Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ Falling Into the Darkness ❯ Hello ( Chapter 12 )
"In today's top story…one year ago today, the area known as Dana Bahn was destroyed, claiming the life of Iason Mink, the man acknowledged to have been the most powerful and influential figure in Tanaguran Society to date. A strong supporter of class-level separation, Iason had the ear of many influential political decision-makers, and was known to be frequently visited by Jupiter itself. Many claimed that Jupiter actually groomed Iason for his position from the moment of his creation.
"Iason's demise sparked a controversial move in which various groups have begun to call for an end to the practice of separation and all that it entails. If such an act was to come to fruition, the residents of Ceres, now commonly referred to as `Mongrels', would be given the rank of Citizen, with all the rights and privileges pertaining to Citizenship.
"Needless to say, there are opponents to this course not only in Midas proper, but also in Ceres, where some residents see citizenship as a restraint rather than a freedom. Opponents in the rest of Tanagura cite the inherent flaws in character and temperament that have continually been proven to exist as a reason to deny such an Act.
"Jupiter has refused comment at this juncture; however, as the situation warrants, we will not hesitate to inform the masses in a timely manner…"
The tall head of the black market sighed and turned off the video unit, thinking how far the broadcasters had to fish for their meager drivel these days. Everyone knew why Dana Bahn was destroyed that fateful night. There was no one in Tanagura who had not heard the story of how a Mongrel assassinated the great Iason Mink in an attempt to rescue his former pairing partner from the evils of Petdom. All recorded history showed that the most heinous crimes were fueled by jealous passions. This one, of course, was no exception.
What made this particular tale so sensational, however, was the fact that after the Blondie was effectively immobilized, the Mongrel Pet denied himself a life of freedom, choosing instead death with his Master, who had actually been rumored to have become his lover. Very few knew the truth or falsehood of the rumor. The former Furniture knew that the two men loved each other in the end, despite the animosity "Riki the Dark" felt toward Iason in the beginning as well as Iason's total distain for Riki.
Not a lot that had happened since Iason and Riki died was a surprise to Katze, other than the fact that his dealings were now all but legitimized. This was done as a "reward" for Katze's loyal service, and was announced when one of the documents found in Iason's desk outlined his plan to bring the black marketeer's talents into the mainstream.
As Iason's second in command, so to speak, Raoul became the "Top Blondie" and the transition was relatively smoothly handled by the Citizenry. The only real decision to date that had been openly questioned was the decision to allow the Mongrel assassin to live and maintain his freedom. Despite the unpopularity of the action, Raoul defends his actions and refuses to back down from his decision.
Katze occasionally visits Raoul, but usually all contact is made for professional reasons. If anything, the current head of state has an even colder persona than he demonstrated as one of Iason's inner circle. His feelings towards lesser beings have never been a secret, but his treatment of the Mongrel, Guy, has left many stunned. On one of his visits, Katze asked Raoul why he allowed the Mongrel to live after causing so much pain with his one act of rebellion.
Raoul replied that since Iason died as an indirect result of injuries he received trying to *save* Guy, he couldn't dishonor his memory…his sacrifice…by executing the man. In fact, he felt it was a greater punishment for Guy to live with the consequences of his actions than to be put to death.
Shortly after the incident, Guy snuck into Raoul's offices and requested his mind be erased. Raoul refused, saying that while it would give him great satisfaction to order a mind wipe, he would get more satisfaction knowing that every morning the mongrel awoke, he'd have to reflect on the fact that not only did his actions destroy the life of one of Tanagura's most influential men, he also eliminated his own beloved pairing partner, Riki the Dark. The thought of Guy reliving the explosion on a daily basis was revenge sweeter than anything else the Blondie could ever imagine.
Apparently Raoul was right about his assumptions also, because Katze had one occasion to speak with Guy as well. Guy had been trying to lead a group into a crime scene, and Katze had been asked to provide the "bait" that the hoodlums were trying to steal. After apprehending the man and interrogating him roughly, Guy only shrugged when asked why he brought Iason to Dana Bahn. His only answer was that he loved Riki, and wanted him to once again be his pairing partner. When Riki wouldn't come back, jealousy ruled his world and he was determined to get Iason out of their lives for good. He couldn't have foreseen the loss of his arm, but Guy had determined that any sacrifice would have been justified if he could get Riki away from the Blondie.
That was the moment that Katze had sent the mongrel against the wall, his fist smashing into Guy's face before he even realized the desire to do so existed. He remembered that Guy actually *laughed* as his hand went to shield his face. As if reading Katze's mind, he spat that it was indeed why he'd unmanned Riki in order to remove the pet ring, despite his lover's objections. He felt that Riki had been brainwashed and that by taking away the one hold Iason had over the man, he'd have a chance to bring them back to Ceres forever.
Katze had laughed at the mongrel's stupidity as he walked away. All of Society saw how well Guy's plan had worked. In the end, Iason and Riki's love for one another had transcended all concerns. Neither sex nor social obligation remained a great enough deterrent to their relationship. Guy's last attempt to regain his partner actually spurred along the debate advocating Mongrel citizenship.
How could one man…no, one Mongrel…influence Tanagura so much? Even dead, Riki effected change. Enough citizens became curious after Iason's death that Katze expected the change to occur during his lifespan. How could one man have caused so much pain and desire for
As for Katze, change was long overdue, he thought as he took a draw of his ever-present cigarette. He thought that if he had been a little more to Iason when he was mere Furniture, he may have been the catalyst, rather than one of the tragic ones who were forever scarred by Guy's impetuousness.
He doubted there was anyone, with the possible exception of Raoul, who realized Katze's depth of feeling for Iason. He and Raoul were much alike, for all their difference in social stature. Both men had been hopelessly smitten by a man who had no capacity for feeling anything but contempt for his fellow man until Riki came into his life. It was a shame, but on many occasions, Katze would have preferred Iason to have maintained that contempt rather than to have succumbed to desire. At least then the Blondie would still have been alive.
Katze opened his cigarette box and reached for another, hesitating slightly over the Black Moon as he did several times every day. He thought about how easy it would be to allow himself the peaceful oblivion the poison could provide. Tears once again flowed down his sculpted cheeks as he remembered his part in Riki and Iason's final moments. While he realized fully the "gift" he had given back then, he still died a little inside whenever he thought about the act. It mattered little that Riki understood his acceptance of the pairing, nor did it matter that Riki understood Katze's feelings toward Iason, although his expression then told Katze that both were true.
His own love for Iason had always been a moot point as it had never been returned, but Katze was usually content enough to know that he had the Blondie's respect. Usually that was the case, but at moments such as this, it wasn't enough. Slamming the pack onto his console, he knew that tonight, it wasn't *nearly* enough. He covered his face with his hand as he, yet again, wept for the man he had been destined never to have.
At that same moment, in an undisclosed location in the city, Raoul sat in Jupiter's new audience chamber, awaiting his meeting with the supercomputer. After Iason's demise, many of the citizenry attempted to access Jupiter's memory banks and had their minds erased after they had been caught. Raoul and his men saw to the relocation of the critical data with the help of Katze and a few individuals who were currently the most sought-after Pets. Even with the move, Jupiter was not the grand Intelligence it had once been. Unfortunately, the Blondie knew it had not been the vandals who had changed Jupiter. While it may have been a factor, the loss of Iason was the main culprit.
Jupiter had been devastated by the loss of its "son"…its prized possession. The computer would fly into fits of rage for no apparent reason, and such things as weather and security were often affected. Finally, the vandals came and gave Raoul the excuse he needed to alter Jupiter and remove his outward presence to the new location. Even now, a full year later, Jupiter grieved for Iason and cursed the "Mongrel Menace". Though Raoul felt much the same way, he could not let his emotions affect the performance of this or any other duty.
Jupiter became very often incoherent of late, and Raoul knew it was only a matter of time until the Intelligence was lost forever. For this reason, Raoul was secretly funding the drive to mingle the Citizenry with Mongrels. Perhaps a way would be found in which to maintain the population even without Jupiter's help, and the Mongrel seemed to have this knowledge. Therefore, the Mongrel must be exploited. Additionally, Iason had valued Riki to the extent that he had willingly given up his own position…his own *life*…for the man's benefit. Such sacrifice still made no sense to the Blondie, but if *Iason* could be persuaded, then Raoul must concede a value as yet unknown.
The Blondie straightened as Jupiter finally turned its attention to him. As was the case on many occasions, it mistook Raoul for Iason and spoke to him about the plans that had been implemented prior to Iason's death. Then it asked "Iason" if he had decided to free his Pet as he'd been advised. Jupiter seemed satisfied with the answer it received, and then expressed its affection for its "son" before retiring.
Raoul stood and walked back to his vehicle, saddened by the decline in Jupiter's condition, once again. It would not be long until he would ask Katze to dismantle Jupiter completely. The two discussed the possibility frequently after the decline became impossible to ignore. They both hoped Society would survive the loss of their figurehead, and wondered privately how long they would be able to shield the populace from the knowledge that Jupiter no longer ruled Tanagura.
Raoul shuddered at the thought and, closing the door to his vehicle, reached for the communicator in order to update Katze as he'd agreed prior to the meeting.
At that same moment, in a den on the outskirts of Ceres, Guy met with his comrades, once again calling themselves "Bison" in honor of their fallen leader. They finalized plans to raid a particular location rumored to house the remains of what had once been the great and powerful Jupiter. Loading the explosives onto their bikes, they headed out into the night in order to extract one last revenge against the Blondies in payment for their loss. If they failed, they would lose their lives as martyrs for the Mongrel Cause. If they succeeded, change would be forced upon Tanagura. Either way was acceptable, and no sacrifice was too great to be made in honor of Riki's memory.
Oblivious to the actions of those involved in the twisted remains of the saga of the love that had been between Tanagura's top Blondie and Ceres' most powerful Mongrel, events continued to their predestined conclusions. Jupiter would eventually cease and life would go on regardless.
At that same moment, in its undisclosed location, the weakened Intelligence that was Jupiter mentally "rocked" itself and spoke. "Iason, I have such plans for you. On my behalf, you will do such great things…"