Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ 20 Ways To Annoy Katara ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

20 ways to annoy/totally enrage Katara

1. Dress up as Jet. Go up to her and say how glad you are that you dumped her, preferably when everyone is within earshot. Bonus points if you give insulting reasons why.

2. Go up to her and call her flat chested. For this one, you better make sure you are either faster than her, or desperately want to be frozen to a tree. Worth it though. ^^

3. This one's also important to do with a lot of people around. Do something that'll make her mad; spill ink on her dress, act like Toph, whatever you want. Now, when she gets mad enough that she stands up and glares at you or something, act really scared and move around like she's controlling you. Then go in front of her and act like you're being forced to bow at her feet. Now cry loudly and watch the fun.

4. Follow her around. EVERYWHERE. Echo the last word of everything she says especially when she's serious. When she gets mad at you, cry and say you only wanted to add dramatic affect.

5. Now follow her around dressed up exactly like her. Turn everything she says into a cheer. If she tries flirting with someone (Zuko, Haru, whoever) say “she flirting', she's flirting', with 20 different guys”, or something to that effect. Bonus points if you're a guy.

6. Tell how desperate everyone thinks she is to have kissed a 12-year-old several times. Make sure to remind her all the chances she had with Zuko and she blew it. Even better if you constantly do it with everyone listening.

7. Classic. Say her name over and over until she listens to you and when she does, say hi. Do this as much as you want (or until she freezes your mouth shut).

8. After she talks to a guy, squeal and whisper how powerful a bender he is. Do this for every guy she talks to, even if he isn't a bender.

9. Whenever she talks to you, mumble your reply. When she asks what you said, mumble exactly what you did before only louder. When she asks again, shout “Why can't you understand me!”.

10. Ask her dumb or personal yes/no questions like “do you eat worms”, or “do you like Jet, Haru, Zuko, etc”. Continue to ask questions and when you annoy her enough that she tells you to stop, say that she hates fun. When she denies, say that she should let you keep asking then. Continue till she cracks.

11. Tell her that Haru, Zuko, or Aang (your choice) invited her to the park. Tell random people there to dress as them and watch her frustration.

12. Lock Haru, Jet, Zuko, and Aang in Katara's room. When she goes in, lock her there too.

13. Whenever she water-bends tell her how much better Aang is at it. Continually tell her until she messes up, then say, “See? I told ya”.

14. Ask her if she can pee-bend, then tell her you'll supply it if she wants (or doesn't).

15. Dress as Zuko and follow her around. Continually tell her how much you love her, and when she cracks and yells at you, run away crying. Bonus if everyone's watching.

16. Act like Sokka or Toph.

17. Say that you'll act like her for the day. Cry for everything.

18. Show her pics all of the ships she probably wouldn't like. Say stuff like “Aww, you guys look so good together!”, even if it's her and the cabbage man.

19. Constantly spit ball her at random moments and say, “take that peasant girl!”

20. Last but not least, tell her her hair loopies are dumb. After she finishes explaining how it's tradition to wear them in her tribe and how important they are to her, say it again like you didn't hear a thing.