Arc The Lad Fan Fiction / Arc The Lad Fan Fiction ❯ My Queen ❯ Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Queen
A one-shot Darc Fanfic
Requested by: Anonymous
(You know who you are! And you better be grateful god damn it!)
From: Darc's point of view
Chapter one: Love
I sat alone on Pyron's back. He munched happily on some blue grass.
“Pyron,” I asked, “Do you think I'll ever find the right woman?” He just gave me a grin and munched on the nearby red fruit. I knew he couldn't reply, but I still wanted to ask him, after all, he understands me best…I think.
I was 21 now. The age most Deimos males find mates. God damn it. I really had no idea what to do. When a Demios male went in his `breeding season' they tend to have… `urges'.
Delma was a bitch. She would follow me around like some `sick puppy' as the humans put it. I think she was trying to get me to like her. For one thing, I wasn't going to fuck her, and I was NOT going to make her my queen.
Camellia was constantly hanging off of me. If I told her to shut up, she would do that, and not argue like usual. But behind my back she had been spreading a rumor that she was going to be my queen. I hated it. So, what do you do to a woman who bugs the hell out of you? Send her on an impossible mission of course.
I sent her find me 3 more full-fledged Pyrons. She was reluctant to go, but I was very pleased, I now had silence. Where was Delma? With Camellia of course.
It got rid of both of them.
Bebedora was the only one who was keeping my sanity intact. She would come with me at times and ask me questions. Not hard ones, ones like…'Darc, Why does it rain?' Or…'Darc do you wish you could beat up Karg often?' I would give her a simple answer, like…'It rains because the spirits are crying for those who die.' I knew it wasn't the truth, but it was a good enough answer for her.
Volk was also helping my cope with this…mating business. He was like my personal spy. If I found that a woman was a good candidate, he would spy on her and make sure she wanted the marriage for love and not power. It was my own personal test. If she wanted me for my seed and my love, and not for the title and power, I would marry her…so far no luck. I seemed to travel to the Deimos brothels more often than usual. There the women would do whatever I asked. None were really good fucks, but they were better than nothing.
Lately, Kharg would come to Drakyr Mountain; he too had been having…urges. So, we would go to the brothel. He would sate his lust, and so would I. It was probably the only thing we haven't argued about.
I had heard a rumor about another half-human half-drakyr in the area. They said `it' had red eyes and horns, on `it's' body were black scales. The only Drakyr ever to have Black scales was from the `Black' tribe. Apparently there had been two Drakyr tribes, The Will tribe, which I am from, and the Black tribe, who separated themselves from the rest of the Drakyr. They also, apparently, had been whipped out due to fighting with humans over the years. If this half-Deimos was from the `Black' Drakyr tribe, I would have to bring `it' under my power.
It was seen bathing in the springs near the human Village of Yewbell*. I had staked out under a willow tree hidden nearby. I had set Pyron to hover above the area and alert me if it saw anyone. It was about noon when I had first heard the voice. It was that of a female. She seemed to be taking to an animal of some sort. If this woman were human, I would give up and go. I mean really, I may want a queen, but I'm not going to fuck some human woman.
That's when I saw her.
Her hair was as black as night, her eyes blood red; bright, twisting, and moving like fire.
Her horns were curved upwards to the sky yet still lay a bit back on her head.
Her wing membrane was blood red, her scales even darker than her hair.
She had all most no Diemos deformities, nay for the horns, scales and wings. She wore nothing but a simple cloth to cover her beautiful breasts, and only a tiny piece of red cloth to cover her beautiful womanhood. The scales trailed from her neck to down her shoulders, from there the scales curved down onto her back, around her wings and ended at the top of her rear. Her nails were long and sharp, but they weren't claws.
I began to have a hard on.
I got harder as I thought of the word, `Fuck'.
Double Fuck. (I was still getting harder.)
I think she saw me.
Why does crap like this happen to me?
Wait…don't answer that question.
I saw her look around, passing over where I was hiding.
Phew, I thought she might have seen me.
She scanned her surroundings again…she still didn't see me.
Was that a good or bad thing?
My thought drifted as I saw her lift the thin cloth that covered her breasts over her head. As she did so, two beautiful plump round breasts spilled from their hiding place. They seemed bigger now that the cloth wasn't restraining them.
I got harder.
God damn it.
She slowly began to slide the tiny red cloth down her slender legs…Hmm…I wonder if they…Crap I was thinking about sex again…God damn me and my horny…-ness.
I realized she was going to bathe…Hmm…I decided to go to the other side of the spring…There is a rock wall, which acts like a…well, to put it bluntly, a wall.
I went to the other side and began to undress my self. I would act like an innocent Deimos bathing and `discover' her there. Oh…I'm good.
As I slid into the warm water, (It was warm from the sun not…well frankly… It just wasn't piss okay?) I smiled at the comfort of warm water around me, and having silence.
I had begun to hear a simple humming coming from the other side of the rock wall.
I knew that was my cue. I slowly made my way to the other side, careful not to revile my presence.
I slowly stood up from the knee-deep water…(I had been crawling over, to hide in the water, idiots.)
She turned to face me and gasped.
Now she could have gasped about three things.
One, Some one else was here.
Two, It was a guy.
Three, I had an erection…and it was still there.
I slowly made my way towards her. She quickly covered herself with her hands as best she could.
My voice was back. (Though, did it really go anywhere in the first place?)
“My name is Darc, King of the Deimos. Who are you, and what are you doing here?”
She hesitated. I heard an animal hiss at me. It was a baby Feerbie. How cute. (No really, I do think their cute. Honest.)
“I am Kasha…my lord…and I was…um…bathing sir.” She had begun to tremble. I still was hard. God damn it, why was I thinking about that now of all times?
“Are you from the Black Drakry Tribe?”
She nodded and said, “My mum was Drakry, my dad was a human, she was raped by him…and…I was born.”
I squatted down and cupped her chin and brought it to my face.
“I want you.” Oh dear god. I wanted her was an understatement. I NEEDED her.
“Wha…What?” She was clearly afraid.
“Your like me aren't you? Your mom cared about you but she died, then you were raised by people who used you…Am I right?” She began to sob.
Oh god…I had been right.
She was just like me…only…she wasn't the Deimos's leader.
That's when I knew.
I just knew.
She was it…She was going to be my queen.
“You're going to be loved from now on.”
She cocked her head, her face a bit puffy from tears. `Huh?' was all she let out.
“Because…” I pulled her close to me, almost kissing her.
“I'll be the one loving you.” I kissed her lips long and hard.
“And I'll…” I kissed her again.
She was still a bit tense. “Always know your pain.”
I pulled her hard up to my face, and let her touch my scales. I kissed her softly this time…like how a person would kissed if they were sad and needed comfort. “Because I've gone through it too.” She then looked in my eyes.
She was so scared, so sad, and so afraid.
I wanted her to be happy. I wanted her to smile. I wanted her to feel what took me a long time to find and realize…I wanted her to feel needed and loved.
She then kissed me back…
She was timid at first, but when I kissed her back, she kissed me even harder.
I picked her up like a groom would to a bride.
Fuck court educates.
Fuck the laws about being a perfect Deimos.
I loved her. I had no reason to, but I still loved her. I didn't really know why, but I did. (And still do.)
I called Pyron with a whistle of my tongue. I set her in Pyron's hand and sat beside her. She was so afraid. Was she afraid of heights? No, I think it was Pyron…
I mean, you don't see one every day do you?
I told him to take us home…He took us back to Drakry Mountain. People gasped as they saw me. Maybe it was the fact I was carrying a naked Half-Deimos around while being naked myself that scared them. Hell, its my mountain, and if I want to be nude, god damn it, I'll be nude! (It literally is my mountain after all.)
I made my way up the steps to my private chambers…away from everyone else.
I open the door and adjusted to the lighting. It was an eastern/Arabian knight theme I was told. I personally had no idea what hell they meant but…I like it. It works…so who was I to complain?
I set her down on the bed of pillows and blankets and smiled. She sunk down a bit into them. She was clutching the blankets like a scared child. She seemed so cute. I kissed her forehead.
“I'll be back I a moment, until then wait here.” I kissed her lips gently.
She nodded. I heard Volk's voice.
“My lord!” he burst through the doors. Lovely, they had just been fixed too. Well, he didn't break them. Apparently, they were stronger now. Thank the spirits.
“I heard you had brought a strange woman…to…your…room.” He stopped and said, “I'm sorry my lord, I'll be back later.” Idiot. I would have to punish him for that later, oh well.
I smiled at Kasha. “Well, so much for telling him… eh?” She giggled. God, I wanted to jump her now. I walked over and shut the door, locking it. I mentally told Bebedora to not disturb me, and to not anyone near my chambers for the rest of the day and the night. I also told her mentally to not come in no matter what she heard.
She said `okay'.
Finally, I would have some alone time…with my future bride.