Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ Chain-Choked ❯ Chain-Choked ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author: Demonwing ©
Date: 05-21-2005
Disclaimer: I do not own Ai no Kusabi or any of its characters. Yoshihara Reiko, as well as Magazine June, are the creators and genius behind them. The story contained within this fic/piece, however, is all mine!!! Bwahahaha!!!
Warnings: Male-Slash, Bondage, Dominancy, Sadism, Masochism, Lemon, Choking with Chains.
Fandom: Ai no Kusabi
Pairings: Iason x Riki
Type: Drabble
OCs: None… Dammit!
Summary: There are only two purposes in a slave’s existence… To trust and serve their Master.
Beta/Editor: None.
Words: 101


     & nbsp;    Here he was, sprawled upon the bed on his hand and knees, his other hand trying its best to hold onto the chain that was wrapped around his throat. The chain wasn’t tight enough to bite into his flesh. It was, however, tight enough to cut back some of his air supply, leaving Riki in a lethargic, lustful, state as his Master slid into his well-lubed hole, tightening the chain a little more as he pounded into his flesh…
         &nb sp;It was at that point that Riki realized… He lived for these moments, when Iason were brutal. In fact… Riki loved them.

The End

Copyright © Demonwing