Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction / Slayers Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction / Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Blau ❯ Angels and Demons ( Chapter 9 )
Disclaimer: I don't anything but what I own. If you think this is weird, is crazy, thanks. If you don't understand it, hopefully you will if you keep reading.
Angels and Demons
"Ahh---" Ilde stretched. It had been far too long since their last mission. It wasn't much, just protecting some old geezer while his grandchildren went out with the bodyguards, but at least they were doing ~something~.
Huh - Jei and Brad hadn't seen their mission `costumes' yet. Ilde grinned. She was sure they'd hate them at first - at least, Brad would - but she deserved to see more hunky guys in less clothing more often. Not that she was really interested... She supposed that was a side effect of what she was.
Speaking of which, she really should stretch those too. And then make sure to get Brad and Jei their outfits for the mission. Ooo, but Leila had such great taste.
Leila quirked an eyebrow and leaned back over the chair's armrest to regard her half brother. "Things are coming together," she said. "Should we move out?"
"You're going to strain your neck if you keep doing that," Eric said. "Let's wait until youkai meets vampire and returns."
"Sure, sure. Oh, Neona? I've got another convert."
"Determined to try out your ideas on another group since you can't on us?" the other said, a little distant as she watched a couple boring futures flash by.
Since she couldn't shrug, Leila sent the impression of one instead. "I like our style too. Besides, it's sinister and elegant. We really shouldn't be all that flashy, and we don't have to deal with wings."
"Brad is going to try to kill Ilde for your ideas."
"She can handle it. Besides, it's not like she doesn't have that mental collar of hers around his neck."
"Min holds the leash."
"Doesn't mean Ilde can't grab it somewhere in the middle and tug."
Neona shrugged and, as the futures became slightly more interesting, ignored the present.
Eric ran a hand through Neona's hair, sighing lightly. "How's Kelly doing with that group?"
"She's getting drunk off their deaths again," Leila said, making a face. "But Ryushi's almost there, so they'll be back soon."
"Ah. And the others?"
Somewhere, in the darkness, a man plotted against his enemy. Everything was almost ready. Even that last ingredient...
"Brad..." Ilde shook her head. "You're an ~angel~. That means you look ~damn~ good in ~anything~."
Brad glowered at her. "Why can't I wear a shirt?" he asked again.
"This is why:" She peeled off her shirt and unclasped her bra and turned her back to him.
Brad's eyes widened, and then he strode from the room, muttering about hallucinations and cold, windy nights without shirts.
Shou hadn't been all that surprised to find out that old man Takatori didn't trust them completely - he never had. So, of course, while the grandkids were off doing whatever they were doing, probably involving the usual Takatori psychosis, not only did Weiß have to stand over the old man, but so did another group. This other group was in charge of the grounds and of coming running should Weiß turn on him - as if he wasn't still a nasty old geezer with one hell of a streak of luck and scary way with guns.
He had been surprised when he found out just who the other group was.
"Brad," he said in an odd voice. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"
Brad jerked his head in Ilde's direction. "She won't let me."
"Why not?"
"I don't know."
"He knows very well why," Ilde said, having caught the conversation. "Why don't you show him?"
"I still say it won't happen."
"It will."
"Look, humans don't just-"
/*Do it.*/
He gave up the argument and just looked plaintively at her. **How?**
/*They're there. Push.*/
He grit his teeth, closed his eyes, and complied. The pain twisted his face, and he dropped first to Ilde's shoulder and then to the ground to brace himself, and held his breath to keep from crying out and to keep pushing, and then- it gave way. He still had to push against it, and the pain was stronger, sharper, but it was easier.
Shou stared in morbid fascination as the skin underneath Brad's shoulder blades darkened in vaguely linear shapes, and then bulged as if something was pressing against it. The bulges grew, the skin thinned, and finally - with an effort so strong Shou picked up on the secondary pain of the headache that squeezing his eyes that tightly was giving him - the skin burst and a pair of black and bloody wings shot out to extend fully and tremble. After a moment, he relaxed, and they folded halfway, drooping around him. The blood that streamed down his back cleared and turned to a sweet-smelling, sparking liquid much like water. He lifted his head.
Shou started to move forward, but Ilde acted before he could, kneeling before Brad and taking his face in her hands to wipe away the few tears that had made it out. "The first time is always the hardest," she whispered. "After this, it won't hurt at all - maybe be a bit uncomfortable, but that's all. But see? They're there. What did I tell you?"
"You ~didn't~ tell me it would hurt like that," he said, voice strained.
"Yes, well, I wasn't entirely certain that it would."
That got her glares from both Shou and Brad. Ilde sighed.
Whee, Kerry thought. More exposition.
"See, it's different on everyone. You had to break through your humanity to get your wings - and it probably hurt as much as it did because you really didn't want to believe you were anything other than what you'd been raised to think. The only person who won't have any pain at all is Jei, although Bryn and I came close."
"You are, of course, going to explain that last statement."
"Fine, fine. Jei died. Moreover, since he's reconnected to God, he's technically already an angel. I know what you saw, Shou. It wasn't real, per say, but it wasn't false either. As for me and Bryn... Well, she's a pretty powerful pregoc, wouldn't you say? And an oracle. She's used to being a sort of vessel for deities. And me? I'm like Shou - I can speak to the dead, why shouldn't I be able to communicate with God? Granted, He didn't like it the first time ~I~ started the contact instead of him, but things worked out and all is well."
"There's a phrase that will ~definitely~ be used at some point," Makizeen said out of nowhere.
"Oh?" Ilde asked, glad to be distracted. They ~were~ on a job, after all.
The other grinned. "God's in His heaven, all's well with the world."
"Heh. Well, guys, we got jobs to do. See you `round, lover-boy."
"Oh ~yuck~," Shou said, getting up and retreating to where the rest of Weiß and old Mr. Takatori waited. "That would be like screwing my own ~sister~. I did ~not~ need that image, thank you very much."
"Hm?" Ilde spoke into her rarely-used cell phone. "Yes sir. Be right there."
Not even ten minutes later, she was facing Mr. Takatori as he sat in his wheelchair, the shadows behind it doing their best to be intimidating as always.
"Was anything wrong with the mission last night, sir?" she asked.
"No, no. It was fine. However, since I have not yet arranged a contact for you... Here." He held out a sheaf of papers.
She took them wordlessly, emotionlessly.
"I expect results as soon as possible," he said.
She gave him a stiff, shallow bow, and left the room. Once outside, she got into a bookstore, headed for a random section, opened a book, and let herself finally laugh.
The young man slowly backed away from the crazy lady who found Cthulu so amusing.
"Stupid old twit," she muttered. "Thinking- Hah. Man, what an idiot." And she laughed again, loudly.
The young man stopped edging and ran.
A little later, she walked into the underground headquarters' main room, having suppressed her laughter into the occasional snort.
Bryn looked faintly amused. "They're in the park," she said. "And that's where you need to tell them."
Ilde looked at her, raised an eyebrow, and walked back out.