris looked of bewilderment. “The same of duty that wrought me here amongst you all.
Heed not my lessons, have you?”
Kaia just gulps out, as Eros cocks a wary eye. “It's too soon. We've only just begun, and there's so much more work to be done.”
“Work better done by souls enjoying peace, not one bred from war.” Imladris remarks in kind, folding his armored arms. “Warriors make poor politicians, after all.”
“Should we not be the ones to determine that?” Ackronus objects to. Imladris bounces a nod back, however retorting plainly. “Not over my own Masters, I fear. A time to return home is a Command I have no voice over to object.
It is therefore time to prove my wisdom of merit. This is your time to shine as stars do.” Imladris smiles to, trying to bolster confidence to each self present. 24 sighs, and knows further argument is ill conceived now. She then accents. “Then it's time for us to prove our future indeed.
And you to return to your love.”
Imladris just blares a comical look in turn. “You bring that subject like a bad habit anymore milady!” ...this 24 leads a good laugh in turn, all around. Eros however pipes up rather blandly. “Might as well, since we're not of use anymore, I guess.” ...the angsty lad lips out.
“Hardly that.” ...Imladris quickly retorts, always ready to praise over any lambaste, not of himself. The words are easily heeded as always, this especially at the last. The Knightly format to come stare to match, was no less intense. “This all, has been the finest force and mass of crew I've ever lain chance to serve and preside over. May not time come again, where such a need calls for services of another similar to my past own.
For the time 'is' now for the unity to begin. Now is the time that you all make of it. The peace you earned.
For whatever end, make it all last as long as you all do.” ...this Imladris cocks his head with. “The technology is there to ensure that much.”
The smiles were only half so.
The last they see of the Illistrum, all far too soon, was of its Fold drive, winking their future out from their sight, and into destiny's next turn of a page. The silence, seemed to deepen, galaxy wide, at that moment.
Almost an emotional black hole, where even singularities dread, such was the feel. The Commanders look on, lost for a long once, though Kaia had some inkling of what to do from here. The rest however, lain on...
“He didn't want to stay with us, after all.”
24 just sighed. “No, the order was true. I could feel that.
I fear he didn't trust himself to lead us.”
“Not the way I was planning for.” Kaia adds, the lot feeling a mutual lost chance cometh.
And after the longest time of... just standing there... came the last of lost tale. “I hope we can get him back someday. Somehow.
24 looked over at Ackronus. The same given over to Eros. It was a look, just before that eternal Fold Jump engaged. The look was being traded amongst various citizen souls, techs of different Stations, all with a singular look amongst them all.
The goddesses, mortals non of Alliance, and two High Council types, saw by mere noticing. Frode whispered his Judicator best. “Such a look of confidence, all around. So rare.”
“And hopeful.” Ishara remarks in kind. Lind alone 'know' the reason, as the centerpiece of all this, sees the stars of Illuminaran space, contract into the two dimensional Fold. The complex actions this time, repeated over the vast tens of thousands, as it all finally begins.
Imladris just 'stares'...
Caceroth 'knows'.
“Impede them. Now!
Satorna just barks back behind him, as Caceroth turns his throne. “Maximum Level Gravity Spike Null Field!!!” ...as a command section area suddenly becomes visible, past the monolithic pitch. This makes the prisoners look up from what they were doing, as blood red holo screens appear 'everywhere' of immediate area consequence. Keiba quips from his hands of glowing. “Holy crud.” ...as a STRONG energy hum snaps on, around the apparent super station. Keiichi gulps. “That sounds bad.”
A Marian Commander reports back. “The Null Field is activating for thirty sect-cyclons!”
“INCOMING ENEMY WARSHIPS!!” ...another Commander yells too hard. Satorna rectifies that with a demon bolt of hate! The husk of the Commander is however quickly overlooked, as Satorna just orders. “Prepare to fire at the local Star.”
“JEEZE!” Keiichi suddenly snaps, as the demon Commander looks back, at the vast, over encompassing viewport, to their looking fore, began to fill with far more, than dark vessels of Marian mode, or even the dusk hulls of captured Alliance vessels. The numbers of entering Fold wave Jumps, seemed to make the stars triple in number outright!
Even Belldandy is rendered speechless, at the incoming spectacle.
No less hearing near them... “Come to me Nemesis. Come!!
Three Japanese mortals just trade seriously off kilter looks.
“The local Fold Gate is activating!!!” ..one local Marian Tech snaps, as the nearby Zenith Point gate. The presiding Commander, looking from the bridge of his heavy cruiser, sees the obvious. “Just as predicted by Command. Let us...”
“Four folds on top of us!!” ..this a Marian Strat-Tech shouts, the Commander having little time to react, as four large, Alliance cruisers, various from light and torpedo, to heavy and mass cannon driven. The Commander hears a bare bit of panicked calls of more incoming Folds, before the Commander snarls. “Flame them to the depths!!!”
As the first Alliance vessels enter through the active gate, to act as beachhead screening force, additional Alliance vessels began popping in, and laying down a Heaven storm of concentrated Ionic fore! The cascade of firepower quickly crescendos twice, to thrice, and moreso over in multiplier! The first few Alliance vessels to reach targets, quickly overcome their assigned targets, by a few hundred within seconds!
The gate Commander's vessel, gets the full dose, as their shields don't adjust in time, to the amplified firepower of Ionics. White sheets of energy just wash all about him, and knocks him utterly out cold, the same of the bridge crew. The rest of the vessel joins, a sect-cyclon and a half later.
This begins to occur in cascade, as large portions of Core Six Fleet, enter where assigned. Some of Eleven join as well, as Nine begin entering through the Gate. This is as far as the immediate initial phase of the battle goes, for the Alliance, before the Null Field hits.
As the remaining Fleets begin Folding in, the Null Field ripples across the Capital System!
The Illistrum crew is waiting for their entry, just as a Sensor Tech snaps from her station. “Registering a Spike Field! We're being gravity lensed out of position!!!”
24 just growls. “Crud, we forgot that tac.... HOLY!!!” ...the 'lot' of them get only time to hear, before the Field smacks them as well, entering the System!
“Cut it short!” Imladris just snaps, as Engineering does ALL they can to halt the Fold process. The view of Fold space is that of the once peaceful two dimensional line, being shock jumbled all over the place, as it's beginning to expand to third dimensional phase! Ackronus just snaps. “If we Fold into another ship we... BY THE MAKERS!!!”
Everyone just yells and yelps, as their viewport expands into FULL sight of an enemy battleship ON their bow!!! Chihiro just leaps into Tamiya's arms, by PURE fear alone “BACK IT UP!! BACK IT UP ALREADY!!!”
Do it!!! Do it!!!” Eros orders, as Imladris is already looking all around the holo-suite around them! Just then a HUGE flare occurs to their port side, as a Furbrath crewer screeches. “The Iro`tai just Folded into a Marian destroyer!!”
The realization that one vessel Folded right into another, is exacerbated a few dozen times, as similar Folds meet tragic conclusions. The detonations are horridly brilliant, in far too many directions! A stammering shock cascades through the bridge alone, causing focus to be lost.
“Calm.” Imladris then suddenly says, despite only a few seconds into the conflict... “Status.”
“// Compiling.” Sceta responds steely, as Imladris mentally retracts the holo-suite into mini-mode, before his command seat. Before them all, of viewscreens, is the quickly cascading moments of true battle. However...
“// We've been thrown off course, near the Sixth planetary orbit zone.” Imladris clenches his fists, as Ackronus makes it worse of report. “We're registering most vessels are scattered amongst the fourth orbit line, to the inner Oort cloud line. Further reports are scattered within the Network.”
“Then unscatter them!” Lind suddenly yells, as a few blinks look around, as Imladris concentrates on the incoming data.
“(Got to figure this one out fast.)”
Caceroth's Emperor shell, just smiled a ashen grin.
Despite a few Alliance vessels nearby, all fighting for their absolute lives, as the starfighter and starmecha clouds began to grow all around in various split furballs of blazing fury. A couple of Alliance fighters scream by, chased down by six times their number alone, past the viewport, as Satorna reports. “The enemy has been scattered to the midrange System lines, towards the deep System zone.
Many however have taken position around the local star.”
Caceroth just hears, as the four prisoners, can't keep attention on Belldandy's distraction, as Keiichi witnesses an Alliance mecha unit, die a gruesome death from a plasmatic rain of death, to its upper quarters. Voice is lost to them also, as Caceroth snarls. “Such impotent presumption.
Now we watch them panic.”
Satorna nods, and turns back. “Prepare the first volley, towards the local star. At my command.”
My... command.” Caceroth suddenly snarls. Satorna looks back helplessly, as Caceroth just snarls a second time. “There is time enough to watch them suffer first. Scurry as they all can, before the final fall.
All such before, to see if his arrival even comes.”
Satorna wanted to snap back, the tactics were outright on the Marian side here, at the immediate outset.
He didn't, if he didn't want his own neck snapped in turn.
None was said, little else from immediate, though the active overcomm was filled with the cries of war.
Belldandy for a time, never knew how close to Keiichi she was, for the immediate term.
The Illistrum's own fire, helps dispatch most of the Marian battleship's offensive capability, as the crew start falling into automatic duty, as best they all could. No less across the battlefield, as the shock of the Null Field action melds into the advancing battle.
Imladris sees from the Network data, where to snap his decisions unto.
“Attention Fleet, Scramble Diamond One-Two-Flare.” ...as attention garners fast. “Local Star Defense Fleet will conduct at will, to defend the local star asset. Fleet Nine will advance as before, with all other fleets forming arrow wedge, picking up vessels as they advance. Other vessels already closer, objective action as best they each can.
Objectives are local star defense, and advancing along the gate pincers. Action commence!”
The few mortals of Earth around, look as Eros commands. “Set course Nadir two-six-four, along orders given.”
“// Action deploy all peripheral assets now.” ...Scetu orders fighters and mecha deployed with, as loud thump reverberate from the Illistrum's vessel hull. Similar orders start cascading across the scattered fleet, as Eihwa just asks to get the commanding voice out in the open. “What's the progetto.”
“Advance and form three to five vessel box wedges around individual ships, as they move into wedge formations to sweep conventionally towards that... thing.” ...Imladris admits, looking at a holo view display of the Marian citadel weapon The twin plate shaped mass, with a third split plate at the mid section, between the two other 'plates', with multiple juts above and below for whatever purpose of make. Imladris also admits... “Someone had a ton of time to make that small moon.”
Just then, a good shot hits their dimensional shielding, off their port side! A Tact-tech reports. “Receiving incoming cannonship fire!”
“Keep the shields rotated.” Imladris just orders, as small squadrons of starcraft from both sides, scatter and scream across space before them, as capital ships begin maneuvering about each other. The scene is however, essentially a mass 'cloud' of white hulls, chaotically scattered across much of space before them, their tale tell white in white hulls giving 'some' measure of measure of how the battle was composing so far.
Urd and Skuld alone, just eye each other.
Three Alliance split wedge shaped fighters, shot across the bow of a Marian torpedo destroyer, as they were chased by five Marian starfighters, their wicked shapes not giving 'any' measure of safety to their prey. One Alliance fighter dies suddenly to concentrated fire from the pursuers, as the other two split to avoid similar fates. Through them all, curves angle plasim fire shoots everywhere, reaching for targets.
Anti-craft fire from another Marian ship, clips one Marian fighter as it misses the intended targets, and careens past a besieged Alliance frigate. Three Marian heavy cruisers alone, just pound at it, until it's weakened Dimensional Shields cave in too far at the aft port. The engine detonation wipes it, and one of its attackers outright.
One of the Alliance fighters then turns, as it sweeps by two Alliance Machiner combat mecha, their quick snap vulcan-plasim fire taking three pursuing Marian craft out of the fight! One died anyway as it crashes into a passing Marian Bit-Defense vessel. The same passes toward to help out a Marian dreadnought, being attacked by two fortunate Alliance cruisers, that managed to avoid the Null wave. Both Marian vessels soon besieged, as an Alliance frigate arrive from a Zenith direction, hitting the Bit-defense ship at a near perpendicular angle, at broadside port!
More of these battles start to assume overall, as everyone just fights for their lives, to make it out of complex respective jams, before they can help other vessels, or attend to tactical orders.
Most of these fights occur as the Illistrum alone, fights through a series of escalating conundrums, as they form an early wedge for other Alliance vessels to form up with. The main brunt indeed falls to the Ninth Fleet to pincer towards the same point.
The colors of battle are everywhere. Various colors across the spectrum, of even a rainbow, lace death and Ionics, everywhere one dares to look. And with them, flashes of two kinds, as overpowered Ionics, try to match sheer brute Marian firepower, though the latter is hampered by limited effectiveness from their captured Alliance 'cousin' vessels.
The numbers on the Alliance side, and this major flaw in Marian weapon capability, are where the initial cracks quickly form.
The next...
Urd and Skuld race towards... “That engine core thingy place! Fast!”
“Booking it Sis!” Skuld just yells, as Sentaro follows as best he can. “Who... jeeze... gotta... lay... off the... Bell-treats. Woo!”
One Alliance vessel manages to reach close, to the viewspace of the wretched viewport before them, a fast cruiser that fires everything it has, straight fire, angle fire, torpedoes, everything Ionic it had.
Keiichi alone saw there were too many enemy vessels that crushed it into billowing plasma flames, as it's atmosphere erupts forth. Luckily (if such can apply,) he was too far away to see bodies being ejected into space.
“I think I'm going to hate looking at space movies now.”
“Don't blame you there Bro.” Megumi jitters out. It didn't occur to them that all they were doing, was watching helplessly, like severely misplaced peanut gallery types. It just endured moreso as the four hear Satorna report from behind the gazing Emperor. “The enemy has primarily arrived in full force. All as was predicted from archive tactics.”
I am being disappointed.” Caceroth just seethes. Satorna just turns at that. “Prepare counter tactic as follows. Utilize captured vessels in assault ramming tactics. Now!”
- // The enemy has refrained from attacks against the local star Excellency. -” ...from a separate Synthetic Commander series, Imladris recognizes as the Ninth Facet Commander. Frode and Ishara had joined up closer alongside Lind, as Eihwa clenches heavily into the seat Imladris leans forward from. “Acknowledged.”
“// Master.” Scetu offers quickly. All look, as the Synthetic suggests. “// If we reorient forces from the Oort Cloud zone, to the local Star...”
“Do it, as soon as any vessel is free. However you do know that means short Folding.”
“// Acknowledged.” ...Scetu fully realizes. Imladris suddenly stands as the forming battle lines as demanded, take shape before the viewscreens. “Acknowledge then, that by voluntary effort, for the moment of this one, to see any free vessel short Fold to the defense of the local star, while we have time to so do.”
“Why not just order them outright?” Lind blinks in asking, before Mara then offers near 24. Again heads turn unto... “Because the shorter a space fold is, the more difficult to achieve a precise locational heading. The gravity wake also can cause a hell of a lot of wake shear, doing a lot of damage, if a Fold is done too close to origination point.”
“A tactic of last resort.” Frode judges. Three sets of Valkyrian eyes (and the Bianco versions inclusive,) look at a combat leader, who just offers... “You want this job? It's up for grabs you know.”
Jokes to that effect, DIE fast as Chihiro just YELPS with FINGER pointed forth!! “WATCH OUT DUDES!!!” ...as heads turn to see....
“COMBAT STARBOARD!!!!” ....as the vessel suddenly is lurched right hand, to avoid an incoming former Alliance vessel's suicidal course, right at them in cascading view!! All hands brace all they can, as the two ships trade vicious volleys, before a triad of massive cannonship beams, plow hard into the offending vessel! However to Peorth's shout of... “It's still coming!”
Imladris throws his hands forth, to Spell effect... “Bound off the incoming will of Inertial, to refrain post haste!!” ...as a large gravity spell burst suddenly SLAMS the enormous vessel backwards! The Ionic desiccated vessel, tumbles away, as view comes forth of more such maneuvers that 'do' make further impacts in the Alliance offensive.
Imladris then stumbles back a touch, the part of it, which is lost as Imladris feels his shoulders grabs from four separate hands. “Eh? What be you...” ...as amazed bridge crew look on for a lost moment of...
Our agreed mandate.” ...Imlade hears from a blue steely source. This as Imlade feels a small warmth coursing into his soul. He realizes the light transfer of energy being made and gulps at the implication. He almost retorted back, but then heard from Mara... “Bucket head! Take a look at the tactical screen! I've seen this tactic before, and so have you!”
Imladris drops it all from there, and looks quickly at the holo-suite and garners more Network data. “Aye.
Counter tactic Repulse Three-Seven. Acknowledge!”
“// Complying!!” ...both his Synthetic Commanders snap off. However just then, Chihiro and Tamiya this time..) yell again. “Watch it again dudes!! / Mores bads stuff comins!!”
Sight turns to three more accosted Alliance vessels, two Destroyers and a Heavy Cruiser, are barreling dead at them! Imladris gets ready to conduct another spell, when from overcomms... “- Cousin! We're doubling shield strength to react ablatively! The Seeds are doing the same elsewhere! -
“Acknowledged Urd!” ..as he reacts a second spell in quick fashion. Lind is trying to assail more energy back into him, as he then reaches for his console rests, punching holo buttons quickly as heavy blasts repulse even the Heavy Cruiser away. Imladris then remarks, as three sets of holo gun-like joysticks of a fashion, appear in between behind his seat, and the nearby surrounding consoles.
“Chihiro, Tamiya, take a remote gun turret controller each now please. Talos, take the center stick and help pilot on the fly.”
“Que!?” Peorth gleeps, as Chihiro gulps very jittery. Tamiya just stammers... “You means... yous want us toos... fight too?”
“I want you to stop yelling scarred, and do a valiant part to help win this fight. I will tolerate no more veins of scared measure here, on my ship.” ...said low, but stern enough to get the message across. The three quickly grab their assigned 'tools', as Peorth is told... “You help Talos pilot, and keep them calm.”
“Oui Monsieur!” ...as the four take essentially all piloting command of the ship. Imladris just amends quickly. “This crew will be professional from this point forth. Act so, and we'll head for that victory. Conduct now!”
24... “Readjust flight parameters and tactical suite!” ...as the crew adjust to Imladris current tactic. He broadens it as he walks back by the Intracellic foursome. “This fleet will act the same to the current orders. Amend also, Machiner warships will adjust and conduct direct contact boarding actions against assaulting Alliance vessels not our own. Comply!”
“And reverse capture those vessels by all means.” Ackronus orders in accent.
Acknowledgments rang across the Network, as the initial 'volley' of captured Alliance warships, are reduced quickly, as the advance begins to approach Illumina Four. The terraformed planet most ancient, becomes the immediate backdrop of massive starfighting, as Imladris then turns back again. He silently looks from Lind, and then over to Mara.
The two 'there', trade a knowing look. One Mara looked terrified from suddenly.
“As I fear.”
Lind asks half so... “Belove?”
A hard cross exchange between three Marian verses six Alliance vessels, sees one frigate latch on tractor beams and drag another Marian frigate into a combat hard dock! A combination of latch ports and teleport beams, brings scores of Alliance troopers, Synthetic and Bioform, as they blast their way into a hell storm of defensive fire apparatuses. Marian crews and auto-defenses across the ship try to fend off Alliance boarding actions. At the same time, forced datalinks are made to overcome the Marian Datawall defenses, just as Alliance troops, teleport onto the enemy bridge.
At the same time, a simultaneous battle occurs within the Network itself, as holo-virtual space is used as its own battlefield, the author from Alliance viral probes that act also as Network invasive nodes. The virtual takes form as a white blue space, formatting as nanite-dataform shapes of the various Alliance crews and troops. Versions of Marian Firewall defense 'troops' form up where breaches occur, but run essentially into the same problem allayed against them in Plane space, numbers.
The method of battle soon turns into the eventual overcoming of defenses. The result is the same as any other vial subsuming attack.
As a few Marian accosted ships begin to shut down, A Machiner starship meanwhile then latches on to this particular target, causing 'Machiner troops' to literally form out from the Marian inner vessel walls, to drop into the midst of the fighting, The brutal boarding action takes only minutes. Similar actions are occurring all across the Star System battlefield.
But these were not the only souls inSystem involved.
“Holy Light of coming deliverance.”
Gaitha looked up, as most of the central complex body of citizen souls, were on the roof, where not below and outside anyway, as they, and a planet wide populace, as one, look up at the planetary shield in complete dusk, reverberate from plasim impacts, as beyond that, the spectacle unfolded itself before them. Larger impacts from crashing or dying ships, rippled across the sky.
It was barely extended moments old, and the fight was already engrossing to watch.
And then an Illuminaran aide runs up. “Administrator!!” ..as she arrive to the leader's side, with a holo-projector unit. Gaitha takes it and activates it to see... “Commander Itarth's image appears. The two looked rather ascendedly similar... (...like the Ahb and the Ancients had kids or something...) ...as Gaitha asks... “Does this mean...”
- The assault is underway. Tactical and strategic relaying is commencing. Order any surviving units inSystem to rally with our assault, where effectively possible. -
“Conduct with due course.” Gaitha orders her subordinates, whom race off to relay from. Gaitha then asks. “We need to also help where we can, with unorthodox haste.”
“We can activate the Solar collectors as a spectrum blind shield.” ...one Controller offers. “Do it!” ...and another books it fast.
“What else can we do?” She asks next, though that comes from... “- Give your prayer, to the Seeds. -” ...sight turns back to Itarth's image. More than few ascended facades look, as Itarth's word's, hit absolute home.
If they were not fighting or helping in the fight, the Illuminaran populace then prayed.
And that many in the billions, had great effects.
“Advance on sector 003-91 Planar!” ...a Marian commander orders, leading the last of sixteen Marian warships that survived the battle so far. Lacking any other foresight than mere duty, the small patrol sized fleet, sends the unit into the waiting jaws of thousands of Alliance ships, deployed about five hundred thousand kilometers around the Illumina Prime star, far enough for their shield arrays to withstand the abusive punishment of the star's corona. They also lie along the spread of solar collectors, that are of far more uniform pattern around the star (some one thousand reflectors and supporting collector stations, most 'defunct' at the very least.) The tremendous coronal forces here, make the still somewhat forming defense line against a true worst case scenario, tricky enough to even perform in conduct.
Nevermind looking out for incoming attacks. The Synthetic Facet Commander of the Ninth, sees well enough of... “// Alert against incoming incursion assault. Sector 003-91. Zenith and Nadir units acknowledge.”
- We see it. -” ...from comms, as the vessel Machiner XO of the Mothership Dreadnought Trama remarks. “Remarkable they have lasted long enough against so many of our brethren.
“// A mere fact of more effective weaponry verses ours.”
“How do we stop any attacks against the primary star then?”
The Synthetic unit turns its head simply. “// The Ionics are powerful enough to disrupt the projectiles prior to reaching the star. The projectile shielding when inert, will allow the star's natural aura to destroy them, well above the solar surface.
Our shots prior however, must count. No matter how many projectiles are incoming.”
Further discourse on this, is halted as dozens of Alliance fighters and mecha shoot by, as Strat-section reports. “The enemy has reached the Planar area. Counting...”
“// Just remove them.” ...the Facet just orders, as cascading numbers of ionic weapons, begin showering hard at the Marian assault unit. The Marians just gave harder than they got, only because of the lethal weapons advantage.
Which was taken away as without warning... “Commander! The collectors are remote activating!!”
All senses were blinded on all sides, as the local collector arrays, reoriented to all but triple the luminosity of the immediate area.
“I can't see!!” One Marian pilot reports, before crashing into another Marian fighter, both into an Alliance frigate, as the blinding effect makes targeting impossible for the moment.
The Facet Commander reacts faster than the Marian version. “// Adjust viewport screens to compensate.” ..causing in seconds, a standard spectrum shade reduction of light, allowing gunners and pilots to see where the heck they are going again. Effective fire follows that soon enough, as is the 'demise' of the Marian attack.
The last mopping elements keep fighting on, as the Facet Commander kept eye on their main objective. Ignoring even the casualty report of six warships, and twenty-two starcraft lost. The concern had to be forced into a worse mode.
“// How long do we have.”
“I need to go.”
Sigrun looks at suddenly, as Eros suddenly acts with... “Excellency.” ...said High Commander looks back at, with a facial host with. “Aye.”
“Permission to return to Kon One.”
Imladris cocks an eye, but then nods. “Go, and relay to press my orders from there.”
Eros jets out of the bridge, though Sigrun starts to follow. She however stops and looks back between the Silveren and Master.
...the latter whom.... “Go, hurry.” ...as Sigrun gulps in hearing, but vanishes after in haste. Peorth blinks and asks... “Chevalier, what...?”
“You feel it, as much as I do.” ...this Peorth cocks such an eye at. Imladris just kills the conversation dead with... “Press attacks forward!”
“YUS BABYS!!! YUH!! YUH!!!” Tamiya yells of a maladjusted battle cry, course in looking, Chihiro is just more manic. “Yeah, blast those creeps to bits! Let's blast them!!” ...as they both wail away with plasim beam sets ablaze! Sight afar of Marian vessels being laces with white (knock out) 'death', consumes as the advance approaches the immediate planet. Eihwa just twitters an eye. “That' can't be sounding in character.”
“Better than feeling helpless, Ishara comments, as Imladris then orders... “Calculate gravity lens sling course, towards the main target.”
In sect-cyclons... “// Course Zenith Two-five-seven, battle thrust!'” ...as Sceta's orders are effective indeed!
Eros reaches the teleporter pad.
...and then sees Sigrun do the same. Eros snaps. “What are you doing!?”
“Stalking your mangy life.” ...as she nods to a bewildered Glassian Teleport-Tech, before the teleport beam activates anyway.
Nossi was clenching wordlessly to the atmospherics console, towards the bridge deck rear, as the view of a massive node of battle, was being approached. Mara was not faring much better, as sight of a TREMENDOUS sized Machiner warship, over ten kilometers long, was literally 'claw' maneuvering to make dead direct contact with another vast Marian vessel, as if a supremely large hand was reaching for it!! Nevermind the scale of battle around it, was in the hundreds of vessels, from many kilometers in sized vessels, down to the standard capitals and supporting corvette types that were stabbing at each other like lethal bees. The sight of untold numbers of starfighter/mecha craft was quickly telling on approach. The Illistrum led it's growing battle group 'pincer' right at it.
“I... never expected...” ...Nossi whispers, her words cut short as Imladris afore, takes a sudden step forward, as they enter full sight of the battle, shadowing the turquoise colored planet of five point three billion, two moons and rings, with many star platforms and bases, were also involved in the battle, this 'small' section of it alone, engorging battle in much of the gravity envelope of the planet orbit of Grethial Illumus. The fact is lost on two quickly approaching Marian battleships to primarily port side.
“Prepare for broadside attack to port!!” Imladris swiftly orders, slamming back down in his seat quickly!
“Ablative refraction reinforced port!!” 24 yells, as Peorth just points for Talos to pilot dead past them. A moment later, the blasts start incoming!
Illistrum and six leading Alliance vessels, scatter into the midst of the twin Marian battleships, with seven of its own supporting cruisers and destroyers. The blaze of immediate exchanges are tremendous, as more fighters scream at each other. One Marian fighter is clipped on passing into a cloud of Alliance versions, causing it to shoot off right near the Illistrum bridge!
Most duck on the bridge, before the fighter bounces off the flagship's dimensional shields, it's fate lost to the sight of the leading Marian Battleship, taking and giving it's harsh barrage!
Of the few that don't duck, one just snaps off... “Fire your damn angle beams into that engine block!”
“Eh?” ...24 blinks at Mara, before Ackronus orders... “Alpha blast pattern two engage!”
Everything else results in the main cannon and spread pattern angle beams, hammering into the leading battleships engine block, overwhelming the shields there, and cascading white energy, into defeating base inertia of the engines, forcing the entire rear end section of the demoniacally shaped warship of length, into a half collision with the second Marian battleship, at the midsection! Another Marian destroyer buckles from inertial impact to its shields, as the Illistrum blasts by with most of its battle group. (One frigate isn't as fortunate, as its engines almost core breach from focused fire. Only a forced shut down saves the surrounding fleet group.)
As they pass by into sight of dozens of warships, fighting around one of the larger star platforms in orbit around Grethial Illumus. A small squad of Marian craft are chased by a slightly larger host of Alliance starcraft, as Frode relents. “Intense.”
“Good call, Commander Mara.” ...Imladris acknowledges back. Mara just huffs in return. “Stuff it and keep fighting bucko.”
24 just eyes over annoyed. “Can ye not take praise of proper?” Mara in turn to 'her', just blandly remarks. “Hell no, it's not in my lower nature. Not unless it's from Hild anyway.”
“Stupidaggine. / Chose bête.” ...twin tongue linguist goddesses retort, Mara of whit throws a tiffy at.
It's killed off outright, as two large blue-white beams of Ionic energy, suddenly blast in from well across the Star System, the end result clearly seen smacking into the center point of the Star platform fracas, as Star System grade artillery from cannonships, makes shocking impact of sight afar! All eyes that see, then hear from Sceta... “// The Marian pocket at Grethial trade port base, is being broken effectively.”
“I cannot believe you are used to all of this.” Lind relents, as the sight of endless battle just overwhelms all senses, even Valkyrian in type.
“Who ever said that?”
Lind cocks an eye down at, as she looks down, and sees Imladris's form, utterly tense. His color aura is a stoic gray, with tinges of blue and red. The heart beat is rippled, but somehow steady despite. The mind link is coldly logical, though underneath, the child is shivering once more.
Her hand left a comforting mark, jerking shoulder.
If only he had time to acknowledge it.
“That last round wasn't fun on the shield emitters.” Skuld just yells out. Sentaro just stands by and offers. “Is there anything else that we can do to toughen them?
Skuld just taps away at console holokeys expertly. “I'll find a way.”
“Cool.” Sentaro only says back. Skuld really appreciated it, as she worked. Sigel and Banpei nearby, attempted to help, as best they could. The main focus however was with Urd, standing behind a constantly focusing Troubadour.
“The Seeds do not like all this fighting.”
Urd just sighs back... “Tell me something I don't know.” ...as reverberating impacts keep echoing across the ship.
“They say you could use a date.”
Urd cocked an eye, and looks down at that. She then leans down to hold both of Troubadour's shoulders from behind, whispering of effect... “For someone 'this' cool? Sure.”
Troubadour sure got the boost he needed to keep focusing on the Seeds. (Getting them all to give all out near constantly, was a growing strain with unknown consequences.) Urd meanwhile just found equal hope, to help see them all through.
She even laments... “I'll be sure to tell Sis to help me get ready even.”
Just then from overcomm... “- // Entering sling shot apogee, prepare for acceleration burst. -
“The planet won't like that.” Skuld remarks, as Urd realizes the consequences to Grethial Illumus's planetary mechanics. Urd then quips. “I thought these advanced blokes could handle all that.”
It's lost on the sudden acceleration they all feel, vessel wide! Sentaro just ekes out, holding on for actual dear life! “Holy cow! Did we just hit that warp thingy?”
“The Twelfth Flagship has entered critical angle sir.”
“Thank you XO.” Eros comments over, passing by his nominal crew, to look out at another literal angle of attack, looking at the sixth planet, Pritha Illumus, as another microcosm of the vast battle, takes place. Almost a pure repeat of Gaitha Illumus, save here, three well organized Alliance wedge formations, are punching through a Marian morass, complimented by six different Marian Super capitalships. The Cannonship fire from various vectors, is intense beyond norms.
As Sigrun comes up behind, as Eros takes his seat, he orders. “Status of the system star defense line.”
A Furbrath Tech replies from a large console. “Six major Fleet facet formations in number, have taken up position. No offensive fire registered beyond normal vectors.”
An Assat controller then reports. “We're entering the Pritha designated offensive line zone.”
Sigrun just quips. “Why do I sense you all name things on the fly.” ...as Eros just cracks back. “Plain numbers are just boring.” ...and then orders over to... “Tell whoever is with our vessel, to form up for a sling shot maneuver of our own. We need to assist the Excellency's advance from another front.”
“Aye.” ...more than six voices spike up with. Sigrun just looks down at... “You chose your crew well.”
Eros just informs instead. “They chose their own conduct. We all know the stakes.”
“Now we hear this.” ...comes from the Assat XO, this Eros flusters off, to Sigrun's minor giggle. She however hears a far more stiff tone from the Silveren Commander, of... “It's time to do our fallen brethren proud.
For my brother, and all as like him, in victim.”
"Brother?" Sigrun blinks, though Eros bade that off all the quick.
The state of the crew meanwhile, went into professional overdrive, as they begin their next advance. After passing by the terrible conflict around Pritha, they sling shot with about two hundred ships, towards the same sight awaiting the advancing Twelfth Fleet prong.
One verily ominous.
The glaring blood red colored holodisplays, were reverberating all the information they could garner, from the massive battle. Holo projection rays wiped in several vectors, as the captives kept their helpless watch. Satorna however kept hearing too many ill tidings for the Marian force, as another Marian Commander dared out... “It's only a matter of time Commander. Their forces are far too many.”
“We're losing contact with the Eight-tenth Claw Fleet!” ...Satorna hears, as Caceroth just keeps watching the spectacle beyond their collective sight. Satorna just orders. “Continue on as before! The final objective is all that matters now.”
Objections didn't occur as any logic should have merited, at that point. Satorna knew all too well... “(They still care about their meek lives too much. All the better for now.)”
Just then, several heavy thuds snarl into the citadel's shield arrays. Another hapless Commander just relays. “Six enemy vessels just entered direct assault contact with our position!”
Keiichi just trades looks with his fellow captives. “Could it be...?”
Suddenly from strange, new warning klaxons.... “Intruder breach!!!”
And on top of that, six troopers suddenly emerge from a teleport beam! Satorna just react with a sudden spin and snap activation of his demonic energy blade. Keiba barely gets off... “Who the... YOWZA!!” ...as the leading commander of the incursion, just yells... “Get the bastards!!” ....and a wail of plasim fire just lances and blares off everywhere at once it seems!!!! The Alliance troopers just fire where they can, as their leading commander looks to attack where Caceroth is seated. (It didn't take much to recognize the obvious.) Satorna however just leaps in the way, locking blades, as the Alliance troopers quickly realize they are overwhelmed by odds of hidden Marian trooper guards, as well as automated defenses that seem to be everywhere in the chamber!
Keiichi and Keiba instinctively just cover over Bell and Megumi, as plasim fire bounces off the cage shield, primarily from glancing shots at best. Caceroth bothers not to even move, as Satorna just sneers at his foe. “Such valiant suicide!!”
The Silveren commander just shouts out instead. “Get what we need and packet it!!!”
Satorna blinks at looks over to see one of the troopers, a Synthetic unit, with a literal sensor suite pack, upon it's body structure, is glowing with intense data readings. Satorna realizes. “You fools are playing a fools part indeed.”
The commander just glances back in time to be grabbed at the neck! His blade is cut off at the hand suddenly with demonic skill, as the other troopers quickly fall to skilled fire from too many vectors. The small team all too soon, lie decimated. The Silveren commander is the last, as Satorna just looks over his pained foe.
And then breaks his neck.
Belldandy is the worst to react to this... “Where has your sense of compassion gone too!!!”
Caceroth barely glances over, as Satorna flat out shoots over, with his dead victim, to literally shove the body at the terrified foursome. (The word 'terrified' alone, had at least ten different meanings, fermented within.)
“Take ye well a look, where it has all gone! This place is your downfall as a goddess, as it is your demonstration of futility to faze me!!!”
The four just couldn't respond to that.
Instead, Bell and Keiichi saw something 'else' in the eyes of their demonic foe. The glaring burning eyes of Soulless gray, told more than enough. Keiichi blurts inaudibly... “You're...”
The sudden eye catching sight from the viewport, rips attention, as an Alliance cruiser, passes by, hammered by seemingly endless Marian plasim fire, guts it into a streaming trail of erupting plasim fires, all across the superstructure. It's encapsulated by a fore sight passing Alliance fighter, that burns from its own lethal death, as it careens into the path of three Marian fighters, taking one out in the process. The cruiser detonates in a bright explosion, a split moment later from a cascade failure.
“Change the electromagnetic shield frequency, now.”
Satorna turns to hear, tossing the dead body away like it was plain refuse. Another Commander afar, responds. “Conducting. However we're are reading dataform incursions into the Data-firmframe of the Comptrollers. There's been several breaches of the Datawalls as a result.”
“Close off the access threads to the Accelerator.” Caceroth snarls. “Now.” ...the remaining four Marian Commanders do as told, before Caceroth then punches in his own personal command code. Satorna hears. “One step closer.”
Satorna just in turn, snarls at the remaining command structure, that survived the incursion. “If there were not so few of you left, one of you would die 'now'.”
One just snapped back. “What does it matter, if we're losing. We're outnumbered.”
Satorna almost made the present command structure, lose one more of their number.
“Prepare to remind them of our reality.”
Keiichi blinks as much as any, before Satorna nods back, and turn to order... “Order all remaining torpedo units to attack the local star.”
But...” ...the same commander dares, one time to many. The gaping hole in his chest, forces the remaining three to order the un fathomable.
Megumi just all but climbs at Keiba's chest. “Love...? Love.....?”
Panic was tantamount!
Imladris just stabs looks from the battlescape, back to his crew. “Explain that again?
Scetu just replies without fail. “// A combat patrol attempted forced invasion of the citadel. We've lost effective contact with the unit. However, we've received internal data of the citadel's layout, as well as apparently breached their Datawalls.”
The others not of knowing, hear in sudden realization of one that did. “Blast it, they're doing it AGAIN!”
“You know why...” 24 tries to alleviate, without success, as Imladris turns and leans on the back of his seat from the fore of it. “I keep telling you dopes, time and over so again. STOP dying for my ideals! Especially in battle!!!”
The pained look Imladris shows, catches even Frode off guard. The pure well of a soul being mirrored out, was such a rare experience here. It was only allayed against needless philosophy, by a lover's hand on right shoulder. Imladris looks up and hears from... “They're doing their job, willingly. This so you can do yours.”
The Alliance crew was stunned a bit in hearing words that mirrored so many a time from... “Are they twins?” ...one Furbrath seeps out, as Imladris looks into the steel eye pools, and tries to agree with them.
Imladris just growls just to stress anyway. “I still won't accept suicidal tactics.”
The silence after is deafening despite obvious, as even passing starcraft stab at each other in frequent fashion, across the viewport. The situation is alluded to, as Ackronus informs. “Three microcyclons until we reach the apparent Third Orbit line.”
The situation shifts to another sudden ear turn, enough to melt a dime in fact, as a new warning klaxon stabs attention! A Glassian Sensor Tech snaps... “Torpedo incoming at the local star!!!”
Local Star defense alert!! Concentrate all available fire across the System, at projectiles and offending starships of subject note!!!
Most just held their ears, despite still effective note across the Alliance Fleet! Crews across the System don't fail to ready themselves. It was seriously aided by following words of... “Avenge Iitra with your deeds!”
The words were echoed from their Excellency, as Imladris turns back and reforms the holo-suite around the bridge. The massive holoscreen of deep blue, shows the sight of four distinct 'arms' advancing from the white 'mass' of dots representing the Alliance Fleets. Dark green and red dots, captured Alliance and mainline Marian vessels, are shown in increasingly reduced numbers, as the fleet of majority, is quickly forming to approach the major portion of the Marian Fleet, about three million kilometers from the orbit line of Illumina Prime. Hardly a perfect spread of ships, the Marian fleet were reorienting to intercept the main Alliance thrusts. Past the Marian line, very interspersed Alliance ships were collectively fighting for their lives, against far greater numbers. The few that didn't attempt for the citadel, headed for the local star to help defend it. Somehow the Marian force didn't try to reinforce their numbers, that were now obliterated from the picture. (Ionicly so, but still.) The numbers around the star, were substantial. It had to be, as now the sight of detected yellow dots, were shooting right at the star sector, the numbers were frighteningly increasing at that.
Eihwa alone, gulped a vicious chill, as the first dots got close to the star, before vanishing from sensors. However as each one did, a distinct gravity burst was felt, 'way' out to the advancing Alliance fleet prong here.
“Detonations are causing pulsar grade ruptures Excellency.” Ackronus reports. Sceta follows. “// Reading approximately one hundred enemy vessels attempting attacks. They seem primarily focused from...”
“Prepare to increase battle speed.” Imladris ironclads out. The other's knew the change in tone for its direct meaning.
As did the sudden gravity wave that shakes at the Illistrum suddenly! All hands brace as Imladris reacts back... “Report!”
“// A moment.” Scetu remarks, before data from the Network, gives him repose of, on looking up at... “// An Alliance dreadnought, the Do`irthaseem, just intercepted a torpedo with its bulk.”
The string of cold moments, just keeps hitting them hard. Imladris gulped at, and relented this time... “Thank you all in advance, for your sacrifice. This one I honor.
Let's not waste it in fact.”
“Four microcyclons until we hit the enemy line.” ...a Forran Orb reports, adding... “Reading three hundred vessels in the way.”
On hearing, the holo-suite showing the battle for all its terror displayed, makes Imladris nods, and turn to order a conventional assault.
That's when he looks back, at the offering hand on shoulder again, of a Valkyrian intent. “Eh? Is that the third or fourth time now?”
“Allow my idea a merit?” Lind offers. Ear turn to listen, and are amazed at the audacity of it.
“// Continue effective firepower at will!!” ...as not even a logical driven automaton was without apparent emotion here, as the incoming bogeys of potential failure, kept coming at far too heavy a rate than even the Facet Commander cared for. His sonic receptors were filled with this resultant mood mode.
- Two coming from Sector 110 Planar! -
- Three coming in from 331 Zenith!! -
- Get that fragger, ding it all!!! -
- GOT IT!! GOT... what!? What one coming.... -” ....a heavy flare comes from lower port side suddenly.
- Keep it up!! Don't let one even think of passing us!!! -
The heavy stress tones were just cascading all across the Network now. The Networked Comptroller targeting systems were racing even faster than this, trying to make sure not one projectile was missed by 'any' vector. The Facet Commander meanwhile just retorts out. “// Remand to remind for professional effects here on and forth please. Panicking will just end us all.” ...even despite the Synthetic's own vessel just blaring it's Ionic weapons arrays, all but nearly frying the emitters across the entire ship in so doing!!
Course the panic 'has' it's real moments... “- Watch that one starting to jink!! -
- Sector 174 Planar... no wait, heading Nadir! Wait... I... -
- Confirm it's a Jinker!! All fighters converge quick!! -
The Facet however... “// Ionic EMP Burst, Level Alpha! Local Targeting Mode!!”
One deviously reprogrammed torpedo from the ancient Galactic Campaign, mean for locking onto heavy capital ships, with all too often, true to lethal effect, now retasked for this even more a lethal task, using advanced sensors to avoid any form of targeting charged particles, aside from a set target parameter, does a NASTY good job of avoiding a massive barrage, from the closest Alliance vessels!
The only thing there was for defense, was either a lucky shot, faster defense missiles (which were limited to Ionic types that were not fast enough here,) or the last resort available, wide spectrum EMP bursts to scramble electronics.
Which was not discriminatory here. Before anyone could say more, the torpedo got to about fifty thousand kilometers from the solar corona. The closest vessels, two Destroyers and a Heavy Cruiser, fired their EMP burst arrays, essentially mass overloading their Ionics, that hit the torpedo effectively enough. The missile then tumbles into the corona, and burns up from lack of torpedo active shielding. Unfortunately, all three ships are rendered inert from the sheer overload effect to vessel systems, even to the Fiberlines and Datawalls of each of the vessels, that were supposed to not be normally effected. As a result, a slight backlash occurs to several nearby vessels, causing slight malfunctions that almost makes a few miss another incoming torpedo.
The Facet alone just felt this 'shudder', and felt an emotion that Synthetics were still not meant for.
“// Excellency preserve us all.” ...such others of the vessel crew, made 'very' deep, quick prayers.
“They're holding out Commander.”
Sigrun just shivered as constant attack reports against the Illuminaran star, just kept coming. At least three more Jinker reports also snapped through the Network. Somehow none of them got through. (Like otherwise wouldn't be obvious.) Eros meanwhile just responded. “Alright then... we......”
Even Sigrun 'hears' it, as the Network is spiked with a sudden plan from...
Eros looks back, and remarks. “Such an audacious plan, all of a sudden.”
It made 'most' non engaged crews, trade a lot of glances with equal numbers of citizen souls.
-The cause of...-
So much so, Imladris had the vessel slowed for this occurrence.
Lind just shook her head. “Still thinking in three dimensional terms. Shortsighted.”
Imlade just eyed back. “But you mean to have me order much of the Twelfth, Sixth and Eleventh Fleets, to short Fold, dead on top of the Marian assets. Did not I tell ye, of the problems of gravitational wakes as a result of?”
Lind just eyes back, and stresses... “Gravitational.... correct?”
As soon as it hit Imladris, boy did he blare. “Apologies, but are you NUTS!!??!! You're saying I have to rely on...”
“You're Tyr's successor.” Lind simply remarks, arms folded. Despite starcraft battle occurring just outside, the discourse turns into the same old, introverted affair, that surrounds... “I'm still just a mortal knight. A servant of Heaven. I'm 'not' as of yet, an actual... actual...”
“Man....” Mara suddenly bemoans, as 24 looks between all this. “...I lost to this guy? I certainly wish I had to this kind of power to access back then.” ..she even blares out to effect of... “I'd even Contract myself to Hild completely, if I had that kind of power to access!!”
“Careful for what you wish for.” Imladris tones out in warning. 24 then bewilderedly asks in turn... “What the Light is she talking about Excellency?”
Lind of lightly amazed one note, turns back to 24. “You mean he never demonstrated his powers during that old war?”
That wrought a mass number of blinks unexpected. “You mean he... that... that all was in FACT!??!” Ackronus's tone suddenly stabs out with. Imladris reacts with a hand to his migraine induced head, as Ishara remarks back... “There's an unsaid detail to be mentioned here. Did not 'this'...” ...a fat thumb at Imlade... “...fellow, utilize the powers available to him?”
“Just a few times, he said was just extensions of the technology he wrought over us.” 24 remarks. Eyes turn back to a pensive 'Excellency'. Imlade just remarks.... “I limited all of that crud, to mere esper shoves and other self defense stuff, up till even now. The most I ever did was... erhm... uhmm... re... orient a... lunar that was going to... er... crash.”
24 just seethes at this suddenly... “So it wasn't graviton bits that was used to save Pllenar V, that day!?” ...this Sceta informs needlessly... “// Six billion souls, dear truth of things.”
Eihwa just waggles a finger at... “Miserevole scusa Templare.” ...this Imladris quickly retorts... “So what!? I wanted the Alliance relying on their own confidence, not on my powers! Call it poor form, if you all want.” ...this Eihwa just remarks back, bianco head leaned at him at that... “A god should not lie, nonetheless.”
I am not a God!!
“Aye, that you 'are'.”
Frode's tone snaps the discussion to a strict forum, as the Judicator just informs... “For all intents, before the mast of official mode, you 'are' a God. Explain away this, of your own powers so easily. Mere exposure amidst us of Heaven, no less. All but the official mode exists for you, especially where our admiring minds have come to accept. It is all but formal fabric, I speak of.” ...this Imladris looks down on, as Frode stresses for the dire scenario at hand.
Refraining your powers here, is foolish, where the Enemy holds none of his back. Let all witness, be awed by your display, for we 'on high', know now to trust in it.”
That cool, weird, hollow feeling that hit the pit of his tummy, (and the rest of his soul,) lent to a soft, traded look of confidence, from the goddess of his dreams, at the end of the fact. (Many of the same from the rest, save an annoyed version from Mara.) It just brought out... “But... my Angel... a battlefield spell like 'this'?!”
Imlade just quickly gasped, as Lind wrought both Mints out into the open. The cascade of amazement from the crew, becomes fathomless, as the other resident goddesses and god, wrought out their own soul partners, out into the open. Cool and Spear, Test of Purity, Gorgeous Rose, Mercy, and Loyalty's Belief, shine their gentile light within the Illistrum bridge deck.
A pretty darn showy moment, that puts more than one uncertainty to rest. Imladris realizes that hiding one world from another, was pointless now, as his own soul stirs for it's coming part. Imladris just sighs and nods. “Verily... well. But warn ye all that I hold uncertainty against not causing a singularity schism or anything drastically dreadful.”
Mara just waggles her arms beside a blanching 24. “If you do, I'll skin ya alive before we all die!” ..whit 24 just snarls... “Just try it wench!” ...ala... “Moreso done to you at the same moment!” ...yipe... “Bring it turdscum!”
“Hey hey hey! Lose the lingo.” Ishara weirded eye gulps at, as 'all' the Angels, hold their ears. Ishara even accents at Imlade... “What 'else' did you teach these meek souls?”
“Uhm, I didn't. Not any of thus.” ...Imlade assuredly 'teardrop' remarks, as he turns away from a 'what' shrugging 24. The whole discourse ends, with a reminder report from the Network, that the battle was still brutally ongoing. (I.e. The System wasn't atoms into the End.) He then formulates, and dual converses with his own 'soul'. Lind 'hears' enough of this, to then hear of confidence... “All concerted fleet assets named via Network prior. Prepare to voluntarily short Fold at discretion, into the midst of the defending Marian Fleet elements.
Be advised, 'special' measures will be employed to combat 'all' gravitational disruptions and wake vortices. Advise when prepared and committed.”
A moment after hearing this order, a number 'vast' of ready responses were transmitted. It was then that Imladris realizes that morale had fallen enough in the last few moments, from Network 'tone' alone, (terror of the battlefield can do that,) that something special had to be done anyway, to give hope. Nevermind that it also lent to Fold drives already charged, for last ditch escapes that wouldn't have done much good anyway here. Imladris know Voluspa's intent in the End.
He decided to rectify it all, here and then. He went right back to the holo-suite and after a very quick bit of planning. “All assets declared, engage Fold point plan S-3, brace for pinpoint fire at declared Fold coordinates. Send them now please.”
Sceta and Scetu made quick work of the relaying of specific coordinates for each and 'every' vessel that was Folding. In about two microcyclons, they were ready. “Awaiting.” ...was all Ackronus said. Imladris nods, and after a final glance of confidence exchange with a Valkyrie, he turns and begins his part.
...as the wings of Evolution begin to emerge (to more than a few anew gasps around,) he speaks... “Your tasks have exceeded expectations, unto now. I see no less beyond this moment, to our victory! Lay no other will, before your own now! Now we fight even harder!!!”
He then snap orders... “FOLD!! POINT BLANK FIRE AT WILL!!” ...as Evolution emerges fully! At the same moment, tens of thousands of vessels begin to short Fold as directed. Just as Imladris suddenly feels Lind sacked literally upon his back!
“They are as determined as expected. And our projectiles: Useless.”
“Keiba takes that moment to off key comically shout back out, arms even waving... “Serves you all right you losers!”
Satorna's assessment and further 'hearing', almost allows him a release of bloody sorts. He almost acts on that physically, to Megumi's terror filled grasping of Keiba's shirt! A Wraithful hand halts this. “It matters little now.”
Satorna reacts with... “Master, I abstain only to know why 'not' so! What else is there at this point for them, than mutilation!!!”
Belldandy formally almost threw a shield up around the foursome, before eyes track to the activation, of a dark gray colored holoscreen. Belldandy sees... “Is... that language of...”
“Silence wretch!!!” Caceroth's tone snarls at the First Class Goddess. “Her Will's words, are 'not' to be translated by the filthy!” ...as Keiichi just snaps back for Belldandy's honor of import. “Takes a filthy snipe to call anyone else that!”
“Keep your words. I will keep my Ending of time.” ...as he of It, looks back at... “75% has been achieved.
Begin the Cascade Agitation Acceleration process.”
“Master.” Satorna bows, and starts to turn. He then hears from Belldandy again. “Do not do this Satorna! Do you really want to die, for literally nothing!?!!”
The psychic hand smack back, knocks Belldandy back a bit too hard, as Keiichi catches her fearfully. After seeing too much of an actual shiner across her right cheek, Keiichi just explodes!! “You son of a wretch! I'd smack you back, if I had the power to!!”
Megumi loses her terror stricken soul for a moment... “Big Brother...” ...Keiba no less in fact. Satorna however snarls back with disgust. “And 'that', is why you are weak and unfit. You cannot.” ...this Keiichi wilts back from.
And bolstered in turn as Belldandy just sits back up in Keiichi's lap, and reminds Satorna. “There's more to power, than just energy, Demon First Class. Even confidence is as powerful. Hope that kindles is even moreso. Underestimating all this is quite foolish.”
Caceroth just allows the exchange, Satorna somehow not hitting back a second time.
Not that there's time for more.
The mass blare of battle klaxons just uber cascade around suddenly. Satorna looks back in time to hear from his remaining Commanders... “Registering short Folds into the... ACK!!!”
A vast gravitational sheer wave suddenly rocks the entire Citadel platform!
A crew mesmerized, a few goddesses smirking in appreciation, though some expectant reservation from the parents watching on. But seeing a formal Meld in progress, while both were still conscious, was striking a sight to witness.
"Keep your mind on your task, and use mine as a brace to act from. Insulting it would be, to think I could be harmed by your exertions."
Imladris heard Lind's voice in his right ear, as she kept concentration on Imladris's soul alone. The rest 'was' on a Knight's shoulders, as the massive tactic began.
Unusually clearly.
"Four million Micro-AUs from battle contact."
Another random Marian Commander, just kept his unrealizing gray eyes on the sensor suites, filled with three distinct Alliance spokes, about to collide with the waiting Marian defense zone. "So conventional are their tactics. If only numbers were on our side. We..."
The Commander didn't even get the obligatory gasp out, before he lost his footing, and his consciousness to a set of tumbled into bulkheads quickly after, as the crewed Battlecruiser was just tossed backwards into a violent tumble, without warning.
The assault on the defense perimeter, went from thousands of ships waiting for a conventional assault probe, to most of those same ships, suddenly, having many of those same incoming Alliance vessels, nevermind another Fleet Group's worth of vessels from free spots around the Capital System, joining into the violent fray.
In seconds, the battle entered it's more vicious phase of all.
Evolution was straining as intensely as his Master was, endlessly thankful that Lind was acting as a psy-mental brace, as he forgoes fancy spell words, in favor of brute force action . He couldn't look at the sensor suite, or a mere look of vision, as his concentration was all pure sensory. The Network was swimming in his mind to a tremendous strain.
His hands floated before him instinctively, as he 'reached' for all those thousands of gravity wakes that kept forming, warping, frothing, even splashing as if waves of the worst tsunami's possibly known. He felt each on his mind, directly, without a mental break wall to intercede. The focus Lind felt and shoved her entire mind to a near irresponsible point, as all of this fought with all ability to keep thousands of Alliance crews, from violent deaths. Each wake redirected to impact a Marian or accosted Alliance vessel, ejecting thousands of vessels out of defensive positions. Other wakes were conjoined to effect, further inSystem, such as what erupts around the Citadel itself. There was still however more than enough gravitational disturbance to be felt across the System, in actual entirety!
"So..... many....." ...was his only mention, as the terrible strain just made two crewmembers faint around, the rest of the crew reacting better as the Illistrum itself was in midst of the gravitational morass!
"We 'have' reach the zenith of insanity!" Nossi yelps from rear on, as 24 just shouts. "Just ride the wave!"
"// Fire with effect where open!!" Sceta snaps in accent, as the Command crew were well aware of what was happening. Ackronus sees afar where most cannot. "Most ships are being forced away with each gravitational wake! We're catching them flatfooted." ...the last with an unexpected amount of satisfaction. Mara just trades a look of astonishment with her compatriots off her right. Afar, every enemy warship seen, was a tumbling bulk of uselessness, as Alliance crews, where recovered of various amazement, felt across the Network, just hammered their advantage in kind!
Sceta responds after a few moments of this. "// We're wresting position from the Marian lines. There's no coordinated defense of direct effect. Only supporting fire from further inSystem is opposing the assault."
"Rip them apart!!" 24 really relents into, much to Mara's unexpected surprise (and soon fanged approval.) Chihiro just looks over from firing though. "Jeeze grrl."
The fighting was mainly ship to ship. Most Marian starcraft didn't survive the massive torment unleashed, most slamming into vessel hulls and shields outright, as even the largest Marian warships were buckled backwards. The Alliance soon took advantage.
Sigrun was having her own watershed moment, as Eros just leveled at the sight of his vast viewscreen, full of venerable vessels. "Break them beyond effect!!"
The forward screen was quickly filled with cascading Ionic beams, searing through electromagnetic shields, splashing more white 'death' into the exposed enemy. All around, more open screens, saw coordinated fire, just tear apart the Marian defense, within moments! Little counter fire was to be had, as few that did manage meager plasim fire, were silenced quickly after . (Very quickly in most abrupt cases.)
As the gravitational wave begins to subside, clustered assault waves begin to plow through past their arrival points, out from the furball morass, back into semi-ordered battle lines. Clusters of Starcruisers, Heavy to Light Cruisers adjoining, surrounded by supporting Destroyers and Frigates, Corvettes speeding amongst them as much as starfighters and starmecha do, harry what few enemy fighters and craft do remain as a harrying defense, begin numbering up over their very much defeated foe.
"Less than three microcyclons." ...an Furbrath remarks, even as the operation was ongoing. The sight of the enemy defense, ruptured before them nonetheless.
"Form up for the coming push." Ackronus just remarks.
Suddenly... "That wretch!!!" ...Imladris suddenly says, before he suddenly doubles over with Lind in tow, literally bursting blood out of his nostrils, to resounding shock onlooking!
"Brother!!" ... "Templare!!" ...from two aggrieved sources, as Lind gasps in helping Imlade keep to his knees. Three supporting Angels quickly support as well, though Evolution needs support inclusive. (As Cool Mint attests to hastily.) Imladris lies invalid, holding his head painfully as Lind looks with pure terror. Ishara leaps over in all literal sense, as Tamiya shivers out. "Whut the heck happen ta him!?"
"Calm." Frode says, as Peorth realizes well enough. "Juste garder porter pour vous fonctions."
"What?" …from all around, as Peorth blinks and realizes... "Focus on your danged duties! Dang translator matrix."
Lind realizes better too, as Ishara hovers both hands over Imlade's head. "Accent healing at these hands of a caring and expert fold." ...causing a large blue field globe to encapsulate his head completely.
The focus part of the moment, takes another ripping turn, as...
"One just got through!!!"
"- One to starboard! Get it! Get it! -"
"- Another Jinker! Targeting is no locking on! -"
The numbers of projectiles had dropped significantly, but so hard the number of defense vessels. The Synthetic Commander clenches his metal fingers into the seat rests. "// Too many EMPs used. Try to reorient what ships we can for..."
Everything is cut short by the sudden gravitational disturbances, so distracted by the current situation against the projectiles, that the fleet is as much disrupted, as is most of the incoming Jinkers. Most detonate far away from the local star.
By the time things revert to a semblance of normalcy, it ends just as quickly with... "// Catalogue all enemy assets once..."
"Problem!!!" ...a Sensor-tech stabs out, the Synthetic looking back at the Assat that erupted the statement! "// Report!"
Sight takes over reality, as crews see a sudden mass burst of the corona 'behind' their viewport common. The color of the blue-white star also changes to a deepening purple, shifting into red. Synthetic finally feels the true meaning of terror, with... "// We failed."
Satorna was trying to regain semblance of reports from the defense line, and was about to report of its utter defeat, when...
"I 'am' to be disappointed."
Caceroth notes over as his tone makes Belldandy look, in sensing. "No..." ...as the color of the star changes in hue, from this distance now. Megumi looks around... "Wha.. what is it?"
"Your demise." ...Caceroth begins to rise with. He immediately charges his hands, and looks dead at Keiichi. On realization, Belldandy move to block in front of K1! "Don't touch him!! Please don't do it!"
Satorna afar, feels something on seeing this, something wrong, as Caceroth announces. "The Abomination's time has come. We all now die." ...and starts to reach for...
...and stops.
Gaitha looks in dejection at the sight of their star dying. She felt her entire race realizing in a mass of mourning, verily instant. She drops to her knees, as hope is lost.
"So close."
...before she felt it too.
As does Sigrun, whom immediately enters a prayer stands, franticly done to the bewilderment of Eros. "What are you..." ..on looking back... "...doing?"
Sentaro wished he knew why Urd, Skuld and Troubadour were praying like never before. But he started doing too anyway.
The Illistrum crew saw the same demoralizing sight, as Lind and Ishara looked up from tending a still recovering Lord Knight, to see the disheartening sight. Even Mara gulps at... "We're all dead."
"Frag that!"
Ishara looks back at... "Love, what are... LOVE!?!?"
Frode suddenly flares out of sight, to a wife and daughter's mutual surprise! Chihiro yelps... "Where'd he go!?"
Lind however sees a high goddess realize and smirk.
Many vessel Sensors suddenly register a single being, suddenly floating before rupturing mass of the primary star. He could feel the intense rupturing of gravity's bonds, as immense destabilization of the all too fragile forces that held the star together, were falling apart due to enforced nuclear acceleration, as well as vast warping of magnetic fields. Somehow the forces that were conflicting to enforces a supernova upon a star not massive enough to condone such, was occurring anyway.
"This cannot pass!" ...Frode yells, and throws his arms out! "Where dare ye to go against your own nature! Return those bonds that naturalize you, and return to your mighty standard!"
A literal titanic fight against unnatural bonds occurs, as the stars own nuclear acceleration, is attempted to become slowed, to then be reversed by the high god's own secret powers over time. To use them is an immense strain, as the star's own actions seem to countermand what Frode is trying to do. Frode soon realizes this, as he senses a terrible agony at hand here.
"What be this resistance!? Do you want to die!?!"
At that, the star releases a furious strain into the solar winds!!
Skuld 'hears' this and gasps, and then suddenly starts tapping holo-buttons rapidly! Urd hears and looks back in time to see Sentaro ask. "What are you doing!?"
"Helping." ...as Urd hears to a quick objection... "Skuld, this isn't a... hey! Get back here!!!" ...as a teleport beam activates, whisking the lass goddess away! Troubadour is shocked enough to snap his head up from concentrating. "Did she just teleport!?"
"She's being reckless!" Urd snaps in kind. However she then sighs. "Perfect timing though."
Sentaro sure didn't look as appreciative.
Urd then looked at a Synthetic unit nearby.
Frode was certainly surprised when... "What in blazes are you doing here lass?!"
Skuld just huffs, and yells back over the solar torrent, "I know what you're doing. This needs a goddess's touch!!"
Frode quickly found grand appreciation here, as Skuld makes movements of her arms, much like her Present brethren. However her demeanor isn't as serene. (Not that the environment here cares much for it anyway at the moment.)
"Mighty lord of this great Star, answer your heed for our plea, as the same as your own!! We need to know...!!!"
Skuld gulps, as Frode remarks. "The star is dying quickly." Skuld however injects of her own insight. "Uhm... forgive my impertinence High God, but your method isn't helping!!"
Frode hears, and then acts on wisdom Ishara imparted many a time. "Then we shalt use thy goddess's touch. Guide my whim as through your own arms." ...as he repositions himself behind the young goddess lass. (It's not remised on Skuld either, by her betrayed blush.) She however hears a new screech of solar agony, and moves her arms to 'link' her meager powers, to Frode's massive ones. From there, it's a matter of directing all that fathomless power, to effect.
And she uses it fast, as the star enters its terminal throes. They both feel the strain of literally wrenching the star's processes, back from totality's brink! The actual processes for doing just that, was severely difficult, given the amount of atomic decay and expenditures into the unstable gravity envelope. Frode gulps with... "Attaining balance may not be possible, we may have to retrograde effects as best we can, without a proper end result!!"
"It's so wrong." Skuld tear jerks out. Frode felt enough where hearing readily failed.
They 'both' suddenly 'feel' the approach of... "Is that...!?!?!" ...Skuld yelps, as Frode sees a projectile heading for them!! Frode tries to reorient his powers to deflect, but suddenly sees a trail of Ionic bolts stab at, around them, and into the projectile just in time! The two see the projectile disintegrate without it's shielding, before they feel another coming!
Skuld actually comically snaps. "What are we, targets now!?!?"
The 'next' blast however that neutralizes the projectile, makes both celestials blink. Skuld sees of slimsuited relation. "U... Urd!?"
"Heya toots!!"
Frode looks between the two kilter eyed, as Skuld snaps arm waggling. "What are you doing here!? Things are violate enough as it is!!!"
Urd just smirks, her sporty slimsuit taking the light of the star well... (Hey, bad time for lewd thoughts.) "Both of ya do your thing!! I'll keep these bullets from doing anymore damage!!"
Skuld's usual comical tantrum in response, is refrained as the star starts regressing again. Frode snaps. "Focus on each of our mutual tasks at hand migoddesses!!!"
"Right!!" Urd and Skuld blare in agreement, as Urd shoots off after prey.
"Finally! I get to let loose on something in this battle!!" ...and sees another projectile to hunt after.
Skuld hears though... "Man, the cackling we can do without!!" ...this Frode teardrops in hearing.
The immediate results were hopeful, as the Network relayed what was real-time going on to the Fleet. Alliance souls soon rebounded to their previous tasks.
Kon One's crew no less. Sigrun the prodding mistress here. "Let us continue our chance!"
Eros orders. "Battle speed, towards Illuminara Prime!"
"Aye!" ...from scores of vessel crews.
"Come join me."
Sentaro blinks. "Huh?" ...as Troubadour offers. "With Urd departed, I could use help of company with my own task."
Sentaro looked around blankly, as Alliance types just tended their duties, that did not otherwise just look blankly in turn. The lad then walks gingerly over, to where Troubadour bades him to sit. Troubadour then just offers to the lad. "Just let your mind relax, and let the Seed find your mind. It's quite safe and serene, I assure you."
"O... okay." ...the lad simply allows, mainly for not knowing what else to do. This Troubadour noted, as the lacking of Skuld, and the whole lost look Troubadour knew well enough from experience of personal a kind. (Plus it was the Seed's suggestion.) The lad allows his mind to be felt, and actually giggles a bit off kilter. "Felt like a kitten's fur on my brain. Weird."
At that, the two just concentrate to help everything through this ordeal. It 'was' at times, the smallest of things that truly mattered.
"What do you mean we cannot go!"
Gate just cocked her eye at the gathered amount of Valkyrian firepower. (Nevermind the one speaking was of a fire mane to match a fiery personality.) "You heard me. Not happening, you know."
Phosus just glared at the Utility goddess, as a good battalion's worth of Valkyries were battle ready, Demesus, Tsuyana, and Thurd along with, all look on warily, their Axes held just below tension of battle readiness. It was all for valiant naught however. Gate just sat there (relatively) unfazed.
"Don't you know what's just happened!? We can't just sit here and do nothing!"
"Like we all don't know." Gate remarks, rubbing her own head. "That metal bloke utilized almost the exact same frequencies from our own Network in that alien version. (Or it was a mutual coincidence, but you know.) We all know what's happening, you know?
But it matters zilch, since I'm locked down by Almighty's own codes personally."
"Almighty's codes?" Thurd gasps. Tsuyana adds in.. "That hasn't happened in equivalence, since the Hagall Incident. Impossible." Gate accents in annoyed tones. "Yes, it's possible. And I have growing numbers of gate travelers that are getting testy because of it." She then shoves her face into Phosus's own! "Do you know how much datawork there is, every time I'm shut down!? Any idea how much this cuts into my tea times? And I didn't even cause it this time!!"
Phosus just wilts back some (good trick on Gate's part,) before she then blinks. "Wait a tic, I DO know what it's like. Well, sorta. That Hub is a nightmare to run!!!"
"Not this again." Demesus moans dryly, a hand to her head. Phosus just spins back at her equal number. "Again nothing! I'm surprised I didn't get shanghaied back into that mess, when Eihwa left!" ...she then blinks twicefold! "I'm going to challenge that wench to a Triple Goddess Duel, if I ever see her again!"
"Calm yourself Commander." ...from off their mutual right, off Gate's perspective. The sudden stiffening asserts... "General Mist!" ...ala Thurd. Gate just cocks her eyes as Mist saunters in. "Why is it, someone exclaims like that, every time one of your triad, enters the scene, you know?"
Mist fingers her own chin at that, but waves that off as she looks around. "I know what you want to do."
"Besides missing the biggest battle we've witnessed to date?" ...this Mist gives the offending (if accurate,) olive green maned Valkyrie a look down. Phosus just injects to her worries. "You know what just happened to Lord Imladris! How can we just sit here and know one of us is in such danger like that!"
First off from the General. "Calm, Commander." ...this Phosus realizes herself, and gathers more professionally. Mist then responds... "This was no less of the time of the last conflict with the hated foe. More, to arrive now, suggests a certain distrust in his abilities. (Appreciative he may though eventually be if so.) Moreso as we'd have to explain ours, to the stellar locals in fact. Enough they are seeing of our ways, to not have an army trample amongst them, clashing our standards, upon theirs."
Phosus gets it, as do they all. Mist however accents. "Plus I too wanted to go, but was restrained my Master Thor himself. The affair, I can relay from Almighty's own intentions, is of something that is a working at verily hand.
Plus this kind of battle, is not of our way. It's too easy to believe we are prepared, for events we are not. The ones in place, 'are' conducting better than we could now. Plus... to think we could add where two Lower seat Councilors could not, is preposterous. Moreso of our new Sister, far-reaching added."
Demesus just pats Phosus's left shoulder of right hand. "Kinda missed that asset data no?" ...this Phosus just shoves the hand off comically.
Mist then adds. "But do stay on station of waiting." ...this garnering interested looks of the blank. Mist amends with a fold of her hands across her abdomen. "If anything, a Standard Guard will likely be needed, come events after.
This I trust my godson in and of, without fail." ...to her serene turn, to depart. Phosus trades an off kilter look with her compatriots. Tsuyana of note... "What does all that mean?"
"Ergh." ...comes from the utility lass, as the others note her bored posture. "I'm going to have bloating, from all the backed up traffic I'll be having later."
Gate sees the strange kilter thinking looks, and crams out. "I am NOT fat!!!"
Boy whata headache...
"Man, I need... a vacation. Urpf..." ...this as a Knight is helped back to his feet. He then notes of returning vision off from pink hues, the healing globe Ishara is employing. He notes... "G... god... huh?"
Ishara and Lind smirk, the former imparting. "No one else I can now say, could survive a massive contusion hemorrhage like that. The nanites 'are' a fine miracle, I shalt formally say."
"And glad of it." Lind adds. Imlade nods to agreement of this. The crew behind about, note to a relief unexpected. Chihiro just jokes. "Guess I won't go telling anyone to blow their brains out anymore."
"Yus, talks about some ickys stuff theres."
Imladris hears and his mental capacities clarify as needed, for him to look back, around, and with a glance at the Network. "Status."
Scetu maintains a logical cool. "// Approximately ten microcyclons from the Capital Prime orbital plane. All Fleet groups have defeated the Marian defense lines. Only scattered pockets remain. Some heavier than others of course." ...this Imlade looks out at the scene of a decent lack of battle, save for the ancillary fighting off vectors of sight. Nary a suicidal starfighter to be had careening in, either.
"Status of the enemy projectile assaults."
"You might want to look into the Network there, for yourself." 24 relents. Imladris 'looks', and even Mara is blank with amazement. In the moments that he does look, Lind notes his façade turn furthering shades of shocked and amazed. Imladris's fathomless appreciation of all he served, found new anchors as a result.
He speaks of such over overcomm. "I... I cannot tell you all, of such an appreciation I have, for all you all have done for our cause. The cause for everything that is good and living for this galaxy, and beyond. I wish there was a way I could thank you all properly. I am humbled by your actions. Of reservation of this, how can I?"
Eros's image suddenly pops up. The Illistrum lot, look, in hearing... "- How about, and refrain this I do not, to conduct vengeance on the one responsible, for us all being here. Plus further, for the lives taken by this inglorious bastard.
I would garner this as recognition enough. -"
Quite a few acknowledgements sound off, over the Network. This Imladris takes for the next goal, now all but upon them. "No problemo." ...this he turns around with, before having to catch himself dizzy. "Woo, head swimming."
Ishara cocks an eye, and then promptly sees a loving hand, smack Imlade upside the head! Quite a few witnessing wince, as Lind cracks in aftereffect of the looking victim. "Snap out of it already, ye wuss."
From the same holoscreen now behind of fore. "- Uhm, I'd like to still have a Master when this is all done General. -" ...this Sigrun's image, dives away from sight, 'at' a retorting General's sight in turn. Peorth then just remarks. "I believe we better get our beleaguered mutual Champion, to our destination."
Lind however notes Imladris suddenly reach for to sit in his command seat. "Fleet wide maximum battle thrust." ...of an angry tone. The order snaps the crew back into battle mode, as new acknowledgements come in. Ishara trades looks, as Lind... "Belove?"
Imladris replies back, looking ahurt anew. "Belldandy was hurt."
"Get us there now!" ...Lind snaps, Eihwa, Peorth and Mara doing likewise for a crew to accelerate upon. Ishara notes this, and the look of utter disgust on Imladris's face.
She easily shares it.
Keiichi couldn't help but look at the verily still charged, gray hands of lethality, that Caceroth stood there with. The fake Emperor hissing breath on wholly focused hatred beyond the viewport grand.
Satorna caught wind of the events from still surviving Marian witnessing units, before looking back uneasily.
"I am 'not' to be disappointed after all. Such is their wretched powers come forth."
"They will arrive inOrbital Zone, in too short order Master." Caceroth hears from Satorna, and then from... "Good." ...from an abomination. Keiichi knew he was being heard, and said his annoyed piece. "A second can of whup ass coming for ya, I'd bet."
Belldandy clenches at Keiichi's slimsuited shoulders, when the Wraith Lord seethes a rasping breath. All too calm an act it was to witness, as the Emperor breathes out. "I only see, what my Mother wrought of Her Will.
It says nothing, of my defeat."
"Nothing is yet written."
She almost died right there, such was his frothing fury at the Present goddess. Belldandy however didn't wilt to this effect however. It was all distracted from anyway, with a... "Enemy vessels entering final defense line." ...from a remaining Commander.
Satorna then hears from Caceroth... "Ensure the command is still rooted within." ...this Satorna knows of this intent. This as Keiba hears to a guess. "Something didn't sound right there."
"No." Belldandy whispers, and somehow stays one step beyond 'looking' for that reason, with her powers.
"Not a chance Blue Boy!!!"
"We're getting somewhere!!" Frode remarks with great strain. Skuld just keeps focusing with all the same might she didn't knew she had! All those nuclear reactions to stabilize, all that gravity to abate with the star's own massive form to anchor. Nevermind all that stellar physics to actually use in formal practice here.
"You're doing supremely, Norn Lass!!"
"It'd help if this stupid star didn't actually want to die!! Are all stars this stubborn when they start to die!?!!"
Frode smirked. "I doubt this is common occurrence to learn the psychology of a Star formally!! Any guess is as good as my own here!!" ...this before a ruptured solar prominence 'snuck' by them. Skuld took cue to literally wrangle the star's functions back in place again! Skuld actually screeches her will out loud to this effect, the empowered effect then telling on the sloooooooooowly reforming processes of Illuminus Star, such was the lessening, steadily, back from the lethal terminus.
"I am so going to get Cousin to buy me an Ice Cream shop for this!!!"
Frode just smirked again.
"Why does that world... uhm... remind me of ol Bell?"
A few goddesses look back at Chihiro, to her shrug of... "What? It sorta does with that flowy cloth stuff she has."
"Ye know not the hath of it." ...this Imlade leans forward of, as sight turns back to the growing terran class orb of life, that has all the coloration from even this lofty distance, (about .5 AU of apogee angle.) The sight of apparent rings however was unexpected for the uninitiated. The rapidly approaching sight was fore gleaned by the Primary world's primary Lunar, which slowly started showing signs it too was of terran class.
Tamiya, ever the tourist (here,) "Iz dat moon also lived on?"
"Pretty much every world in this System is." 24 offers. A bit of amazed longing in her tone, to the others hearing. "Terraforming and planetary xenoscaping have made an artwork of this System."
"Some use that as an argument against our ways." Ackronus inputs, the tone put off enough to make Chihiro gaff... "Uh... why?"
"Naturalists want planets to remain as galactic nature intended. Such is their Party moniker." 24 puts, to defend her old friend. Sceta then adds for thematic play... "// It's become one of the great galactic debates concerning the colonization of worlds and advancements upon them, ever since the Galactic Campaign. Many do not aspire to the idea that even outright unforgiving worlds, should be meddled with."
Chihiro just looks around a good bit lost with the subject. 24 sees this and explains. "Some citizen souls think living on volcanic, arid, or even ice capped planets, is what galactic nature intended for the colonists. The movement is actually decently strong, against Terraforming everything into terran class worlds. It's not that hard to accept even for the Terraform Sect, if not for the Naturalist Party's overt attempts to halt even in active progress operations, on worlds and systems that already agreed to terraforming."
The goddesses in presence, just shake their heads at the obvious implication, as Imlade looks dryly at. Tamiya translates this as... "Yus mean there iz some anti nutz or somthin with all dat?"
"Apparently." Lind offers. Eihwa just rolls her eyes and looks at... "Templare, some of these souls need educating apparently."
Imlade blinks over at.. "The heck does that mean migoddess?" ...this 24 afar skips a heartbeat in hearing. She even offers... "I could mention about the nebulae cloud mining issues, that are another environmental concern."
The discussion falls silent suddenly, as overcomm snaps to life with... "- Excellency! We have a issue to report! -"
Lind looks up (as much as anyone reflexively,) as Imladris commands... "Calm. Explain... uh... whomever ye be?"
Of a thick, if nervous tone: "- Apologies, Furbrath Commander Fas`tharth of the Sixth Knight Marines, onboard the Grethial Illumus starcore shipyard! We encountered something supremely odd over here. On many of the orbital stations and platforms in fact. -"
The lot saw Imladris stand on this note. The worried off kilter look gave pause to them all.
- Grethial Illumus Trade Port-
Many of the myriad of overwhelmed starports that the Marians had overcome during their invasion, the Alliance were in process of playing literal Indian Giver in return, as the main capital ship battles were steadily turning against the Marian Fleet. The main conventional troop battles took place here, with no planetary invasions to deal with. With seven hundred and fifty-two starbases, platforms, stations, and all kinds in between, in the Illuminaran Star System of Capital Prime note, (most small mining outposts on planetoids and comets, others minor sentry or private habitation units no larger than most corvettes,) all spread out around, the task of liberating most of them, save for the few lucky holdouts from the original assaults, was methodical at best. (Tragic in too many cases, at worst.)
One of them, the Trade Port, saw a brutal (and effective) combination of Ionic weapons fire to debilitate the stations outright, Marian troops and any surviving Illuminarans alike, to then send Alliance troops aboard in utter expedite. Doing so spared any hostages as Alliance troops stormed in via the same capture methods in vessel battles.
That wasn't the main concern, as teleporting troops arrived, one group among several star platoons appear, nice and viciously armed. (again as Ionic... you know.)
"Secure the main platform zone!!" ...a platoon Commander shouts, the Assat as emotional, as much as professional of tact. The rest of the twelve soul unit spread out, as an Assat and Silveren pair formed at the center to anchor the rest of the unit's advance. A Griffional trooper sported a back pack auto blaster unit that swiveled three guns in dynamic directions as the rest of the unit moved. A Synthetic pair then advanced forward with standard tactics imprinted in their data-cortexes. The whole manner was conducted with care, as some units already found entering Ionic razed stations, still had some weak Marian defenders that didn't know better.
This round however. "Looks like that Cruiser did a knock up sport of it." ...the Griffional remarks, as the Commander starts looking at inert bodies. "Too many Marians around. Where's the nominal compliment at?"
Their comm units were Net-feeding updates as dozens of additional star platoons swept to secure the station. One Synthetic in the unit however took the moment to quip. "/ Would they still be alive? It's a surprise we all are."
"Focus sentient. We have a job here, and only that." ...the Commander remarks, as the sweep continues. However as they do move on, they each start seeing a common theme from the downed Marian troopers. At one point, down a causeway where various arcades and shops reigned among the usual meeting places of star commerce, another Assat remarks... "Pardon, but what's happening to them?"
The Commander walks over, in guarded fashion, as other troopers covered him. On reaching however, both Assat suddenly draw away with hands waving away at... "What... what smell is that?"
The male trooper with, just remarks... "Smells sulfur like. Um... is that...?"
24's comment makes many not knowing better, grow alarmed. One amongst them looks particularly troubled, as Imladris demands calmly. "Say that again? Assume you're mistaken. Presume to me otherwise? Please?"
"- I fear I cannot Excellency. Ash seems to be seeping out of the Ionic dropped troops. It's not affecting the captured Illuminarans we've found however. -"
Imladris heard this to a cold pit of feeling. He trades a look with a rarely unnerved Valkyrie. Eihwa even comments out to an ill want. "It's... not... not Soulless... is..." ...as Imlade trades looks around, stopping with a halted glance with Nossi, who only looked away suddenly.
"Who?" Ackronus and 24 quips in simult. Explanation is saved in favor of Scetu informing. "// We are closing in on their outer defense line. Whatever it still comprises as."
...and back again to his fore, and the holo suite yet again to see the advancing prongs were well over five times in number, verses the remaining enemy before them. Still was an enemy force in the hundreds. But already the battles had shown to be viciously short affairs. Lind reflects to this. "You abstain from protracted affairs in battle."
"Brutally short means short battles. Heaven and Hell to apologies all the same." Imladris just remarks and orders. "Straight on in with all weapons ablaze. hammer them down from here on in until we finish this."
Sceta informs suddenly. "// A Marian fleet element is heading straight for us." ...this Mara notes. "A bit last ditch for even my tactics."
"You all heard my orders." Imladris just impresses and sits back down. The crew make good on carrying the order out, as now, the sight of Illumina Prime is more dominating with approaching speed, as is the dull twinkling of enemy Marian and captured hulls opposing them. Sight also grows of one of the other prongs of the Alliance advance.
The tune of battle all too quickly followed.
The order of battle formed up once more, and all it's tragic colors and sounds came along for the brutal ride. Starcraft made their lethal dances around cascading beams, pulses, and projectiles of traded fire. The next six microcyclons were filled with this terror, as the Marians shot as much effective force they could, right at the Twelfth Fleet Core. (I.e. DEAD at the Illistrum!) The initial skirmish saw Alliance forces strike back with all they had, as parts of the Sixth Fleet pincer, slammed into the flanks of the Marian attack.
In the midst of this dance, (literally as star capitals were angled in ALL directions of assault and defense,) Chihiro remarks out between firing duties. "Can I offer that dialogue is a good way to avoid these moments in the DANGED FUTURE!!"
"Complaint foully noted and logged milady boss!" Imlade snaps back in agreement, as the main focus cannon just slams a massive energy round into a heavy cruiser afore them, before the vessel is literally hard banked over the inert remains! So hard, Lind comments of the illogic of... "How can this vessel move like a fighter craft with its bulk size anyway!??!"
"The magic of Hikari powered engine cores. Mark 313 Zenith +81 please." ...of a clam tone, though shuddering as much as anyone from shield impact buckles.
The battle doesn't last long past that moment, as soon enough, a blocking Marian missile cruiser, is blasted back by six different capital sources, just shoving the vessel mass aside inert, to a clear enough view of Illuminaran Prime proper at last.
When they all realize they lived through another morass, Peorth suddenly leans over onto Talos. "Ce est trop."Chihiro just grips her controls a bit tighter than needed. (Tamiya sure isn't letting go either.)
The moment isn't alluded to now, as Imladris remarks sternly. "Enemy status."
"// A semi-ordered spherical formation surrounds the enemy citadel weapon. Still a few thousand vessels left, a few hundred closest to the Weapon. We still order about three times that number in offensive progress in this orbital sector." ...Sceta responds. Scetu accents to... "// We'll need to enter somewhere past the Lunar orbit line, to allow our sensors to burn through their sensor jamming capability. Then we'll know how to enter the main platform."
Mara realizes something, and starts working the console before her. Meanwhile.."We'll be in position in mere microcyclons Excellency." ...24 adds in. Ackronus then orders for... "All advancing assets prepare to assume primary orbit insertion offensive tactics."
"We're going to win this." Imladris imposes once more, as the circulated air is thick with endgame tension now. He then calls out... "Lord Frode."
"We're busy good pup!!!"
Skuld accents with a... "I SAID GET THAT SOLAR ARSE BACK IN GEAR ALREADY YOU WUSS!!!" ...with a loud retorting complaint from the star once more. (Gee.) Urd skitters by as she starts to look bored, the projectiles finally all but stopping their attacks. "Don't yell at the big guy like that!! I thought you said goddess touch and all that!!!"
"What do ya expect from a guy!! This star gripes like one!!"
Frode looked... neutral...
As did most... er... all the bridge crew of the relevant gender. (Pseudo-ascended or nay.) The relevant better halves all around beget a semi-giggle from it. Ishara then administers fact unto... "I believe my husband is detained pup."
"Noted." ...all nary is said, a tic nerfed looking.
"Hey dork dude." ...then comes from a Marian 'original' source. "Aye?"
Mara looks back down at a holoscreen that 24 quips at... "H.. hey, isn't that the dataprints for..."
"Bet ya whatever meager rewards I get for my job, that that citadel thing, is the same damn thing from way back then." ...Mara offers with her usual grit of mashed teeth. Imladris realizes for what it's worth. "The layout is likely the same then."
Mara nods. "You just need the datalog for the attack back then, when ya got at the Emperor dude last, and guess what."
"// Retrieving!!" ...Sceta and Scetu snap in true simult!! Eihwa blinks back and forth.. "Cosa? Che?" ...this Lind rolls her eyes at. "Miope." ...and Eihwa frazzles back at. (Nevermind Peorth giggling at in turn.)
Imladris looks about, as the crew realizes, Ackronus starting... "Likely the technology was coped to precision." 24 from there... "The Accelerator and everything." ... "// Datalog found Master."
"// We only need to scan for shield frequency type, and for anything anomalous to prior readings." ...Sceta says, as Scetu is already attempting to focus scan. While Sceta remarks to Scetu to use passive scans (and is remanding for already informing back of so,) 24 remarks... "We just need to achieve optimum teleporting distance to get past their primary shielding, as soon as we know...
"// We do know." Sceta remarks again, as Scetu looks deep in electronic concentration. "// The prior raid on the Citadel gave us much tactical data. The proper departure point can be met at...." ...with a look to 'her' holoconsoles... "// .0071 AU from target."
"Get us into relative position fast. There's a round of drinks on me for it." ...an Excellency offers, a nice little morale boost with the goal now coming into sight.
As was the dull 'twinkling', of the final mass of Marian blocking forces, as Illumina Prime began to draw larger in all approaching viewscreens. Lind made sure her left hand was noticed, bracing Imladris's right shoulder, as he commands. "Steady as all goes."
And then from...
"- Medical Star Fleet Command reporting. We're entering the System now. -" ...Eros heard from overcomm, as his own Fleet element advanced. Sigrun blinks in noting. "What, they're coming 'now'? Even in the middle of all this fighting?" ...as the Network shows...
All around the System, the first Medical Recovery Fleet units arrive, in a great deal of numerous support vessels, just as replete in size variety, arriving in area lulls in the fighting. This as most fighting is now cloistered around the major planets inSystem, with the rest diluted down to heavy skirmishing. As such...
Eros nods. "It was always one of the major actions in most of our middle, to latter half of the Campaign. The sooner recovery of the fallen was done, the more effective our recovery methods." ...with a lean forward to rest his hands unto his chin. Sigrun notes a reverent tone for the next.
"This may be our most powerful weapon."
"More than just, if I'm noticing right."
Eros looks back, and notes a strange gleam in Sigrun's eyes. He suddenly felt weird. "Uh... aye, that be sure.
Uhm, are we there yet?!"
A Silveren half giggles in response. "We're entering the main lunar orbit line." ...this Eros notes over, Sigrun blinking response. "What's the funny duddy?" ...with the Silveren (and many other crew members,) looking elsewhere. Eros and Sigrun trade a blank look, before a Furbrath nearby informs. "The Excellency's cruiser has made battle contact!"
"Get us in that fray now!!" Eros snaps, Sigrun looking uneasily. "Master."
"Wow, this is it!" ...Chihiro yelps, then fires her weapon station with just as much 'yelping' to it. All action now was centering on this final assault, as great gamuts anew of capital vessel fire, reams across at each other's forces, the Marian fleet now reduced to mainly their primary ships. (Very few captured Alliance hulls remained in enemy ranks now.) The fighting however entered the truly vicious phase, as every Alliance warship met the Marian desperation, with their crew own.
Despite the sight of seemingly innumerable Marian craft blocking, weapons even more so it seemed, Imladris cascade commands... "Formation tactic Sphere envelop Gamma. Push forward. Let them pass between us. Begin mixing it up, ship to ship. Force them into pockets away from effective support. Break them down. Break them!"
Ackronus feels the emotion, (as well as his feathered hands, all raw from holding onto the railings near him.) "Our numbers are easily in effect of the tactics. Continue to press them by the order of battle lain out."
Even the goddesses could feel the nearly unified set of acknowledgements that swam in through the Network. The sight before has alone, four Alliance cruisers taking forward point to press their 'arrow', through the enemy before them, at least three separate Marian battleships of primary concern.
Growing in, of immediate close, Imladris snaps... "Concentrate fire for effect. Closest battleship first!"
"Target 227 Planar Left 36!" 24 orders. Scetu amends. "// Main cannon Alpha charged."
"Fire!" ...a crushing command that sees the five noted, and dozens more unseen from the aft, just LEVEL their weaponry at the targeted Battleship. Mara just shivers at the effective 'lethality' of all that Ionic energy, slamming into the warship she once called her own brethren. As it careens away inert, the other two enemy Battleships, with support, before coordinated fire, takes both out, within sect-cyclons! Two of the afore Alliance cruisers in front of the Illistrum fall away from great damage however, but others form up to press the assault.
Lind in the mean, can't help her emotional fervor at what her senses are flooded with. And a look down at her heavily concentrating Belove, deepens her strange moment of emotional linkage.
Her clenching hand on his shoulder still, is missed in part of the attack now making breaking effect. Imladris sees, of target... "There it is!" ...with a scattered 'shield' of defending Marian starcraft, in front of the monster itself. The monolithic dark Citadel floats there, making two souls quip... "This feels familiar." ...causing Imlade and Mara to trade a sudden look. Several Alliance starfighters scream by suddenly, making intervening looks, back forth, as the grand furball was just as dense in carnage. This time, forced to slow as the battle reaches sight of their mutual goal.
They tried to look back to Belldandy's offering of distraction, but even the glowing cards couldn't stave off the sight of actual salvation, encapsulating the 'auditorium' like viewport before them, more and increasingly more.
Megumi remarks at one obvious point, as the sight of Marian cruisers being plastered all over the stars, before their vision... "Okay... now this is getting cool."
The captive's hearing then is dragged back to the tone most unwanted. "The time is nearly here.
Status of Acceleration."
Satorna walks over and shoves one of the remaining Marian Commanders aside... "Six-nine percent. Almost critical mass of requirements."
"Cut all other life support."
"What?!" ...one of the Marian Commanders objected. Satorna just as equally hesitated. He didn't after Caceroth blasts a gray pulse beam from his hand, and obliterates the offending Commander with. The audacity of the move, shakes the Demon and prisoners all the same. Worse with... "The Will is at hand! All other concerns have reached terminus! There is only one article left to Her." ...this as Belldandy sees the blasted remains of the Marian Commander, waif their way this time, towards the offending 'Emperor'. Thought upon this, is struck short, by the sudden telekinetic yank of Keiichi's body, into the air!
"A... again!?"
"Our past measure, of my failure, wants to be rectified. Will be!!"
Keiichi has to be caught again, as Caceroth snaps to Satorna. "Conduct the final preparations."
"My... My Lord, I......"
The Wraith Lord's eyes glow of malevolence. "Conduct. Now."
"Y... yes.... My Lord." ...and spins around, his waving hand just as crisp, to some other unseen troops.
Keiichi meanwhile just groans from alleviating pain. "Boy if I get the chance, I'll actually smack him one."
"We need to warn them. Something is very wrong."
Keiba of the three, look at Belldandy off kilter. "What so far hasn't been?"
"I wish I was certain." The Goddess First Class offers, a look at the fading interior view of the throne room, as it grows even more dusk, like a shadow making its own blanket atop itself. The Emperor along with it, leaving only the view of the battle beyond, as the viewable activity. Belldandy look out, and 'sees' well enough, a familial star cruiser. "But something feels wrong."
"Well I for one, won't argue." Keiichi gulps at.
The battle was still raging well enough of fury, as 24 announces with a striking chord. "We're within teleport range."
"// Deciphering enemy Citadel defenses." Scetu reacts, delving into the sensor grids.
The battle was still raging, as if the universe was watching the battle, as if it was its own force of creation. Like a nebulae being erupted forth. The savage torrent was a quick backdrop, to an eye, that started to raise, with his form.
An erect stride followed to the rear, the eyes that were waiting, now heard at last. "Finish deciphering, where we will fruit of them, and eat our own battle to come." ...and that stride made, as Lind nods. "And off to what we know best indeed." ...to start of mirror follow.
Ishara just shook her head. "And I suppose help to patch them both up, will be warranted." ...a third stride to this echo. Imlade looks over with a good nod. Course Ishara also eggs in. "Can't have my future son-in-law die on us now." ...this Lind herself exasperates in kind. "Mother." ...the same Imlade teardrops with.
"You dopes fight good."
24 looks up, as Mara gives a fanged approval in nod. A nod back, and a demon's intent to the echo begins. Her footsteps join with as well.
"I will take my turn with you then. Finally."
The bridge hatch, sees the sound of one goddess, where a knight stops. Eyes look, and note in response. "Then we shall see what you can do." ...and steps past. Five foot fall sets now move forth. They stop for a short moment, as last orders are relayed. "24, Ackronus. Continue fleet disposition as accorded. Your effect as my own orders."
"Understood." ...they both remark, before the four head off. 24 commands up to overcomms, ship wide and beyond. "All commands attention, EX-1 is departing for final target. All essential commands not engaged, where possible, will begin teleporting landing troops into the Citadel. All disruptive actions are of objective."
Eros's image then pops up. "- We're starting to spread our advantage deeper into the orbital plane. (Buckling effect of a sudden on his end.) We'll land troops in short moments that you will be able to. -"
24 nods, and gulps. "Then this is it."
Peorth, Chihiro, Tamiya, and Eihwa trade looks with each other. Peorth then notes Eihwa considering something deeper. She then looks at her Secur again, and both nod at once. This leads Talos to balk. "Where are 'you' two going now?!"
"Assicurazione! / Sécurité!" ...and both just rush off. The three remaining trade looks again, as much as they are looked at for the same. Talos just blinks. "Insurance?"
"Tha heck doez thats means?"
"Why you looking at me?" Chihiro blanches back. Tamiya irks at.. "Buts I thoughts..."
"Stop thinking and keep blasting!"
...and she does so. That Marian destroyer didn't last long.
As the echoes of battle continued to ring through the very hull, the five entered the Teleporter Chamber, the crystalline blue trans-reflecting facet sections, playing the forms of the occupants off of it, where monikered white surfaces did not occlude, in the semi circular chamber. As such, the primary boarding party entered, to the sight of a combat platoon suddenly snapping at attention. "Excellency on deck!!"
Imladris just blinks as Lind and Ishara quip. "Nice." ..this the same Mara rolls her eyes at. Imladris blinks at... "And you are..."
A Silveren Commander just stands erect as a salute. "Sixth Knight Marines troopers, from onboard compliment! We're your covering force during transit Excellency."
"Only as far as the initial teleport OZ, then leave us be. The enemy we face is harder than the last version we fought all this as."
Lind cranes her head over at... "The last version 'you' remember." ...this Imlade shrugs. "Was hard enough last time, with all those troopers to fight past."
"- // Master. -" ...Scetu's voice comes in overcomm. "Aye metal bud?"
"- // Sensor penetration complete. We read a three level teleport discriminator field array obstructing our boarding capability. The first array we're burning through now in code, the second will take longer. The third is placed directly around an apparent gravitational anomaly. -"
His eyes squint hard enough. "No doubt why there. How close to burning through the second discriminator field?"
"- We just broke the first field Bro. -" ...the sound of 24 comes across. "- The second field layer is fighting our discriminator penetration. We're not sure how long it'll take. -"
Imlade nods. "This sounds familiar too." ...as he simply walks into the teleport chamber. His entourage follows as he responds back. "Just place us at the near edge of the first breached barrier. It won't take us long to get where we need to." ...as Lind takes spot to his left. "Familiar?"
"Aye, had this problem last time. Course we didn't have the same time constraints as here." ...Imlade looks back over again, as the others take spots, the boarding Marines ringing them in defensive formation. (Mara blinks a bit bare teeth at the large Furbrath carrying the auto blaster pack, beside her.) Ishara then remarks. "Nonetheless, speed will be our best ally."
A Forran teleport controller afar, 'locked' into the reach control platform alcove, behind two more humanoid controllers, reports on cue. "We have received teleport coordinates. They should put you within a hangar bay of sorts."
"Now then please." Imladris just commands, as the combat team around him, stance into combat ready positions. Ishara, Lind, and Mara, each 'eye' akin to the same, as Imladris and Nossi note the teleport beam commence. The full energy transfer beam encapsulating their bodies in a instant energy cocoon to 'place' it through the Hikari energy beam, at the chosen target.
One that, as they arrive, find reason to drop to knee defense position from. All save Imladris. (Nossi doing the same of the rest on unexpected fear reflex.)
The reason... "This place is a blasted Void." Imladris remarks.
Lind and Ishara scan around at the immediate first, as Mara remarks. "I think your enemy dupe, took that Emperor theme all the way." ...this as looking across, their various enhanced vision capabilities, each adjust to a very dusk, dark blood red, hazed interior, that slowly with said vision, grows detail of the nominal workings of an advanced vessel hangar bay. The primary difference, was if the entirety of all surfaces was Void of even light of midnight norm, with most edges, blood red colored of seam vectored lighting, set in the nominal military patterns that 'did' show enough familiarity to the Demoness.
"It is all 'supposed' to be like this?" ...the Marine Commander quipped. Lind just huffed. "Be afraid why not you, at this 'said' time cometh."
Ishara just remarks ala motherly... "Now now, the mortals not always are ready for such travails. Not that I've seen many equal likes through eternity."
"Let's go. Standard cover form, until that bay alcove." Imladris imparts, and starts off, the group betraying their 'nominal' light of beings, with too much ease than direly cared for.
Mara of course quips, her hands nice and Hell bolt charged. "Where's all the guards? I specifically remember demanding guards on these assets."
A far away explosion and weapons fire, closer than that of the fair 'outside' the Citadel, just makes Lind remark. "Busy I garner." ...her right hand plucking at her right earlobe. The group keeps forth at a brisk pace of walk. Imladris notes. "Other teams must be boarding now. We need to anchor down away from open zone, and figure our next angle of attack." ...as more sounds of boarding actions begin to crescendo in the technological distance.
"Or just a console." ...this Nossi garners attention for. Ishara remarks. "You can access computer ports?"
"One of my given powers, given my assignment. Sorry for now only saying."
"Nor did we ask prior." ...Lind says, as they all reach the alcove, an apparent gantry system leading to a command station. When they reach, they are quickly joined by their protection unit. The sounds of fighting seem to double just by 'that' moment alone, as Mara quips. "You going off that old memory of the last time you hit this place?"
"Aye." ..Imlade nods, looking up at the edge of the gantry way, above them all. He remarks... "And if I remember right. Wait one." ...and suddenly launch flips up, over the gantry way. Lind snickers once hard, as the troopers blink. Mara then is actually seen counting down from three digits. On the 'one'... "There he is! Get... AGRHH!!" ...a torrent of blaster and plasim fire in quick succession, cut short by elegant sounds of an energy blade in action.
Ishara then notes, Mara counting 'up' on her left hand, onto right... "Six... seven... ei... no, ten. Dang they tried to be ready for once." ...as Lind also counts up to seventeen, before a last blade slash crumples clear of apparent opposition.
And then... "Come on up!" ...this the unit flipping/floating/slimsuit aid jumping do so, ending up at the top of a leading entryway, that eventually leads to a comptroller center, recessed into the alcove. They all see Imladris note their arrival, and immediately thumbs behind him. "Prove your worth migoddess."
Nossi nods. "On it." ...and hover swoops over. The troopers take up covering spots as Lind, Mara and Ishara watch. Imladris remarks. "Fastest route to where our quarry awaits. Also any other pertinent data you can come across fast. Or at least break encryption for these Marines to take over."
"Unweave the lace of digital braces, to open as a tome for our eyes replete." ...Nossi spell chimes out, as her hands weave 'strands' of Intracellic code, from her tips, and into the computer terminal before her. Meanwhile Lind asks. "How long did it take you last time to reach your foe?"
"Not long, after the codes for the site to site teleporter were unlocked."
"INCOMING!!" ...a Marine suddenly snaps, as a small steady stream of Marian troopers suddenly appear, some plasim blasting away as soon as they round the corner. Fire in the area suddenly spikes, as Lind and Ishara throw up blunting shields, as best they can! "Keep going Nossi! We'll cover you!" Ishara shouts to Nossi, as they all stand in a completely open area, without nary a seta for cover! The causes two Alliance Marines to drop, just as fast as four Marian ones do, plasim fire soon joined by thrown detonator grenades, as well as Ionic versions the same! Imladris and Mara aid, as they blast out Incarnum Sliver blade and Hell bolt shots to buckle back the assault. The sight of the Furbrath just ROARING his auto blaster down the short corridor, just soon enough to wilt the Marian attack with. This before sight of spike red light beam Marian teleport beams, that start to deposit twin pairs of Marian troopers, in quickening succession! Mara just shouts. "They're gonna try and swamp us! We don't have the numbers here to stop it!"
"Numbers nothing." Imladris snaps, and then stops his attack to then shout. "Lind! Scald the roof!"
Even Ishara blinks... "Eh?" ...at that one, though Lind reads the intent perfectly, off their meld link. she suddenly drops her shield, and simultaneously flips jump to the low ceiling, snapping her diamond Axe to the ready and open, as she launches forward, at the same time Imladris shoves his hands forth! "Bend the lethal light against this lensing!" ...forming a gravity lens that deflects most of the incoming fire, relieving Ishara of some of that duty. Most of the incoming fire bends to impact on the surrounding hull walls.
This leaves Lind to snap race 'above' the incoming troops, surprising the enemy, as she drops in between two sets of them, and wordlessly just SWIPES her Axe all about, slamming Marian troops all over the danged place! She then immediately jumps, avoiding counterfire, all distracted from attacking the fixed defense position, the Alliance marines not looking a Gift Equin-har in the mouth, and just levels most of the remaining opposition, as they try to focus on Lind. The Valkyrie General however just avoids what little fire makes it near her, with her ease of speed in mid air maneuvers, swiping the few Marians that survive, with her Axe strokes of the flat of blade. Any missed by the assault, are cut down by Ionic fire.
The fight only ends however, as a last wave of troopers manage above the gantry way, around the corner, in a manner that just annoys the General. One clip of avoided fire, is followed by a deft catch of free hand, her Axe held other, just SLAMMING the deck plates before her, the total burst wave just smacking the enemy back to a very quick retreat, the last of the act, Lind just looking at her shocked quarry in hand.
To such a displeased look.
She the tosses the trooper into a wall behind her and walks back all nice and austere. the mostly stunned lot see this, as Mara gulps more than the rest in fact. The General walks up to quip of her Belove... "And you point of accosting me so, onto such riff?"
"What, and let me have all the fun? You said you wanted to know 'all' of me better." ...this Lind smirks at.
The whole bit is wrenched to the sight and sound of Marines trying to help their wounded kin. The Knight Marine Commander reports. "We got three hurt, one serious."
"We'll need to get them out of here." A random Marine yelps, as the others try to quick patch what they can. One is already Network linking for evac, when Ishara suddenly shifts in. Before anyone says anything more, she flat out simply enacts a spell charged hand, and slaps all three wounded, one arm, one shoulder, and the particularly lethal looking shot that hit the chest at about above the normal place of a human heart!
The other Marines look as shocked by all rights, when the wounded go from in decent pain, to like they felt 'better' than before! The surge of specialized healing energies, does the merit of the Medical Section proud. The especially wounded Marine just pats himself at his wound, the blast hole still left where uniform garment was blasted away. "What the Light? I feel okay!"
"Whoa." Mara blinks, as The lot look at Ishara. The Lower Seat Goddess just smirking. "I have talents too."
"Impressive." Imladris blinks. Lind huffs at him in reaction. "You sound more impressed by my own mother, than my own actions."
"It's harder to create, than to destroy." Imlade quips, even hazarding... "Didn't you have that trouble with Restoration Spells at one point even? I..."
"Shut it."
"Shutting it." ...a knightly discourse is silenced by. Mara however snips, one eye closed, arms folded in annoyance. "How can you be the daughter of the Medical Head anyway, with that problem? Sounds like too many hits to the noggin in training."
Of course Lind in turn. "This from a nominal failure by even Hild's standards?"
Imlade didn't feel safe with that stare down. "Uhm, ladies?"
One Marine even commented over... "Are they our allies?" ..another Marine next to, just shrugs.
Ishara just lets the whole thing impart, when Nossi then speaks up on cue. "I'm in."
The lot then focus attention as Nossi brings up a holoimage near them, projected into midair, to their mutual right. Nossi details out, as a white image line, speeding towards a virtual location. "We can take a teleporter unit near us, and arrive all but on top of them, in the... well... throne room."
"And it all remains typical as remembered." Imladris sighs, then with a few accenting nods from around, turns to order to the Marine Commander. "Hold this post, and relay whatever data you can, back to the Fleet.
We're going to finish this."
The Marine Commander stands erect in salute, as Nossi points. "Over there, is an emitter node. I'll activate it." ...this the four empowered beings comply, with a delayed teleport command, input to, and then activated as soon as Nossi enters the node beam.
As soon as they vanish however, the Marines, each and every one, just feel... "Why does something feel... wrong?"
It didn't last. "/ Here comes another wave!" ...a Synthetic in the unit snaps, as the first of the new wave of Marian troopers arrive. This however is treated with stoic manner, of old anal (for them.) This takes sound of plasim rifles and auto blasters set at a mass snap ready.
"Let them come."
"We've broken through most of the unified defense of their lines." Ackronus remarks. "The enemy will not last long with our numbers."
"- That may not be our problem now. -" ...Eros remarks, over holoscreen. 24 sighs. "Not unless that dumb superweapon is brought under wraps."
Most of the fighting lulls around them, as other Alliance warships take building zones of ship to ship combat, that continues to whittle away at what Marian warships that are left. The light lull left this short meeting in its wake.
Chihiro in fact makes light of the obvious. "Can't we just get rid of the stupid thing? There's all this fancy dorky techy stuff you can do right?"
"We wish." 24 moans to this very fact. Her hand to her head in fact. Sceta remarks to the same. "// The sheer mass of the weapons platform, would take time for any weapon suite we have, to stop it from activating."
"// Indications are the weapon is highly charged. Outside influence may not be enough."
24 Accents Scetu. "Boarding actions to locate and disrupt the power core is our best course then."
"Iz it really?" Tamiya questions. Eros across holoscreen just sighs. "- We don't have anything more special to confer. It seems our fate is tied down once more. More than even I'm caring for. -"
"- Our ability seems as pinned down as yours, within this scenario. -" ...Sigrun's voice cascades out. Talos accents 'that' in kind. "We'll each keep doing our best, till this is all over. We'll win with it too."
"We better." ...Chihiro gabs out, making everyone else teardrop at hearing... "I got customers to fleece when we get back home! I also got a knight boy with stocking duties too! Dang star-boy slouch!"
"Oh dear." Talos quips uneasily. 24 blinks. "What exactly does that mean about Bro? I sense it's about Bro. Does that mean...?"
"Actuallys, hes doin a..."
"Zip it!"
Tamiya shuts up.
The battle soon takes its place in the fore 'again', soon enough.
The sight of three Alliance cruisers dueling it out with two Marian warships, patrol element streams of starfighter craft from both sides, will as thick as rain at times, keeps occluding the far sight of the vast seamless viewport, upon their arrival. The stabbing sounds of weaponry, echo within the eerily otherwise silent chamber vast.
The same 'Void' atmosphere, permeates all view. Senses. Jitters.
The five walk forth through this, the backdrop of the planet beyond, casting their shadows long, before the same Void seems to suck even this detail away.
"Melodramatic bastard, is he not." Lind seethes, this Imlade grunts with eyes set for combat. "The Emperor was always like that."
"Before even the time we found him." Mara adds, looking in all directions. "Probably why Hild was interested in this whole idiocy in the first place. But even I think that's only a guess."
"Any good guess here works then." Ishara quips, her demeanor acting more clam than she actually felt. Mara however objects. "Make it a bad guess then. 'Good' sounds stupid." ...this Ishara rolls her eyes. (Lind does too.) "Fine, whatever floats your code."
Nossi just eyes the three bei9ngs warily, before Lind feels a split second before... "Belove... EH!?" ..he suddenly shoots forth, into the Void that seems to suck him into it, such is how they all lose track of him!! Lind feels dread for a moment, before feeling what Imladris does next. This translates into sound as another set of furious blade strokes, and futile attempts by unseen enemy troops. It ends just as suddenly, with a far call of... "Clear."
The four rush up, to sight of a blade snapped off, the Marian 'remains' all about him. Ishara nods. "Must have been trying to ambush us in all this pitch."
"Aye." Lind nods, then remarks. "About all of them at least."
This is accented by Mara at least, blare eying at the sight of a sudden reactivation of a knightly energy blade, of Morphemic form, to deflect back a Marian plasim blast, back at its offending source. The felled trooper just makes Mara gulps. "I guess in the line of duty."
"Why do you think I'm Sin for." ..this Lind draws a worried eye at. Imladris however remarks. "This way, it's not all as far as we thought."
The group make their quick way through some reaming pitch, as well as the sight of a Marian destroyer that cleaves into an Alliance light cruiser. The whole bit of traverse, only stops as they finally enter sight of a large glowing red field. The sight is cut short for a moment, as something large just crashes into the bulk of the Citadel, making the lot fight for anything to keep them steady. (Even just trying to float is 'that' problematic!)
Mara just complains... "That couldn't have been planned!"
"H.. hey! HEY!! Mara? Gold dude?!" ...this afar just nets Lind a nice... "Nice to know we are stealthy."
The lot pass the last short distance quickly, into sight of the... strangely ... calm looking... "Eh? What are you all doing miladies and milords?"
The group, (the incarcerated version,) just sit as best they can, Keiba and Keiichi giving their literal seats to give comfort to Megumi and Belldandy respectively, look like they are simply playing some kind of card game. The fact the cards themselves are on cursory detail, glowing and Intracellic like in graphic detail further, is of no small impart either. Imlade quips cock eyed. "Uh, isn't those that strange... what was it, trading card game sorta thing? can't really say it's heavenly poker or such, if I remember right."
Megumi looks at the card in her hand closer. "Really? I thought they 'were' poker cards, sorta."
Belldandy just offers, as if nothing else that's happened, ever did. "I thought a distraction from our predicament was in order. I only had my own specialized deck set to use though."
Keiichi just remarks in kind. "Wasn't actually easy to pay attention to them, what with all 'that' going on." ...this a wave at the blaringly obvious. Imlade just half chuckles, as Keiba complains. "You can have being a part of all this crap, I sure don't wana, after today."
"Objection fully noted." Lind says for Imlade, beating him to a humored punch. The off kilter look back, from the Knight, gives some chuckles of short merit.
Keiichi then just says. "Careful, since... well..."
Imladris nods, knowing what the warning tone inferred. "Aye, I know."
Just then, the grave warning in hearts, suddenly reaches the lot of them. It starts when Belldandy reflexively locks eyes with Nossi, who was drawing back behind...
"Oh no."
Eros looked back at Sigrun suddenly. "What?"
Urd, Skuld and Frode all felt it as well.
"No... it... it can't..." ...Urd jittered out.
Peorth and Eihwa burst into the Hikari Core block, as Sentaro quips... "Hey! How's it... eh? Why did you stop all of..."
"Non... non non..." ...two Sisters look at each other in abject horror rising.
"That... this... feels so wrong." ...this as a CEO's voice rounds out the reverberating shock of a dire revealing. Frigurina stutters... "But... I sent her to... how could she have been..."
Not even Valkyries, or their Generals, were not stunned to what 'just' was revealed to them all. And from all encoded indications, a deliberate act by their Malevolent Enemy.
Mist felt it all, as was of the same deliberate intention. "She's Demoralizing us. What a vast attempt for her part."
She looked, and tears were flowing. Gate in turn, saw a General's own.
"G... Generals... cry?"
The only reason then, that the mortals present felt it, was pure proximity. Keiichi just shivered like his heart lost all warmth. "Wha... what... what just happened?"
Further thought, was shoved to direction of plodding sounds of armored troops. Imladris spun as much as any started to. The act was cut short, when Belldandy's sight was caught on her tongue.
Too late indeed.
Heads turned, as Ishara decried. "Daughter!"
"Move and her Doublet goes with her." ...pressed all but upon Lind's neck.
"Eh!!? What the hell are you doing Nossi?!"
Mara's objection, at the sight of a dark gray energy short blade, a dagger for all intents, is held expertly at Lind's neck. This as the shocking sight, has unseen numbers of Marian troopers, halting all around them, in the pitch. A trap most complete, started by one of the most unlikely of sources.
A stifling scene.
It gets worse, this as another foot plod steps another being into the visible spectrum. Ishara only dares take her eyes off Lind's, when Mara's tone decries to 'her' shock of the day. "S... Satorna!? Is that you?!"
The scene dies from a joyous Demonic vein, with the snap-hiss of a second energy blade, this just as dour gray in morbid hate, and pointed between Mara's eyes. "E... eh.. eh!? Wha.. Wha... what are you..."
"Silence that sick tone vessel!"
The shock went fathomless. Keiichi dares to guess out. "But... but this means..."
"Her Will, knows all."
Off to the collective viewport area, where he never moved, the pitch, and sackcloth suffocation of hiding his own presence, as they all watch. The Eye of the Wraith Lord, only locks eyes with 'one' present.
A Lord Knight comments to consume the obvious. "A goddess, and a demon?"
"Her Will, knows what must be done, for the One Event, the One Ragnarok. Slaves are no longer above her Will, as it only serves to show the weakness of what Her Will despises above all else. How truly weak Everything is." ...a shadow coming into unwanted view. Stopping some ten arm lengths off, by his throne.
"Her Will, now is at Proper hand."
"Belo..." Lind starts, but her neck feels the bare scald of the energy blade. Her mind racing for a solution.
When Imladris says nothing, as the Shell adds. "But my own reward is now here. Disappointed, no longer, as to how things End here as well.
A gallery, to witness, my Victory, as Her Will showed me would come. All to cry, before the following death of the Abomination. All else, is Void after!"
A foe still says nothing, a Nemesis for each, just staring each other down, as had been the three prior conflicts. A Kensai strain beginning to crack at all nerves. Lind, despite her 'problem', sees the moment for what it is. Belldandy of a Cousin's vein, sees something for a rare once, she cannot find translation unto. Experience still didn't have any comparison here.
Time is lost, to a point impatient, upon when someone wants to shout, scream, cry, anything, to set the coming wave, all off with. And yet none dare do so, to a point. The tension falls to waiting on one of the great combatants to this end.
Their stare reaches a numbing moment that the air feels like it is going dead with tension.
And then a Shell 'sneered'.
(End XII, Vol. II)