Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction ❯ Random Pardies ❯ Mmm... Banana ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Once again, another story, with all the random crap we can think of. I hope you like randomness! If you don't like it, GET OVER IT. You know you love it, you just don't want to admit it.

"...heeeellllloooo?? That was sexy! I wanna see it agaaaaaain!!! Let me off so I can see the tape!!" Haley whined, wiggling in her duct tape prison. Maddie sighs, and rips the tape off quickly, and Haley cries out in pain. "Ha ha" Maddie chuckled simply. "....thanks..." grumbled the psychopath. Katan, meanwhile, was trying to find his clothing, embarrassed, and in pain.(A/N We're mean) Rosiel wakes up and stretches, as Maddie and Haley cover their eyes. "We only want to see Katan do that, thanks." Maddie said, a little disgusted. "YOU DONT THINK I'M BEAUTIFUL???" Rosiel whimpers. "Not particularly, because I'm not a lesbian, like your whore of a sister." "SHE IS NOT A WHORE!!" "Yeah she is, haven't you read the 3rd book?" Rosiel runs and cries to Katan for more comfort, but discovers he is already occupied by a horny lunatic. "COME ON, take your shirt off for me, just for a second!!" Haley whined, pulling on Katan's arm. "No, I just got it back on!" Katan said, unsuccessfully trying to push her off. Before Rosiel and Haley get into a fight again, suddenly Kirie breaks through the door. Maddie stares coldly at her. "You're going to die now, you know that right?" She states. "SAVE ME!! THEY'RE ALL REALLY HORNY!!" Katan pleaded. "DO YOU KNOW HER?? IS SHE SOMEBODY I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT, BIRDYMAN??!" Haley screeched, glaring daggers at the bitch. The daggers miss completely, going in the opposite direction. "Katan!! I suddenly got too curious and had to ask what the hell was up with that storyline you told me!" Kirie exclaimed, watching the daggers go in the other direction. "...What are you talking about?" Katan asked. "TIME TO GO TO THE MYSTICAL MAGICAL COUCH OF MEMORY FANTASIES!!" Haley exclaimed, once again jumping on Katan's back. "AWAAAAAAAYYYY!!!" He rolls his eyes and walks to the couch, as she's still screaming and throwing her arms around on his back. He sits down on the couch, purposely squishing her, as muffled screams of "AWAYYYY" can still be faintly heard, along with "Ooo, you're pressed against me!! Tee hee!" Followed by an ass grab. He squishes her harder. "HARDER, KATAN!! HEE HEE!!" He shudders and gets up quickly, before being dragged back to the couch by the horny inorganic angel. "You can sit on my lap, Katan!" He purrs in his ear. Katan sighed. Who wasn't trying to get in his pants right now? Or at least get him outta his pants. "Yes, sir..." Haley is suddenly in a train conductor’s outfit. "ALL ABOARD THE MYSTICAL MAGICAL COUCH OF MEMORY FANTASIES!!! WHEEEE!!! Destination, 28 days ago!!" "How do you know that?" Katan asked. "I was stalking you. You look really nice in the shower." Katan's eyes go wide, as the room turns into a big movie like...thingy. We see Kirie and Katan standing on top of a building, Katan stopping Kirie from attacking Sara Mudo. Katan is heard saying "Lord Rosiel sees no one but himself. No...maybe the one that Lord Rosiel loves, isn't himself at all, but his "other self". You don't understand, so let me give you an easier explanation. Kirie, I am Lord Rosiel's child." As he proceeds to tell her his life story. "GET TO THE PART WITH THE MINI SHORTS ALREADY!!!" Haley shouts, only to be elbowed by Maddie. After the whole flashback is over, Katan said "So let me put it another cannot kill Sara Mudo." Kirie looks confused, and the mystical magical event ended and they were sitting on the couch again. (With Katan sitting on Rosiel's lap, and Kirie giving him a jealous glare) Everyone was quiet for a minute. "....WHAT THE FUCK?? You started out talking about Rosiel's whore of a sister, then you tell her your life story, and then you claim those are your reasons why she can't kill Sara Mudo!! WHAT THE FUCK DID THAT HAVE TO DO WITH SARA MUDO, SHE WASNT EVEN MENTIONED!!" Maddie screeched. "I know! It makes no sense! That's why I came back to ask that, I couldn’t figure it out!" Kirie replied. "Well, I would say it was because you were stupid, but that really made no sense. Katan?" "Well...I was lonely, and she actually listened to me, and it just sort of came to mind." Katan answered sheepishly. "Aww, Birdyman I'll listen to you!!" Haley exclaimed, clinging to his arm. "Yeah, probably while your groping my ass" Katan grumbled back. "Well I'd be listening!! kinda...." "Well, you do have a nice ass" Kirie added. Everyone looks up, surprised. "Well why do you think I didn't ask him about his strange storyline then? I was too busy staring at him!" She exclaimed. "HURRAY FOR KATAN OGLING!!" Haley squealed. "Ok. It's time for you to die." Maddie said bluntly. "...what?" Kirie began. Maddie then viciously attacks her, ripping her to pieces and throwing her disembodied pieces all over the room. "...Now what?" Haley said, staring at the bloody remains. "Hold on, I'm thinking!!" Maddie said, doing more imaginary beard stroking. Everyone was silent. A small cough was heard. Then Maddie says, "Hey, you haven't been locked in a room or flying through the air or stuck to something yet. We gotta do something about that. Maybe we should nail her head to the wall?" She says, taking out a giant nail gun. "No, we should do this instead." Katan said, pulling out a bottle of glue, and pours it over the psycho's head, and sticks her to the ceiling. "Hey, lets throw food at her, too!" Maddie exclaimed suddenly. So they all threw food at her, and walked away, as she called out "....heeeeeellllllloooooo??? heeellloo!!! I HAVE GUM IN MY HAIR!!! hello!!"

Thank you Kirie for helping us have something to write about. And thank you for dying. Yes, I know it was completely random. P.S. Chino from the Deaftones has a SEXY VOICE. Thank you, over and out.