Avatar The Last Airbender Fan Fiction ❯ A New Hope ❯ Chapter 1
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Zuko gazed around the Fire Lord's hall from his seat at the long table. They had won, but nothing seemed to have changed. He wasn't sure what he was expecting to happen if they won—would the world be off-kilter? Would everyone die? Would there be a big celebration? Would he finally get acknowledgement from his father?—but nothing wasn't what he expected.
A small part of his mind was still having doubts about his actions—especially betraying his uncle—but it's not like he could change his mind. At least he had chosen the winning side. Right?
The Fire Nation's Prince was startled out of his musings as the dais was surrounded by fire and his father took his place behind the flames. He inclined his head in respect along with everyone else at the table.
“Fire Lord Ozai,” addressed one of the higher ranking Generals, “There is nothing stopping the Nation's victory now that the Avatar has been defeated so close to Sozin's Comet's reappearance. But, as I'm sure you know, there are still numerous details and problems to solve.” The General paused, only resuming his speech once the Fire Lord gave his consenting nod.
“First and foremost, I think, is to address that we were told the Avatar had already died. Killed by your son, in fact.” He shot a quick glance over to Zuko, whose face tightened a little in stress. “I propose that we—“
“General,” Ozai interrupted, “The last Avatar is, now, irrefutably dead, correct?” He raised a questioning eyebrow, barely seen behind the wall of fire. “And Zuko has stayed loyal to us, to me, in the end despite… everything?”
“Well, ah… Yes, sir. But—“
“Then I see no reason to bring it up.”
The General bowed his head in recognition of the hint to move on. “Yes, my Lord. Then the next problem we should address is—“
Zuko tuned out the others voice, internally frowning. He was glad to not be punished for the lie—for that's what it was, not a lack of knowledge—but he couldn't help be suspicious. The tone of voice his father had used meant he was satisfied but not happy. He didn't know if he was to remain unpunished or not, but at least he knew to keep an eye open now. It was a small matter, now that the Avatar was dead, but better safe than sorry his uncle had always said.
His eyes narrowed by a fraction as his thoughts turned to his uncle. How had he escaped the prison hold so easily? I suppose he wasn't called Dragon of the West for nothing, he mused bitterly. He really regretted disappointing his uncle, but he knew what he had done was right in the end. It had to be.
“—from the Water Tribes, so we must do to them what we accomplished with the Air Nomads,” a different voice said, cutting through Zuko's thoughts.
That's right, Zuko thought, the Avatar hasn't been killed forever. The cycle will still continue. His forehead creased in a frown before he hesitantly addressed the warlord's in the room. He was still nervous about making a mistake like the last time he'd been in here.
“But, ah… Despite the past victory of wiping out the Air Nomads, one had still survived; the Avatar. It's possible this could happen again.” He glanced around at all the faces—some surprised and some neutral. “After all, it has been just over a week since the last Avatar's death. Word must have gotten around by now and, for all we know, the new one could be recognized and is moving into hiding as we speak.”
There were a few consenting nods around the table. The Fire Lord gave a slow smile at his son, which sent a shiver down Zuko's spine instead of comforting him. “A good observation. Do you have any ideas, son?” he asked almost mockingly.
Zuko glanced down at his hands folded in his lap, then back up at his father, determination shining his eyes. “We shouldn't just kill them off. We need to… to control them. Control their population and culture somehow. Closer than if—when they all become Fire Nation.”
“Yes,” the first General agreed, “we could plan another invasion up north. I think we can spare enough men for that and they shouldn't put up much of a fight with their Avatar gone. And a smaller fleet to go South; there aren't many still living there. My Lord?” He looked up to Ozai, seeking his approval to the rough plan.
Ozai nodded after a moment's thought. “Yes, I think this could work. Once there, don't hesitate to kill any benders; they will be too dangerous to keep locked away. The elderly will be of no help and so will any child—they will be too old to be the new Avatar and too young to be of any use. Kill them all as well. Imprison those who are left and bring them back.” He paused and smiled slowly, giving an approving nod. “We will need new slaves around here once those truly loyal are needed to oversee the other countries. We will keep them closely guarded and we will shape any child they make to our standards. The new Avatar will only be loyal to my Nation and me.”
Zuko looked back down at his lap, hiding a forming frown. He didn't enjoy the idea of killing children but it was for the good of the future and his father made a valid point—they would only be extra mouths to feed with no use. He smoothed his features and looked back up as his father continued.
“Spread the word through the armies and get the fleets together. By the end of this week we will be on our way to conquering the Water Tribes permanently.”
Sokka glared at the floor as he scrubbed at it viciously. He'd been a forced servant, a slave, at the palace for over a month now and it didn't seem to be getting any easier. So many people—his people, he reminded himself bitterly—he had known arrived had just days before. They had seemed broken and he could only speculate why. He didn't dare ask what had happened and no one wanted to talk about the horrors and murders they've seen, but it seemed obvious to him when he had seen his own tribe minus Gran-Gran or any of the boys he had tried to train.
He wanted to at least be there for anyone who needed a shoulder to cry on—since it was his own plan that brought disaster upon them, after all—but they kept him busy, very busy. They had decided it was only fitting he serve only under their (never his; they would never be, no matter how much they try, he thought as he scrubbed harder) royalty since he had been Aang's close friend, he supposed, and they had noticed he was the brains behind it all, so they always kept him busy. Only time to eat, work, then pass out in sleep—never plan an escape or counter attack to finish the battle how it was supposed to—
Sokka let out a small squeak as his thoughts were cut short by a harsh tug that pulled him to his feet. He quickly gained his own footing and looked over to who had interrupted his thoughts with a scowl set on his face.
The guard ran her gaze over his body with a disgusted sneer. “I don't know why, but you're to be put through special training for your new job around here. Follow me.”
Sokka narrowed his eyes and resisted the urge to squirm under the others harsh gaze. It didn't matter if you hated someone or not: a bad appraisal was always uncomfortable. He followed the guard without a word, just glad to not be cleaning anymore. At least he now had more respect for women and their work.
The guard stopped in front of a door and opened it, standing off to the side. “Clean yourself. Thoroughly. Your new set of clothes is laid out inside. Your teacher will be here in an hour.”
He blinked his eyes in confusion, but stepped forward into the room and the door closed after him. He looked around the room; a large tub was filled with steaming water with a few smaller buckets next to it. A couple different soaps and shampoos were lined up next to a scrubber and other grooming products and tools.
A small smile appeared on his face—the first in a long time—and he moved farther in the room. He didn't know what his new job was or why he had one, but if he got to have a real bath he was all for it. He stripped off his clothes quickly and threw them into the far corner. He knew they'd be burned and they rightly should be—he'd been wearing them for weeks now.
Grabbing one of the buckets, he poured it over himself, shivering at its coldness. He worked quickly to scrub off the dirt from his body before working on his hair. After cleaning it, he trimmed his hair since most of it was getting way too long for his liking then shaved off any facial hair.
Sokka let another smile onto his face as he sunk into the now warm water until only his head was above the surface. He was clean and content to just laze about until forced to move again. He was sure it wouldn't be long until who ever this teacher was arrived, but he deserved this rest.
He sunk lower and released a sigh, bubbles forming in the water in front of his face. After soaking another ten minutes, he forced himself out of the tub to dry off. He left the towel to hang off the top of his head as he inspected his new clothes. He picked up the folded cloth and his face paled.
“What the hell?” he muttered to himself, eyeing the small cloth distastefully. The clothes in the other corner were nowhere near wearable—especially now that he was clean—so he wrapped the long, red cloth around his waist twice before tying the ends and tucking the knot inside the waistline. There was nothing else to put on, so he sat down on the protruding bench and, internally sulking, waited for this teacher to show up.
It really was a bittersweet reunion for Hahn. He had already forced himself to come into terms with never seeing his family again and to always be under the Fire Nation's rule. Seeing the last remnants of his family and culture put under a constant watch and fall apart… It almost caused another part of him to break.
Almost. To him, his tribe had disowned him by not searching when they had defeated Zhao; so he, in turn, had disowned them. And now there really was nothing left for him to hope for—there was a very small chance the Fire Nation would let the Avatar slip out of their grasp again.
Hahn flicked his hair behind his shoulder as he made his way down the halls towards the cleaning room. It was the only consolation he got for obeying without even a dirty look, to get the satisfaction of training the new prey—that's what they really were, after all, to the Fire Nation—and eating better meals.
He made sure his sarong was correctly in place before opening the door.
Sokka looked over when he heard a soft jingling then the door opened. He quickly rose to his feet when he recognized the other as Water Tribe. He frowned and brought a hand up to rub his chin in thought. His eyes widened a little, hand dropping slightly to point at the other. “Wait—Hahn? Is that you?”
Hahn raised an eyebrow while studying the younger boy. He seemed familiar but— “Oh. Peasant boy,” he said with a small sneer. “How wonderful.”
Sokka scowled and folded his arms across his chest. “My name is Sokka. But what are you doing here?”
“As sharp as ever, I see, Sokka. I'm here to teach you. Obviously.”
“You're the teacher? Oh, this is just great,” he groused, sulking more. “Well, what do I have to do for those jerkbenders anyway?” Sokka snickered to himself at his joke.
Hahn rolled his eyes. “Anything they ask. And if you're lucky, you'll only have to serve one person.”
Sokka frowned, sitting back down. “Care to elaborate?”
With a sigh, Hahn spoke again, “You are going to be a multi-purpose servant now, not just a cleaner. You will still clean, but you also could have the duties of a cook, caretaker, or workman. Although I'm sure you won't have to worry about too many jobs considering how useless you are—“
“Shut up!”
“—but in addition to those,” he continued, ignoring Sokka's outcry, “you will also be responsible for any sexual relief your master or mistress of that time wants.”
Sokka's eyes widened and he started to sputter, standing up again in indignation. “What?! Oh, spirits no!” he yelled, face twisted in disbelief. “There's no way I'm doing that for the Fire Nation!”
“You don't have a choice in whether or not you want to. You will and if you need to, you can always picture someone else. Yue, maybe?” he goaded, smirking.
Sokka snarled and threw a punch at the other boy, hitting him on his lower jaw. “Don't you dare talk about her! And why are you doing this?! Don't you remember they're our enemies? They killed our families and we should be planning to kill them, not working to,” he hesitated, his expression turning sour again, “please them.”
“I know. But at least they care to see that I'm alive. Which is more than I can say for my real family.”
“If we had known you were alive, we would have all gone out searching and brought you back, you know that.”
Hahn frowned and looked away. “Either way, I'm just surviving with what I've been given. It's all we can do anymore, right?”
Sokka looked away this time, knowing he was right but not wanting to acknowledge it. Hahn smirked to himself, knowing he had won the argument.
“Okay, now get on your knees.”
Sokka looking back up at Hahn, instinctively taking a step back. “What?”
Sighing, Hahn repeated himself, “Get on your knees. I need to see what you know and how I can help you improve. How far have you ever gotten?”
He crossed his arms over his chest again, a light blush crossing his cheeks. “Just kissing.”
“Figures. Okay, get on your knees,” he said again, “And I'm not repeating myself. Most of the time you won't even get orders to do something in the first place; you're expected to just know.”
Sokka felt his face grow warmer and reluctantly knelt on the ground. He gazed up at Hahn in nervousness, not sure what to do.
The older boy sighed and rubbed at his temple lightly. “Undress me,” he commanded.
Sokka lowered his gaze and let out a nervous breath. He forced his arms and hands to not shake as he undid the knot holding up the other male's sarong. He let it fall to the floor then looked up at Hahn's face again.
Hahn crossed his arms and cocked his hip to the side just a bit. “Now arouse me. Get me off.” He smirked, and then added, “Sucking usually works best.”
Sokka glared at him, the lingering blush on his face heating up again. He dropped his gaze again and hesitantly reached a hand up to caress the other's cock. His fingertips gently slid down and he took a small breath, exhaling slowly before wrapping his hand around it. He moved his hand along it, adding a little pressure on his grip as he worked the other tribesman into arousal.
Hahn's smirk faded as he watched Sokka, lust turning his gaze dark. He hummed softly in pleasure and another smirk grew on his lips when Sokka glanced up at him. He looked off the side at Hahn's predatory expression and licked his lips absently.
“Go on. Do it,” Hahn said, his voice a bit deeper than before. “Suck me off.”
Sokka's eyes darted around in nervousness before settling on the erection in front of him. He stopped stroking and studied it; it wasn't too different from his own, maybe a little smaller. He inwardly smiled at that, gloating to himself. He took a deep breath and let it out then closed his eyes and leaned forward.
He flicked his tongue out, softly brushing against the head. He made a face at the bitter taste, but supposed he had to get used to it. He gave another kittenish lick before taking it into his mouth. He pressed his tongue against the thick organ as he took more in.
Hahn shuddered and he closed his eyes halfway, still watching Sokka work. “Yes, good,” he muttered absently and brought a hand up to grip at the younger boy's hair.
Sokka opened his eyes and looked up, moving away a little when he felt his hair being tugged softly. He quickly brought his hands up and rested them on Hahn's hips when he was pushed down farther onto his cock. He gagged a little and took a deep breath to calm his throat.
Hahn groaned softly when throat muscles contracted around him. He tightened his grip in the others hair and began to rock his hips forward, fucking the boy's mouth.
Sokka closed his eyes again, feeling tears prick at his eyes. He wasn't sure if it was from shame or pain, but he didn't want to analyze it either. He struggled to keep his throat muscles loose and still breathe. He'd stopped licking and sucking but he doubted Hahn had even noticed.
After another minute, Hahn came with a soft groan, his grip on Sokka's hair tight enough to pull out some of it. Sokka winced then jumped slightly at the liquid suddenly in his mouth. He gagged at the sudden rush and taste, but instinctively swallowed. He pulled away when his hair was released, a little bit of cum dripping down one side of his mouth. He wiped at it, transferring it to the cloth around his waist.
“Don't do that,” Hahn said, voice startling Sokka. He looked up questioningly.
“You need to keep your clothes clean. Along with yourself, obviously—no one will want to use you if you're dirty. That was good, but I had to do too much work. Go clean yourself a little and we'll try it again.”
Hahn led a newly clothed and clean Sokka down the halls a couple hours later. The strings of bells wrapped around each of Sokka's ankles sounded with each step he made. He was sure he'd get annoyed with them soon, but he couldn't take them off—not if he wanted to stay safe. Hahn had explained their use but he hadn't been listening; something about only certain people being able to order him or something.
Sokka stopped walking and tore his gaze from the floor, up to the other. Hahn had stopped right outside an ornate door—or at least ornate compared to the dungeon-like quarters he had been living in. Hahn took out a small key from inside the pouch that was stitched into his sarong and unlocked the door.
“This will be your room from now on. Eventually you might have to share it.”
Sokka nodded absently as he walked in and gazed around. Just like everything else in this country it was decorated in blacks and red with a small splash of orange or yellow to catch your eye. There was a soft-looking double bed next to a simple night stand and snug into the far corner, while a tall chest of drawers was laid against the adjacent wall. Next to it was a fairly long mirror which hung above a vanity desk, a small wooden chair tucked into the cropping. On the opposite side of the room sat an empty basin—which he supposed would be used for quick bathing—was a small chest next to it, probably filled with soaps and scented oils.
It really was a nice room, but it wasn't home.
He sighed and sat on the beds edge, glancing over at Hahn. “Anything else?”
Hahn walked over to the desk and opened a drawer, pulling out a single tube. He tossed it over to Sokka, who caught it easily. “Make sure you always have that with you, just in case. Keep it in the pouch on your sarong; it shouldn't get in the way during anything else.” He sighed lightly and leaned against the desk. “Remember what I told you. You could serve anyone: girl or boy, top or bottom. Remember to always keep yourself stretched even when you're not expecting anything.”
He stepped away from the piece of furniture. “There's supposedly a private choosing happening soon—one of the royals is getting restless, or so the rumors say. With any luck you'll be chosen and only have to serve them until they get bored again.”
Sokka nodded a little and bit at his bottom lip. This really was all too much and it kept creeping up on him what he would have to do from now on.
Hahn moved towards the door, stopping at the entrance and glanced back. He smirked lightly and said, “Welcome to your new life, Sokka.”
He left and closed the door, leaving Sokka to his thoughts inside the oppressing room.