Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's Keeper ❯ My Brother's Keeper ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Brother's Keeper
Paring: Lucifer/Michael
Disclaimer: I don't own Angel Sanctuary, that belongs to Kaori Yuki. I don't own the characters either. Nor do I own the Bible. I don't own the poem wither. Actually, I have no clue where the poem comes from.
Warning: Implied incest, Though angels are ageless, implied Shoto tendencies, and heavy religious overtones, dealing mostly with the Fall
“How I wish you'd believe
In your innocent dreams.
Delicate love
Precious and pain
Tempting and torn
Broken and bared
Don't leave me here
Don't leave me alone
I am the one
The Devil you know”
But not always. There was a time before there was a concept of time. Before there was sin. During that time I was not the devil you know now. I was Lucifer, the Bringer of the Light. Created in His image to stand at His right hand. Created and placed above all His other creations. Even above you, my own precious brother.
You loved me then, Mika-chan. Though created by Him, you loved me best. You worshiped the very ground I tread. I loved you for that. For your beautiful, youthful face shining up at me. You were very hard to ignore. But, it was all part of the game we were playing. The thin line we were treading
I would ignore you. Belittle you when I didn't. And for it all, you would just try harder. Do more to force my attention. And I loved our game. Your young hands pulling at my wings frantically. Still unchanged voice calling out, begging for me to notice you. And your sexy little temper. So much sweeter, the more frustrated you got.
Only then would I give in and stop playing. Our first kiss was during this time. I gave into you and took your eight-year-old mouth with my own. And that was all it took. All I needed, to know that I wanted you. I wanted in a way an angel should never want. That I wanted you: my own flesh. I loved you in a way a brother should not feel. And I found I didn't care. Because I liked the feeling of my tongue in your mouth as our bodies pressed together.
And it got worse. I've never before knew this kind of need. The need which grew as I did. I got older. I got bigger. And you didn't. You remained the same. Always the same sweet little boy. Your mind aged, but your body stayed stagnant.
That must have made you angry. I know your temperament. It must have driven you crazy. But I was crazy as well. Crazy from want. Crazy because I lusted for you. I wanted to be inside you. I wanted to bring your forever young body to never explored peeks of passion. I wanted to worship you. To hear you pant my name. For that, we needed to be free. As long as we were in His service, we could not. We could only serve His wants and not our own. Slaves in Paradise. And yes, I said ours.
You think I didn't know. I'm your brother, remember. I know what you dreamed. I know what you hungered for. You wanted me just as badly as I wanted you. I could feel your frustration whenever we were together. I tasted the need in your very soul every time I stole a kiss or allowed you to crawl into my bed with me.
Yet, like I said before, we could not be together. We couldn't fully satisfy ourselves. Not while we were chained down by His creed. So I decided that for us to be together, something had to break. Something had to give.
They say I Fell because of Pride. That I became too proud and wanted the Throne for myself. They are wrong. I Fell for love. I Fell because I fell for you, Michael.
If I got cast out, then you could come with me. We would be together forever. Just the way we wanted to be. I have never been so right yet so wrong. I did get cast out, but you refused to join me. You were too attached to the Maker. It was Him who forced us to fight.
I can still see how it destroyed you. How every blow we gave each other tore us further apart. How every strike hurt you. And even as you fought against me, you still loved me. It was you who tried to convince me not to Fall the rest of the way. Pleading for me not to do such a thing. Begging me to stay.
But I had to Fall. I was far too late for me by then. And we became eternally separated. You residing in Heaven to kill my demons. While I reside in Hell and kill just about everything. And I stay there so that I can wait for you to join me. Because I know one day you will.
We are brothers after all. We have the same mind set. Besides, I know you've developed quite a taste for bloodshed. And I know you know hatred. You claim to hate demons. And you swear that you despise me. But I know better. You still lust for me as I for you. And you will make a very good demon.
You will Fall one day, Michael. You will Fall and we can finally be together. We can finally be as we once dreamed of being. As you still dream of us being. So Fall, baby brother. Fall and join me. For I want you, and I loved you. I always have and I always will.