Angels Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ West Wild Point and a Demon from Heaven: Only Time Will Tell ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

West Wild Point and a Demon of Heaven
Disclaimer is when you know you don't own something and want to however I own this story and not the rules to the story. The rules belong to Sassori-dono on Understand under no circumstance am I stealing my cousin's ideas, just borrowing her rules and now on with the rules and story.
~Laws of a Guardian Angel~
Rule one: A Guardian may not be emotionally involved with his or her charge nor can said Guardian be permitted to tell his or her charge that she/he is his or her guardian angel. If said rule is violated, said guardian will be dispelled.
Rule Two: A Guardian may not interfere with his or her charge's life, unless said charge is in a life threatening situation.
Rule three: A Guardian may not interfere with his or her charges date of death. If said Guardian does so, then he or she must kill his or her own charge, then experience the death said charge was supposed to go through.
Rule Four: All angels must be a guardian for at least, but not limited to, four human centuries, if said angel quits before the four century limit, then he or she must remain on earth as a `mortal' until they finish/ pick up the job where they left off.
Rule Five: If, in fact, a Guardian begins to develop feelings for his or her charge, then said Guardian must distance his or herself from said charge. If said Guardian acts upon those feelings, then the Guardian will be stripped of his or her powers until the death of said charge which will be twenty-four to forty-eight hours from when said Guardian loses his or her powers.
Rule Six: If a Guardian's charge dies before he or she is supposed to, the said Guardian fails and is stripped of his or her Guardian Status and sent back to Heaven. After being sent back to Heaven, said ex-Guardian will be sentenced to one human year of confinement away from others except the selected few who may visit. I.E Family.
If all above Rules/Laws are broken, said ex-Guardian will then become a fallen angel if, and only if, the rule after this declaration is broken, will they be forced to serve Satan.
Rule Seven: If a Guardian purposely kills his or her charge, he or she will immediately become stripped of his or her Heavenly status and be labeled as a fallen angel A.K.A `Satan's Angel' for he or she shall be forced to work for Satan himself.
Only Time Will Tell
Chapter 1
The head consultant looked left to right, looking over the members chosen for this case. The case was of an angel gone rogue. The angel now sat in the center of the room looking as if someone was about to die. The consultant had only seen that look twice. Once when an arc angel was under the same charge and a second when she had to face down a demon who wanted her life. Now her sat someone that she would have never guess would go rogue, her younger brother.
“Maxwell,” she sighed, “do you know why you are charged?”
“I have a far idea, but you don't have proof.” Maxwell said leaning back in the chair.
“Straighten up boy!” yelled one of the elders.
Maxwell glanced to his right at a bold old man with gray-hair whispering out of, it look like, his nose. Maxwell almost tipped the seat all the way back with laughter. That was truly a strange sight to see. `Angels are supposed to be the best looking? This old goose looks like something out of a crack house.'
“This is serious boy.”
“The name is Maxwell Laurence. If you can't get it right, how the hell do you talk to my sister?”
“Maxwell, listen” she watched as he turned to her slowly, “this isn't a game. You are charged for breaking every law that is established here. We have a strict policy that you must follow.”
“I'm sorry April or should I say Consultant Laurence, but I am not up to this following the rules that council has so kindly put out in front of me.” He leans forward and clasps his hands together. “Understand this you ignorant snobs I could give two shits about these laws you dictate to angels.”
“Are you saying that you don't care what we do to you than.” A man around his middle twenties said.
“Consultant Riz that is exactly what I am saying.”
“Alright. Mrs. Ottom, give him the profile.”
A little woman about four-nine with blond hair and blue eyes handed him a folder. He gave it a questioning look before opening it. Inside was the profile of a seventeen girl who looked as if she could pass as the living dead. He scanned her biography.
Name: Lisa Rey Shadow
Age: 17
Height: 5'6
Weight: 134
Status: Single, Parents deceased, Lives with her aunt and uncle who have two little kids that are in primary school. She has the worst of luck and is clumsy. She is an outcast and never had any friends. She has also tried to kill herself more than once…
He stopped reading. He read that line over and over. The words stuck like glue. Tried to kill herself… The girl was suicidal and that wanted him to want?
“Why do I have her profile?”
“You, little brother, are going to protect her.” April watch with pleasure as horror and astonishment played over his feature. “You know the rules and we expect you to follow them. Do it perfectly and we may release you from your charges, but fail and direr consequences with be placed upon you. Do we have an agreement?”
“This girl is…”
“Mr. Laurence, answer the question. Do we have an agreement?” The grand elder ask.
“Yes.” He answered reluctantly.