Angelic Layer Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Hush ❯ Rain of emotions ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sweet Hush

By: Haruka-chan

AN: A lime, this has to be the first lime for Angelic Layer I think Anyways I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Nothing serious because I'm saving the Lemon for later chapter (s), because it has a BIG significance. Another thing the names are spelled differently in this chapter, by mistake I added two different naming but they still sound the same, example: Kotaru and Kotarou, just ignore it ok. Characters might seem a bit OOC but I tried my best to keep them the way they normally would be like. I must warn you this chapter is in my word full of real crap, I wish I did a better job but I couldn't stay away from the bullshit drama. Well anyways enjoy the VERY LONG (23 word doc pages) chapter 6!

Rain of Emotions…Chapter 6

Hikaru gasped as she was over whelmed with feelings of her mistress, she looked into the eyes of her beloved as she danced close to him. She wondered if he felt anything. Wizard knew exactly what they were both feeling, they were the over whelming desires of their masters yet he knew some of what he felt were of his own desire for the woman in his arms, he pulled her as close to him as possible without it being unethical. She looked him in the eye and he nodded as he pulled her away towards the lake which was near by only they knew of. It wasn't strange for lovers and couples to sneak away on this night, on the contrary it was some what encouraged.

He looked upon her face as he saw the small smile that played there, he smiled as well as he brushed the strands of hair falling on her face, he had given into the fact that he couldn't shut her out, so why not just suffer openly, yet there was something telling him he was mistaken and that perhaps she was not in love with his master but indeed in love with him. The possibility overjoyed him.

"Hikaru" he whispered softly before capturing her lips with his own. Hikaru moaned softly into his mouth, as his tongue pushed into her mouth dueled with her tongue. He pulled away looking to her eyes and smiling before placing small kisses down her cheek, to her neck, down her throat, then back to her lips.

"I love you my dear Hikaru, I always have…" he whispered into her ear softly.

She gasped and looked at him, almost surprise, as if she was expecting him to explain his actions on the fact that his master was crazy in love with her mistress. "Do you really?" she asked.

"Yes, and I always will, but I understand if you don't feel-" he was stopped by her lips, which was answer enough but she pulled away slowly.

"I love you as well, and have dreamt of you since the night I was awaken. Oh my dear Wizard" she said as she hugged him close. This had to be the magic of the gypsies for Wizard just said he loved her, her wishes where coming true.

Kotaru, Tamayo, Hatoko and Sazuka arrived at the festival just a short while after Misaki and Oujirou retired for the night. Hatoko giggled as she got down from the horse and Sazuka followed.

"Where are you going Hatoko?" asked Kotaru looking around the area filled with people dancing and singing, the gypsies which most of the time aren't allowed into their kingdoms seem to be the base of the festival's entertainment in this kingdom.

"To say hello to Ringo, and the others who come here for this year's tournaments" said Hatoko.

"What tournaments is that and how do you know about it?" asked Kotaru.

"The Battle Dolls tournaments and I come here every year, since I was five" said Hatoko with a small smile.

"Princess Hatoko!"

"Hey look it's the amazing Princess Hatoko and Sazuka."

"Wow mama look, how beautiful they are."

"Did I miss something?" asked Kotaru.

"I think we both missed something" said Tamayo looking around and found themselves surrounded by people who clapped and praised Hatoko.

"Come you must dance." Said one of the young men as he pulled Hatoko into the crowd of dancers.

"Hatoko!" Kotaru jumped up.

"Don't worry Kotaru I shall just dance this one song" said Hatoko as she let herself be pulled by the young man she meet some time ago. Sazuka followed after her mistress as she watched her dance with the boy who just asked her to dance, as they clapped their hands into the air and laughed.

Kotaru noticed the almost gloomy look on his sister's warden, he had to admit that he himself had never knew anything of her tournaments or have taken noticed that she was growing into an young woman so fast, in a couple of years from now he'll have to beat men down with logs to keep them away from her. He watched as she followed the dance closely moving gracefully and laughing like she never did when he or Tamayo was around, only around Misaki did she let lose who she really was, he was jealous of Misaki at time that she bonded with everyone so much faster then he did. Kotaru shook his head, it was no time to think of such things.

"Want to dance?" Tamayo asked timidly looking towards Kotaru as he stood watching his sister.

"No, I'm waiting for Hatoko, I wouldn't have allowed her if it were not that she looks so happy." Said Kotaru looking at Tamayo and smiling a bit.

Tamayo smiled back and nodded, "Your right I have never seen her this happy without Misaki-chi around."

"Neither have I, Misaki is important to us all, this prince is going to pay for taking her away from us." Said Kotaru.

Tamayo looked at the ground and nodded, "Yes your right." Not one second passes that she isn't on his mind, what power did she have over him, that she couldn't yet possess? Tamayo shook her head softly looking up at the sky and smiling, it was hopeless to torture herself like this.

The people cheered as Ringo finished her song for that dance, they all clapped and cheered as the music started up again to give the people another chance to dance. Hatoko bowed before the young man and walked towards where Kotaru, Tamayo and Sazuka waited for.

"Oh lady Hatoko you dance wonderfully."

"Yes you are wonderful."

"Your quite the celebrity here" said Tamayo.

"Thank you everyone, may I ask if you have seen Lady Misaki here in this kingdom?" Hatoko asked looking around.

"Do you mean the wonderfully delightful Misaki?" asked Ringo stepping forwards from the crowed.

"Yes Ringo have you seen her?" asked Hatoko.

"Yes I have, actually she was here just moments ago dancing with me, but then she and the prince disappeared somewhere," she said as she giggled taking note of Kotaru's expression.

"Why are you searching for Lady Misaki?" asked Arisu stepping forward.

"Lady Arisu what surprise to see you here so early." Said Hatoko.

"I came to visit his highness just as lady Misaki has." She said.

"I see" said Hatoko. "Hikaru may I speak with Prince Oujirou?" Hatoko asked looking at Hikaru who was also among those who were surrounding them. She and Wizard heard the loud praises of the people and went to investigate if it was indeed Lady Hatoko.

"Hatoko how do you know all of these people?" asked Kotaru who was just discovering that his sister knew who the prince was and some of his subjects.

"She is not a prisoner here, just to let you know" said Wizard eyeing Sazuka who stood next to Hatoko.

"I am well aware of what she is" stated Sazuka.

"Then I advise you to not cause trouble here, there are people who are trying to enjoy themselves please follow Hikaru and myself to the castle." Said Wizard.

"Very well" stated Sazuka as she followed after her mistress.

"I demand that you bring Misaki out now, and while you are at it tell your prince I would like to give him a piece of my mind as well." Stated Kotaru.

"There is no reason to be rash." Stated Hatoko.

"You have been very deceiving dear sister!" he exclaimed.

"That is because I knew that you wouldn't understand, Prince Oujirou is a kind man and he will explain everything clearly better yet Misaki can explain why she has not tried to contact the kingdoms" said Hatoko glaring at her older brother. "Use you common sense once in a while dear brother for you lack it at times of need such as these."

"Hatoko!" exclaimed Tamayo.

"Don't say anything I know well enough of why Misaki was in the garden, and why she ran after you." Said Hatoko glaring at Tamayo as well. They were driving her insane with their inner conflictions she just needed to make her voice heard.

"Stay" was all she had to say for him to throw all his principals and all his self rules to hell and just embrace her, she had grown quite bold as of late, but he liked it. She hasn't changed much, just took control of what was hers, but still didn't understand power which was merely hers, she was innocent as a child yet she was strong, each day that passes she grows more and more fond of Hikaru and of their combined strength. They would be good as Wizard and himself soon enough. But as of this moment none of that mattered. It didn't matter that at one point he was in love with someone she was close to, that he hated her kingdom for making such desirable women, or his fear of losing control of himself. All his head as well as his heart told him to do was love her.

"Misaki" he whispered pushing her hair back with his hand, the feel of her hair like silk.

She hugged him tightly as she possibly can, and pushed her face into his chest the smell of him gave her shivers. No she hadn't forgotten that she was engaged to one of her closest friends but neither did she forget that what she was about to do would change her life forever but she came to terms with herself and the realization that she loved the man before her, she loved him like she never loved anyone or anything in the world. Her heart swelled at his words, and her body quivered just by a simple touch such as a kiss on the hand. Yes she loved him a different way then she loved Kotaru.

He also had obligations to himself and his family, and his people. His need for her which started as business turned into a life matter, he felt as if with her at his side he could do anything mostly the things that he wouldn't dare to do for the fear that he might hurt others not caring for himself, though that fear hasn't left him completely he did feel more confident about his power. He wasn't power hungry just lost to what he really wanted that is until she showed up in his life. She made him realize just having her would be enough for him, he was in love with her like he never loved anyone before, it was no secret that he did have some romances with some unknown princesses most of whom are married and happy perhaps. But never had he wanted anyone as he wanted her, her scent, her movement, everything about her drove him mad with need to be close to her, just hold her always.

He leaned his head down close to her neck. He inhaled the scent of her skin which smelled like Ivy Leaves, Aniseed, Amarena Heart, Violets, Iris Roots, Vetiver, Tonka Bean, Vanilla, Musk all mixed together it was an enchanting scent if he were crazy he would say she was an enchantress out to get man to fall in love with her. "You smell so sweet." He said taking in more of her scent. She gasped when she felt the cool moisture on her neck, he chuckle as he continued his kisses down her neck, pressing himself closer to her throbbing pulse. "You shouldn't have asked me to stay." He stated simply, a finger tracing her jaw. Misaki's breath hitched in her throat as he slid his tongue along her neck.

"I wanted you to stay," she said with her blue eyes shining in the moonlight that fell through the windows of her chamber. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled. "It is something I want but only with you." Brining her lips to his once more.

He kissed her hard, crushing her lips against his own in a possessive manner. "Tell me what you want." He said softly, his hot panting breath against her skin. He nipped lightly at her shoulder, her skin was softer then any he ever felt and tasted sweeter then any honey.

She leaned back, pulling him on top of her. "I want you," she whispered, breathlessly blushing at her new found boldness, listening to herself answer him.

"Do you really want me?" he asked raising an eye brow to her, almost as if he was mocking her answer.

"Yes" she said with a smile, she knew she wanted him even before this very night.

"Good, because all I want is you and only you" he whispered.

She smiled at him once more before offering her lips to him. Gently he took her lips, kissing her deeply, yet slowly. Gone were her fears, and slowly began her quest for exploration, as his warmth penetrated her, until she was kissing him back. Wounding her arms around his neck she drew him towards her, aching to feel the rest of his hard body against her.

With the lower part of his body covering her to keep her still, his hands easily pulled the straps of the gypsy dress down to expose her burgeoning nipple. Rolling the end between his thumb and index, he forced her to arch forward, gasping as she became aware of the exploding, feeling boiling deep within the center of her. He could not ignore the offered hard pebble, taking it into his mouth and suckling it, greedily, while she whimpered in response.

She never in her life had felt such a rush nor has she felt the urge for more as she did at that very moment, what was he doing to her? Did love making feel as wonderful as this? She had so many questions to which no one to answer them. She knew that being who she was, and being faithful to god what she was doing at this very moment was wrong, but in her heart she felt that there could be no greater joy then what she felt when she was with him. But still she couldn't help but across her arm over her chest to hide herself from him, after all she was still a virgin and quite very naive.

"Don't hide yourself, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you're so beautiful..." The infliction in his voice as he gazed at her magnificence made her less hesitant. He then kissed her eyes, her hair and the hollow of her throat, then at last molding her breasts in his hands and kissing them, until she was shaking and trembling.

The noise of the dancing couples and singing gypsies was unheard by the two who were so engrossed with one another. He looked up at her as she slowly opened her eyes to look at him and smiled, she was ready.

He kissed her, feeling their tongues began a slow twining dance as his hands pulled her closer to him. She sighed into his mouth and began to unfasten his shirt. His fingers are working on her gypsy's dress as well. Their lips remained locked together as they continue to remove clothing. She slowly ran her hands over his bare chest. He was so warm to touch. She moaned into his mouth as his hands cup her breasts. She was aching in an odd area, she needed something more. This was very first time she had done anything with a man, the feelings pooling up in her chest were all new to her, but she loved it to a strange limit.

He reached between their bodies and slowly pulled the dress down her body taking in the very sight of her body bathed in moonlight. He sat back on his as he pulled it down her hips, dropping it on the pile of clothing on the floor next to the bed. All she had left were her panties. [AN: I always say this that I can not imagine life without panties] He slowly hooks his fingers in them and removes those as well. She sat before him completely naked and unashamed as he surveys her body. The heat in his eyes shines with approval.

"God your beautiful…I must have done something good to have you here beside me, for you to give yourself to me." He said.

"Yes," she giggled. "You abducted me."

He chuckled and smiled at her, taking her hand gently into his own and then bringing to his lips and kissing the palm. "I shall never regret doing so."
"Good I wouldn't want you to" she said with a smile.
She slowly reached out to unfasten his trousers, but he stopped her. He presses her back down and covered her body with his once again. Her knees cradled his hips as he rubs against her. She could feel the heat rolling off the juncture of her thighs. She also felt an odd dampness. She gasped as his fingers slide over and into her. His lips caught hers in a passionate kiss as he matches his fingers movements to his tongues with in her. She thought she had died and gone to heaven, was it this wonderful for everyone?
That wonderful feeling kept building inside her. She felt like she was about to burst open when everything goes blank as some incredible feeling washed over and through her. Their lips meet in one more dueling kiss.

She looked up at him as he smiled down at her. She smiled some what in a daze. She touched his face and traced her finger down from his cheeks to his lips. He looked down at her, never had he seen such beauty and passion painted on one's face as she looked at him her eyes filled with desire and want, but there was if he wasn't mistaken, love. Her hips involuntarily twitched against his. Oujirou moaned softly in pleasure. Misaki's lips parted at the sound, as her eye widen. His gaze locked onto the sight. Groaning, Oujirou leaned forward and caught her lips with his. Misaki moaned as he settled his hips into the cradle of her thighs. His arousal pressed into her heated, aching core. His shirt long gone, just in his trousers. Misaki's hands roamed over his exposed chest as their tongues dueled, he was built to perfection and she loved the feel of his skin.

He ground his hips into hers, growling into her mouth he rolled them again, putting her on top, straddling him. Misaki gasped at the change in position, but eagerly accepted it. She continued to explore his chest pulling back from his kiss to gaze upon what she was touching. Oujirou swiftly pushed her hair off her shoulders. He reached up and gently cupped her bare breasts. Misaki arched into his hands. He brushed his thumbs over the pebbled nipples earning a gasp from Misaki, no matter how many time he touched her there he excited her like the first time each time. Oujirou sat up and enclosed one rosy tip between his lips. Misaki's hands fisted into his hair holding him in place as his tongue teased the sensitive nub. Misaki squirmed over his arousal earning a moan from the man below her.
Misaki slowly rocked over him. She moaned as his arousal hit her clit and his teeth nipped her nipple before he laved the nip with his tongue. He grasped her hips and moved them in a sliding motion over his. Misaki gasped and reached down. Oujirou released her nipple as her hands grazed down his belly going lower. He caught them before they reached the waistband of his trousers.

"Misaki, are you sure you want to do this?" he asked his voice came out raspy with desire and from sleep. Misaki moaned and nodded. "Misaki, I need you to tell me."

She was ready to answer when he suddenly pulled her head down and kissed her softly. She was confused at what he was doing. She pulled away gently and looked at him.

"Were not yet ready to do what we were about to do, Misaki there is much you need to know about me before-" the cool finger on his hot lips stopped him from continuing.

"If you must know, I care not about any of those things." She said with a soft smile.

He nodded as he let his hand caress her cheeks. "I know that you care not, but you must still know of them, you may not feel the same way afterwards and I can't bear the thought of you hating me and carrying the burden of being tainted."

She knew he was right about being tainted but she knew that she would never hate him for anything. She would have told him that if not for the knock on the door. She looked at him then at the door.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"It is we Wizard and Hikaru." She heard Wizard call.

She pulled the robe that lay just a few away on the chaise, and put it on. She then looked towards Oujirou who was buttoning his shirt and was making his way to put on his boots. She opened the door and looked at the two with worry.

"What is the matter?" asked Misaki.

"It seems Prince Kotaru is here with his sister and Princess Tamayo to take you back, he demands we bring you out and Prince Oujirou accompany you." Said Hikaru.

"Oh Kotaru." Whispered Misaki. "I will get dressed," she said as she looked at Oujirou.

Hikaru closed the door as she looked at Wizard who seemed to be looking at her. She looked away from him and started on her way to walk away when he grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.

Misaki looked at Oujirou who stood in front of her. He let his hand run down the side of her cheek. His eyes showed his inner conflictions, yet he held no expression. "What will I do?" she asked softly.

"You are free to do what you desire, you are not a prisoner," he stated turning away from her.

"But I am…I have become imprisoned to these feelings that I never felt before, that I only feel here…with you." She said as she wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his back.

"But he is the one who you are engaged to,"

"Does it matter if I don't agree to it?"

"Yes, you are bound until you refuse him."

"Then I shall." She said as she pulled on her gown, and looked at him.

He said nothing as he opened the door to her bedroom and walked out, she followed after him confused to why he was behaving this way suddenly. They walked to the study where Kotaru, Tamayo and Hatoko waited for Misaki.

"Thank you Hikaru for the tea" said Hatoko.

"You welcome Lady Hatoko." Said Hikaru with a small smile, she always liked her presence, just as she liked Sazuka's, who smiled at her from her place behind Hatoko.

The doors opened and Kotaru jumped up to look at the man who took Misaki away from him.

"Misaki…" Kotaru whispered as she stepped from behind him, she looked at him again and then at everyone in the study.

"Hatoko!" she said as she rushed towards the girl who stood and smiled and embraced her. "Oh how I have missed you…" whispered Misaki into her ear.

"Yes I have missed you as well, are you all right?" asked Hatoko.

"Wonderful" Misaki stated before pulling away and smiling.

Hatoko smiled and shook her head lightly, and then looked towards Oujirou. "You have much explaining to do dear prince" said Hatoko.

Oujirou smiled and shrugged, "Nothing to explain really dear Hatoko" he said with a smile. "Will you be staying for the tournaments?"

"Yes I believe I will" said Hatoko with a smile.

"You won't be staying for anything, we will leave as soon as Misaki is ready too" said Kotaru who walked slowly towards Misaki and took her hand into his own. "You are alright aren't you?" he asked concern in his voice. "May I have a moment with Misaki." He asked softly.

Misaki looked towards Oujirou who said nothing just nodded, as he took one look at her being embraced by Kotaru, his eyes lingering on hers before he completely turned and walked out only Tamayo and Hatoko remained in the room.

Kotaru hugged her tightly before looking at her. She looked fine, if he wasn't mistaken even more beautiful. "Has he hurt you?"


"Misaki if he has done anything to you please tell me, I will make sure he pays greatly."

"He has done nothing to me, in fact he has been quite generous he brought me for his need to teach of the battle dolls, nothing more…" she said softly smiling.

"Misaki…" he whispered. "We…I need you to come home, be my wife and bring back the light that was once there," he said.

Tamayo sat and watched the two though she couldn't hear them, she knew what they were probably speaking of. She didn't mention anything to Hatoko it seemed that she knew of the whole thing, but Tamayo had to wonder why Hatoko seemed so calm as she sipped her tea, there was just something about her that seem to know that Misaki had changed a bit.

"I…can't return…" she whispered.


"I have grown found of this place, and I want to compete in the tournaments, I want to help him…he had promised me that if I win against him the feudal war between our kingdoms will end we can peacefully co-exist" she said with a smile looking at him.

"What are you saying?" he asked.

"I want to stay, I don't want to go back" said Misaki.

"Have you lost your mind!?" asked Kotaru loud enough for all to hear.

Tamayo looked at Kotaru then Hatoko who noisily placed her tea cup down to get the attention of the room.

"Your such a fool dear brother, if you have not noticed Misaki is no longer interested in just tea parties, she has been training with Hikaru and she wants to compete." Said Hatoko looking at the two. "Misaki doesn't have to do anything that she wishes not to, just as she can refuse to marry you."

"Hatoko!" barked Kotaru.

"No, Hatoko is right," said Misaki as she smiled at the young prince. "I wish to stay here, no I will stay here I want to compete to test my skills which have been grown over the past two weeks."

"When you will you return?" he asked.

Tamayo almost smiled when she heard Hatoko say "She won't returning, her heart has already made a nest here" behind her cup.

"We have taken different paths in life now…" she said

"All it took was two weeks?" asked Kotaru.

"I will return as soon as the games have ended, I promise" she said.

Hatoko looked at Misaki in disbelief, she thought the girl had grown a back bone after staying here, but she was still holding back from telling her thickheaded brother that she doesn't love him and did not want to marry him.

"Very well then I shall stay here until this tournament ends" said Kotaru.

"What?" asked Misaki.

"I will stay to make sure no harm comes to you and Hatoko." He said.

"I will fine, I have been since I been coming here for five years." Said Hatoko. "Why don't you just openly admit that you want to make sure that Misaki doesn't fall in love with Prince Oujirou.

'Too late, I already have. If only I can tell you' thought Misaki hopelessly.

"I will inform that I will stay here as long as you stay here for the tournaments." Said Kotaru.

Misaki looked towards Hatoko for help but not even she can change his mind when he made it up. She sighed and nodded to his demands, "Very well."

Hatoko opened the door and Oujirou looked at Misaki and then at Kotaru. Hikaru, Wizard and Sazuka also came in and stood in single file next to each other.

"Prince Oujirou I have come to an agreement with Misaki that she shall stay here for the tournaments and after that she will return with me to her rightful home, and I will accompany her in her stay." Said Kotaru.

"Very well, there is plenty of room for all who compete and their guest." Said Oujirou. "I hope you enjoy your stay here, Hikaru and Wizard will show you to you chambers."

Kotaru nodded as he looked towards Misaki who looked at Oujirou then at her hands, he then followed the others. Hikaru closed the door behind her mouthing to Misaki to talk to him.

"I'm sorry!" she whispered as tears brimmed at the corner of her eyes.

He looked at her as she fell to a sitting position in front of the fire, he hated to see her cry, he just hated to see women cry for that matter. He sat beside her and lifted her face to make her look at him.

"I couldn't do it! I couldn't tell him that I didn't wish to marry him."

"Perhaps that was in your best interest,"


"Misaki you should go home and marry your prince, he will make you happy."

"No…you don't want me?" she asked softly.

"You aren't mine to take…"

She took his hand and placed it over her left breast. "Was these not the breast you touched?" she took his hand and brought it to her lips. "Was this not the lips you kissed?" she lastly placed her hand on her feminine center, as tears spilled from her eyes. "Was this not what you desired?" she asked. "How could I not be yours to take if I offered myself to you?" she asked as her body trembled with hurt.

"Misaki…" he whispered.

She stood slowly and wisped her tears, "I see that I am not who you truly desire, if that is what you feel then I shall never again offer myself to you and I shall never speak words to you other then that of business." She said as she made her way to the door. "I thought you save my heart but I seem to have been mistaken."

He said nothing, and didn't try and make her take back her words, he watched almost helplessly as she walked away from him, was this is damned curse to always have the woman he desired taken away from him? He stood and almost felt like smashing the door open and just prove to her that he care for her, that he was frustrated as hell. But instead he settled for reading a book and having tea.

She rushed to her chamber and locked her door and cried as much as the pain spread across her chest, she never knew real love, that was until she met him, she really thought for a second that he loved her, but it was not he but Kotaru who loved her, he journeyed here just to find her, to make sure she was all right that she was still as she was. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to marry Kotaru, perhaps it is best that she marry him and go home where she belonged. She walked towards her bed, which was just moments ago warmed with two, but now it had all but one, as she threw herself on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

Kotaru sat next to the fire and wondered what that look that was shared between the prince and Misaki. It couldn't be that she has already fallen in love with him? Kotaru had to admit that the man was fairly desirable, but Misaki would look for other things in him before falling in love with him. What was he saying Misaki loves him she knew it and so did he, but why was there uncertainty within him? He sighed as he poured himself some wine and looked out the windows, it was a beautiful country Fahren, but there was always something ugly hidden in so much beauty. Why was he trying so hard to please himself by making himself bitter? He was losing himself in this battle to prove to everyone and mostly himself that he was worthy to become the next king and a good husband to Misaki. Who was he trying to fool, even Hatoko would be better 'king' then he.

The soft knock on this door snapped him to reality. He walked towards the door hoping it was Misaki., but found his sister there instead.

"May I come in?" asked Hatoko.


"I'm sorry Kotaru"

"For what?"

"For all the bitter things I said…I just hated to see you like that."

"I know."

"Do you?"

"Hatoko…do you think I will be a good husband to Misaki?"

"Do you think so?

"I don't know, I doubt myself at times."

"Then perhaps you shouldn't, and prove to her and more importantly yourself how wonderful you are when you are not obsessing over things."

"Who was that boy?"

"Who do you speak of?"

"The one you danced with, rather closely if I might add."

Hatoko laughed, "He is but a friend that I meet some time ago, while I was here visiting."

"I see, so you have come here many times before?" asked Kotaru.

"Many times, I didn't believe prince Oujirou abducted Misaki, he is incapable of doing such a thing, he has rather a strange bond with Misaki's kingdom. It seems that when he was still just a child, his brother had created what we now know as battle dolls and a woman if I'm not mistaken Misaki's mother helped him make them as they are now, it was she who moved the first angel. But of course that was forbidden and so the war became a vital part of the two kingdoms. But the princess was never returned to her kingdom. I have a feeling that Oujirou needed to be close to someone who was just as Princess Shuuko; there could have been a chance that he fell in love with princess Shuuko, but his brother had fallen in love with her as well and she perhaps loved back his brother. So as an almost personal revenge he brought Misaki into the world of battle dolls and there is a possibility that he has fallen in love with her." finished Hatoko.

"How do you know all this?" asked Kotaru.

"I watch him when he battles, when he eats, when he does everything, and then I took what I already knew and put the two together, though my story might not be what really happened, but I know I'm close to it." She said with a smile as she poured herself a small amount of wine.

"Do you think Misaki will or has fallen in love with him?"

"There is room for anything my dear brother, don't doubt her strength, and don't doubt her desire."

"I have never…I will never do such a thing."



"You already broke that trust when you offered to stay."

"Hatoko why do you do this to me?" asked Kotaru.

"Because you are blind." She said.




"If you don't know then I have just proven my point."


"good night dear brother…may sandman grant you dreams of your desire." And with that she was gone, leaving him alone to think of what she has just said. Once again Hatoko has proven to him that she was indeed more liable then he. Without making his head ache more he got into bed, it had been fifteen days since he slept on a bed and this was much needed rest and in a sense peace knowing that Misaki was near by.

Hatoko decided that she wasn't tired as the other and could use some reading and made her way to the study once more, she thought no one would be there but found Oujirou with a cup of tea, as he looked through some books.

"You are up late…" said Hatoko as she walked in quietly.

"I can't sleep not after…I just can't sleep." He said with a smile.

"I see, so you told Misaki to give up her desires which you awakened and pushed her away." She said as she sat across from him on the sofa, pulling her legs beneath her, making sure to tuck in her nightgown and robe neatly.

"Your awfully clever for someone who is so young." He said.

"I'm not all that young you know, but I observe and understand one's inner conflictions." She said as she took the cup of tea he offered her. "You remembered that I take my tea with lemon." She said.

"Yes I enjoy our late night conversations much, it is you that always make me think of things that normally are clouded to me." He said.

"Thank you." She said with a small blush. "I noticed that Lady Arisu is visiting as well."

"Yes she showed up suddenly two weeks ago." Said Oujirou.

"Perhaps she heard of Misaki and decided to rescue you from her evil clutch." Said Hatoko.

"I suppose so," said Oujirou as she smiled at the young girl that Misaki adored much. "Your brother doesn't trust me much either."

"He doesn't trust a kitten that Misaki might have a liking to, he is jealous of Misaki's garden she loves so dearly, my dear brother is funny in showing that he loves her, he strangles her with his love." Stated Hatoko.

"She must be lucky to have so many that love her." he said.

"No she is not lucky at all,"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because she doesn't have the love of the man she desires the most, she may adore the others, but it is one man who has captured her heart, I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on her after this gap between us. She doesn't love my brother, but she will marry him for you have refused her." she said.

"Lady Hatoko…what could I give her that your brother hasn't already given her?"

"Your love is all she needs, yet that you refuse to give her the very thing that could win her."

"My love is spoiled."

"Love can never spoil…your infatuation with her mother has drove you to push her away…"

"How do you know of that?"

"I watch you, I hear you speak…I understand it all now."

"Lady Hatoko."

"Her mother loves your elder brother…why will you let her marry a man that she doesn't love? She is madly in love with you, can you not see it in her eyes when she looks at you?"

"Perhaps it is late I will retire now." He said as he stood. "Good night Lady Hatoko."

"You will always run from what you want, yet this time she wants you back just as much perhaps even more then just much, yet you push her away…if she chooses to marry my brother there will be no turning back for her, she will never come back to you."

He stood for a second listening to her before he was out of the door. He found himself walk towards her chamber just so he can put an ease in his mind that she was all right. He knocked and got no response. He opened the door and walked in to find her completely dress and tear streaks on her face as she slept. His heart broke at the sight of her, it was his fault. He picked her up slowly and placed her gently onto the bed the right away. She was beautiful as always yet the sadness was present in her face even as she slept. He couldn't stand it as he was about to leave she grabbed his sleeve and stopped him, it was bad enough that he was excited from earlier that night but now she has to come and expose her beautiful breast to him, and hold him in place.

"Stay" she whispered in her sleep almost as if she knew he was there. He was damned to hell and she really was going to be the death of him. He let her pull him next to her on the bed, and that was that. She had lured him twice with the same word and the second time around it was more powerful then he imagined it would be. But he felt content just laying next to her, as sleep slowly creped into his body.

Arisu thought that she heard the prince in the study and walked in to find Hatoko sitting on the sofa reading. She never liked the girl much, since the day she beat her sister but they were going to make up for that this year.

"I thought I heard Lord Oujirou in here." She said softly.

"He was here, we had tea and chatted for a bit, but he had retried to his chamber and bid us good night, I suggest that you do the same, and oh if you must tell him just how you feel do so before someone other then yourself does, you never know he might except it." Said Hatoko enjoying the stir of emotion she caused the woman who was just a few years older then she. "Good night Lady Arisu."

"Good night lady Hatoko." She said leaving to her own chamber.

Morning came quite rapidly due to the fact they had gone to bed quite late that night. But each woke with one thing or the other on their minds. It was early morning when the light has barely made it over the hills, giving man kind a chance to finish what dream they were currently having.

"Mmmm…" Oujirou's hands massaged the delectable form beside him earning another moan. His lips continued their assault on the soft ones meeting his. He moaned as feminine hips pressed against his arousal. He growled in pleasure and flexed into those insistent hips. He broke the kiss suddenly. "What in the?!" he said his eyes flying open. Misaki was lying in front of him. They were facing each other on their sides. Their lower bodies were pressed tightly together. At his exclamation, Misaki's eyes flew open. Her cheeks reddened, as she comprehended the significance of their position. Their eyes met and held. She saw confusion, sleepiness, and desire in his gaze, she felt as if she was pushed back into the night before, but that also brought the events after their almost love making experience.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

Oujirou easily read the desire and embarrassment shining in her gaze. "You asked me too."

"Did I?"


"Why did you stay?"

"Because I couldn't break free from your grip" he said with a small smile.

Misaki looked at him, the words he spoke still fresh on her mind, she could not just deny they came from him, and that in some part of him he wanted her to be married to Kotaru and just go home. "I have decided."

"What?" he asked.

"I will go home, after the tournaments, that is if I get to the end, but where ever that may be I will leave as soon as possible, and I will marry Kotaru." Said Misaki as she looked away from him.

"Misaki…what I said last night…"

"Were true feelings that you lock away."

"No they are feelings of fear."

"If you fear me then I shall leave immediately." She whispered.

"Damn it Misaki! I don't want you to leave!" he said as he pulled her on top of him, "I can't get enough of you." He breathed; fascinated by the sensual widening of her eyes, by the instinctive way her tongue wet the fullness of her lower lip. He captured it and kissed her slowly with scorching, lingering, mind stealing kisses as he lowered himself onto the bed with her on top. His hands began a languid journey over her body. He caressed the soft curve of her hips, slid his palms up the bow of her back, and then slipped his arms around her top catching her breasts. "I want to be the only man you let touch you." He said softly against her lips.

She cradled his face between her hands and kissed him, lingering on his lower lip, savoring the sensual curve. "I won't give myself to one who doesn't want me, I am here for the taking of only a man who is clear to what he wants. What do you want Lord Oujirou?" she asked.

He sat up with her on his lap. Gathering her hair in his hand, he tenderly tugged it to the side and kissed the exposed nape of her neck, loving the sound of her gasp. "You"

"What?" she asked.

"I want nothing more then you." He said as his lips captured hers once more. What in the hell was he doing? He was supposed to get up and leave yet here he was again torturing himself with her body, and her feelings. She belonged to a boy, and boy with quite a prize, but he himself was a man. A man's desire is quite different from that of a boy. He wanted all of her, her heart, her body, and her mind. He wanted to be her everything and she his everything. But life was not as easy as some would want it to be.

"God we can't continue to do this," he whispered as he looked at her. "I want you but if you keep this up I will have to take you or have myself hanged, for when you are around I am never calm." He said as he pushed his man hood against her, and watched her blush.

"I am sorry" she said as she stood on her knees to get up only to be pulled down by him for another kiss as his hands roamed her body.

"What happened to hanging yourself?" she asked in between kisses. " we must stop, you should go before anyone sees you." She whispered.

He kisses up the side of her face stopping at her ear, "I will have you first before I hang myself, I know." He whispered softly, his warm tongue flicking up against her earlobe teasingly.

"Perhaps we work on lust not love my lord and it would be best if you and I talk of nothing but business." She said as she pulled away from him, she knew that he truly didn't know what he wanted and until he could look upon her and tell her that is her that he wanted, she was not going to let herself be tortured more then she has to.


"My lord please leave, I can't bare this any longer, you shall always stir up heat within me and leave me unfulfilled. I know what I must do, and what I cannot run from. I am sorry." She said as she stepped of the bed and far away from him.

Oujirou said nothing as he stood slowly looking at her hurt and frightful face. He understood what she meant and that she were ready to marry her childhood friend and leave him to himself to be tortured by yet another woman who couldn't be his. He left without a word.

She stood against the wall as tears rolled down her face, When has her life become so disorganized and hurtful. She never imagined that love would hurt her like this, she wanted him, yet she was promised to another. Why did god work in such a way? She pushed back further tears, she won't cry any more she will prove to those who doubt her that she is indeed the princess of Eterna.

When it was time for breakfast it was almost awkward silence, as Misaki choose to sit between Kotaru and Arisu, Oujirou head of the table with Arisu at his right, and Hatoko at his left, Tamayo next to her and Ringo who had been invited to breakfast next to Tamayo. It would have been rather surreal if it not for Ringo who chatted away with Misaki.

"Tell me what you though of last night's performance" asked Ringo looking at the rather quite and if she wasn't mistaken gloomy princess.

"It was wonderful, you sing so wonderfully," said Misaki with a small smile.

"That is because I enjoy good company such as you and the prince, of course Hatoko!" said Ring with a rather cheerful expression, by the looks of it she was quite pleased with her performance from the night before.

"It must be wonderful to sing and dance to make people happy." Said Misaki.

"Yes especially those in love, my favorite. I'm certain that you can sing wonderfully I heard you hum the beats to my song, I think you and I should sing together at the next festival." Said Ringo.

"Misaki-chi is a wonderful singer, and a better cook." Said Tamayo who hardly had a chance to speak to Misaki sense she arrived to the palace.

"No I'm not really!" exclaimed Misaki.

"Then you should make lunch," stated Arisu.

"Oh I love your lunches Misaki." Said Hatoko.

"Then it is settled, we should rest a bit before the tournaments being, so I suggest a picnic, I am free of any shows this afternoon, we can have a picnic and then tonight you can come to the continuing of the festivals. It would be great fun." Said Ringo.

"Is it fulfilling to travel around?" asked Kotaru.

"I suppose it is, but I must say that your kingdom isn't kind to gypsies." Said Ringo with a smile.

"Decennia is the land of business not much fun for most," said Hatoko.

"Yes I have visited there once or twice on business myself, it is a beautiful country, but nothing compares to the beauty for Eterna and Fahren." Said Ringo.

"You have been to Eterna?" asked Misaki.

"Yes, what an enchanting kingdom, filled with the most kind people, and of course beautiful things, I once heard that their kingdoms beauty came from the beauty of the royal family." said Ringo.

"That isn't true at all, it is the those who work so hard, it is their efforts that make everything in Eterna beautiful." Said Misaki.

"I suppose so, but they have such a wonderful adoration for the royal family, I hear that there is strong alliance between Decennia, Eterna, and Sparta." Said Ringo.

"Yes Decennia, Eterna, and Sparta has been in joined alliance for centuries now," said Tamayo. "We have become great friends through our bonds in alliance."

"It isn't always alliance that bring good friends, but meeting those who are mere visitors to your land" said Ringo looking towards Oujirou with a smile. "Tell me Prince Kotaru who is this lucky princess that you are marrying?" asked Ringo.

Kotaru smiled and shook his head, "I am the one who is lucky for the princess sits next to me now, Misaki." He said with pride.

Ringo looked from the down caste Misaki to the Oujirou who was concentrating on his bowl. "Of course."

"What wonderful news!" exclaimed Arisu from her seat. "We must celebrate such a perfect union, should we not Prince Oujirou." She asked him placing her hand on his.

"Yes," he said looking at Misaki who looked up to look at him.

"I say we throw a ball in Prince Kotaru and Princess Misaki's honor, and let us become of alliance." Said Arisu with a smile.

"That isn't a bad idea lady Arisu, I wish you both years of joy and happiness." Said Oujirou as he stood with a small smile on this lips. "Now if you'll excuse me I have some work to do, but I will join you for lunch." He said as she walked away.

Hatoko looked at Ringo with worry, as Arisu smiled like the sun just dropped itself into her. Kotaru smiled and he took Misaki's hand into his own. Tamayo watched the two as Misaki smiled back at him before looking back at her bowl of fruits. What was happening here? Why was everything falling apart? Or was it falling into the pieces of fate's puzzle? Nothing made sense to any of them, they just did as they thought was right or what they desired was right.

Ringo stood from her seat and bowed to everyone. "I will be with you all in a short while, there are things which I must do." She said with smile.

"It was nice chatting with you Lady Ringo." Said Kotaru as he stood.

"I wish to speak more with you Lord Kotaru, maybe we can have tea later." Said Ringo as she walked away following after Oujirou.

"She doesn't sound like a normal gypsy" said Tamayo.

"That's because she isn't, Ringo is from the kingdom of Harmony, she left her kingdom so she can sing for the people she meets." Said Hatoko.

"How wonderful!" said Misaki.

"Yes," said Kotaru.

"It is a bit silly isn't it? To give up one's throne just to sing." Said Arisu.

"You can give up anything for that you love." Said Hatoko.

"You're a romantic Lady Hatoko." Said Arisu as she stood. "I shall look forward to your lunch Lady Misaki," said Arisu as she was on her way.

"I really can't stand her," whispered Hatoko.

"Hatoko!" said Kotaru.

"I suppose I should get to that lunch" said Misaki as she stood. "Would you like to help?" asked Misaki looking at Tamayo and then Hatoko.

"Sure," said Tamayo as she stood.

"I think I shall pass the morning with Kotaru." Said Hatoko.

"Very well." Said Kotaru.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" asked Ringo.

"What ever do you mean?" asked Oujirou as he walked next to Ringo towards the gardens.

"I mean why are you letting her slip through your fingers?" Ringo asked as she stopped in front of him.

"She is engaged!"


"What you mean?"

"I mean don't you love her?"

"I don't know"

"You're hopeless."

"am I?"


They stared of at each other for a minute before Ringo sighed and rolled her eyes. She would have said more if it were for the voice that interrupted.

"Is that what is killing you softly little brother?"

Oujirou turned and smiled when he saw his older brother standing just a few feet away from him smiling at him. It had been quite a while since they had last spoken, five to be exact.

"Brother" he said.

"Prince Ichirou" said Ringo with a small smile.

"Ringo I see that you have arrived early." He said as he smiled.

"I decided to sing for this year's festival." Said Ringo with a small blush.

Ichirou smiled at her and nodded as she excused herself to leave him and his younger brother to their matters. Oujirou walked into the balcony closing the doors after his brother stepped forward.

"I can't say that I'm surprise, I did expect you to come sooner or later" said Oujirou with a small smile.

"What are you up to?" asked Ichirou.

"Nothing at all, just wanted to show her the reason why her mother was taken away from her, she needs a good reason; if she were to fall in love with battle dolls then she will understand why her mother needed to leave her." said Oujirou as he leaned on the rails of the balcony.

"sounds as if she isn't the only one who is falling in love." Ichirou stated looking at his brother's back. He noticed that he was looking at something very intently. He walked forward and was instantly reminded of 12 years back when he first met the princess Shuuko, and there stood her 17 years old daughter smiling softly as she walked past the garden. "Oujirou…"

"I don't know why but I feel as if there is peace within me when she is near, I feel this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach." Said Oujirou. He looked at his brother when he felt the hand on his shoulder and continued to down towards Misaki.

"She looks so much like her mother, it is almost strange." Said Ichirou.

"How long are you planning on staying here?" he asked.

"Not long maybe into the early tournaments, I still have much to do with the new developments."

"I see"

"Prince Oujirou, Prince Ichirou!" exclaimed someone from below.

Ichirou looked down at the small child that smiled and waved her hand, he then looked at Misaki who was looking at him now, her eyes locked slowly with his, as he saw question and confusion, and lastly he saw her turn towards his brother and look at him with love, trust, and sadness. What had been going on in this castle for the past fifteen days was beyond him but he was sure about one thing, the girl was in love with his brother and he was too blind to see it.

"When will she be leaving?" asked Ichirou.

"She decided to stay for the tournaments and then she will leave with her fiancé" said Oujirou as he took one last look at Misaki and turned away.

"Her fiancé?" asked Ichirou.

"The prince of Decennia, Kotaru." Said Oujirou.

"And you will do nothing against it? You know engagements can be broken." Said Ichirou.

"I have nothing to give her, I don't her to be unhappy"

"And is she happy now?"

"She's fine."

"The girl is dying inside, was breaking her heart part of your brilliant plan?"

"You are welcome to stay as long as you want, but I request that you don't pry."

"Very well but you will regret it dearly later when she is longer within your reach."

Oujirou said nothing more as he left the balcony, when did his orderly life become such a living hell, no when did it become so unbearable, when did it become that he needed to be with her, touch her, see her smile, hear her talk, taste her…everything is different now, all he wanted was to have her close yet his pride didn't let him do so, he wanted send his pride to hell but it was the truth that he wasn't indeed in love with her mother, and that he tortured himself for 12 years for no reason at all.

Ichirou continued to stare at Misaki as she looked up at him, almost as if she knew who he was, the man who kept her mother away from her. He waved at her and saw her smile and nod towards him. She was just as her mother, lovely, sincere, so much more. He shook his head as he chuckled if anyone saw him now they would think he was a pervert. He walked away from the balcony and towards his chamber, he needed to think of a plan to make his stupid brother see clearly.

Arisu smiled as much her as much as she possibly can, Misaki was going to be married to Kotaru which left Oujirou to her, and why not she was more then worth of him. She was beautiful, came from a wealthy family and she was brilliant in making battle dolls. She walked into her room, she would spent preparing for lunch, she would make the prince want her more then he wanted any other woman.

Misaki looked back at Tamayo and smiled at her. "You haven't told him?" she asked.

"How could when all he thinks of is you. Lady Ringo is right you are lucky." Said Tamayo pushing her short hair out of her eyes.

"Am I lucky if I don't love him?" asked Misaki.

"Kotaru said that you once told him that you loved him that is what drove him to ask your grand parents if he could marry you." Said Tamayo.

"If I ever professed my love for him it would be out of friendship nothing more, Tamayo I don't love him the way you love him, you must tell him, you can't let him walk away from you." Said Misaki.

"There is no point, unless you tell him that you don't wish to marry him, he won't listen to anyone." Said Tamayo.

"Why must it be me?"

"Because he will believe you, though it will hurt him, he will understand that you don't desire him the way he does." Said Tamayo.

"I can't, I tried to tell him last night, but I couldn't." said Misaki.

"You have fallen in love with the prince." Said Tamayo.

Misaki looked down at her hands, "I don't want to disappoint anyone but for the first time I feel as if I can do anything, and I desire him so much Tamayo, I want him to be near me, to touch me, to kiss me, to love me."

"Misaki! I have never heard you talk this way." Said Tamayo surprised at how much Misaki had grown over the past two weeks.

Misaki blushed and shook her head, "No! It nothing like that!"

Tamayo laughed, this was the Misaki she knew, but now there was an even more demanding Misaki, and she liked her this way. Maybe she will realize what a mistake it is to marry Kotaru and refuse him, but until that time, she needed to show him her own way that she cared.

Most of the morning Misaki prepared lunch for their lunch, while everyone else took care of their personal matters. It was about half past noon did everyone meet at the beautiful garden of the Fahren palace, they had decided to go into the meadow that wasn't too far of. Ichirou decided to join them for the picnic, just as Oujirou had. Ringo smiled and spanned around as she spoke of the night's show with Misaki who smiled but made sure to look at the prince who walked Arisu, they chatted about something to which he smiled, and she clapped, this was the first time she saw Arisu so delighted. Misaki sighed softly and kept her eyes down on the ground as she carried one of the small baskets which held the desert she brought, while Kotaru and Tamayo volunteered to carry the much bigger baskets with their lunch.

"I'm looking forward to your lunch Misaki-chi, it seems like ages since I had something you cooked." Said Tamayo.

"Yes I am looking forward to it as well, it smells marvelous." Said Ringo.

"Thank you but it isn't anything much." Said Misaki.

"Nonsense you made it that is what makes it wonderful." Said Ichirou as he made a funny face at her.

Misaki giggled as she walked beside him, he was a funny man much more lose then his younger brother, but there was something about the two of them, this air of tension, which could be sensed by everyone. Misaki smiled at him and handed him an orange.

"You must be hungry I don't think you had breakfast." She said.

He smiled as he took the orange from her and nodded, "Yes I just arrived this morning, and didn't have a chance to have breakfast, this will hold me off until I can try some of your cooking." He said with a smile.

Oujirou looked behind him and saw Misaki and this brother walking softly, he had hear my giggle at his brother's comments, and that some how pulled something within him, why was his brother showing her such affections? He had given up fighting Arisu's advances and decided it was best if he occupied himself with something or someone to talk to so he wouldn't think of her, but he hardly listened to the girl next to him instead he picked up on every sound, every movement from Misaki, it was as if he couldn't steer his mind towards anything else but her.

"I suppose we sat up picnic here." Said Ringo as she walked around the clear green field with some flowers here and there.

"Yes this is the perfect place for a picnic," said Misaki as she placed the basket down on the ground. "Let's lay the blanket here." She said as she pulled out a large pink blanket.

"Come on everyone help make the 'bed' after all we must all sit on it," said Ringo with a wink.

Misaki smiled as she grabbed a corner, it just happened to the same corner that Oujirou happened to grab; he let his fingers caress hers softly before moving them off hers and a little further down. He savored the sound of her soft gasp, and the look she gave him. He watched her as she smiled lightly as she fixed the blanket and soon after took out their lunch and placed it all around the large blanket.

"Wow everything looks and smells wonderful." Said Ringo taking in the scent of the arm food.

"Well why don't you have a try." Said Misaki as she handed her a plate.

"Thank you I will." Said Ringo as she took the plate.

"Do you mind me taking a walk?" asked Misaki as she stood.

"Are you not hungry?" asked Hatoko.

"No I'll have something later, excuse Me." She said as she walked slowly towards the small flowers field. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy their company but she couldn't bare to sit next to him any longer then she had to, it was painful as it was just being in his presence always being in his palace, smelling his scent on her pillow from the night before, everything was driving her mad. She sat down making sighing softly, what was she to do? There were just so many things at steak for her selfishness. She shook her head, Kotaru loved her and that should be enough, and it wouldn't be as hard if Tamayo wasn't in love with him.

Ringo eyed Oujirou as he kept looking towards the flower field to where Misaki disappeared, she noticed Kotaru doing the same. She smiled and then looked at Hatoko who smiled back at her and nodded. She leaned closer to Oujirou, "Go to her, she is probably waiting for you."

He looked at her and stood, Ringo winked as she, Hatoko, and Tamayo surrounded Kotaru and Arisu from noticing the princes absence.

He walked slowly and uncertainly towards the flower field, it was she who pushed him away this morning, she had decided what she wanted. But he found himself seek her anyway. He stopped behind her watching as she sat her, her hand caressing the flowers softly. She knew he was there because she turned to look at him, her eyes wide and shining.

"Prince Oujirou."

"I was asked to see if you were all right."


"Is everything all right, are you feeling ill?"

"I'm well, just a bit tired,"

"Then you should rest no?"

"I will later, I want to spend time with everyone."

"At the expanse of your health? I don't believe that will make them happy."

"I know, I'm a bit silly I suppose."

"Would you like to see the other garden which isn't far from here?" he asked.

"Yes, that would be lovely." She said taking his offered hand and standing, she quickly pulled her hand away from his, and walked beside him in silence as they made their way towards a small garden on a cliff that over looked the ocean below it. She smiled and she rushed forward. There was a small dome with wines spiraling up the columns of the dome. She sat on the bench that was inside the dome.

He took a seat next to her, it was strange to sit next to her bit surreal, and almost demanding on himself to reach out and pull her to him. She sat with the same sentiment. She turned to him, and noticed the small smile that played in his lips, and he looked down at some of the flowers growing around the dome, they were mostly wild flowers, but there were some domestics which she adored, and from the looks of it as did he.

He plucked a daisy held it in front of her. "Daisies mean that one shares the same sentiment as you yet they also mean simplicity and cheerful ness, they are affable flowers."

"Is that so?" she asked never knowing flowers meant so much in words.

"Yes, and Cranberry is the cure for heart ache."

"I shall remember that the next time I set out to buy seeds with grand mama." She said.

"Once an poet wrote that she should always like to stay away from 'Carolina Rose' for they would be the death or her heart." He chuckled. "She meant to say that Caroline Rose stood for love was dangerous and she shall forever condemn them, for she was afraid to fall in love."

"Perhaps she is wise." Said Misaki.

"Perhaps, but she is also wrong, the danger in love is what makes it exciting,"

"Do you believe that? That love should be dangerous?" she asked looking at him.

"I suppose I do, but I don't live by it, it seems." He said looking forward.

"Wizard must get his love of flowers from you, actually that is how we've met, I was in the garden of Decennia and he greeted me with an yellow rose, and explained its meanings to me." She said.

"Wizard is much wiser then I ever will be." Said Oujirou.

"Yet you are who he lives for, and maybe Hikaru as well." She giggled lightly.

"Hikaru, yes he is madly in love with her, I have never seen the two so in love and so incapable of expressing their love." He said realizing the irony of his words.

"Will you join us for he festival tonight?" she asked.

"I shall try but I will not promise there is still much I must do." He said.

"Yes I understand."

"Will you sing with Ringo?"

She chuckled and looked at him, "I shall try and not ruin the song to my best."

"I'm sure you will sing wonderfully, you have a soft voice…just you have soft lips," he said looking at her raising his hand to caress her cheeks lightly, then moving to touch her lips. "Soft lips to sing songs of seductions and love."

Her breathing heightened as he let his fingers caress her faces softly, all it took was one touch from him to make her center want to explode. When she noticed that his hand lingered around her lips longer, she shyly stuck out her tongue and tasted his skin, if she couldn't taste his lips, she will make do with what was offered and ease her ache for him. He looked at her instantly a soft sound escaping his throat which he barely recognized. When she noticed that he didn't protest she kissed his finger, before sucking on it lightly, where she was getting these crazy ideas where beyond her, she just knew that it felt wonderful.

God she was tempting him to hell! Did she know what in the hell she was doing to him at that very moment? Did she know that if she continued to do this he would lose his mind? Did she know what power she held over him, his heart, and his body for Christ's sake!?

She watched him look at her with his blue eyes darkening with desire as she flicked her tongue over the tip of his finger, she gasped light when she felt him using his free hand pull her closer to him, and closer until she was literally sitting on him, straddling his hips with her own. He pulled away his finger and replaced in its place his lips.

He wanted to crush her mouth with his, hard, hot and demanding, yet strained to gentle the kiss. Her lips opened on a gasp and that was enough for his tongue to plunge in and seek hers. Heat roared through him, white- hot and urgent. His entire body tightened with the need to cover and enter. The movement of her lips and tongue were tentative, almost shy at first, and then a low moan vibrated in her throat and her hands slid down his arms, gripping the crease at his elbows. The pressure of his lips quickly intensified and his hands tangled in her hair, tilting her head back plunging his tongue in deeper. His hand pushed at the sleeves of her gown, pushing them down her arms. Her creamy skin that peaked in goose bumps to the cool noon air, her long hair, shaping the tempting curves of her body, her sweet smell that drifted to his nose on the soft breeze the ocean brought. He gave a low groan as she strained upwards, she felt herself slipping away on a wave of unparalleled sensual desire.

Misaki couldn't believe this was happening again, it seemed that they could not be left alone for the result was this. She thought maybe she was still dreaming, or it was hallucination brought on by her exhaustion, and she was still sitting in the flower field. But all rational and irrational thoughts left her when Oujirou leaned forward and kissed the hollow of her throat with his tongue. She gasped and pulled away slightly. She let her finger run down his chiseled features.

"I see that we should not be left alone." Said Misaki with a soft smile.

"Yes." He said as he pulled her closer for another kiss.

Arisu noticed the absence of the Prince, "Where is Prince Oujirou?"

"he has some errands to run for me, Lady Arisu sit and enjoy the lunch Lady Misaki made." Said Ichirou eating his share with a smile.

"I think maybe I should check on Misaki she has been gone a while now." Said Kotaru.

"Kotaru Misaki is a grown girl she can take care of herself, if you underestimate her she might not marry you." Said Hatoko.

"Hatoko!" said Kotaru with a glare at his sister who giggled with the other girls.

"Come we should play a game, to keep our minds of our beloved." Said Ringo.

"What do you suggest?" asked Arisu.

"How about we each take turn in confessing something." Said Ringo.

"All right, well start with Prince Ichirou." Said Arisu as she smiled at the prince who was still eating.

Oujirou kissed behind her ear and sighed into her ear. She smiled at him, what they were doing was becoming a habit, they were being shameful and uncontrolled over what they wanted. She couldn't be with him out in the open so she had to settle for little kisses here and there which was all right but it was wrong in moral values, especially because she was to marry soon.

"We can't continue this," she exclaimed softly as his hand touch her down there.

His lips in contact with the soft skin of her shoulder, he sucked at the spot softly, letting his tongue sway back and fourth on her skin. He smiled when he heard her moan and grab his hair, this was what he wanted, for her to desire him and pay for her menstruation on his finger which started this.

"If I have to remind you my dear lady it was you who started it."

"I did not, you tempted me to."

"But you tempted me by far more then I you."

"Have I?"

"Yes and I would do more were it not for the fact you are not my wife."

She pulled away from, this time making sure to put distance between them so he could not cloud her head and make her desire him any more then she was aching. She was angry why did he touch her so and then say such idiotic things. She pulled the sleeves of her gown just off the shoulder where it belonged and fixed her skirt and her hair which probably was in awry. After sighing and taking control of herself, she looked him in the eyes and glared openly.

"You sir is insufferable! Why must you bring up such things to which we are both condemned to! Must you make me feel so at fault for wanting you?!"

He smiled slightly at her reaction to his words, he stood fixing his own clothing and walking towards her, he stood but inches from her, he could still feel the heat from her body, he could smell her scent and a little of his own as her some of her hair was blown his way. Why was he in hell having her so close but not close enough to touch and kiss just as he did moments ago?

"I don't mean to make you at fault but I can't control what I say and what I know to be true."

"At least say it to me when I am not kissing you, and baring your torture of not ever being able to be close enough to you."

"Misaki…Lady Misaki…"

"You don't have anything to say to me because you don't know what to say to yourself, just as I have no solution for what I feel for you and what I must do in the name of honor and happiness of those around me."

"What of your own happiness?"

"I don't know, I think it best to return to the others, I shall leave first, I don't want Lady Arisu to assume that I am truing to steal her object of desire." She said boldly as she started on her way.

He stood watching her before she disappeared, he ran his hand through his hair, he had to stop doing this to himself and her, they always stopped before they were both completely satisfied and it was driving him insane. He need a cold shower and soon at that or he would explode. He knew of the small waterfall deep within the forest, and moved towards it quickly.