Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction ❯ Marriage Prospects ❯ Katan ( Chapter 6 )
Disclaimer: I don't own Angel Sanctuary. They are all copyrighted to Kaori Yuki-sama.
Think someone in the list of gorgeous Angel Sanctuary men might be marriage material? Check out their stats for best relationship choices and find out!
Marriage Prospects
Looks: Katan is quite possibly the most adorable thing I have ever seen, even cuter than Raziel even though Katan is full grown. He just always looks so eager to please, and even when he's disobeying Rosiel, he gets this guilty-puppy look that is practically irresistible. He is about 5'11" or 6 feet tall, with short grey-white hair that grows out to his shoulders and grey-blue eyes.
Dress Sense: Katan is usually dressed up in a navy blue suit-type outfit, a very long jacket that buckles down the left side of his chest, gloves, nice pants and boots. When he crawls out of his coffin, he's wearing absolutely nothing, and I would just like to comment on what an incredibly gorgeous body he has.
Intelligence: Katan is very smart, because he studied his little head off when he was an ST candidate, so that he could become a high enough level to meet Rosiel. He was elevated to the status of cherubim, which shows that all his studying paid off. Katan also has a very strong sense of morals and ethics, and he will even go so far as to disobey Rosiel if his orders put innocent people at risk.
Personality: He is such a sweetheart. A real darling. The naivety is what is so appealing, I think, but also that he isn't a sap all the time. He gets pretty aggravated with Kirie's arrogance and her ignorance to Rosiel's intentions. Katan really does love Rosiel, and he doesn't want to see him get hurt. As the story progresses, Katan gets to be a bit more understanding that there is a war going on and he can't do much to stop it. After this he seems to get quieter and just goes along with what Rosiel tells him without complaint.
Financial Status: N/A
Family: Katan's only family is Rosiel. Katan used to be a Grigori, the lowest class of Angels. Grigori have no bodies or names or even comprehensive thoughts. Whenever one Angel uses one simple spell, a Grigori's life energy is used up in the process. The Grigori then emits one shriek of pain before it dies, its only sound. Katan was one of the rare few Grigori that could think. He was granted a name and body by Rosiel, and for this loves him deeply. Rosiel would just be happy if Katan was.
Competition: Perhaps the infamous Rosiel-sama. . .? There's no solid evidence to support this idea, but the implications certainly are there, aren't they?
Sex: He would be very concerned about you--if you were okay, if you were all right, if you wanted him to change whatever he might have been doing. Just to make you happy.
Verdict: Another great catch. I really can't find a downside to Katan anywhere. He is a very sweet person, and very loving. The only thing would be that he might need a lot of reassuring, that you still loved him and that you wouldn't leave. But he's still cuddly and caring and concerned about you, and would do almost whatever it takes to make you happy.
Author's Note: If you disagree with any of my analyses, by all means let me know. I'd love to have a second opinion, and I might even change stuff around. All reviews and reviewers are greatly appreciated!