Angels Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ An Angels Love ❯ Fighting for freedom ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Takara (Angel) slept under a tree. She was hiding for over two weeks. She wouldn't have to hide if her father hadn't broken his wing. She hated to remember how he broke his wing.* * She was sitting on the roof of his house and a dragon flew down and grabbed her. Her father seen it and flew after her. The dragon bit his wing and he fell to the ground with his blood all over her new dress. Then the dragon landed on another roof and let go of her and said its master would come for her in three days. After she had told her father what it said he made her hide like a damn baby.** She knew that master would be coming today.
Kazuma (Dragon demon) flew to get that angel. Since his damn dragon couldn't get her, he had to go and get her himself. He flew over her house and landed right in front of her door. He just opened it and walked in, and seen a old man with his wing rapped against his side. “You must be Hamano, Takara's father.” “Yes, and I demand to know who you are.” “Kazuma, where is she?” “Gone.” Once he said that Kazuma lifted him by the throat. “Where.” He demanded. “You have to kill me before I tell you.” “That...I will do.” and he pulled out his katana, and with one swipe the old man rolled on to the floor leaving a blood trail. “I'll just have to find her myself.” And he flew off.
Takara stood up stretching. She heard something behind just thinking it was a deer or something like that. She just kept walking to the river, not knowing someone was following her. Once she got to the river she sat on a log having her feet in the water. A hand reached from behind her and covered her face and she was up in the air flying with someone holding her by her waist. “You scream, I kill.” A voice she somehow remembered from when she was a kid. She watched as the kidnapper flew them away.
Ayumi flew though the air enjoying the wind though her lavender hair. She just got done learning how to fly which made her so happy. “HELP!” she turned around and seen a dragon demon hold a girl that was fighting to get free. She speeded up to save the girl. She didn't know how but she couldn't let him get away. As she got closer she notice he was the great Kazuma. She stop right in front of him. “ Let her go.” “ Make me.”
“ Fine.” Her eyes turned white and her hair turned sliver. “Man, you can't pull that shit on me!” “ Really?” she went and pull her sword out and he tried to pull his Katana out but he couldn't hold both Takara and Katana. “Damn you bitch!”
If you wanna fight than let her go.” “ I know what you thinking.” “Really, do you? What is it?” he finally let her go but he thought he would get her back but Ayumi went and got her and flew to her village and got her to safety.