Akira Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ School Bell ❯ Final 32 ( Chapter 3 )
Note: I don't own any of these Anime series
School Bell
Chapter 3: Final 32
Meilin finished off her opponent as she charge kicked him in the nose sending him to the ground. She panted the matches were getting stronger. She saw Li and Sakura talking to each other on the sidelines. She butted in by saying "You guys are through two huh?" They both nodded. She saw Li looking around the arena. "Hah I think that was your last match Meilin" he said pointed to the little contestants left. Sakura nodded saying `yep'. Meilin smiled "I guess it's just you guys out of us left.
Meilin watched as the earth element knocked the poor man out of his boots. Sakura looked away as the man hit the ground near Meilin. Sakura looked at Meilin and smiled. Meilin waved and smiled back.
Li fly kicked his opponent in the chest knocking the wind out of him. The man pulled out his dagger and lifted his hand back to throw it. Li pulled out his sword and used the Time card. All time froze still and he looked around the arena. He walked over to the man and took his dagger and threw it away and stood right in front of him with his sword above the man's head. He unfroze time and the man screamed and fainted. Meilin blinked not knowing what just happened then. Li smiled and headed back towards her just as the man got up for a second time peaked up the knife and tried to stab Li. Li back flipped over the man and knocked him the ground grabbed his knife and cut a deep wound in his leg. As Li walked off he heard the horrid screams from the man on the ground.
Meilin gave Li a big hug and a kiss on the check. "Sick, you're my cousin" said Li throwing Meilin off him to the hard cold ground. Sakura laughed and fell over as well. Li started laughing but the two girls tackled him to the ground. A dark figure loomed above them. "Stupid kids" said the voice. He walked off laughing with one of his friends. Li poked his tongue out at them. He got up and helped up both girls. The voice over the intercom returned. `The elimination round has finished all that passed step out on to the arena. Meilin went up first followed by Li, then Sakura. `There are 32 finalists and you will all be participating in the main tournament. The finalists are Canada and Kai AKIRA…. Priss, Linna, Sylia and Nene BUBBLE GUM CRISIS 2040… Sakura, Li and Meilin CARD CAPTORS SAKURA… Tai, Matt, Davis and Ken DIGIMON and DIGIMON ZERO 2… Goku, Yamcha, Krillin, Tien, Vegeta, Piccolo, Goten and Trunks DRAGON BALL and DRAGON BALL Z… Asuka, Shinji and Rei NEON GENESIS EVANGELION…. Heero, Duo, Trowa and Wufai GUNDAM WING…. And Yugi, Bakura, Joey and Seto YU-GI-OH. Thank you to all the participants and audience.