Ai No Kusabi Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight Desires ❯ Moonlight Desires ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Moonlight Desires

Ai No Kusabi fan fiction - I don't own anything.

Six Months later after "Abduction"

Iason woke with a start. Something wasn't right. His hand reached out across the ocean
of silk and came up empty. His pet was missing. Iason knocked his long Blondie locks
out of his eyes and sat up. The light of the twin moons gave enough illumination so he
didn't have to command the lights on. A quick glance around the darkened bedroom
showed it empty of the lovely little black mongrel. He picked up a discarded pair of silk
bottoms, shrugged into them and went in search of the wayward Riki.

He forced back a yawn, the sleepiness was transforming into anger. Riki knew that he
wasn't to leave the bed while his Master was still in it. It had been too much to hope that
this latest bout of obedience would last. Maybe the pet had only gone to use the

Riki was out on the moonlit balcony...dancing?

No not dancing, fighting. Iason stood in the deep shadows beside the hearth and watched
the spectacle was his mongrel pet. Riki. His movements were fluid and defined.
Punches thrown into the air were crisp and sharp. Spinning backhand followed by a jump
that would have his foot kicking another mongrel in the head. He landed and
immediately spun off in the other direction dropping low to take his opponents legs from
under him. None of this was done with military precision, it was mongrel in fighting at
it's terrible worst. Riki's hands turned into claws, slashing at an unseen enemy. Iason
watched entranced and horrified. These moves weren't meant to disarm…they were
killing blows.

Suddenly Riki turned on his heel and ran hard at the balcony's low terrace. Iason felt
shocked, stunned into non-action as his pet looked to jump over the side. Just as he got to
the terrace, he slid to a halt and slammed his palms on top of the smooth surface. He
threw back his sweaty brow and screamed…no roared at the moons. It was soul chilling.
It was the cry of a mortally wounded animal. Something bleeding to death caught in a
trap, seeing a way out but finding it just beyond its grasp…for the moment.

The sound faded away and Riki collapsed to his knees, huddling against the terrace, his
sweat soaked skin shivering as rage gave way to despair. Riki cried. Iason had seen his
tears before, he had even tasted them on his lips, but as with this night, these were a new
unbearable gift. Sobs shook Riki's whole core. He held a hand over his mouth to deaden
the wail but the sound of it eked out.

Iason was about to go to his broken pet when a light flicked on in the hallway. He
retreated to the shadows as Darryl came out into the Great Room. "Who's there?" He
turned and spied the mongrel on the balcony. "Riki? Riki!" Darryl rushed out and
dropped to his knees. "Are you okay? What's…"

The proud little mongrel, the one that had defied him for a six months in every way that was possible, crawled to the castrated furniture, placed his head on the boy's lap and wrapped his arms around his waist. It was only the fact that Darryl's face was horrified and he held his arms up and out of the way that kept Iason back in the shadows.

"Just hold me."


"For fuck's sake Darryl, I'm not trying anything…just…I just need someone's arms
around me right now before I start crying again. If I start again…I don't think I'll stop."

"You should go back to Master Iason…"

"The only time he touches me is to make me his little fuck toy or to punish me." The
sharp anger that was in his voice faded, "I'm just weak tonight. I just want to hug
someone and not have to worry about getting raped. Please…I don't ask for much…but
please do this for me, Darryl."

"If Master Iason finds you out of bed, you'll be punished."

"It doesn't matter. He'd just do it anyway." Riki closed his eyes and leaned hard into
Darryl's lean chest. His fingers clung to the furniture's robe. "I follow the rules, I get
punished. I don't do something quick enough, I get punished. My hair won't say
combed, I get punished. I'm just so tired, Darryl. I'm so fucking tired that I want to
cry." The little black pet's torso began shaking with sobs as he buried his face in
Darryl's bathrobe.

Iason watched as his furniture awkwardly patted his pet on top of his head. "Stop

"Will you just put your fucking arms around me! Gods, I'm not asking you for a blow

"The balcony floor is cold, come inside and I'll hug you."

Iason had to strain to hear his Pet, "This is the third time."

"Third time? What is?"

"I tried to jump over the balcony…." Darryl grabbed Riki's arms and pulled him toward
the Great Hall. Iason felt his eyes widen and as breath left him in a hiss. "but just like
every other fucking thing that I do, I fucked that up too. I can't even kill myself."


"I'm never getting out of here. I know that now. I'm here until he gets tired of me, or
I'm dead."

"Don't say things like that. Master Iason cares for you."

"I'm not a pet, Darryl. I wasn't made in a fucking lab to be a sex toy. I'm not meant to
be treated like a dog and some days I just can't take it. I need to be touched. Just
touched like a person. I maybe a mongrel, but I am a person." Riki dropped back down
to his knees and wrapped his arms around Darryl's thighs, his forehead touching the
young Furniture's abdomen.

"Riki go back to Master Iason's bed."

"No. You said you'd hold me."

Darryl hesitated unsure what to do with the mongrel clinging so desperately to him.
"Master Iason will be furious is he wakes up and you are not there."

"What's new. I could stay awake all night and not move an inch and he'd find something
to punish me for. I can't do anything right."

Iason frowned. There was nothing but despair in his little pet's voice. It was true that he
had to correct his little pet often, but that was only good training. Was he too harsh with
his little mongrel, Riki? Where the punishments out weighing the rewards? The spark
that had so entranced him to the little mongrel was fading, especially if this was what it
lead to on a moonlit night.

Darryl caught sight of the Blondie Master standing in the shadows and froze. Iason
shook his head and stepped back further to be cloaked from his distraught pet.

Darryl dropped his arms and gathered Riki close to him. The poor boy was going to be
punished yet again. If he would only follow the rules. Damn it, Riki follow the rules.
He tightened his hold on the black haired youth. "Riki, you should get up now."

"Back in Ceres, in winter, Guy and I would just hold each other all night long. Helped
keep us warm, but it felt good knowing there was someone real beside you. We didn't
have to have sex, we just held on to each other to last the night." Riki's arms tightened
almost painfully around Darryl's hips, "I don't even know if Guy is still alive."

Darryl patted Riki's head. "It's time to get up."

Silently Darryl was grateful when Riki let go of him and stood. The boy wiped at his tear
streaked face and wiped his nose on the back of his hand. Darryl reached over and
handed him a tissue. "You do know that I will have to report this to Iason."

"I don't want you getting into trouble because of me. Just wait until he's in a good mood.
There's no reason why the both of us can't be miserable. Not that you can tell with him.
I better shut the balcony door."

"I'll do it." Darryl said quickly headed for the panel.

"Don't worry, I've already tried remember. If I couldn't do it then, I sure as hell ain't
doing it now."


"Fine." Riki turned and headed back to the Master bedroom. His feet slowed as he got to
the door and he just stood there looking at it.

"Riki, what are you going to do?"

Darryl watched a sad smile cross the mongrel's face. "I'll take what I can and try to
endure the rest. I thought Katze was being an asshole when he told me that, but it's not
bad advice. Kill the lights, Darryl. It probably won't do any good but I have to try."

Darryl closed his eyes and backed down the hall. Punishment was coming sooner for the
little mongrel rather than later. He hit the switch and left the great hall bathed in the twin
light of the moons. Iason stood in the darkest corner. Riki at the door to the Master's
bedroom. Darryl didn't want to see this. He hurried back to his room and locked the
door behind him.

Iason watched from the shadows as his pet wiped at his eyes again. Riki stared at the
closed door then sank soundless to his knees. Body shaking sobs racked him again. His
palms were pressed into his eyes and he clenched his teeth to keep the sound to a
minimum. Finally the little pet ended up resting his forehead on the door panel and just
breathing heavily.

Iason watched and gauged his little pet. He was at the breaking point. Discipline now
would assure a perfectly trained pet. He would be able to take the mongrel out to events
and parties without fear of embarrassment or public displays of correction. Discipline
now would crack that Ceres attitude. But, that would also mean, the loss of what is
essentially Riki. The fire. The defiance. That attitude. The attitude, Iason felt he could
do without but it was all part of the mongrel's continuing hold on him. He had to
discover how to subdue his pet without crushing him. If he could not, the little black
mongrel would be just the same as all the other pets that have past through his door. Riki
was special. Riki was forever. Yes Riki would be punished for tonight, but in the way he
wouldn't expect. Iason let a cool smile cross his lips. He would give Riki what he

"You are out of bed without permission, Pet."

Iason watched as Riki tensed up then quickly fell into the first pose position Iason had
chosen for display. His thighs were spread wide, his buttock perched on his heels, his
hands flat on his upper thighs. However…Iason stepped out of the shadows reached out and straighted Riki's head by cupping his chin and pulling it up. The moonlight accented the watery eyes, making them gleam and making the tracks of previous tears shine on the
mongrel's face.

"You were out on the balcony without permission." Iason tightened his hold as his pet
tried to pull his head away.

"You touched Darryl. You know that you are not allowed to come near him because of
your attack on him last time. Are their more infractions that you would like to confess,
my Pet? It would be easier for you to tell me now, before I review the security logs."


"No what?"

"No. Master Iason."

"Strip, face down on the bed, knees on the floor. It would serve your well to be in that
position when I return, Pet."

Riki knelt on the floor and tried to keep from physically trembling. For some reason
when the twin moons where high together it seemed like it was his weakest moments.
That didn't happen in Ceres, you were too busy trying to stay alive to care about the
moons, but up here in the privileged atmosphere, it was almost as if they had some kind
of cosmic link with him. It was a if they said, "You can cry now Riki. You can be weak
and needy, we will watch over you." Riki laid his torso on the bed and wiped at the tears
that were still seeping out of his eyes. Liars. He had to remember that everything above
scum level belonged to the Blondies. How could he forget that? That was a lesson every
mongrel had beaten into them from birth.

Riki tensed as he heard the familiar and dreaded sound the pet chains in Iason's hand.
Punishment was going to be severe if Iason felt he had to chain him down. Another tear
squeezed out his eye. Damn it. Quit crying. He brushed the tear away just as Iason
came back into the room.

"Your balcony privileges have been removed. They will be returned when I deem you
are ready for the responsibility." Riki learn Iason move around the room behind him
clanking the chains together in warning. "I will leave punishment up to Darryl for your
infraction against him. He will meet that out tomorrow. You will submit to his authority
or I will offer correction as well. Understood, my Pet."

"Yes, Master Iason."

"Now for the final edict. You will submit to five strikes with my hand. You will be
chained to the bed. I thought you were ready to be released. It is disappointing to be
proven wrong. Count the strikes, Riki."

Riki closed his eyes and tried to relax. Wind in my hair, wind in my hair. Wind in

"Two." Wind in my hair….fuck.

"Three" Breathe, breathe….

"Four" Wind in my…that burns

"Five" Damn.

Iason put the pet collar around Riki's neck, set his thumb seal on it locking it so only he
could get it off. "Up to the head of the bed, Pet." Iason watched the pretty pink buttocks
as Riki climbed up on the bed and crawled forward. Iason leisurely took his time
chaining his doe eyed pet to the headboard. He draped the pet chains on the mattress and
looked down at his lovely mongrel. Beautiful, flawless. He felt himself stirring to life.
He was after all a Blondie and voyeurism was ingrained in him. Not tonight. His little
pet was too fragile for anything other than what he planned.

"Give me your left wrist. Your left ankle. Lay on your right side." Iason watched the
puzzlement in Riki's eyes as he did what he was told. Iason laid the chains across the
mattress until the cuffs where dangling off the side. He kept his silk bottoms on and laid
on the bed over top of the chains. He sat up and locked the ankle cuff around his right
ankle. Then he reached behind him and locked the pet cuff around his right wrist.

Iason saw the shook and disbelief in Riki's eyes. He rolled toward his pet, pulled the
chain tight across his back, pulling his pet's arm toward him then rolled back dragging
Riki partially on top of his chest. He brought the two wrist cuffs together and activated
the bonding magnets. Riki's left wrist and Iason's right wrist were now bound together
with Riki laying on his Master's pale smooth chest.

"Now I know where you are at all times. Go to sleep." Iason brought his other arm up
and draped it over Riki's back almost as an afterthought. The links cut into his back but
they were not so painful. He closed his eyes and concentrated on evening out his
breathing in the pretense of sleep while being locked in an unbreakable hug. It was
probably about ten minutes before Riki's body started to unwind. Growing heavier and
heavier by the minute. Iason forced himself to stay still when a stray leg nestled it's way
between his and Riki's pelvis pressed against his thigh. He cautiously opened his eyes.
His little pet was asleep. Iason's freehand brushed at the black mop of stray hairs. No
matter how many times he brushed it, it had a will of it's own. Just like's its' owner.

"Riki, my Pet. You are going to be the death of me."

Iason laid on the uncomfortable chains, feeling the links biting into his flesh, but he
didn't mind. Somewhere along the way, the crazy desire for the black mongrel had
changed to love. It physically hurt him to see Riki in such despair. Iason realized that he
would never get Academy obedience out of the mongrel, but he did get some. Maybe,
instead of breaking Riki to pet discipline., he should work on furniture obedience with the
important Pet lessons tossed in. Fiery Riki was great to have in bed. Iason twisted a lock
of Riki's hair in his fingers. This night's Riki, this desperate Riki, he never wanted to see

Yes, he had a plan now. He would have his roaring, but obedient mongrel in his home, in
his bed and safety ensconced in his heart. Iason let go a large breath he didn't know he
was holding and let sleep take him down.


I would like to thank you for reading and reviewing. I just wanted someone to read my writing and enjoy it.

Abduction was intended to be a one shot deal. Then Moonlight popped up. However, I have no clue what to do for the 1st anniversary. If you have any suggestions, give me a shout.