Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Blau ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 6 )
Disclaimer: I do not own Weiß Kreuz. I do not own the angel idea. I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho. I do own the new Schwarz, most of Rot, Blau, Farblos, and this story.
The next day found Nagi again in Ran's room, again talking to him about his sister. "She wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over it," he said, sitting awkwardly on the bed Ran had refused to leave since they got back from the visit to Rot. "And she said she would have done the same thing anyway, once she found out how mean the Takatori family is It's not your fault she isn't as innocent as she used to be. It's part of growing up."
Finally Ran stirred, sending him a blurry glare. "Go away."
"I'm not leaving this room without you."
"Nagi stared at him for a while before trying a different tactic. "Talk."
"Tell me what's wrong or I'll ask Shou."
Reluctantly, Ran rolled to face the ceiling and stared at it. "She killed."
"What if she enjoys it?"
"Then she'll have found her calling in life. I doubt it, though. Not even Farf enjoyed killing."
"Oh? I highly doubt that."
"Oh, he'd try." Nagi smiled off into space. "He'd try to enjoy it for a while because he thought that that was what God wanted him to do. And he'd try to enjoy it for a while because he thought it might catch God's attention. But he never really enjoyed it." He returned his attention to Ran, who was looking at him strangely. "Shou's going to try and explain him a bit more to Ken in just a bit. You might want to listen in."
"Farfarello didn't hate God?"
Shou sighed. "People always ask that. No, he didn't, not in the way you're thinking. When you were a child, did you ever try and try to get your mother's attention? Or your father's?"
"She's talking to a friend, or on a phone, or reading a book, or something, but she's not paying attention to you. And you tug on her sleeve over and over again, and call to her, and yell and scream and throw a fit, and she still doesn't pay attention, until you want to do anything - hit her, bite her, smash something, just so she'll look at you and talk to you. You don't care if she hits you or hugs you or anything, and you sort-of almost hate her, but most of all you're frustrated and just plain desperate. That's how Farfarello felt about God."
"That's a very … moving description."
"He didn't care what God did to him, so long as he was acknowledged."
Ken nodded. "I guess- well, I don't know I can really ever forgive him for all the times he nearly killed me, but I still feel sorry for him."
Shou was going to make a comment about too little, too late, as Farfarello was dead, but didn't complete the thought as he heard a raspy yet very well-known voice. "They cut me off."
"What? Farfarello, wh-" He swallowed as he stared into the shadows of the corner. "How are you alive? I felt you die!"
"They cut me off," Farfarello repeated. "My family, the nuns, ß - they cut me off from Him - I couldn't feel Him and I thought He didn't care… And I had to die before I could feel Him again - His presence in me, lifting me, His love and His sorrow and His purpose - but I feel Him now and I will never let them cut me off again!"
"Farfarello! What are you talking about? How are you alive? What happened?"
At last the others' presence seemed to register with him, and he fixed first one, then (as the scar holding his right eye closed melted away) both blood red eyes on Shou. An unseen, unfelt wind ruffled his hair as - were those feathers? - as wings the same bloody color as his eyes and hair flickered into existence and stretched. He uncurled and stood, hovering scant inches above the ground, and Ken remembered that angels were too pure for their feet to touch the ground. "My name is Jei," the glowing figure that Farfarello had somehow become told them, "and I am His messenger." He held out a hand, and even as Shou reached forward with a kind of incredulous desperation, Jei settled, his feet touched the ground, and he disappeared.
Shou fell forward, on knees and elbows, and held his head in his hands as the carpet dampened and darkened with tears.
Nagi moved forward, brushing by Ran, and insinuated himself so that he and Shou were curled around each other in a sort of a ball, and they clung to each other like that for a while, mourning the loss of their teammate again. Ken, despite his usual lack of religion, crossed himself and went to stand with Ran as they watched and waited for the tension to ease.
"Hmph," Yohji muttered to Omi as he cleaned up some soil left over from an accident involving a careless customer and a potted begonia.
"What is it, Yohji?"
"I can't get rid of the feeling someone's going to walk in and muck everything up even more."
Omi blinked. "Right now?"
"Sometime when you're around. This stuff always happens when you're around."
"Yes." Yohji sat up, dustpan (with the last of the dirt) in hand. "First that weird Miss Collins, then Ilde, then Tot-"
"Namami," Omi corrected.
"Whatever. That's three times now, and three times makes it more than just a coincidence. Whatever it is that's going on, it's attracted to you."
"Yohji! You were involved all of those times, too, and Shou and Ken have got something going on with them, just like Ran and Nagi. It's not just me, if there is something."
"What, you mean Shou and Ken are…?"
"Not like that! It's just like, we get the newcomers, while Shou and Ken deal with Farfarello's ghost, and Nagi and Ran are sorting things out about Aya. If there's a trend, which I doubt."
"Hmph," Yohji said again, got up, and tossed the dustpan's contents in the trash.
The bell jangled.
"Welcome!" Omi caroled. "How can I help you?"
The pretty young… person smiled. "Yes," he said, his voice identifying what his looks could not. "I've come to pick up an order of rose samples - they are in, aren't they?"
"I believe so," Omi said, smiling back. Surely after enough nice, normal people came in, Yohji would give up his belief. "May I have your name, please?"
"Minamino Shuichi."
Omi checked the store computer. "Ah, yes. Just a moment please; I'll go get them."
As he disappeared in the back, Yohji studied their customer for anything that might support him. He found nothing in that pleasant face except for a rather feminine quality that didn't fit with either his voice or - now that Yohji noticed - his body. He was just a very graceful green-eyed, redheaded man with a face that looked like a woman's.
His eyes widened briefly, and he dashed after Omi.
Kurama - or rather, Shuichi - felt a bit uncomfortable at the other man's perusal. He supposed he was just surprised that Kurama was not a woman, but there was something about him, about the way he held himself, that gave him pause. Then the man's eyes widened briefly before he hid it and he was gone, after his fellow, and moving just a bit faster than he should have.
Maybe Yuusuke was right about this shop after all.
An exclamation of surprise came from the back, followed by some whispering. Then, as they moved closer, he could make out what they were saying.
"-just a normal customer, Yohji!" the younger one hissed.
"With green eyes and red hair. Remember the message?"
"We already worked that out - Weiß and Schwarz and Rot and Blau, and all that. What's your point?"
"The last line before she told Shou to tell us." A rustle of paper. "'Those with red hair and green eyes aren't human,' she said."
Kurama found himself a bit inclined to be offended. He was so human - most of the time.
"Yohji, there must be hundreds of people with red hair and green eyes. Just because one of them walked into our shop doesn't mean he's not human. Besides, I'd say green hair and gold eyes is more inhuman, and we've got one of those already!"
Kurama found himself inclined to agree. Green hair and gold eyes didn't sound very human at all.
Then the owner of said green hair and gold eyes appeared at the top of the steps, looking like he'd been crying. They looked at each other for a bit, then the other tensed ever-so-slightly, Kurama felt the brush of a mind against his, and he reached automatically for his rose.
"You keep things in your hair?" the other said tiredly, and came down the rest of the stairs to slump at the arrangement table. "Wish I'd thought of that. My name is Shou, by the way, and the two back there are Yohji and Omi, and Ran's going to have a fit once he finds out you're connected to this too."
"Not to be rude," Kurama said cautiously, "but why are you telling me this?"
Shou shrugged. "If the people who raised me are to be believed, I'm an angel of destruction and the world should have ended half a year ago. Besides, no matter how human your body is, your mind is not."
"Told you," Yohji said to Omi.
Omi huffed. "Here are your samples, Minamino-san. I apologize for my co-workers."
"It's alright," Kurama said. "I-"
~Jingle jingle~
"Hi!" Ruth sang, and hugged him. Reflexively, he hugged her back, careful not to drop his samples. Over her shoulder, he saw Makizeen smirking at him.
"Hello, Ruth," he said. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to introduce you," she said, smiling. "Before Omi and Yohji strangle each other. This is where Weiß live and work. Guys, this is Kurama."
"Kurama?" Omi repeated. "As in-"
Kurama sighed. "Yes. I am Minamino Shuichi, but I am also the youko Kurama." He bowed slightly.
"A pleasure, Kurama-san," Omi said, returning the bow.
"Told you," Yohji said again.
Omi glared at him.
Shou got up. "Why are you here, Makizeen? Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Saa," she said, and nodded at Kurama.
"Oh, so? Should I get Ran?"
She quirked an eyebrow at him.
He shook his head and went back upstairs.
Kurama looked after him, then back at Makizeen. She was an enigmatic creature, a person he knew barely by sight, and only through Ruth's description of her. He wondered what made her as silent as most people thought Hiei. And she almost certainly wasn't just another mere human… As she smirked at him again, he realized that she was, though not a telepath, extremely receptive of other's powers, which meant his own, latent abilities were probably giving her a pretty good idea of what he was thinking. He pulled gently away from Ruth and reestablished the mental barriers he was used to in his other form, and saw her nod slightly at him in approval.